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That's nice that she is getting a ride, will make it seem shorter anyway with someone to talk with.


The class is kind of boring, the guy who is giving it reads almost everything and we have a video every little bit. He doesn't have any teeth top or bottom in the front of his mouth. We hae a break every hour of 5 minutes. They had snacks set out and I was eating them, not hungry just eating them because they were there. And, they are stale, since they get a lot of donations of stuff close to or past the "best time to eat" date.


It was hot here today, but I wasn't out much, will go to see the girls tonight, we have to practice what we are going to teach, think the line dance lessons start next Thursday.


I tried to set up another float in Madison, but got stuck in a loop, didn't remember my password, or didn't write it down. Had to send them an email instead so will see if I actually got it set6 up or not. Will call them tomorrow and make sure.



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Sharon, I know Bill has to present things in a certain format, but he also adds his own input so not to make it boring like you are saying. He engages the class and has them respond back to him to keep it moving along. Bill talks to people and they say to him, can I learn something from your class. He responds back saying if I cannot learn something new or open up my mind to do so then that is the day that I will be dead.


We are headed into a real hot spell. Over the weekend we will be heading into triple digit heat index. We are going to have to start watering the grass as it will get all burnt up if we do not.


So last night we won big. So we will still be in first place and the only team undefeated. Bill has not figured out the standing just yet, so we will have to wait and see.


Stay cool,



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Good for another big win! Now the pressure is on trying to stay there.


We had rain this morning and I thought I wouldn't be a able to cut the grass but by the afternoon it was okay so cut from about 3:30 till 7:30. The Cub mower did the front and back around the house but when I started to do further back it just up and died. Must have completely ran out of Transmission fluid. So got the other one out and finished it. Now ready to take a nice long shower!


I was down .8 at WW this morning.


Got no plans for tonight thank goodness but tomorrow night going to one of the Friday night dance single gals house warming party. Sunday the Wednesday night place has a band and brats and corn roast. Might go to that not sure yet.


Will have to go tomorrow and buy a chain and hooks so I can hook up the one mower with the other one and pull it back up to the pole barn. Will have to leave it out there tonight.


Got a 30% from Kohls, my vacuum cleaner quit so bought a new shark one. Was $300 + on sale for $269 with discount $181. Now i will have to find time to vacuum, bet I have to put it together though before I can use it.


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Sharon we got home last just after midnight. We had a good time and I was dancing with some friends. Today gone all day with taking my aunt up north for a breakfast with a bunch of her friends. Just got home a short time ago.


We got a lot of rain very early this morning. It is very hot around here over 95. Heat index into 106. Very hot driving all around.


So the mower that died. Once they deliver the new 1 will they be taking the old 1 away? Is the new 1 brand new or is it used?


My aunt will go back home tomorrow morning. As her nephew will come sometime in the morning to drive her back home. We will go there to visit her sometime in October.


So you have a party to attend today. I hope it is inside with this intense heat. Next week it sounds like good eats and good socializing. Always can find some good deals at Kohl's. I bought the very same vacuum last year. It is a very good brand.



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The John Deere mower I bought is brand new, the mower that stopped working I will give to my mower guy. He had said he could use some of it for parts and would compensate me for them but I just want to get rid of it and if he can use it, fine with me.


That was nice you took your aunt to seem some friends, bet she doesn't see much of them, being so far away.


Very hot today , the party was supposed to be outside as we were all told to bring a lawn chair. But it was too hot so we sat inside instead in the air conditioning. Had some snacks and some wine, toured her home. She is single and the house is cute but small. Probably something like i should have.


Better get to bed, church early tomorrow morning


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Sharon, my aunt is going back home this morning. In about an hour my cousin is coming here to take her back home. He will stay with her for a few days before heading back to his home. She always comes this time of year to meet up with her nursing group. We will go and see her the first part of October.


Well that sounds like a good deal to just get rid of the old mower and if your mower guy can pick it up and take it for parts then just let him have it.


Yes agreed it was just too hot yesterday. I think today will still be hot but not as hot today. I guess later on today there is a chance for some rain.


I will have to see how I am feeling later on today if I will plant flowers or not. I would like to get them in the ground sometime today if I can.


Stay cool,



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I think it will be too hot to plant flowers, maybe wait a day or two and it will be better. Iwent to the show again, saw that movie Heredity, it was not scary just stupid. There were lots of people at the theater but there were only 5 of us in this one.


Then I went up to the Wednesday night place, several people were there that I knew so had a Miles hard lemonade and listened to the band called BOE, which stood for Gest of Everything. They played 50's and 60's music.


So tomorrow is Monday and back to the regularly schedules activities.


How often do you get a pedicure? My polish is starting to come off, I can either do it myself or get another pedicure.


So back to just you and Bill at home, have a restful evening,


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Sharon, I go about every 2 to 3 weeks to have it done. It is very relaxing as you saw and I go after work as the place is just across the street from my work and I usually have a glass of wine to unwind.


Yes, you were right, it was much too hot to be planting flowers. So I will wait another day or so for it to cool off.


Well that was good that you got out to see a show and that it was not crowded at all. Then going to the Wednesday night place and enjoying yourself as well.


Back to the bump and grind once again. Also back to normal life once again with just Bill and I. I think that it is harder on Bill than me as it is my aunt and when I am not around I think he cannot be totally comfortable with just my aunt and him.


Stay cool,



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It's always hard to have someone stay with you, that's why I get a hotel room if I am somewhere, lets us all have a chance to have some private quiet time away from each other. ;o;


Another hot one but I heard its supposed to be much better tomorrow. I will try to get that mower out of the back somehow and up here.


Going to help my friend get lessons for the line dance class organized tonight, it's at a place called Whiskey Ranch. The lessons start on Thursday so she is really waiting till the last minute. She had never taught anything before so I hope she knows what she has got herself into!


Wow just heard some noises outside and looked it pouring rain and really dark! I didn't know it was supposed to rain today.


Tomorrow going to float back up in Madison, will take the back roads instead of the interstate. They have so much road construction going on now and with all the trucks I don't like to drive with them.


It is really coming down out there now, and the wind is blowing like crazy. Hope there isn't any hail, I left my car out since I am going back out tonight.


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Sharon, I am the very same way about staying at a hotel. We do not like staying at anyone's house either. We enjoy our privacy and doing our own thing. That is why we stay at a hotel when we go to Oshkosh. It is only like a 1/2 mile away from my aunt.


I did see last night that your area was getting pounded with heavy rain. We really got nothing at all until very late last night. But nothing what you were getting.


I have heard of that Whiskey Ranch, it is in Janesville correct? So today you are at the float place. It must be a great place as it seems like you really enjoy the experience.


Compared to what we have had over the past few days with the intense heat today temps around here in the 70's, and I guess we could get some rain later on today.



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I checked the rain gauge this morning 3 1/2 inches last night, Then it was pouring again this morning didn't check how much that was. Also I had a tree come down over the driveway so had to call a tree company to come and cut it up, it was still hanging but I couldn't pull it down and then wouldn't have been able to cut it up. They weren't busy so they came right away and did it before I had to leave for Madison at 9:30. They gave me a price of $1200 to cut the whole fence line, just the lower branches but I thought that was too much. They charged me $150 to cut down and chop up the tree over the driveway.


The float was good, very relaxing, funny the things your mind comes up with when you have no outside distractions. Got one more to do that I had already paid for so will do that in maybe a month.


Yes Whiskey Ranch is in Janesville, but there is a second location that I was supposed to go to. It was raining so hard, roads were flooding, wind was blowing and the thunder was so loud the house shook. This went on for hours so just stayed home ..safe..


Don't know if the rain is over or not now, going to check the rain gauge again to see how much more there was today.



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Sharon, yes that is a lot of rain. You got much more than us. However late yesterday afternoon it started raining again. There was also a lot of thunder before hand. It was supposed to rain again around 8 but I think it blew over as I did not see any more.


Well that was good that you were able to get the tree company to come out and take the fallen tree away. It must not have been too big for them to only charge you $150. But I agree with you that the $1200 was way too much to be paying to cut down the tree line.


Today much cooler around here, but no rain in the forecast until tomorrow. So it will be a cool night for playing, but at least everyone will get their games in.


That is good that you are really relaxed and enjoying the float experience. So next month will be your last session that you have paid for. Perhaps after that session you might get some more, depending on if they will give you a good deal or not.



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More rain this morning, cloudy but not raining now, hopefully its over for a while. I never did get the mower back up here that died on me last week.


Seeing the girls tonight, will have to get the line dance lessons lined up because the class starts tomorrow night. I am wondering how my friend is going to do since she has never taught this before and has waited till the last minute to get prepared. I told her I would help but I am not teaching anything.


The Zumba instructor came to breakfast with us after class. We all got to telling about stupid things we have done, she said she used the light on her phone to try to find her phone in the car, we all got a good laugh out of that. Another one said she was at the grocery checkout and was putting stuff back in her cart, when she picked up the donation jar on the counter and put it in the cart, the clerk said, um, mam that's not yours. Oh my goodness she about died of embarrassment she said, ha ha. We all have done things like this, guess its just normal not Alzheimer's!


Got a few flowers I need to plant in between the rain, better get them in today.


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Sharon, no rain around here at all today. Although it looked like it was going to rain as it was cloudy all day long. Temps only in the 60's today. Tomorrow is the day they are calling for the rain.


Well you might as well just wait until the new mower is delivered next week and just let them go and get it and take it away.


Your friend who is teaching the class and she has never done that before. I would say as well that she has waited until the last minute and should have been more prepared to teach the class.


It will be cool tonight at bocce. We are playing the very last game at 8 tonight. Bill has to go to his last meeting with the theater guild tonight as he was voted out of office. We were doing really too much and now we do not have to do anything now. Also the last general meeting there was a lot of yelling and arguing going on and we do not need that kind of stuff.



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So how did your game go last night?

It has rained again today and is so humid!

The dance class went pretty well, she did have the nusic and dances that she wanted to teach. But the women didn't catch on to the shuffles and turns very good. We went over and over and over them but they just couldn't seem to get the hang of it. There are 6 people. So will try again next week.


I have been eating like crazy today, not hungry, guess more bored than anything. I did get my 10,000 steps in and am tired. Probably up tomorrow a pound or more I think. Will still be below my goal but will have to be careful and get it back off right away.


Been thinking about getting my hair cut, with this humidity it is very frizzy.

Going to dinner tomorrow night with the church group. Fish fry probably, not sure exactly where the restaurant is so will have to google it or put it in the GPS.


Do you like not having anything special to have to do or are you looking for something to do? Bill I know gets into all kinds of things.


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Sharon, I was not looking forward to telling Bill the news that we lost to last years last place team. He warned all of us last week not to take this team too serious. He has not done the standing just yet, but I am sure we are not in first place again.


Yesterday it rained like I have never seen before. Today rain but not like yesterday. How much rain did you get? I am sure that our area got much more rain than you did.


Well I guess for the line dance it will just take a lot of practice and her just getting better at it. It is too bad that more folks did not come to the class.


Yes, Bill is organized and I am not. He does plan in advance and knows what he is going to do. I on the other hand just live day to day.



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Well you don't have to be organized, just follow what Bill does, lol!

We got about an another inch of rain this morning, it has stopped now again for a while. Tomorrow night the park up in the next town has a swing band and lessons an hour before. So the friend I was with last night and I are going. I had already called this guy I know from dancing years ago to see if he wanted to come and he is so I will be able to dance with him. I might have to share him with her, ha ha. He is a confirmed bachelor, never been married and a good dancer.


Tonight going for the church get together dinner, never been there will have to put address in cars gps. Also printed out directions, usually we meet at the church

first but not this time when it would be good.


Still haven't gotten the mower out of the yard maybe tomorrow.


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Sharon, we went from first place back down to third place. Bill has been carrying the group the past 4 weeks, and with him not being there we got beat by last years last place team, and Bill had warned everybody last week to not take this team too lightly. We only lost bu 1 point, but a loss is a loss.


For us around here we got about 3" total of rainfall. It has also stopped raining around here as well. But temps only in the 60's today. Why not just leave the mower where it is and let the place who is dropping off your new mower go and get it out.


I know you have gone out to eat with the church group before. But makes sense if you have never driven direct to the place before. Have fun tonight and then tomorrow with the dancing. At least you will not have to dance all alone.


Bill is more laid back and relaxed, where I am all wound up and cannot sit still and relax like he does. When he is on a mission to do something he gets it done. When I am doing something I have to be real careful as not to hurt my back. Although since we got this new mattress my back has been much better.



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That;s good the mattress is helping with your back. Best also to be careful and not hurt it again.


I tend to procrastinate until the last moment and then have to hurry. Sometimes just wish someone else would be responsible for things instead of me.


My sump pump kept me awake all night last night, it would try to start and shut off, try to start and shut off, maybe about 9 or 10 times in a row. Then it would finally start up and run for a couple of minutes and start that all over again. I kept thinking it would not get started and the basement would flood. Then about 5am it started running and has not shut off since. I went to Menards and bought a new one, came home and tried to call Bill's son to put it in since he put the last one in, but have called him twice now and he has not returned my calls. I know he is probably really busy with a/c and coolers but wish he would at least return my calls. Not sure what I am going to do now. Can't go outside and do anything afraid I will miss his call!


The people that are bringing the new mower are not the ones that will take the old one. The mower guy is taking it, Lowes employees are bringing the other one. They don't take trade-ins.


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Sharon, if he doesn't call you back then look up handyman for your area and have them put it in. You must have gotten an awful lot of water and the last thing you want is to have the pump stop working and have your basement flooded.


Well just call up the mower guy and tell him to come and pick your old one up and that you really want to get rid of it now.


So is it tonight that you will be going out dancing? Enjoy and have a great time with you friends. At least there is no rain in the forecast and temps around here today in the 70's. I have been planting flowers outside today.


A few days ago I had my nails done as well as my hair getting trimmed.



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Bill's son called back, he had been out cutting grass. He came right over and put it in and when he was done he noticed the mower out in the field. He asked about it and I told him, so he said I'll go push it up to the pole barn for you. So got both things done, and he said I didn't have to pay him when I asked how much he wanted. I gave him $50 anyway for coming.


So you got your nails done and then was out planting flowers, aren't you afraid you will get them messed up?


I got some of the grass cut today with the old mower, it doesn't look very good because it doesn't through the grass out very far but at least it is cut. Will cut some more tomorrow.


Had a good time last night, beautiful evening to be dancing outside. The band played mostly swing music and a few waltzes.


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Sharon, that was good that Bill's son came over to do all of that for you. So it is the newer mower that quit on you and not the older mower? So it is this week like the 30th that they will deliver the new mower.


I figured that you would be having a good time last night doing the swing dancing. Especially since you did not have to do that all alone.


Temps in the 70's once again today. I had heard that we have some major rain coming in tomorrow. I hope nothing like it rained last Tuesday. I have never seen so much rain before like it rained last week.


Have you ever seen the movie Cast Away? Bill sometimes does some crazy things. Now we have Wilson in our living room.


We are playing a team that does not like to loose on Wednesday night. We have the very first game and that is why Bill wanted to win last week to give us some padding. They are a team behind us, but that does not mean anything as last years last place team beat us.


Now I have our bathroom sink that is leaking. We need a new faucet, so Bill will go and buy 1 today sometime.



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I did see Castaway and I know who Wilson is! Funny

Yes it was the newer mower that developed the transmission problem. The old mower works but is much slower and doesn't cut as good. But i am to the point I just wanted to get it cut. Today I finished it up. That idea of mine to put lotion on my legs and arms is working really good. No more rashes. So I put lots on before I go out to mow.


Isn't there always something that needs to be fixed in the house. I am getting really tired of it. Also getting tired of cutting the grass too. Wish I knew where I wanted to move, I would put the house up for sale and do it.


I heard rain later tonight and tomorrow too that is another reason i wanted to get the grass done. My new mower gets delivered on Saturday the 30th.


Hopefully you can regain your 1st place status again this week. Seem like everyone has a good day and a bad day at any given time. You can never count anyone out.



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Sharon, whenever I am working outside I always wear gloves so not to mess up my nails and to protect my hands. It is also good that you found a way to protect your skin by putting the lotion on yourself.


I know around here with those who have huge lots, they do not cut it all. they cut maybe 6 or 10 feet and let the rest go wild or ruff. So do you really have to cut it all, or can you do the same with some of it towards the back and just let grow wild? Four hours seems like a very long time to be cutting. I am sure your new mower will be working much better for you once it arrives. It will be all put together for you and I am sure they will have the oil in it as well. The only thing you will have to do is put in the fuel.


Yes, we had storms very early this morning with lots of thunder. So I have no idea if we have more on its way or if we are all finished for now. But very humid outside just now.


So next month a lady who works full time asked Bill if he would teach her safe driving course class, and he agreed to do so. But she only teaches the 8 hour class. So that will be a very long day for him. There are those who just want to get it over with, but most do the 2 day 4 hours each day.





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I don't cut all the grass, I leave quite a bit not cut and wild. I wouldn't have to cut as much as I do but it has taken many years to get it back into shape sot I hate to let that go. I am getting tired of it though, maybe would sell and move to a condo or townhome if I just knew where i wanted to go.


I got another disbursement from the trust today, no idea if that is the last of it or not. Hope so, it really needs to be wrapped up and done with. 3 years is a long time.


It has been raining here all afternoon, thunder but no lightening, a real steady rain. Looks like it might go all night. Will have to take the garbage out, tomorrow is pickup day.


I wear gloves too when I work outside or cut grass. Seems like there is always something I need to get with my bare hands/fingers though.


Hopefully it will stop raining by tomorrow night so you can get your game in.


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