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Legend 8/28/11 review... NO HURRICANE, with lots of pics (yep, food porn)


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I’m late getting started on this, but work seemed to get in the way this week – those 2nd graders seem to want me to be prepared every day!


This will be totally my opinion of our vacation – if you are looking for reviews with hairy chest contests or shopping talks you can click away now, there is nothing for you here. I’ve been on 9 Carnival cruises now and have never been to either. I’m not crazy about hairy men (kinda high on my ick factor, if you must know), and I’ve managed to shop at every single port I’ve been to, without any assistance (just ask my husband, I’m pretty darn good at it!!!)…. but if you want to just hear about 4 normal (?) people on vacation, with lots of pics, including food porn (because you know you want it)…. keep reading.


There were 4 of us on this trip, me, my dh B. and a couple of great friends, L and W. It was my 9th Carnival cruise, B’s 7th Carnival (we’ve been on a couple of other lines), L’s 2nd (teachers on spring break a couple of years ago was her 1st) and W was a cruise virgin.

We left on Wednesday, Aug. 24 about noon. We did manage to get all the stuff into the trunk, years of doing jigsaw puzzles pays off




I hook up Norma (our GPS, named after my mother because it’s an annoying voice that tells you what to do all the time and never admits when she’s wrong) and off we go…. We got as far as Tifton, GA the first night. Up early on Thursday to more sunshine and COPS everywhere…. every few miles there they were, on both sides of the interstate. Made for slow going.

(we stopped for gas, dh asked me where we were… I told him “on some Flippen road. “ … I was right:




We drove to Redington Beach – spending a couple of days on the beach pre-cruise. Dh and I have stayed here before (Doubletree), I grew up in Indian Rocks Beach, so this is close to ‘home’ for me. Nice hotel, good service…



my blood pressure dropped 25 points when my feet hit the sand. Ahhhhh, home.

Scattered showers, or rather scattered sunshine, but who cares? We’re on the beach, and I’m HOME!!




Went to the Conch Republic the first night for dinner – it was in walking distance so no designated driver needed. Good thing when the first thing they tell you is it’s Happy Hour, 2 for 1 Margaritas and Conch Fritters and I’m a happy, happy girl




Friday we spent in the sun. Chairs by the pool just steps away from the $25 chairs. Same view, saving $$ for DODs later!!




There was a Luau at the hotel that night. Decent food (steak cooked to order, pork loin, chicken, boiled shrimp, mussels… good enough. …. they had a ‘band’ (and I use that term very loosely), but they couldn’t stay on key, and they didn’t know all the words to any song they attempted to play. But if you felt what you thought was an earthquake that night, it was just Bob Marley spinning in his grave – they “played” One Love, and just sang the chorus over, and over, and over, and over.. no other words from the song at all. They actually sang “I don’t know the words” a few times, as well as directions to the bar and the bathrooms… and to the tip jar. Here’s a tip…. learn the words to the songs!

Saturday spent the same way, beach, pool, food, drink…. repeat as needed. Packed up and ready for Sunday.

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Big fan of the Legend! And long, long ago.....in the early 70's, I had a great week at Indian Rocks Beach as a young teen! My dad was stationed at McDill AFB at the time (he was a Marine) Looking forward to the rest of your review!

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Big fan of the Legend! And long, long ago.....in the early 70's, I had a great week at Indian Rocks Beach as a young teen! My dad was stationed at McDill AFB at the time (he was a Marine) Looking forward to the rest of your review!


Hey, watch that "long long ago" stuff! I was there... in high school at that time!!! (class of '73)

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Sunday, August 28.


It’s finally here… all those months of anticipation and it’s here…. we pack the car and drive in the drizzle to the port. A little water didn’t put a damper on our spirits, we were READY to cruise and looking for the first whale tail spotting…..

There it is!!! Wooo Hooooo!





A couple of minutes later, there she is… just waiting for us…




We dropped L and W and the 2 bags for the porters (tipped well) off in front of the Aquarium, just to the left of the port at about 11:15, then dh and I went to park the car. Just follow the signs to get to the parking garage entrance, even though you will wonder where in the heck you are going…. just head in this general direction:



follow the signs: go ¾ away around the ‘circle’, then right, then right again and you’ll be in front of the parking garage that’s in the picture. Walked back to meet L and W, take a quick restroom break (inside the room in the front), then in the line to board. We were through security fairly quickly, they did want me to open our carry-on, guess 2 bottles of wine and a CPAP machine look rather strange on their machine! Not a problem, they were very nice about it. Then off to the lines. They are like the ones at WDW, only this time the ride at the end is much longer!! We were in zone 10, they were calling 7 when we sat down, just a few minutes wait, off to the first photo op (gives us something to laugh at later), get the pic loaded to our cards, and “BONG”, we’re ON BOARD!




We were past all the urns and in the Unicorn Café by 12:15. Easy embarkation. We claimed a table and did the ‘divide and conquer’ approach. I headed to the deli for a Reuben sandwich and a salad, dh off to the buffet line. L and W wandered around and found more than enough to keep them happy. L and I headed to the Spa for a tour, we’ve decided that we’re going to book massages, so we book for Monday morning to get the discount. Head down to cabins a few minutes later, we booked the same cabin we had last time, 4172, L and W are next door in 4170. Great location, no cabins across the hall (atrium), take a left and you are on the top level of the Follies theater, take a right to the aft elevators, down 2 floors for dinner. Makes it easy to stop back to the room for another glass of wine on the way to a show.


Safety briefing around 3:15, painless. I love not having to take those life jackets with us. I was always the ‘lucky’ one stuck in front of the drunk that wanted to blow that nasty whistle. I don’t miss that at all. We were a few minutes late leaving, not sure why, but soon we were CRUISING!!!!



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Luggage appeared at about 4:00, so I unpacked (which doesn’t take long, we pack light now), and back up on deck to wait for the Sunshine Skyway bridge. There it is……




Getting closer….




made it….




We went under just about 6:30. We then headed back to our cabins for a little rest before dinner. I had the guacamole and chips (can’t believe I forgot to take some pics, but I did, sorry), it was pretty good, not Paradise Beach guac good, but better than some good. I had the Chicken a al Grecque, tasty, and the Crème Brulee for dessert.




Our head waitress was Lovely, and she truly was. Always a smile.




Dh went to the Welcome Aboard show, I just crashed. Something about that first night on board, I get rocked to sleep like a baby!! Plus, L and I have 8:00 spa appointments, so we’re getting up early in the morning….

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Monday, Aug. 29


Up early for room service before our spa appointment. Melon and a bagel always taste much better with a view of the water. The spa gave us a wake-up call around 7:40 so we won’t miss our time. Nice of them, I’m sure plenty of people forget/oversleep. L and I head up to the spa, fill out the forms, and off to our rooms – I got a 75 minute hot stone massage (my total addiction/weakness), L got a hot bamboo massage. In all my cruises this was the first time I’ve done the spa thing. I get hot stone massages fairly regularly, this was L’s 2nd massage ever, and her first one over 30 minutes. While the spa is not as “spa like” as the land one I usually go to, they were professional all the way. I did tell her that I was not interested in purchasing any products – just here for some relaxation. Small treatment rooms (but I know space is limited), dim lights, quiet music, comfy table… and a great massage. Sometimes they don’t use the stones much, but she used them for most of the massage, which I loved. L loved her bamboo massage, said they used different sizes, all warmed. We both came out totally useless for the rest of the day.


We headed to the Serenity deck to see if we would be lucky enough to score some chairs. YES!! right in my favorite place, too – right in the middle of the back row – here’s my favorite view for a sea day:




this was only improved by the addition of a blow fish. Yep, I had to have one….




There was some kind of orange drink – Coral Crush. Not sure what was in it, just interested in the fish!!! It was OK, a little sweet for me, but I’m a margarita kind of girl. In case you are wondering what that fish looks like inside, here ya go:




there is a cup with a lid inside, and it kept the drink cold for a long time. I have the funnel cup and a monkey head, the fish may find its way to my classroom (under the sea theme going on in there, go figure)


L and I camped here for the day – rest, read, drink, eat, repeat…. grabbed a burger for lunch, repeat morning schedule. I have the sea day relaxation routing down pat! B and W did their things… B found a shady spot and read, then headed down to the steam room/sauna in the spa, while W watched movies in the room. Everyone was happy.

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The show tonight (at 7:00 for late seating diners, 9:00 for early diners, we had late seating) was Jazz Hot. Not bad, for what it is. Years ago you had to go 30 minutes before show time to get a seat, not any more. Get there at the last minute and have your choice of seats. Kind of a shame, maybe they need to change the shows more often. We were on the Legend 2 years ago, same “show”, different songs, most of the settings were the same. We enjoyed it, L plays percussion and piano and sings (she sang at our dd’s wedding), me? I can usually find a station on the radio.


Dinner tonight was the first ‘elegant’ night… and I must say we didn’t see anyone who didn’t fit that description. Not like the old “Formal” nights with many tuxes and formal gowns, but did still see a few. I’ve gotten more casual, and dh loves it (he wears a suit and tie every.single. day, so when I told him he didn’t even need to take his jacket this time he was a happy cruiser). L and I dressed up more than the guys, but that’s because we wanted to. Here we are:




(W, L, me, and B)


I had the Greek Farmer’s Salad (I don’t care for raw onions, so I always ask if it’s possible to get it without, most times I’m told “no, sorry, it’s already made”), I asked, Lovely didn’t blink an eye, Not a problem…. so here it is, with no onions!




We also tried the Spicy Alligator Fritters:



Not bad, not really spicy (IMHO, but my taste buds were formed while living in the Bahamas, so I like to sweat when I eat spicy stuff!), they had a tendency to fall apart, but the flavor was pretty good.


Then the main course, lobster, and this was the best lobster we’ve had on a cruise. Not mushy like some I’ve sent back, but cooked just right. yum.




After dinner we headed to the Firebird Lounge for comedy. As always, that room was PACKED. They’ve moved chairs in between all the rows of couches, so shorty people like me can’t see worth a darn, but they were still funny. I can’t tell you who we saw, but everyone we saw was funny (cruise + margaritas + comedy show = funny. do the math) Tonight was Al Romas and Scotty K.




Check out all the added chairs. Not easy to get in and out of your seats now, on top of I can’t see (did I mention I’m short?)


Off to bed, Cozumel in the morning….. I feel a Margarita in my future.

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Monday, Aug. 29


Up early for room service before our spa appointment. Melon and a bagel always taste much better with a view of the water. The spa gave us a wake-up call around 7:40 so we won’t miss our time. Nice of them, I’m sure plenty of people forget/oversleep. L and I head up to the spa, fill out the forms, and off to our rooms – I got a 75 minute hot stone massage (my total addiction/weakness), L got a hot bamboo massage. In all my cruises this was the first time I’ve done the spa thing. I get hot stone massages fairly regularly, this was L’s 2nd massage ever, and her first one over 30 minutes. While the spa is not as “spa like” as the land one I usually go to, they were professional all the way. I did tell her that I was not interested in purchasing any products – just here for some relaxation. Small treatment rooms (but I know space is limited), dim lights, quiet music, comfy table… and a great massage. Sometimes they don’t use the stones much, but she used them for most of the massage, which I loved. L loved her bamboo massage, said they used different sizes, all warmed. We both came out totally useless for the rest of the day.


We headed to the Serenity deck to see if we would be lucky enough to score some chairs. YES!! right in my favorite place, too – right in the middle of the back row – here’s my favorite view for a sea day:




this was only improved by the addition of a blow fish. Yep, I had to have one….




There was some kind of orange drink – Coral Crush. Not sure what was in it, just interested in the fish!!! It was OK, a little sweet for me, but I’m a margarita kind of girl. In case you are wondering what that fish looks like inside, here ya go:




there is a cup with a lid inside, and it kept the drink cold for a long time. I have the funnel cup and a monkey head, the fish may find its way to my classroom (under the sea theme going on in there, go figure)


L and I camped here for the day – rest, read, drink, eat, repeat…. grabbed a burger for lunch, repeat morning schedule. I have the sea day relaxation routing down pat! B and W did their things… B found a shady spot and read, then headed down to the steam room/sauna in the spa, while W watched movies in the room. Everyone was happy.


GREAT review - so far! We'll be on the Legend (again) in a couple weeks:D I was wondering.....how much was the stone massage? Was it cheaper beause you did it the first morning? Thanks. Now, back to reading your review!

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GREAT review - so far! We'll be on the Legend (again) in a couple weeks:D I was wondering.....how much was the stone massage? Was it cheaper beause you did it the first morning? Thanks. Now, back to reading your review!


There was some kind of 'deal' if you signed up the first day - I think it was the 75 minute for the price of the 50 minute? Maybe?? Not sure, we just wanted to start the cruise off right! It was around $149 or so... plus tip (which she deserved, totally). More than what I pay on land, but still worth it.

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I’m late getting started on this, but work seemed to get in the way this week – those 2nd graders seem to want me to be prepared every day!


This will be totally my opinion of our vacation – if you are looking for reviews with hairy chest contests or shopping talks you can click away now, there is nothing for you here. I’ve been on 9 Carnival cruises now and have never been to either. I’m not crazy about hairy men (kinda high on my ick factor, if you must know), and I’ve managed to shop at every single port I’ve been to, without any assistance (just ask my husband, I’m pretty darn good at it!!!)…. but if you want to just hear about 4 normal (?) people on vacation, with lots of pics, including food porn (because you know you want it)…. keep reading.


There were 4 of us on this trip, me, my dh B. and a couple of great friends, L and W. It was my 9th Carnival cruise, B’s 7th Carnival (we’ve been on a couple of other lines), L’s 2nd (teachers on spring break a couple of years ago was her 1st) and W was a cruise virgin.

We left on Wednesday, Aug. 24 about noon. We did manage to get all the stuff into the trunk, years of doing jigsaw puzzles pays off




I hook up Norma (our GPS, named after my mother because it’s an annoying voice that tells you what to do all the time and never admits when she’s wrong) and off we go…. We got as far as Tifton, GA the first night. Up early on Thursday to more sunshine and COPS everywhere…. every few miles there they were, on both sides of the interstate. Made for slow going.

(we stopped for gas, dh asked me where we were… I told him “on some Flippen road. “ … I was right:




We drove to Redington Beach – spending a couple of days on the beach pre-cruise. Dh and I have stayed here before (Doubletree), I grew up in Indian Rocks Beach, so this is close to ‘home’ for me. Nice hotel, good service…



my blood pressure dropped 25 points when my feet hit the sand. Ahhhhh, home.

Scattered showers, or rather scattered sunshine, but who cares? We’re on the beach, and I’m HOME!!




Went to the Conch Republic the first night for dinner – it was in walking distance so no designated driver needed. Good thing when the first thing they tell you is it’s Happy Hour, 2 for 1 Margaritas and Conch Fritters and I’m a happy, happy girl




Friday we spent in the sun. Chairs by the pool just steps away from the $25 chairs. Same view, saving $$ for DODs later!!




There was a Luau at the hotel that night. Decent food (steak cooked to order, pork loin, chicken, boiled shrimp, mussels… good enough. …. they had a ‘band’ (and I use that term very loosely), but they couldn’t stay on key, and they didn’t know all the words to any song they attempted to play. But if you felt what you thought was an earthquake that night, it was just Bob Marley spinning in his grave – they “played” One Love, and just sang the chorus over, and over, and over, and over.. no other words from the song at all. They actually sang “I don’t know the words” a few times, as well as directions to the bar and the bathrooms… and to the tip jar. Here’s a tip…. learn the words to the songs!

Saturday spent the same way, beach, pool, food, drink…. repeat as needed. Packed up and ready for Sunday.


What is the name of this hotel? Looks like someplace I would love to stay.

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Keep it coming!:D Not long before i'm on the Legend!

Here's hoping for smooth sailing for you (and I admit to being jealous.... need a tour guide????)


Loving the review! Can't wait for the rest :)

Thanks, having fun reliving the cruise.


love the food porn, and that fish cup is really kinda cute...


bonus points for stunt-packing the car!!


fun review so far....:)


L and I had to pack it, the guys weren't much help!

Love my fish cup!

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What is the name of this hotel? Looks like someplace I would love to stay.


That's the North Redington Beach Doubletree (it used to be a Hilton, but they changed the name, still part of the Hilton family). The worst thing I can say about this place is that the elevators were kind of slow. I guess they work on island time, too. But I just love a place with this sign in the bar:




and friendly bar staff:




We will stay here again, for sure.

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That's the North Redington Beach Doubletree (it used to be a Hilton, but they changed the name, still part of the Hilton family). The worst thing I can say about this place is that the elevators were kind of slow. I guess they work on island time, too. But I just love a place with this sign in the bar:




and friendly bar staff:




We will stay here again, for sure.



Thank you

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