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Sharon, last night around 8 we got hit real hard with storms and much lightening. It dropped a lot of rain in a very short period of time. But you are right about it not being so humid today as it has been.


That sounds like a good time you will have at the barn dance on Saturday. Your pet sitter is a good person and is always thinking of you.


So we went from 6th place now to 4th place in bocce. Although every team we will be playing will be better than us and also hard to beat.


I have been staying inside due to this heat and humidity. I cannot take being outside in this weather for any period of time. When we go for a period without any rain, is why these storms are so severe.




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What place do you have to be in to win a prize? You still have time to move up even more, you're team is on a roll!!


It was less humid today but very hot still. After zumba this morning we made plans to meet at the pool. Last week didn't get there but today it felt really good. It was awfully crowded though. Think maybe people took Monday off in addition to the weekend. Hopefully they will be gone tomorrow, think we are headed back to the pool again after zumba.


I didn't go outside much at all either the whole weekend. There was really nothing to do and it was just too hot. I thought about going to a mall and walking around but I really don't need anything so just stayed home.


That little black kitty is still coming out most every night and sitting in front of the pole barn door. I take out a hand full of cat food and put it where it sits before dark every night.



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Sharon, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, last, and the most bocce's. Last year we won as we were in last place.


The other night when we got all of the rain and lightening our hot tub got knocked out. Bill has tried to replace the outlet but no luck. So now we are waiting for an electrician to come.


It is still hot but not as humid. So good day to be sitting in the pool out of the sun.


I am sure that kitten will grow up fast. It is good that you are feeding it and it keeps coming back.




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Hope it's an easy fix for your hot tub and not the whole motor or something. That lightening was really something, the thunder too. Now the grass has started to look a little better and the weeds are growing. I am putting off cutting it for another day or two though so it looks good over the weekend.


A friend at zumba this morning was saying her husband had been watching all the airplanes going over their house. He has a plane himself and seems to be able to tell what each one is. They are planning on going up to Oshkosh to check them all out.


There is another walk tomorrow afternoon. The town is very small but has a great ice cream shop. Last year the leader of our group bought us all an ice cream cone. Looks like that will happen again this time.


There are so many different animals around here I am worried that something will get that little kitty if it's not careful.


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Sharon, Bill is waiting for the electrician today. The hot tub is working but the outlet is not.


So you have a walk this afternoon. It is not too hot today, and maybe you can go to then pool afterwards?


Yes, that air show will be very busy this week. They are expecting some 12,000 airplanes and some 25,000 campers as well. My aunt lives just across the street from the airport. That was too bad about that plane crash last week when that man was flying to Oshkosh.


Well hopefully the rain will hold off so we can get our games in tonight.




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Had a few sprinkles on the way home tonight but only lasted a few minutes, hope we get some more rain overnight. The temperature is still 85 at 10:30 pm. Thought it was supposed to cool off a little. Wondering if you got anymore than that or if you were able to get your game in and maybe move up a place.


I skipped the walk today, it was so hot, went to the pool instead. It felt very good to just float around on the noodle. I already have my 5 walks in for the boat ride so it didn't matter that I didn't do the walk.


Bet your aunt is glad when then week is over and things get back to normal.



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Sharon, we did not get any rain at all yesterday. This afternoon we are supposed to get some rain. The good news is we won again last night and we should move up from 4th to 3rd. But we will not know until the standings are posted next week.


Good that you did not walk and went to the pool instead. So what is this 5 walks and you get a boat ride?


Bill said that they are expecting 12,000 planes and 25,000 campers. That entire area will be real crazy this week. Way too crowded and way too expensive to be there now. Even if Bill worked the event and they put him up for free and fed him as well. Just way too many people to deal with.




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This year the Get Moving Wisconsin walking group said if anyone does 5 walks they qualify for the final walks boat ride. Last year you had to get 10 walks in or pay $15.00 for the boat ride. The boat ride will be on one of the boats on Lake Geneva. Thete are still quite a few walkd scheduled to do.


I just got some of the back yard cut this afternoon and started to hear thunder and see black clouds. I headed for or the garage and then the rain came. It rained long and hard, and the best thing is it got nice and cool outside.


I met a gal uptown that used to go on the bank's bus trips like we did. We have 3 banks in town and I thought they had all stopped their trips but she said one still did. So today I went to that bank to find out. Since I had an account there a nd was over 55, I qualified to take trips with them. Looks like I just missed The Man From Lamancha trip, it went yesterday. But got a pamphlet about upcoming trips and will get on the mailing list.


I never knew that Oshcosh thing was so big!!


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Sharon, that is good that you will be going on another boat trip just for walking 5 or more walks. I remember you did that trip last year. I think I had told you about our bank is now doing those bus trips as well. The problem is that they do them during the week when I am working.


We did get rain yesterday afternoon but nothing like you had. The rain that fell was not enough to do any good. Today we are expecting rain sometime today as well.


Yes this is the last weekend of the Oshkosh Air Venture. I am sure that town is jumping and very crowded. I venture to say what it is going to look like on Sunday when everyone is coming back. The roads and sky's will be very crowded.




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The highway is always very crowded on Sunday here anyway, seems everyone heads for Wisconsin either on Friday or Saturday but all come back home on Sunday!


Last week when I had my oil changed at the dealership, they said I needed a wheel bearing on my back tire changed right away because it could be dangerous and would cost $388.00. I didn't really believe them because they always say something needs to be fixed. So I took my car up to a guy from church who has a service station today to have him look at it and unfortunately he confirmed that yes it needed to be fixed right away. Luckily he could do it for a little bit less, about $10 less, but he would do it right away. So I had him fix it so I didn't have to worry about it.


There was a Shake the Lake party tonight I was thinking of going to but it started raining about 5 o'clock so didn't go. Then a few minutes ago I checked my cell phone and saw a gal had texted me about 7pm wanting to know if I wanted to go dancing, if so she would go too. So missed that also and just watched tv all night. Grrrrr.


Tomorrow night is the barn dance so at least that will be a fun thing to go to.


Maybe if you got a schedule of the trips you could take off a day if you saw one you were really interested in go to. I know that darn job gets in the way sometimes, ha ha.


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Sharon, we got heavy rain yesterday in the afternoon. Our total rainfall in a few hours time was well over 2". There is more expected this afternoon. I saw some places where there was flooding. Cars underwater.


So it sounds like you missed out on a few things last night. But at least you have that barn dance to look forward to tonight. That sounds like a fun time tonight.


I agree you really have to watch those oil change places. But you were able to take your car to someone who you trust and he fixed it for you right away and charged you a little less.


Last week someone stole a hat of mine at work. Now yesterday someone stole my brand new umbrella I got in Seattle. I will have to talk to the jerk and tell him what is going on. If they are stealing from me they most likely are stealing from the company. The bank keeps sending us information on the bus trips. It is just I cannot just leave this place due to the jerk and all that is placed on me.




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Do you have any idea who is taking your stuff? That would make me mad if you can't trust your coworkers! Hope you get to the bottom of it and find out who it is.


Yes I always take my car to the dealer for oil changes because you can just pull in and don't need an appointment. But every time they try to upsell me something else or tell me something else is wrong with my car.


Had a good time at the barn dance. They have a huge old barn and had decorative little twinkle lights all over. They had the food catered, pulled pork, coleslaw, potato salad and corn on the cob. They had a big fire outside and a huge pot hanging over it with water in it to fix the corn. They also had a DJ who had his own colored lights that had an array of patterns. She has horses so had one hitched up to a carriage and gave rides to people. Several games were set up to play outside too. Don and I did a few line dances and had a good time. Their family is having a picnic in Huntley, IL tomorrow so relatives had come from Texas, Florida and all over. This was kind of a pre-picnic get together for all of them.



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I am going to get to the bottom of this hopefully this week. There is nothing worse than a thief.


We have friends who live in Huntley in the Del Webb Community and we went to visit them last year. So that sounds like you all had a great time at the Barn Dance.


When it comes to a car, one has to be real careful as not to have someplace rip you off.


So Bill found out yesterday that he is in his third play this fall. The name of the play is "Sussical The Musical".




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So does Bill have a singing and dancing part? I figured he would get a part since he is experienced. That should keep him busy again for a while.


Went to church this morning then met a friend up at the park where they were having a car show and music. We took our lawn chairs and enjoyed the afternoon outside.


So tomorrow is August 1st, seems the summer is flying by. Looks like we will be back in the 90's towards the end of the week. Almost looking forward to fall! Except not looking forward to what follows fall.


Maybe tomorrow you can get to the bottom of the thefs.



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Sharon, Bill will not find out exactly what he will be doing for awhile. They actually start on August 14. So maybe that day or after once they set a rehearsal schedule.


Yes, the weather is going back to hot once again and storms middle of the week. We will have to wait and see what happens to bocce. I agree about the fall and what follows. July flew by and now it is August.


It sounds like you had a nice day yesterday. I went to watch a ball game for the GK's. Then worked in the yard for awhile and then into the hot tub.




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You must have gotten the electric to the hot tub fixed if you were able to enjoy it again.

I had another afternoon at the pool today. Tomorrow there is another walk in the morning. Then at 6:30 pm our town is having that National Night Out. Supposed to be games and food.


There is a nice cool breeze coming in the windows tonight, feels really good.


Was anything done about the thefts today?


Did you see the flooding in Maryland on TV? So much damage, unbelievabke.



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Sharon, I did see all of the flooding up East and all of the damage. Better them than us. Although last week around here I saw places where cars were underwater. Yes, the power was out only for a coupe of days. Bill replaced the GFI as it was bad. All working fine now.


Good news I have my Seattle umbrella back. There was no one who stole this. An employee working in the basement folded it up and put it in a box then put other boxes on top of it so I could not see it. It is back home now and I will be using an old umbrella in the future. So only 1 thief left who stole my Bears Hat.


So today you are on your walk this morning and then this evening you have a town party. All sounds like a full day of activities. Plus the pool yesterday. It will be getting real hot once again this week.




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Good you got your umbrella back!


The walk this morning was only two miles, but it was in a very hilly, wooded area. So required lots of stamina.


Tonight went to the National Night Out night uptown. They had all the fire trucks and rescue trucks open so you could check them out. Also had free hot dogs, chips, water, brownies, cheesecake and cupcakes. For the kids they had face painting and a guy making balloon creations. It was a pleasant night, saw the gal that lived across the road from my other house. They used to raise all kinds of vegetables and go to the farmers market, but this year have scaled back and are only growing and selling popcorn.


Real were this is one of the hottest summers we have had for a long while.

I'm getting kind of tires of this humidity and heat. People have started to say, remember this in January, but of course none of us will.


Haven't seen the kitty for a couple of days, hope it's okay.



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Sharon, now I have never heard of anyone growing popcorn before. That sounds like a great business.


I just guess we can not find a good balance where the weather is just perfect. But you are right about January. You are also right about this being one of the hottest years we have seen in a long while.


I did see on TV about all of the places that had those night out celebrations all over the country. We did not have anything around here. But good that you were able to get out and enjoy the evening.


So are your legs hurting today from the hills that you did yesterday? Perhaps this is a good day to go to the pool and relax.




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Did zumba this morning but didn't get to the pool, hopefully tomorrow.


Funny thing tonight when I was with the girls. A guy came over and started talking to me. I kinda thought he was trying to pick me up until he said he was one of my Friday night dancing friends son! He said she had a picture of me and her together on her kitchen counter and that is how he recognized me. His mom told me he is going through a very difficult divorce.


Been working on a puzzle I started last January. It is a very hard one because the pieces are really wierd shapes.



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Sharon, that is a funny story. I guess if there is a picture of you and his mother, he must look at it often to have recognized you there.


There has been no rain and out of the forecast for a few days. Still hot in the day.


We really got beat last night in bocce. Bill let all of the gals play. As the other team only had 2 women so 4 of us played on our team. While the 2 men watched. It turned out that was a big mistake, as we got beat by 2 women who are in dead last and beat us 14-8. So we will go from third place to whatever.


So with the temps close to 90 today, this should be a perfect day to be in the pool. It also sounds like you have a very difficult puzzle to put together, if you have been working on it since January.




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Well, best thought plans sometimes don't work out. I took my car in because it was saying it was low on brake fluid. Seems I needed to get new brakes and calipers and all the rest. So I left it there, they brought me home and didn't get it done until almost 6pm. I am starting to think about trading the two cars in and get a new one. This time it cost me over $900 and last week on the other car it was $350.


I have only started to work on the puzzle again lately. I started it in January but never got back to it. Now I put the fan on me and sit and work on it for hours in the evening.


Going to a wine tasting tomorrow with the zumba girls. Then if I get back in time there is a swing band playing up in the next town I might go to with a Wed night friend.


Too bad about the loss, I bet they were pretty happy they won though.


Almost forgot to mention, it is thundering and raining here tonight. Started about 9:30pm.


Edited by timeormoney
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Sharon, it is only a game and the most important thing is to have fun. There are a lot of people who take the game way too serious.


Didn't you once tell me that someone a relative was interested in Bill's truck. Did he ever buy it or was he just feeling you out? But I totally agree with you that when you are spending that kind of money just to fix them. The best thing to do is sell them both and buy a reliable brand new vehicle where you will be safe and it covered under warrantee so you do not have to keep throwing money away. Plus you do not have to worry about winter.


So when is this wine tasting today? It must be in the afternoon if you will be able to go to watch a swing band tonight. Sounds like you will have a fun day today.


Well now you have something to keep you busy for some hours either during the day or in the evening putting together that puzzle.




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Yes a guy from Wed night place was interested in my truck but didn't follow up by coming and looking at it or anything.


The wine tasting was in a town named Milton. Forgot the name of the winery, something like North wind or North something. It was very nice, our reservation was for 1pm. Our friend had gotten a deal, $10 each from Groupon. First they brought out a tray of about 6 different cheeses and 2 kinds of crackers.Then gave us a list of wines in categories like sweet, dry, semi sweet and you could pick 4 of them. I picked moscato and reislings. After we were done we walked down the street to the Milton House. It was a stop for runaway slaves and a hotel. There was a log cabin next to the hotel with a tunnel that connected the two. It was very interesting.


Then I met a friend at the park and we listened to the band, but it was bluegrass not swing like I thought. Might go back tomorrow night, there is going to be a polka band.


Supposed to be a little bit cooler the next few days, that will be good.


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Sharon, I am waiting for my cousin to arrive as she is caught up in traffic. Then we are driving to a lake in IN., to meet up with my sister and we are having a girls weekend out. I will be back tomorrow afternoon. My sister has a cottage there.


So it sounds like you had a nice day yesterday with the tour of the old hotel and then the winery and listen to music in the park. I am sure you will return tomorrow to listen to the next group performing.


I guess that guy was just wasting your time. Hopefully you can sell them both and get a nice reliable new car to get you where you need to get safely.


Speaking of performances we went to see a play last night. It was called Catch Me If You Can. You might have seen the movie. It was a well put on play.


Enjoy the weekend,




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