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Complaining about kids???


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So what you are saying is, people should ALSO be complaining about adults from 20 to 25 being rude and out of hand.


And you are a responsible parent because when you get on the ship, you take your kids to Camp and stick them in the proverbial closet so they are not running around on the ship having fun?


I think there should be a thread about parents that come on the cruise, give their kids to the staff to watch them, then act like they don't have kids. Just to make that clear.





Um FIRST of all, I give my 4 YR OLD an option if she wants to go into the Camp or if not she will stay with us. I don't really have a child at the age that ANYBODY would let roam free around the ship. I am a responsible parent for stuff that I do back home, not for stuff that I may or may not do on a 7 day cruise. But it all starts back at home. Not sure why you mentioned the last statement of dropping kids off and forgetting about them because I don't do that at all. She has a blast in the camp and we are constantly checking up on her. Don't turn this personal.



And secondly, I don't think anyone should be complaining about anything on a cruise!! But if your gonna stoop down to complain about kids, then take a look around notice the drunk obnoxious 20-25 yr olds or older for that matter. Truth of the matter is that children actually are the ONLY people that should get a pass to..well...act like a kid. If the shoe fits for you as one of these adults, then so be it.

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OP, wow, talk about being judgmental. Every single cruise is different and you can't possibly set a directive for separating what should be an acceptable simple annoyance and what would be considered out-of-control children... and to tell someone to sail when children are in-school is ridiculous. People cruise when they can and for their own personal reasons whether it be work schedules, family schedules etc.... Allow people to have their own personal opinions based upon their own experiences..... don't create a thread to stir-the-slop and then try to disagree and judge everyone that is sharing their opinion. Everyone's cruise expectations are different, allow their opinions to be different too.

Just agree to disagree and don't call everyone out because their opinion doesn't match yours.



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Kids really don't bother me...they do keep you young! My only issue is hearing about kids running around after midnight. On my last cruise (taken in late May) I was up on the Lido deck after midnight and there were a bunch of kids having pizza and socializing. Good group of kids. They would be safe as long as they stick together but I worry about the kids wondering around by themselves. Cruise ships are little cities so we have a cross-section of humanity on board...good people (the majority, thank God) and the creeps. I wouldn't want my daughter to meet up with one of them on the open decks.


I'm a firm believer that if you raise your children to act responsibly they will reflect that whether the parent is around or not. And I'm sorry, but I'm not buying into the stories on this thread and others about kids having sex in dark corners or getting drunk, raising hell or blocking hallways and stairs and daring adults to do something. Sounds more like urban legends to me!

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Kids do become issues on a cruise. When you try to get on an elevator and the kids have hit every button "just for kicks". That is okay behavior with everyone. Well it is not with me.



When I am trying to sleep and there are kids running up and down the halls pounding on doors "Just for kicks". This does not bother anyone. Well it does me.


When I am trying to walk down a flight of steps and there are 10 or 12 kids sitting on them and after you have ask them to move for the 4th time. That is okay with you. Well it is not with me.


Sitting in the Supper Club well now the Steak House and hearing screaming babies. This really annoyes me. I go to relax and cannot with screaming children. Why would anyone bring babies to a Speciality Retrauanant? anyway is beyond me.


Yes I have 2 sons and they have cruised with us. They were raised with manners at home and they were brought to their cruises. Manners start at home but you would never know it the way some children are allowed to act in public on cruise ships.


This is my opinion and I call it as I see it on my cruises. Sorry

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Kids really don't bother me...they do keep you young! My only issue is hearing about kids running around after midnight. On my last cruise (taken in late May) I was up on the Lido deck after midnight and there were a bunch of kids having pizza and socializing. Good group of kids. They would be safe as long as they stick together but I worry about the kids wondering around by themselves. Cruise ships are little cities so we have a cross-section of humanity on board...good people (the majority, thank God) and the creeps. I wouldn't want my daughter to meet up with one of them on the open decks.


I'm a firm believer that if you raise your children to act responsibly they will reflect that whether the parent is around or not. And I'm sorry, but I'm not buying into the stories on this thread and others about kids having sex in dark corners or getting drunk, raising hell or blocking hallways and stairs and daring adults to do something. Sounds more like urban legends to me!


Where's the like button when you need it? I so agree with your post. I was on the Dream last week and could not believe the complaints from another poster regarding the behaviour of children. Not saying it didn't happen but I certainly didn't have the same experience.

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Kids do become issues on a cruise. When you try to get on an elevator and the kids have hit every button "just for kicks". That is okay behavior with everyone. Well it is not with me.



When I am trying to sleep and there are kids running up and down the halls pounding on doors "Just for kicks". This does not bother anyone. Well it does me.


When I am trying to walk down a flight of steps and there are 10 or 12 kids sitting on them and after you have ask them to move for the 4th time. That is okay with you. Well it is not with me.


Sitting in the Supper Club well now the Steak House and hearing screaming babies. This really annoyes me. I go to relax and cannot with screaming children. Why would anyone bring babies to a Speciality Retrauanant? anyway is beyond me.


Yes I have 2 sons and they have cruised with us. They were raised with manners at home and they were brought to their cruises. Manners start at home but you would never know it the way some children are allowed to act in public on cruise ships.


This is my opinion and I call it as I see it on my cruises. Sorry


The only thing I've experienced are the little darlings pressing every button on the elevator. I just look at the kid wearing the smirk and say "Really?" That usually gets the point across that he's an idiot.

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no you are wrong..I am relating it to this....the complainers are jealous when they see cohesive families enjoying time together...and wish they had it themselves...


This is a joke, right? Where are the hidden cameras?


So, because I don't want to spend my time with someone else's ill behaved children, suddenly I'm jealous of their "precious" family?


Give me a break! I pay to go on vacation, the same as anyone else (adults). Children DO NOT pay for their vacation. I will tell ANY adult, on vacation or not, when their children are behaving like little monsters and that it is unacceptable. It is YOUR responsibility to TEACH your children manners! If your child is unable to go on vacation without meltdowns, throwing things, screaming, hitting people, cursing at people etc. it is YOUR fault as a PARENT. My parents taught me how to respect others and they taught me manners. I expect ALL people (children and adults) to show respect and to have manners. If you can't do so because you're on "vacation" and it's your time to "relax" (by turning your kids loose), then expect people to say something to your children or better yet you, regarding your parenting. It is not MY job to parent your perfect little angels. (Sure, they are well behaved. There isn't a SINGLE child who doesn't get in some trouble).


Overall, I'm going on vacation to relax and I'm going to try my best to do so. If an obstacle gets in my way, I'll just run it over. :D Are the "perfect little angels" going to ruin my vacation? Not a chance. So, I guess by your standards I'm just jealous of your "perfect" little family. (haha)


If people were so jealous, they would have their own children, don't you think? Some people even leave those "little angels" at home for vacation, so I guess they're just jealous too. I find it kind of funny the people who think someone is jealous, probably have absolutely NOTHING to be jealous of :D

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Sitting in the Supper Club well now the Steak House and hearing screaming babies. This really annoyes me. I go to relax and cannot with screaming children. Why would anyone bring babies to a Speciality Retrauanant? anyway is beyond me.


I was with you until this. If you have kids they were probably babies at one point. And sometimes babies cry. And reasoning with them doesn't typically work, nor does threatening to give them a firm talking to. All of your other examples are true examples of parents not parenting their kids and being at fault. I don't think I am an atypical parent. If my baby cries I try to soothe her with the pacifier or distract her with a toy, if that doesn't work, pick her up, if that doesn't work, then one of us would take her out of the room until she calmed down. But that process may take a minute so you might have to hear a baby cry for a minute or two until I can high tale it out of there. I don't plan on going to the steakhouse with my baby this trip. But if I did, I shouldn't be barred from going because I have a kid that MIGHT wimper for a second. Sure if she is in a crabby mood or whatever, I would skip it. Carnival has no child care options for kids under 2 until 10 p.m. and not everyone wants to leave their kid home when they go on vacation. I understand not wanting to listen to a baby cry for a prolonged period of time, I agree. But how many people really do that. I don't think that kids should be banned from the steakhouse altogether, just people who can't take care of them.

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I was with you until this. If you have kids they were probably babies at one point. And sometimes babies cry. And reasoning with them doesn't typically work, nor does threatening to give them a firm talking to. All of your other examples are true examples of parents not parenting their kids and being at fault. I don't think I am an atypical parent. If my baby cries I try to soothe her with the pacifier or distract her with a toy, if that doesn't work, pick her up, if that doesn't work, then one of us would take her out of the room until she calmed down. But that process may take a minute so you might have to hear a baby cry for a minute or two until I can high tale it out of there. I don't plan on going to the steakhouse with my baby this trip. But if I did, I shouldn't be barred from going because I have a kid that MIGHT wimper for a second. Sure if she is in a crabby mood or whatever, I would skip it. Carnival has no child care options for kids under 2 until 10 p.m. and not everyone wants to leave their kid home when they go on vacation. I understand not wanting to listen to a baby cry for a prolonged period of time, I agree. But how many people really do that. I don't think that kids should be banned from the steakhouse altogether, just people who can't take care of them.




You are right. You sound like you do care for your baby. But there are some parents who just ignor their childs crying and never thinks about what effects it has on the people around them.


My sons are 22 and 25 by the way. From church to shopping if they became cranky and I could not console them we left. I did not want to bother others around me. But today this seems like a lost art.

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I was with you until this. If you have kids they were probably babies at one point. And sometimes babies cry. And reasoning with them doesn't typically work, nor does threatening to give them a firm talking to. All of your other examples are true examples of parents not parenting their kids and being at fault. I don't think I am an atypical parent. If my baby cries I try to soothe her with the pacifier or distract her with a toy, if that doesn't work, pick her up, if that doesn't work, then one of us would take her out of the room until she calmed down. But that process may take a minute so you might have to hear a baby cry for a minute or two until I can high tale it out of there. I don't plan on going to the steakhouse with my baby this trip. But if I did, I shouldn't be barred from going because I have a kid that MIGHT wimper for a second. Sure if she is in a crabby mood or whatever, I would skip it. Carnival has no child care options for kids under 2 until 10 p.m. and not everyone wants to leave their kid home when they go on vacation. I understand not wanting to listen to a baby cry for a prolonged period of time, I agree. But how many people really do that. I don't think that kids should be banned from the steakhouse altogether, just people who can't take care of them.


If I'm in the steakhouse and someone's kid is raising hell I wouldn't have a problem with it if the parents were taking action. Sadly though, too many parents are oblivious to it.

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To be honest, I actually think these threads come down to the "all about me" attitude that SOME cruisers seem to have these days (young and old alike).


SOME people feel that kids should all be perfect and should nary have to even SEE them, because after all, "it's my vacation".


SOME parents feel they can slack in the parenting department because they want to relax and have fun, because after all, "it's my vacation".


SOME kids/teenagers/adults think they can leave their good behavior at home and act obnoxious, because after all, "it's my vacation".


Maybe if we ALL acted a bit more responsibly for our own actions (ie. with common sense and common decency, and that includes parents being responsible for their children) and cared a bit less about judging what others are doing (newsflash: not everyone is going to confirm to your standards of behaviour, get over it!), we wouldn't have these sorts of threads.


Personally, I agree that if you're not a fan if kids, the best thing to do is avoid the peak times when lots of them will be sailing.


Remember that you may not be able to control someone else's choices, but you can control yours. A little common sense goes a long way.

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No they don't stay "out" later than 11pm but there also aren't activities for them to do after 11pm nor someplace to go and "hang" with their friends whether that be Circle C, Club Oxygen or just having a slice of pizza. And before you say "well, with 2-3,000 people on board it is like being out in a small town", it is not exactly the same.


It is mor similar to being a small town than an extra large sleepover!:eek:


If there was a curfew, I'm sure it would be after the circle c events were over. If your children are in activities, they are not exactly roaming the halls, annoying passengers nor mis behaving.


I just don't see why you would object to a curfew? In my opinion, I think there should be limits set for children. We are not equals, I'm the adult you are the child. And a healthy reminder of that is you need to be in by 11pm. Me, I can stay out if I so choose.


In another thread someone posted about overhearing a parent say their daughter was out all night. Wth?

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The only thing I've experienced are the little darlings pressing every button on the elevator. I just look at the kid wearing the smirk and say "Really?" That usually gets the point across that he's an idiot.

absolutely!! when anyone acts like an idiot or a bully (as in pressing buttons to get someone's reaction) all someone has to do is shoot them a look..chuckle..or say something just like you did...it works...because anyone that doesn't know by now...should know...that bullies..regardless of age....want to be put in their place. Research has proven this time and again.


That is why kids on a playground..or adults at the pool hogging chairs..get away with it...because they are bullies and won't stop until someone calls them on it...


shoot a look next time at the person pressing all the elevator buttons and just see how fast they shrivel (sp?) up and stop doing it...


as for chair hogs...move their stuff after a reasonable time..you will get the chair...and they will just slither away.....because now you have proven to them that you can't be taken advantage of..they know it..you know it....


I am a pacifist btw...and would never ever hurt another person..I prefer wit mixed with a bit of sarcasim to get the point across....and I would never threaten...I would just state my thought..


such as..for the person playing with the elevator I would say something like: "why exactly did you feel the need to do that?" or "are you planning on doing that again?" and I would only say something if I chose not to ignore them...which is always my first reaction.


or better yet...get off at the next floor and walk.....why even bother letting some idiot..adult or child..get to you?

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It is mor similar to being a small town than an extra large sleepover!:eek:


If there was a curfew, I'm sure it would be after the circle c events were over. If your children are in activities, they are not exactly roaming the halls, annoying passengers nor mis behaving.


I just don't see why you would object to a curfew? In my opinion, I think there should be limits set for children. We are not equals, I'm the adult you are the child. And a healthy reminder of that is you need to be in by 11pm. Me, I can stay out if I so choose.


In another thread someone posted about overhearing a parent say their daughter was out all night. Wth?


The activities do go past 11pm. And if they are there or having some pizza or watching a movie, I have no problem. My kids don't have to be told right from wrong or what type of kid to hang with. The only line that I found with a curfew was RCL and that was 1AM.

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OP, wow, talk about being judgmental. Every single cruise is different and you can't possibly set a directive for separating what should be an acceptable simple annoyance and what would be considered out-of-control children... and to tell someone to sail when children are in-school is ridiculous. People cruise when they can and for their own personal reasons whether it be work schedules, family schedules etc.... Allow people to have their own personal opinions based upon their own experiences..... don't create a thread to stir-the-slop and then try to disagree and judge everyone that is sharing their opinion. Everyone's cruise expectations are different, allow their opinions to be different too.

Just agree to disagree and don't call everyone out because their opinion doesn't match yours.







Im not telling anyone when to sail. I simply stated which others have agreed, know what time of the year it is that your sailing and the pros and cons and deal with the cons, rather than say they ruin your vacation. And I am not judging anyone. Just tired of getting bad reviews because of that being the problem. Happens so many times and you never get a real review because alls you hear about is the bad stuff. And your gonna tell me people who encounter this child issue don't come on here saying how bad every little thing on the ship is and how they will never cruise with Carnival again or whatever, what do you think those people are trying to do??? Change everyones opinion right?? If you say no then your wrong, because if you read some of these nasty negative reviews you can clearly see these people are out to take whatever cruise line down in the dirt in EVERYONES mind.

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there are some people (not all) that are sensationalizing things. We only sail when the kids are out of school since we have school age kids. I've never seen things as bad as some of these people are saying. I don't believe half of it.


That's the only time we can go on vacation.

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Something to consider:


I'm 34, so old enough to have my own kids (6 and 2), but young enough to remember what it was like to be a kid.


On my last cruise (without kids) in September '10, we were getting pizza one night around 1 am when we spotted a group of around 10 young teens (turns out they were 12-14).


They were taking some of their uneaten pizza and ice cream and childishly smashing it together on some plates - we just casually walked by and said "ew guys, that is gross, seriously" in a joking tone.


They actually stopped, cleaned up and came over to talk to us. We ended up chatting with them for about 45 minutes, and they were really great kids, just "letting loose" a little.


I realized that, same as when I was s teenager, they just wanted someone to talk to them (and listen to them) with respect and interest and treat them like adults, instead of looking down on them and being suspicious.


It really reminded me of how difficult it can be for teenagers to deal with adults and how we could all probably use a reminder of that sometimes!

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Something to consider:


I'm 34, so old enough to have my own kids (6 and 2), but young enough to remember what it was like to be a kid.


On my last cruise (without kids) in September '10, we were getting pizza one night around 1 am when we spotted a group of around 10 young teens (turns out they were 12-14).


They were taking some of their uneaten pizza and ice cream and childishly smashing it together on some plates - we just casually walked by and said "ew guys, that is gross, seriously" in a joking tone.


They actually stopped, cleaned up and came over to talk to us. We ended up chatting with them for about 45 minutes, and they were really great kids, just "letting loose" a little.


I realized that, same as when I was s teenager, they just wanted someone to talk to them (and listen to them) with respect and interest and treat them like adults, instead of looking down on them and being suspicious.


It really reminded me of how difficult it can be for teenagers to deal with adults and how we could all probably use a reminder of that sometimes!


We've had similar experiences. 99% of the kids on board are good kids. But like others like to say it is like a small town. So there are going to be some bad apples just like in real life.

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no you are wrong..I am relating it to this....the complainers are jealous when they see cohesive families enjoying time together...and wish they had it themselves...



Wow! You actually believe this? I was talking about out of control kids not cohesive families enjoying time together......I hardly think anyone would be jealous of that.......

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yep..that's how I see it...


those that complain about the kids constantly are the ones with the problem.


The trick is to ignore any activity you don't like...because you ain't gonna change it:D


Especially kids....they are very very important to our survival BTW...but we all know that....and everyone was a kid once....but, seriously...they are not yours or my kids...so we have no right to have a say in the way they act....


personally...I wish all smokers and gamblers and drunks would conduct themselves better on the ships.....but I can't change them


The kids are no issue as far as I am concerned...


And I stick by my comment of those who don't enjoy seeing families having fun together..


We most certainly do.....If I see some brat pushing elevator buttons I will report them......and the establishment should take care of it...

And I am not sure why you keep relating bad behavior in kids with families having fun together?

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