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Complaining about kids???


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Wow! You actually believe this? I was talking about out of control kids not cohesive families enjoying time together......I hardly think anyone would be jealous of that.......


I personally love seeing families together and having fun. It gives me hope for the future. But what most don't want to see are kids wondering about in the middle of the night. I don't think most of the kids would be looking for trouble but I would be afraid trouble would find them.

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Something to consider:


I'm 34, so old enough to have my own kids (6 and 2), but young enough to remember what it was like to be a kid.


On my last cruise (without kids) in September '10, we were getting pizza one night around 1 am when we spotted a group of around 10 young teens (turns out they were 12-14).


They were taking some of their uneaten pizza and ice cream and childishly smashing it together on some plates - we just casually walked by and said "ew guys, that is gross, seriously" in a joking tone.


They actually stopped, cleaned up and came over to talk to us. We ended up chatting with them for about 45 minutes, and they were really great kids, just "letting loose" a little.


I realized that, same as when I was s teenager, they just wanted someone to talk to them (and listen to them) with respect and interest and treat them like adults, instead of looking down on them and being suspicious.


It really reminded me of how difficult it can be for teenagers to deal with adults and how we could all probably use a reminder of that sometimes!


Beautiful Post...seriously, thanks for reminding us of how teens/tweens are really "in between" in their lives...not adults and not "kids" and are trying to find their way.


however, it is quite apparent that, at 1AM, they were bored, with nothing to do. Had you not been there to chill with them, they *could* have gotten more bored, and into trouble. I would be all for a 1AM curfew. 11PM is too early, IMO.

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Haha disney world, really? Lol.


Yes, I saw parents and kids have meltdowns even at pristine Disney World. Almost saw someone's son get taken out at the Floridian by an employee in a golf cart. Parents were too busy socializing in the middle of the walkway while 10+ kids were running around like a bunch of chickens with their heads cut off.



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Yes but Carnival won't. They are different, which they have shown time and time again.


Different in what way that they would never have a curfew for the children?


I personally love seeing families together and having fun. It gives me hope for the future. But what most don't want to see are kids wondering about in the middle of the night. I don't think most of the kids would be looking for trouble but I would be afraid trouble would find them.


I think most people feel the same.......

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The activities do go past 11pm. And if they are there or having some pizza or watching a movie, I have no problem. My kids don't have to be told right from wrong or what type of kid to hang with. The only line that I found with a curfew was RCL and that was 1AM.


How old are they? And are they allowed complete freedom in terms of activities and time? Is it okay for them to leave their room at 4 am for pizza, while you are asleep?


I'm all for the curfew. Not for your children, who are well behaved, but for the ones whose parents have no boundaries, no rules and no respect. After 11pm, I'm tired of witnessing their shenanigans and they need to be in their rooms. And that goes for mine too!


I do teach my children who to hang out with and what is right from wrong. Until they are adults, it is my job to teach them appropriate boundaries at the various stages of life.

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How old are they? And are they allowed complete freedom in terms of activities and time? Is it okay for them to leave their room at 4 am for pizza, while you are asleep?


I'm all for the curfew. Not for your children, who are well behaved, but for the ones whose parents have no boundaries, no rules and no respect. After 11pm, I'm tired of witnessing their shenanigans and they need to be in their rooms. And that goes for mine too!


I do teach my children who to hang out with and what is right from wrong. Until they are adults, it is my job to teach them appropriate boundaries at the various stages of life.


13 and 14 and no they can't leave the room at 4am for pizza.

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I had them backwards. RCCL does at 1am (which isn't 11pm) and NCL doesn't. Who cares if Princess does or doesn't? Everyone goes to sleep at 11PM.


You would be pleasantly surprised that Princess ships are not dead at 11:00 p.m. like what you "heard". And also they do have youth security 24/7. Princess focuses on longer cruises in which you will find those cruises with an older crowd no different then the longer cruises on any line including Carnival....our 7 day cruises have been the same age group as Carnival and RCCL.

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Im not telling anyone when to sail. I simply stated which others have agreed, know what time of the year it is that your sailing and the pros and cons and deal with the cons, rather than say they ruin your vacation. And I am not judging anyone. Just tired of getting bad reviews because of that being the problem. Happens so many times and you never get a real review because alls you hear about is the bad stuff. And your gonna tell me people who encounter this child issue don't come on here saying how bad every little thing on the ship is and how they will never cruise with Carnival again or whatever, what do you think those people are trying to do??? Change everyones opinion right?? If you say no then your wrong, because if you read some of these nasty negative reviews you can clearly see these people are out to take whatever cruise line down in the dirt in EVERYONES mind.




I guess that I don't see it that way. When I read a review I take it as an assessment of that cruiser's experience and not as a good review or a bad review. Some reviews are far more entertaining than others but lots of good information comes out of all types that's why it's so interesting to read various different cruise reports from the same ship and sailing.


Everyone cruises for a different experience whether it be for romance, relaxation, family time, non-stop activities and parties etc.... When that exectation is not met, people deal with it differently. Some may make it into a total negitive experience and let it ruin their cruise while others may just go with the flow and brush-it-off and move on and continue to have a good time. It all boils down to having certain boundries crossed. Someone that's an easy going person may have boundries and tolerance levels that are significantly different than someone who wants things a certain way everytime-all the time. It's just a basic case of respecting one's boundries. I know, easier said than done but I believe that's why the cruise lines try so hard to cater to all ages and needs..


I don't believe there is any one solution or right opinion when it comes to having boundries crossed. In the case of this thread, it is misbehsving children but it could be just about anything form chair hogs to drunk and out-of-line passengers to inadaquate service on the ship. My opinion, for whatever it's worth, is just to pick your battles. If there is a significant issue that is so intolerable then let the crew deal with it. It if is a smaller issue or a minor irritant then just decide how to deal with it in a respectable manner such as the example that one above poster used about the pizza and ice-cream creations. The way she handled it not only got the message across but also resulted in a positive outcome for everyone.


I don't think that all situations are nessarily black and white. There are a lot of grey areas and it's all in how you react and deal with then that are going to make or break your cruise. :)

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It is mor similar to being a small town than an extra large sleepover!:eek:



If there was a curfew, I'm sure it would be after the circle c events were over. If your children are in activities, they are not exactly roaming the halls, annoying passengers nor mis behaving.



I just don't see why you would object to a curfew? In my opinion, I think there should be limits set for children. We are not equals, I'm the adult you are the child. And a healthy reminder of that is you need to be in by 11pm. Me, I can stay out if I so choose.


In another thread someone posted about overhearing a parent say their daughter was out all night. Wth?


Your curfew may be 11 PM but not every parent feels this way, neither does any cruise line. Club o2 (15-17 year-olds) has activities until 1 AM. If a young adult is out all night, as long as they weren't disrupting your enjoyment or breaking the rules, that is between that parent and their child. Yes, there should be ground rules, but young adults also need a certain amount of rope. It prepares them for the real world. Why do you think some kids go buck wild when they go off to college?


Something to consider:


I'm 34, so old enough to have my own kids (6 and 2), but young enough to remember what it was like to be a kid.



On my last cruise (without kids) in September '10, we were getting pizza one night around 1 am when we spotted a group of around 10 young teens (turns out they were 12-14).



They were taking some of their uneaten pizza and ice cream and childishly smashing it together on some plates - we just casually walked by and said "ew guys, that is gross, seriously" in a joking tone. They actually stopped, cleaned up and came over to talk to us. We ended up chatting with them for about 45 minutes, and they were really great kids, just "letting loose" a little.



I realized that, same as when I was s teenager, they just wanted someone to talk to them (and listen to them) with respect and interest and treat them like adults, instead of looking down on them and being suspicious.



It really reminded me of how difficult it can be for teenagers to deal with adults and how we could all probably use a reminder of that sometimes!



Thanks for posting this. People quickly forget that they were kids at one point. Not all kids are angels but not all of them are hellions either. We were at a resort pre-cruise and our kids recovered a lady's diamond earring in the pool and turned it into security. The resort offered my family a credit on our resort stay for their honesty. It was a very nice gesture but not necessary as this is how the kids were raised.


Some of the worst behaviour I ever experienced was on a spring break cruise on RCL - a large family of inebriated adults loudly congregated in the hallway outside our doorway every night before dinner; another family was so intoxicated in the dining room they were oblivious to the fact that their 4 and 5 year-olds were drinking the remnants of their after dinner liqueurs until our tablemates alerted wait staff who removed the tray of empty tins; 4 underage children in a nearby cabin across the hall from their parents were drawing on the walls and playing in the hallway because their 30-something parents were passed out and hungover (I called security who finally woke up the parents so they could feed the children)... it goes on and on. Yes, there were also kids hanging in the solarium where the afterhours food was located, sitting on the stairs/in elevators, even racing up and down the halls. Nevermind that there was a 1 AM curfew, most of the annoyances occurred during the day and many were commited by adults.

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We most certainly do.....If I see some brat pushing elevator buttons I will report them......and the establishment should take care of it...

And I am not sure why you keep relating bad behavior in kids with families having fun together?


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So obviously to you bratty kids pushing elevator buttons is cohesive families having fun together.......is that also right up there with the the little ones putting their mouths on the ice cream dispensers:confused: Just another day with the family:p

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You would be pleasantly surprised that Princess ships are not dead at 11:00 p.m. like what you "heard". And also they do have youth security 24/7. Princess focuses on longer cruises in which you will find those cruises with an older crowd no different then the longer cruises on any line including Carnival....our 7 day cruises have been the same age group as Carnival and RCCL.


Not what I "heard" as in rumor or board talk. What I was told by the in-laws who have done about a dozen Princess cruises (they are in their early 70's) and one CCL cruise.

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Not what I "heard" as in rumor or board talk. What I was told by the in-laws who have done about a dozen Princess cruises (they are in their early 70's) and one CCL cruise.


It's still what you heard........you should experience it yourself you might be surprised......

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I had them backwards. RCCL does at 1am (which isn't 11pm) and NCL doesn't. Who cares if Princess does or doesn't? Everyone goes to sleep at 11PM.


The Princess cruise I was on (a 7 day Eastern Caribbean) I could only wish some people went to bed by 11pm. That ship was hopping until after 2 am each and every day of the cruise and was at times hard to find a spot to sit to enjoy the various activities. Perhaps you are confused with the rumors of HAL? Bottom line - each cruise is different even on the "stereo-typed" lines.

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no you are wrong..I am relating it to this....the complainers are jealous when they see cohesive families enjoying time together...and wish they had it themselves...


sort of like when the following simple statement is made by any numbers of posters..."my kids don't go to Camp Carnival and spend their time on the ship with the family doing everything together" or something like this...."my 12yo is not allowed to freely roam the ship"..or the top one of all time..."we always cruise with the kids"


and then the avalanche of responses will undoubtedly be....


"you have to let your kids grow up"

"it is your kids vacation too and they need to make new friends on the ship"

"you need time away from the kids"

"the kids should have been brought up to be able to handle themselves in any situation, even a cruise ship"

"you are doing your kids no good by making them dependant on you, and have to cut the cord"

or my all time favorite..."why don't you leave the kids with a friend or relative or even the stranger down the street?":eek: just kidding about the stranger in case you didn't realize it.


Diva...I know you will disagree with me...that is expected..but regardless......the reason that kid threads always turn nasty is because...


1. the posters on them are selfish

2. the posters on them are jealous

3. the posters on them know that "kid hating" has not yet been deemed "politically incorrect:rolleyes:"..so they get away with it


I truly do feel sorry for those who feel they cannot have a good vacation when children are around.


What an utter crock of Grade A Number One BS! I don't like your brats so I'm jealous of your "cohesiveness". I think you are confusing "cohesive" and "disfunctional".


If this wasn't so sad it'd be funny. Out of control kids should be dealt with severly. And YES they can ruin an outing with their misbehavior. I am personally aware of a parent of an unruly child having his vacation ruined because of a broken nose...

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Complain about kids must be the flavour of the month!


Last month is was the new menus, so this month it's back to the traditional complaints.




Definitely not. I have seen this as a complaint from reviews dating all the way back to last year that I have been reading regarding our upcoming Dream cruise.

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