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Not sure if this was normal?


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that doesn't sound normal at all to me. Our stewards have always gone above and beyond. We've left glasses and food stuff on on balcony before because we forgot and it was always gone when we got back. I've never noticed a room being dusty but I would say what you experienced is definitely not normal at all.

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On my last cruise I couldn't have had better staff. In the past I have had to ask glasses be removed or replaced.


Had one awful experience. Met the steward the first day who told me he'd respond to a beeper page between certain hours only. He didn't. Never saw him. Couldn't get anything from him. I'd always have to find someone else.


Another time one guy was leering at my 16 y/o daughter who is drop dead gorgeous. It was creepy. He was reported and tip removed at suggestion of Purser.

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Normally they pick up the food service trays left by the doors. You should have had your room dusted, and trash picked up.


I think I would have told the room steward that I wanted things cleaner.


Oh my, Yes! If the friendly reminder does not solve the problem, I would escalate. A request to speak with the hotel services director would be next. That is totally unacceptable. It sounds as if the OP had a rookie steward.



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i also just returned form the triumph on the 9/17 we were on deck 7 foward and are room was always clean MR P kept are roomspot less i would have either told Guest Services or talked to the steward as this was my 4th cruise and have only had one problem with my room steward and that was about not taking out the trash other than that they are great normally i hope you get a better one on your next cruise
I also had Mr P and the room was spotless, I would have said something to Guest Services. I have cruised numerous times on carnival and never had a bad room steward.
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:) Planning a trip on the dream for January right now! Woot Woot!



Glad you didn't let that one thing taint your amazing cruise, and you're already planning another! It's an addiction!!!


No one else mentioned it but I caught that you said you didn't even get the samples in the basket in the bathroom. This is NOT normal at all... I highly doubt one person could get cursed with a lazy room steward twice so I hope your Dream room steward is AMAZING. There are some really good ones out there. We had a yound lady on our last cruise who turned out to probably be my all time favorite Carnival employees ever.... such a sweetheart and such a hard worker.


Have fun on your next cruise!!!

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I think that the stewards really do not want to mess with people's stuff that is on the desk or tabletops.


I don't expect others to pick up my trash or cups.

I gather all that stuff up and put it where it should be.


Picking up trash and cups, dirty dishes etc. is their job.


You had a problem that obviously caused irritation.


You failed to deal with it.


Had you immediately brought the problem to the attention of the steward or their superiors then the problem would have (hopefully) been sorted out.


No one to blame but yourself. But now you know for next time...:)


The blame lies on bad service. The op does not sound irritated to me, just asking if this is the norm.

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Picking up trash and cups, dirty dishes etc. is their job.


The blame lies on bad service. The op does not sound irritated to me, just asking if this is the norm.

The fact that the OP made reference to the "really bad cleaning service" that nearly brought them to reporting the incidents, followed by the fact that the OP felt strongly enough to post a thread questioning this behaviour...I'd say they were irritated, even if only mildly.



And yes, it shouldn't have happened in the first place and that's the fault of Carnival or that specific steward, but the OP could have killed the problem without much fuss. :)

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oh my, that is an anomaly! I have been on Carnival 4 times (about to go on my 5th) and on three other cruise lines besides and always had wonderful cabin service from the stewards. Better than even the nicest hotels, to be honest (and I've stayed in some VERY nice hotels).

Sorry you got a lazy room steward!

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That is definitely NOT normal. Make sure you write or e-mail customer service with your booking info and name of the Steward. They need to know. It happened to us once about 7 years ago on the Sensation. It has never happened since and if it did I would go straight to Guest Services on the ship and get them on it right away.

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"However, I have noticed that if I leave a glass out with any type of liquid in it, most usually, it will still be sitting there when I return to the cabin. I don't know if the cabin stewards have been told not to touch these for fear that the cruiser may still want to finish that drink?"


This is true. The steward know that YOU paid for the drink (water or whatever) and they will NOT empty it and replace the glass. If you have finished it and the glass is empty then they will replace it with a clean glass.


The steward also will NOT touch any of your items. If you leave clothes on the bed they will not make the bed. While they do a great job they also respect you and your belongings.

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"However, I have noticed that if I leave a glass out with any type of liquid in it, most usually, it will still be sitting there when I return to the cabin. I don't know if the cabin stewards have been told not to touch these for fear that the cruiser may still want to finish that drink?"


This is true. The steward know that YOU paid for the drink (water or whatever) and they will NOT empty it and replace the glass. If you have finished it and the glass is empty then they will replace it with a clean glass.


The steward also will NOT touch any of your items. If you leave clothes on the bed they will not make the bed. While they do a great job they also respect you and your belongings.


Wow I have always had drinks that were half full taken away as well as had my bed made up and turned down even though I will have some clothing on it such as pj's. They just make it and put the clothing back on top. And they have always straightened our dressing table and fold up my hair appliances nice and neat.....and take our personal sunglasses and add them to the towel animals.......as well as straightened up our personal stuff in the bathroom....

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"However, I have noticed that if I leave a glass out with any type of liquid in it, most usually, it will still be sitting there when I return to the cabin. I don't know if the cabin stewards have been told not to touch these for fear that the cruiser may still want to finish that drink?"


This is true. The steward know that YOU paid for the drink (water or whatever) and they will NOT empty it and replace the glass. If you have finished it and the glass is empty then they will replace it with a clean glass.


The steward also will NOT touch any of your items. If you leave clothes on the bed they will not make the bed. While they do a great job they also respect you and your belongings.


Yes they will leave your drinks alone if they know you paid for it, but on my last cruise our room steward would always fold my night gown. I would completely forget I left it on the bed and I would come back later that day to a made bed and a folded nightgown. Totally not what I expected. I even mentioned to my husband that I felt like our stewardess went above and beyond and we tipped her accordingly. I also found my hair straightener that had been left on the desk next to the outlet wrapped up nicely and put away in it's case. Also, she organized our shoes in our little closet outside the bathroom. These are the things I think make a steward from being ok to be spectacular. We know we will probably never get that kind of treatment again, but we really did enjoy it.

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If you leave clothes on the bed they will not make the bed.


I've never had that happen before! On the contrary, they usually make my bed and neatly fold my nightgown if I leave it on the bed. :)


OP: I understand about now knowing what is normal or not on the first cruise. I had something happen on my Ecstasy cruise earlier this year that didn't seem quite right...so I posted here about it asking what others thought. Most said I should notify Carnival, and I did. It wasn't earth shattering and didn't affect my cruise in the least, but I wasn't sure if I should say anything and to whom.


It's hard that first time around not knowing what to expect! ;)

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You would have to think that Carnival has a housekeeping policy that's set in stone with regards to the the stewards' do's and don't's (what to do with clothes left on the bed, half-empty glasses, trash on floor etc. etc.), covering all ships and all personnel.


In which case, are we talking 'rogue' stewards here?

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Sounds like it is as simple as some room stewards are more efficient than others that's all.

Then again, I suppose it could be one of those many times for the stewards when it's "damned if you do, damned if you don't".


Some people will complain if the bed isn't made, but they'll also complain if their clothes are moved in order to make that bed...:rolleyes:

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Then again, I suppose it could be one of those many times for the stewards when it's "damned if you do, damned if you don't".


Some people will complain if the bed isn't made, but they'll also complain if their clothes are moved in order to make that bed...:rolleyes:


umm this thread is about not vacuming, picking up trash, clearing away dishes etc.......pretty much everything the steward is suppose to do........why make this into something it's not:confused:

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I don't think it's all that unusual for Carnival any more. We had long black hairs in our sheets (we were all either blonde or redheads). One duvet reeked of body odor.... before we even had spent the night in the bed. We had a GS and we had to find the steward DAILY to ask that the sofa be made back into a sofa rather than leave 3 beds w/ no where to sit. And the bathroom.... brrrrrrrr I just got chills thinking of what we found in the shower.

I contacted guest services and later i contacted various departments (Customer service etc) and got "oh my we're so sorry." 18 of us cruised together and we all decided never to cruise Carnival again (though I'm semi reluctantly trying the Magic as it's out of Galveston soon).


Oh and I'm not a new cruiser. As soon as the Platinum ranking came into being through the past passenger program, I was Platinum w/ Carnival. Doubt that I'll ever make milestone.

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We just got back from our cruise on the Triumph. Had a wonderful trip but really bad cleaning service. Since this was our first trip I was unsure of what to expect I have heard wonderful stories about the stewards and staff. We left on our auto tip pay so that shouldn't be an issue. But the only thing that was clean in our room was the beds. When we walked in nothing had been dusted but the floors and bathroom were clean so I just shrugged it off because I was on vacation. Then my mother inlaw same steward asked if our room was as dirty as hers. I said well maybe they will get to it the next time they clean. Well the next few days I noticed that if my kids left a milk carton empty that morning on the table it would still be there that night and any glasses that we would use would never be replaced so we had to set them outside the door. After about 3 days I noticed the rooms were not being vacuumed so I started leaving a few pieces of trash here and there and that was still there the day we left. Along with the bathroom sink not once wiped down. My mother-inlaw and I really wanted to report this but being our first cruise our husbands were worried that we were stuck on this boat and we would get horrible treatment from the rest of the staff. Has anything like this happen to you? What does most cleaning staff actually clean- just so I now if this is normal or not. Also we stayed on the 7th floor and the trash and food trays lined the halls for 3 hours at a time. Please don't hate me I just would like to know what is normal for Carnival.

stop...no one hates you...but sorry to say ....it really is your own fault for no speaking up...


It doesn't matter what anyone else expects..nor does it matter that it is your first cruise and didn't know what to expect.....


if it was unacceptable to you...then you should have said something to the steward immeadiately...and if not satisfied with 24 to 48 hours...you should have called housekeeping...

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Every OV cabin I've had (not many, but this includes HAL), the shelf behind the curtain had been very dusty.


Yes, they vacuum, but it doesn't seem that they move anything to get to any out-of-the-way places.


But I don't expect the desk, etc, to be dusted daily. Of course, I probably wouldn't notice. I certainly don't dust at home daily.


Picking up and moving our piles of stuff has sometimes been done. Sometimes, half-drunk glasses have been left; other times they've been removed (usually this is what has happened).


If I leave clothes on the bed, I've come back to find them folded in a neat pile, which always make me feel rather embarassed.


All I ask is that the bed be made, the towels changed, the bathroom cleaned, and the ice bucket refilled.


Cabin steward doesn't need to come by and chat. Just be polite and do the above.


That's all I ask and all I expect.

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If you let them know, politely, that there is something you wish they would have done - they are usually respond pretty well. I never had an issue with my cruises, but the last cruise, when they opened the rooms, we went straight to our room. While unpacking, my husband asked what I thought that white stuff was on the nightstand. From far away, it just looked like some kind of top coat protectant, or something. He went over and touched it and it was a layer of white powder on the entire top of the night stand. It had to have been there for a long time. So, just then our head steward knocked on the door to introduce himself and we, very nicely asked that when he got a chance would he check out the nightstand. He immediately went and got 2 other stewards and they were in our room cleaning from top to bottom, dusting, vacuumming, scrubbing walls, etc. We said we just wanted the night stand taken care of and he said no, no this is their job and he was so very very sorry. I don't know if he was just overly friendly or if it was because that first day, but for the rest of the cruise, he was always asking if there was anything he could do for us. So, I think the key is to ask nicely - they really do want to do a good job and their work is inspected and they will get reprimanded - but I think everyone has a bad day now and then.

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Then again, I suppose it could be one of those many times for the stewards when it's "damned if you do, damned if you don't".


Some people will complain if the bed isn't made, but they'll also complain if their clothes are moved in order to make that bed...:rolleyes:


umm this thread is about not vacuming, picking up trash, clearing away dishes etc.......pretty much everything the steward is suppose to do........why make this into something it's not:confused:

I was specifically referring to the issue of stewards moving clothes or not in order to make the bed...or not. Nothing to do with vacuuming, trash, dishes...


That's sort of why I mentioned clothes and bed. :)


Oh, like every conversation in the real world, online threads will always naturally migrate/meander/evolve/devolve(?) into other subjects not EXACTLY related to the opening thought. It happens. Accept it.

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