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Complaining about kids???


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True story... on our last sea day last week, on the serenity deck, there was an older guy who started picking on a 17 year old in the hot tub (she supposedly was turning 18 the next day), and it escalated to him using the N word repeatedly at her. Some birthday cruise for her. Now, I have an issue with KIDS causing mayhem in ANY hot tub, but I certainly don't have an issue with a 17 year old hanging out with her aunt and other family in the hot tub. Just sitting there.


This guy bumped into them again a few hours later and started all over again. I'd rather deal with kids having fun than a racist bigoted old man who thinks that he is some kind of authority figure.


OMG- I COMPETELY agree!!!!!! I can't believe that happened. How absolutely horrible!

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So obviously to you bratty kids pushing elevator buttons is cohesive families having fun together.......is that also right up there with the the little ones putting their mouths on the ice cream dispensers:confused: Just another day with the family:p


The elevator button, I have seen drunk adults too that too. Its immature and annoying but hardly enough to completely ruin a cruise.


As far as the ice cream thing, ugh, that sounds more like an urban legend thing to me. I can't really imagine that happening. That sounds like something that a small child would do, who wouldn't be unattended. But assuming that really happened and someone actually witnessed it, yeah, I could see why you would be mad about that and I would complain about it.


The out of control kids are typically a function of unattentive parents that are either too busy enjoying their vacation to bother with their kids or are totally clueless. And truthfully they are probably the group of totally loud annoying people that are sloppy drunk, sexually harrasing people, you know the type, we have all seen them. Or they are asleep in their balcony accross the hall assuming that their kids who they tucked in a few hours ago, are fast asleep because their kids wouldn't misbehave. These are the types of people that need to be dealt with and need to take care of their kids. And if you complain about those people, I don't blame you.


But I think there are also people on here and everywhere that were born old and think they were never a kid. They look at kids with distain, automatically assuming they are little hellions and if the kid dares to breathe too loud they get upset because they don't think the little brats have the right to even be there. Those are the people I have issue with.

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The elevator button, I have seen drunk adults too that too. Its immature and annoying but hardly enough to completely ruin a cruise.


As far as the ice cream thing, ugh, that sounds more like an urban legend thing to me. I can't really imagine that happening. That sounds like something that a small child would do, who wouldn't be unattended. But assuming that really happened and someone actually witnessed it, yeah, I could see why you would be mad about that and I would complain about it.


The out of control kids are typically a function of unattentive parents that are either too busy enjoying their vacation to bother with their kids or are totally clueless. And truthfully they are probably the group of totally loud annoying people that are sloppy drunk, sexually harrasing people, you know the type, we have all seen them. Or they are asleep in their balcony accross the hall assuming that their kids who they tucked in a few hours ago, are fast asleep because their kids wouldn't misbehave. These are the types of people that need to be dealt with and need to take care of their kids. And if you complain about those people, I don't blame you.


But I think there are also people on here and everywhere that were born old and think they were never a kid. They look at kids with distain, automatically assuming they are little hellions and if the kid dares to breathe too loud they get upset because they don't think the little brats have the right to even be there. Those are the people I have issue with.


Agree 100%

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Your curfew may be 11 PM but not every parent feels this way, neither does any cruise line. Club o2 (15-17 year-olds) has activities until 1 AM. If a young adult is out all night, as long as they weren't disrupting your enjoyment or breaking the rules, that is between that parent and their child. Yes, there should be ground rules, but young adults also need a certain amount of rope. It prepares them for the real world. Why do you think some kids go buck wild when they go off to college.


11 would be my curfew, but if the kids are at activities that should be fine. Maybe the curfew could be worded that the teens need to be at supervised activities after 11 and not just "out" or "hanging".

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I have to say I have been inconvenienced far more often by idiot adults than by children in general- and specifically on cruises. Kids are kids. Some adults seem to lose several dozen IQ points when they board the ship. Case in point, a few cruises back we had an adult neighbor who would come out and make "scary" sounds to try to scare my little niece when he thought she was out on the balcony. I think he was so dumb he didn't realize that we would always have at least one adult with her. Creepy in any case. She was 4, very well behaved and very quiet. I will take boisterous kiddos over adult bullies any day of the week.

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The elevator button, I have seen drunk adults too that too. Its immature and annoying but hardly enough to completely ruin a cruise.


As far as the ice cream thing, ugh, that sounds more like an urban legend thing to me. I can't really imagine that happening. That sounds like something that a small child would do, who wouldn't be unattended. But assuming that really happened and someone actually witnessed it, yeah, I could see why you would be mad about that and I would complain about it.


The out of control kids are typically a function of unattentive parents that are either too busy enjoying their vacation to bother with their kids or are totally clueless. And truthfully they are probably the group of totally loud annoying people that are sloppy drunk, sexually harrasing people, you know the type, we have all seen them. Or they are asleep in their balcony accross the hall assuming that their kids who they tucked in a few hours ago, are fast asleep because their kids wouldn't misbehave. These are the types of people that need to be dealt with and need to take care of their kids. And if you complain about those people, I don't blame you.


But I think there are also people on here and everywhere that were born old and think they were never a kid. They look at kids with distain, automatically assuming they are little hellions and if the kid dares to breathe too loud they get upset because they don't think the little brats have the right to even be there. Those are the people I have issue with.


I have witnessed the urban legend you spoke of and they were teenagers and yes I did report them....

I have not seen one post on here that describes the people that you have an issue with......but I'm sure they are out there....and for what it's worth...bad behavior from anyone on a cruise would certainly not ruin my vacation.....

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As far as the ice cream thing, ugh, that sounds more like an urban legend thing to me. I can't really imagine that happening. That sounds like something that a small child would do, who wouldn't be unattended. But assuming that really happened and someone actually witnessed it, yeah, I could see why you would be mad about that and I would complain about it.


If you ever have time to waste - to just people watch - go to your local convenience store. Watch the humans (regardless a child or adult) use the drink stations or icee stations and, yes, soft serve stations. Watch and see what they do with those cups, and straws and lids and dispenser nozzles and fingers and mouths. It is not urban legend. It is disturbing. Self serve stations are just giant petri dishes of various human DNA.

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If you ever have time to waste - to just people watch - go to your local convenience store. Watch the humans (regardless a child or adult) use the drink stations or icee stations and, yes, soft serve stations. Watch and see what they do with those cups, and straws and lids and dispenser nozzles and fingers and mouths. It is not urban legend. It is disturbing. Self serve stations are just giant petri dishes of various human DNA.


Ewww.:eek: Glad I am not a fan of self serve ice cream. I have concerns that they don't clean the nozzles enough. I prefer not to think about fountain drinks. Yuck. Can't get that image out of my head now. eww... :eek:

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Over the years I've seen most, if not all, the behavior that has been written about here. I've been on a cruise where there were so many kids....mostly tweens....that they actually took over the disco....past their assigned time, and into the wee hours. The cruise director let them since there were so many of them, and not so many adults who wanted to venture into it. I usually don't have issues with the "older" teens, who just want to hang out and talk in the public areas. When there are a bunch of kids sitting on the steps, and I'm descending (I can't ascend because of some mobility issues) I announce that I'm coming at them, and hope I won't fall on them...they usually move, quickly. I've seen the food fights, people fights, even an incident involving a "man"?? (could have been an ugly lady....hard to tell) going into the women's restroom, and somebody's boyfriend yelling at security that "he" shouldn't be allowed into the woman's bathroom. Never was able to verify the gender....but security settled it somehow, away from the scene.

I've been on cruises where the kids were horrible, and others where they were very well behaved.....notably, MSC cruises....(and the kids were free with 2 adults in the cabin!!)....but they were mostly European passengers....hmmm maybe it is the parents in the USA after all. ;)

I usually cruise now when school is in session, to avoid large crowds of kids. I also usually cruise Thanksgiving week.....I'll report on that later in the year...

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11 would be my curfew, but if the kids are at activities that should be fine. Maybe the curfew could be worded that the teens need to be at supervised activities after 11 and not just "out" or "hanging".


Good luck convincing Carnival (or any cruiseline for that matter) to entertain and enforce this.


Teenagers range from 13-19 years of age. I would not put the same restrictions on a 17 yr-old that I would a 13 yr-old. It also depends on the maturity level of the child. I find it interesting that 17 yr-olds are allowed to go off to college and enlist in the military (with parental consent), but should not be allowed to stay out past 11 pm without supervision.

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Good luck convincing Carnival (or any cruiseline for that matter) to entertain and enforce this.


Teenagers range from 13-19 years of age. I would not put the same restrictions on a 17 yr-old that I would a 13 yr-old. It also depends on the maturity level of the child. I find it interesting that 17 yr-olds are allowed to go off to college and enlist in the military (with parental consent), but should not be allowed to stay out past 11 pm without supervision.


From my experience on the teenaged mobs - it was the 12-15 years old that were the worst. Most 17 years acted older so the could get into the adult areas easier. Fine by me, as long as they acted like adults.

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Misbehaved kids usually don't bother me, as long as they're not everywhere and there's somewhere else I can go. If I see them, it might annoy me a little, but then I leave.


However, if I see a kid dispense ice cream straight to his/her mouth or take food from the buffet, take a bite and put it back, I will say something. I'll probably ask the kid where his/her parents are, call on one of the crew members and ask the ice cream machine be closed and sanitized, and the whole tray of food be replaced. You can say I'll make a little scene to catch everybody's attention and let them realize that that is unsanitary, detrimental to everybody else's health and just plain unacceptable.

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The teenagers and younger adults I have encountered on our cruises have, almost without exception been great. I spend much of my time wandering the ship, camera in hand. I talk to people. I take pictures. I treat the teens and young folks like I treat everyone else. I want to know what they are experiencing, what they think and how their cruise is going. Treating a young person with respect and valuing their opinions may be why I do not have negative experiences with them.



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Sometimes we A L L could use a time out!


People just use this forum as a place to vent about their negative experiences of all types, it's rarely personal.


When kids are acting up, I generally blame the parents, whether they are present or not. But the same more-or-less goes for people off all ages who misbehave.......their momma's didn't raise 'em right! OR, they are on vacation and taking chances, who knows?


No matter the age of the person or people involved, I would never let any random incident ruin my vacation. Some people are unhappy and just want others to join them in their misery. :rolleyes:

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When we were on the Dream in May, we had the infamous "Oklahoma Boys" that we 20 something who stayed drunk and awake the whole cruise!! They were awesome, they would sing together, dance, and generally have a great time. Never did I see them rude, and I don't drink at all!! My family and I loved those guys!! You would hear them coming down the hall in the wee hours singing and laughing their way to the cabin. The young kids were having a great time all over the ship, but I didn't see anything wrong with any of it. I chalked it up as a "fun" time. I love to see people on vacation letting loose and enjoying the cruise. To me, why not? People just look for things to complain about. I remember a few years back on the Liberty they warned about an adult themed show, and I heard so many people complaining about how raunchy it was. I was like, you were warned!! It was raunchy, but hey, they warned you, so don't complain.

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True story... on our last sea day last week, on the serenity deck, there was an older guy who started picking on a 17 year old in the hot tub (she supposedly was turning 18 the next day), and it escalated to him using the N word repeatedly at her. Some birthday cruise for her. Now, I have an issue with KIDS causing mayhem in ANY hot tub, but I certainly don't have an issue with a 17 year old hanging out with her aunt and other family in the hot tub. Just sitting there.


This guy bumped into them again a few hours later and started all over again. I'd rather deal with kids having fun than a racist bigoted old man who thinks that he is some kind of authority figure.


Wow! Had I witnessed that myself, I'm afraid I would not be able to keep my big mouth shut, I would have confronted him and/or complained to ship personnel about him. I guess I'm just an uppty broad :D

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Wow! Had I witnessed that myself, I'm afraid I would not be able to keep my big mouth shut, I would have confronted him and/or complained to ship personnel about him. I guess I'm just an uppty broad :D


At first, I just started yelling across the deck to "shut up" because I really didn't know who started and who was instigating. I was on my way back inside anyway. On my way down, I told someone in the spa that there was an altercation happening and that there was no staff in the area to alert security. From what I understand, security did show up at that point. Then, my friend saw the second altercation up close and personal and got the full story. She advocated on the girls' behalf to security and got the guy removed. It was quite disgusting to hear that that had all gone down.

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I have seen many extremely rude, loud, drunk adults on my 20 plus cruises and on one a group of teens who were out of control. One drunk woman kept having one of her boobs pop out of her sundress at dinner, it happened twice. Her loud, rude boyfriend thought this was hilarious. At least kids have a reason for being out of control=parents.

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Why are there so many complaints about teenage kids when I have encountered cruises where adults between the ages of 20-25 do so many inappropriate things, it would make even their parents ashamed. But nobody says anything about people at that age. Why? Because alcohol is involved? Get real. I have never came across a child around the ages of some of these complaints to ruin my cruise one bit. Lets get over it people. It's annoying and you sound like you hate life and think about how ignorant you sound that a 12 yr old "ruined" your WEEK long vacation. Its just sad. I have a very well behaved 4 yr old that gets enrolled in the kids program so I definitely don't let her run around alone and don't plan on it, just to make that clear.


Because to be honest, in MY experience, it has been the kids who I have seen do all the things people say they do. Yep, adults act up too. But not once on a cruise have I seen an adult push all the buttons on the elevator(saw kids do it), camp out and have a sit down party in the glass elevators(saw kids do it), run down the halls shrieking(saw kids do it), throw food around on Lido(saw kids do it), etc... I'm sure the idiot adults do this as well, but not in my experience. So I'll continue to complain about "unruly kids", and their clueless parents will continue to let them get away with murder. Well-behaved kids are awesome by the way, and my wife and I will for sure comment on good behavior. And nope, none of this ruins my cruise. But I refuse to ignore annoying, and intrusive and sometimes dangerous behaviors, just because they are "kids being kids".

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Threads like this make one believe that Carnival cruises rightfully deserve their reputation as the "wild child" of the cruise lines.

If all you Carnival cheerleaders are so upset with this fact, then make your kids behave by behaving yourselves and setting a good example for them to follow.


"Raised by Wolves" would have been a better title for this thread.

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Why are there so many complaints about teenage kids when I have encountered cruises where adults between the ages of 20-25 do so many inappropriate things, it would make even their parents ashamed. But nobody says anything about people at that age. Why? Because alcohol is involved? Get real. I have never came across a child around the ages of some of these complaints to ruin my cruise one bit. Lets get over it people. It's annoying and you sound like you hate life and think about how ignorant you sound that a 12 yr old "ruined" your WEEK long vacation. Its just sad. I have a very well behaved 4 yr old that gets enrolled in the kids program so I definitely don't let her run around alone and don't plan on it, just to make that clear.


How about 40-50 year olds? Seen plenty of bad behavior out of all age groups. :)

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Why are there so many complaints about teenage kids when I have encountered cruises where adults between the ages of 20-25 do so many inappropriate things, it would make even their parents ashamed. But nobody says anything about people at that age. Why? Because alcohol is involved? Get real. I have never came across a child around the ages of some of these complaints to ruin my cruise one bit. Lets get over it people. It's annoying and you sound like you hate life and think about how ignorant you sound that a 12 yr old "ruined" your WEEK long vacation. Its just sad. I have a very well behaved 4 yr old that gets enrolled in the kids program so I definitely don't let her run around alone and don't plan on it, just to make that clear.


Uggghhh, really? Do you think that there are not some parents that do not control their children? It may not ruin the entire cruise however it can make it unpleasant. Talk about ignorant. :eek:

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