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Viking China (Part 2)


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Is anyone else on this cruise? sorry i didn't know how to start a new thread.


Welcome to Cruise Critic's Viking China thread.


There are very few Cruise Critic threads for specific Viking China river cruises, so you came to the correct place to post.

Edited by caribill
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Thank you for the tips. I have 2 batteries, charging now. Several flash cards, maybe I'll purchase more. I thought of uploading to my Kindle Fire during the trip, although I am sure there will be plenty of nights when I'll be too tired. I could also take a small notebook computer, but wasn't really planning on taking it unless it is more convenient than the Kindle. I'll need to check that out. The Kindle would require WI-Fi though. The canon was my husband's and I fell in love with it when I started using it; I can't even remember what I used before then. I will need to check out the Sony, the panoramic feature sounds attractive. Photoblog is not available right now, but I'll try to sign on. I second Pacmom's sentiments, have a lovely trip.

Hey there Bayerisch

We always download our photos after each day incase the camera goes wacky (we had this happen after photographing 250+ headstones) and if something happens to the camera we won't lose all our photos. It also helps to keep the photos seperated incase we forget where we were when one was taken. I use the Canon point & shoot it also takes movies and is great for when you need to be fast to get a photo. We have not found yet a small camera that takes movies and allows you to zoom in while filming and keep the shot clear. Ruth Ann in an older post suggested a harness type holster that the larger cameras just attache to between shots making it easier to carry, we have ordered one to try it out before going in Sep then if it works for us we'll get another one.


I agree on not wearing jeans if hot they chaf, I wear the light cotton pants that will dry out if I sweat or get wet. I don't do skirts but skorts might be a good choice if they can be found.


I got the MMR they are having an outbreak in China right now it is on the State page and recommended you get a booster if born before 1957. If I was going to the open market where they have chickens I would be concerned about SARS but then again I have been told I should work for the government doing safety checks in restaurants.

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Peregina: While Bob and I are encouraging everyone to do Cultural Delights, I guess our entreaties are falling on deaf ears because they have actually cut back the number of CD cruises. Viking used to have two ships on the Yangtze; now they only have one. There were 8 CD cruises when we went in 2010 and now they are only doing 6 per year (March, August and October/November). CD cruises are always done in pairs because once they send the ship down to Nanjing, they have to sail it back up river, and they aren't going to sail empty.


I wanted to do this one but hubby can only get so much time off at once and this was just too long. I don't think it is the actual cruise it is time restrictions Also great pic of the wedding headdress, that thing is gorgeous.

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I use the Canon point & shoot it also takes movies and is great for when you need to be fast to get a photo. We have not found yet a small camera that takes movies and allows you to zoom in while filming and keep the shot clear.


I have a Sony DSC-H9v. It is 16.2 megapixels, 1080P movies, you can zoom and take stills while the movie is in progress. It has a built in GPS, panorama mode and great manual capabilites AND fits in your pocket. The auto is so good you really don't need manual. I bought it last year for around $300. The only real troublesome spot is the auto focus sometime has trouble on what to focus on (ie. through a screen). I should add that there are other models with different features that could raise or lower the price.

It beats the heck out of carrying my big camera and having to prove to security that those lens are really lenses.

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Couple thoughts...


We too were limited to the Imperial Jewels by time off, not desire. 19 Oct is still quite a ways off but we're excited to hear it all as we wait. I also appreciate the discussions of immunizations since we're making those decisions these days ourselves.


Many newer cameras have that panorama mode to stitch photos together. I just purchased a new Canon with a super zoom in anticipation of this trip and it has that feature too. There's actually a part of cruise critic with great camera discussions and many opinions. It's at http://boards.cruisecritic.com/forumdisplay.php?f=118


I use my smartphone as a mini laptop often when I travel and when I bring a laptop too I find my phone similar in speed. I think they're both simply limited by the shared hotel or Starbucks wifi.


When you're international data roaming charges can be quite high so be sure to turn off mobile data. I don't even bother with an international calling plan to cover texts and calls since there's a monthly charge to it and it only saves a little bit per minute. I only plan to use my phone for emergencies anyway. I make sure my carrier (Verizon) knows to turn on international call access before I go. Text messages do not use the data mode. I've used Skype successfully internationally when I have a good wi-fi connection and had a good call without voice or data charges or a laptop. It works but it can take a little effort initially to get everything to align.

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Couple thoughts...


We too were limited to the Imperial Jewels by time off, not desire.



My guess is that vacation time and cost are the main determinants for most people. From the Viking point of view, they can do twice as many 5 day cruises in a season thereby accommodating twice as many passengers. With the new China Explorer (based on the five day cruise) in the line up, I hope they don't eliminate Cultural Delights completely. It is good that we have choices. :D



From bayerisch: great pic of the wedding headdress, that thing is gorgeous.


Thanks. I like finding things in local museums and then sharing them. For me, it is like an extension of the trip--and a chance to learn something more. In the Boston area, both the MFA and the Peabody-Essex Museum (Salem, MA) have beautiful collections of Chinese art and objects. In fact, the P-E-M, has a whole Chinese house. If you keep your eyes open, you can find all sorts of exhibits. The Xi'an Warriors were in Montreal a few years back (no, not all of them) and P-E-M hosted an exhibition of restored objects from the Forbidden City on their only visit to the US. Maybe there are more people like me who like checking out this stuff in museums.

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I have a Sony DSC-H9v. It has a built in GPS, panorama mode and great manual capabilites AND fits in your pocket.


Couple thoughts...



Many newer cameras have that panorama mode to stitch photos together. I just purchased a new Canon with a super zoom in anticipation of this trip and it has that feature too.


The Sony camera takes panorama pictures, no stitching of photos involved.

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Hey there Bayerisch

We always download our photos after each day incase the camera goes wacky (we had this happen after photographing 250+ headstones) and if something happens to the camera we won't lose all our photos. It also helps to keep the photos seperated incase we forget where we were when one was taken. I use the Canon point & shoot it also takes movies and is great for when you need to be fast to get a photo. We have not found yet a small camera that takes movies and allows you to zoom in while filming and keep the shot clear. Ruth Ann in an older post suggested a harness type holster that the larger cameras just attache to between shots making it easier to carry, we have ordered one to try it out before going in Sep then if it works for us we'll get another one.


I agree on not wearing jeans if hot they chaf, I wear the light cotton pants that will dry out if I sweat or get wet. I don't do skirts but skorts might be a good choice if they can be found.


I got the MMR they are having an outbreak in China right now it is on the State page and recommended you get a booster if born before 1957. If I was going to the open market where they have chickens I would be concerned about SARS but then again I have been told I should work for the government doing safety checks in restaurants.


I am trying to figure out my wardrobe. I usually do take 2 jeans and just wash the, how to say politely..., well the crotch area. Denim takes forever to dry. Cotton pants will be all wrinkled when they dry, if washed in your room, right? Or, is there an iron that can be used? I suspect if I send clothes to the onboard laundry, they will be thrown into the dryer - can't do that with my cotton/denim because then they would shrink. I am packing several golf-material shirts which should be fine either in ship laundry or in the sink.


I just went to the travel clinic last week and MMR was not mentioned. I was born IN 1957 so maybe that small disctinction makes a difference. I better call and ask though. So much to think about.


Thanks everyone, for all the camera and phone info too.

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We are on Imperial Jewels, Beijing to Shanghai, in November. We arrive the day before Day 1 of the tour, so have a "forced overnight" in Beijing. From the basic itinerary that was sent with our confirmation months ago, it looks to me like there is no touring scheduled for Day 1, just arrive and check into the hotel for those arriving that day. I was thinking that we therefore may have at least part of that day free to tour on our own. Can anyone tell me, from your experience, if this is correct? There are a couple of places we'd like to see that are not on the Viking tour.


These two Viking China threads are a great source of information. Thank you to all who have been contributing to them. I have particularly been enjoying the recent trip reports.

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I am trying to figure out my wardrobe. I usually do take 2 jeans and just wash the, how to say politely..., well the crotch area. Denim takes forever to dry. Cotton pants will be all wrinkled when they dry, if washed in your room, right? Or, is there an iron that can be used? .

Yes, denim will not dry. Even in May, it took Julie's jeans a couple of days to dry when she washed them in the sink. But on the other hand, a smaller area can be helped along with a hair dryer.


Clothing that has already been dried in a machine should not shrink any more than it already has. We used the ship's laundry and did not have any shrinkage problems with our cottons. Not my dresses and tank tops and DH's Dockers or cotton polos.


I believe ironing service is available from the laundry but I don't remember if irons were available to to pax. Check the price list on the Viking website.

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We are on Imperial Jewels, Beijing to Shanghai, in November. We arrive the day before Day 1 of the tour, so have a "forced overnight" in Beijing. From the basic itinerary that was sent with our confirmation months ago, it looks to me like there is no touring scheduled for Day 1, just arrive and check into the hotel for those arriving that day. I was thinking that we therefore may have at least part of that day free to tour on our own. Can anyone tell me, from your experience, if this is correct? There are a couple of places we'd like to see that are not on the Viking tour.






Basically all of day 1 is on your own including dinner. If you are at a different hotel the previous night, you will have to check into the Viking provided hotel that day.


You should also meet your guide (or other guides if yours is doing airport transfers) at your Viking hotel in late afternoon or early evening to get your tour information, badge, etc., and learn when to meet the AM of day 2.

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We are on Imperial Jewels, Beijing to Shanghai, in November. We arrive the day before Day 1 of the tour, so have a "forced overnight" in Beijing. From the basic itinerary that was sent with our confirmation months ago, it looks to me like there is no touring scheduled for Day 1, just arrive and check into the hotel for those arriving that day. I was thinking that we therefore may have at least part of that day free to tour on our own. Can anyone tell me, from your experience, if this is correct? There are a couple of places we'd like to see that are not on the Viking tour.


These two Viking China threads are a great source of information. Thank you to all who have been contributing to them. I have particularly been enjoying the recent trip reports.


Yes Day 1 is just checking into your hotel. We did our own flight and transfer and on check-in, we were given an envelope from our guide, stating the meeting time for the next morning. We also did get a call in our room from our guide that same day.

It's also a good opportunity to go to a great restaurant, I found the Chinese restaurants Viking takes you to were not great, they were just ok.

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Peregrina, if you live in the Boston area, you are lucky. I am in Jacksonville Florida and there isn't much at all in the way of museums, which I miss. Europe has some good ones, as well as the big cities in the US. I started researching for a second camera and there are pros and cons for both Sony's P&S and Canon's. Both have features which I might like. But the problem resolved itself because my daughter is going to loan me her Canon P&S, which will give me a chance to try it out. I understand that Sony is not doing well and the P&S products overall are on their way out. Also, since my daughter is well travelled, she'll let me use her backpack, which if I recall correctly I purchased for her years ago. Go figure. :)

Have a great day and thanks for all the info. It is immensely helpful.

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My guess is that vacation time and cost are the main determinants for most people. From the Viking point of view, they can do twice as many 5 day cruises in a season thereby accommodating twice as many passengers. With the new China Explorer (based on the five day cruise) in the line up, I hope they don't eliminate Cultural Delights completely. It is good that we have choices. :D





Thanks. I like finding things in local museums and then sharing them. For me, it is like an extension of the trip--and a chance to learn something more. In the Boston area, both the MFA and the Peabody-Essex Museum (Salem, MA) have beautiful collections of Chinese art and objects. In fact, the P-E-M, has a whole Chinese house. If you keep your eyes open, you can find all sorts of exhibits. The Xi'an Warriors were in Montreal a few years back (no, not all of them) and P-E-M hosted an exhibition of restored objects from the Forbidden City on their only visit to the US. Maybe there are more people like me who like checking out this stuff in museums.

Peregrina, the The Warrior Emperor and China's Terracotta Army's exhibit were actually at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts last year from Feb. 11 until June 26 and I went evidently. It was fascinating ! However it was not the first time the soldiers were in Montreal. I remember going to an other very small exhibit in 83 or 84 where there were a few of them.

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Laundry: We were vagabonds for 25 days this trip so doing laundry was inevitable. We fashioned an elastic clothesline from the balcony railing secured using the inside door handle to dry our shirts and other small items. For pants we secured them over the railing with large safety pins and some twine. Then we flew our flags as we sailed the Yangtze much like the Chinese. The smaller items dried quickly and all of it wearable that day. Temps were in the 60s with scattered sunshine.


If you have questions concerning anything ship related, we are friends with Capt Morgan...Asst Hotel Manager, Jay...dining room supervisor, Lois...bar manager and a number of other crew members. It is quite interesting reading the Chinese perspective of the antics of some passengers...like the couple who were complaining their room was too hot while wearing sweaters;-) I think the Chinese post was...Out the balcony and into the Yangtze;-). Or a lady who ordered salmon but wanted steak then broke down in tears because the waiter tried to appease her by providing both...Chinese, do you want the fin or the cow... Confucius doesn't know this saying;-). So what happens in China usually ends up on CC.


I asked Morgan this morning about using an iron...not as easy a question as you might think. I received the reply "some can iron, some can not iron." Translation...the ship's policy is to not allow passengers access to irons.


Cameras: We now bring 4 Canon cameras on most of our trips. A simple pocket sized P&S for a quick shot, an underwater camera for the rainy days, and two with high zoom capabilities for close ups and distant shots. For years it looked like I never vacationed with my family since I took all the photos. Since two people don't compose a photo the same, we have the opportunity to look at two different perspectives of most shots.


I've had people ask me to take their photo with a camera that requires a lengthy explanation to be able to push the button. Chinese want to take your photo if you look accessible to them so bring a camera that they can see you in a viewfinder and just push the button.


Another suggestion is to be courteous of the other people in your group, everyone wants photos of the places we see...I take my shot then move to the back so the next person has a chance to take a nice photo instead of the back of my head. Nothing more frustrating then trying to watch a demonstration with the same people standing in the front the entire time. Also have the courtesy to wait until they are done taking the shot. Attached is a photo of us with some of the dining room staff...the young ladies are all looking at another passenger who decided it was important to have a photo of us and told them to look at her as our photo was taken.


I have a very detailed gallery of photos from our 2009 trip at and will complete our 2012 trip shortly for anyone wanting that would like to see them. We did the Cultural Delights trip both times.


Edited by Kohola
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Returned a week ago from our trip. Viking does a great job. I will work on preparing comments and suggestions but if anyone has a question I will try to answer it. You will have a fabulous time!

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Peregrina, if you live in the Boston area, you are lucky. I am in Jacksonville Florida and there isn't much at all in the way of museums, which I miss.


I post all this stuff because I figure that other folks may be interested in seeing it when they come to Boston (or if they live in the area). The Peabody-Essex Museum may be of special interest to those who are doing Cultural Delights, because you see the Chinese porcelain trade industry from an entirely different perspective.


Peregrina, the The Warrior Emperor and China's Terracotta Army's exhibit were actually at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts last year from Feb. 11 until June 26 and I went evidently. It was fascinating !


The best part of that exhibit was how close you were able to get to the warriors without a glass display cabinet--within arms reach. It was just a darned shame that we could not take pictures of the exhibit. However, there was no way that this small exhibit could recreate the impact of the seeing the vast array of warriors in the Tomb in Xi'an.

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The information you post is so appreciated. I think, if there is anything Viking is falling short on is preparation for such a trip and what to expect. I understand that I booked a luxury trip with unparalled service, but so far I haven't received any information from Viking. I feel like I am on my own to figure this thing out and if it hadn't been for you I would be. I paid fully for the July trip in November and have not heard one peep from them. When I called the other day to see if they even had me on their roster, I was told, yes that I was actually booked, but I would have to wait to hear from them and wait to get my flight reservations, sometime before the trip in July. Other than that, no info has been given. I would have expected some information as to local customs, dress, climate or currency. I did read the little online bleep that is called "just booked" but that is sadly falling short of preparing someone for this magnitude of a trip, especially since it is a roof type of trip. Comments from people who have actually gone are few, but that doesn't keep me from going.

Anyway, thank you and people like you who share what to expect.

I am really looking forward to this and view it as an adventure. The photo albumbs posted are so great. Kohola had a link to his site where there were a lot of pictures of the Terracotta Army's excavation site. Is it really not allowed to take pictures? I wonder what the reasoning behind that would be.

Anyway, I am ready to go....

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I think, if there is anything Viking is falling short on is preparation for such a trip and what to expect. I understand that I booked a luxury trip with unparalled service, but so far I haven't received any information from Viking.


Kohola had a link to his site where there were a lot of pictures of the Terracotta Army's excavation site. Is it really not allowed to take pictures? I wonder what the reasoning behind that would be.


About 4-6 weeks before the trip you will receive more detailed information from Viking with some of the more in depth information you wish you had already.


As far as pictures at the Terra Cotta warrior sight, the only place we could not take pictures was of the people who were working on restoring more of the warriors.

Edited by caribill
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Kohola had a link to his site where there were a lot of pictures of the Terracotta Army's excavation site. Is it really not allowed to take pictures? I wonder what the reasoning behind that would be.


Bayerisch, if you want to ask me a question, ask it...


Which pictures did I take that I shouldn't have? I've checked my FB, VRCs FB wall, and my website and I don't see what you're referring to?


I've posted over and over on this site that I speak with the same Chinese people that you will meet in about 3 months on an almost daily basis...what questions about their culture, customs, family or anything else would you like me to ask them? People will bend over backwards to ensure you are as prepared as possible, but we need to know what your specific questions are?


I was just looking at photos of some of the Emerald crew river rafting down the Aida River and a snow skiing trip a few years ago posted on qq. One post I read said "tired, heartbroken, depressed, and angry." Much like any young person in the US would write when things aren't going their way.


VRC will provide you with around a 50 page book that contains an overview of China including the cities, dynasties, souvenirs, architecture, and dining etiquette among other things along with another pamphlet that contains your itinerary and departure information as well as answer the FAQs in your travel documents about 3 weeks before departure.

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Hey there Bayerisch,

I am too far out to have received the final information but being antsy started looking things up myself online about China. Here is a link to a web page with some information I found interesting.




I found them interesting. I am trying to use the earlobe pull to show I agree, and to cover my mouth when I laugh.


I also recorded on my Ipod touch under Notes, from Google translate short phrases like, "Thank you." or "How much is that item?" in Chinese since you can hit the speaker on the web site and it says the phrase.


Also on the backpack I know your using your daughters, but I thought I would post my newest find. I was looking for a legal sized backpack with wheels since we are going to be buying four sets of warriors and splitting them between us in the backpacks. We just purchased two Swiss "Sierre II" backpacks with wheels and telescoping handle. Those statues are very heavy so something that will keep it's form on the corners and strong handle to me will be needed. It weighs 6.5lbs and the shoulder straps are located in the back in a zipper compartment.


They have them on Ebay for $80 and I paid $115 in the Exchange over here. Don't know if the shipping would of killed us but that is a great price.



This is the web site about what vaccinations you should get.


On Cameras I finally got DH to buy what might be his last camera, the DL800, it takes stills but also video, still waiting for it to get here it's on back order. I get his old D80 so I am happy. On the camera vest we just got that in the mail and it weighs a good bit itself. I still want to use it, I feel more secure with my hands free and the camera secured to my body and not swinging around. Also I become occupied with making sure I have not left the camera on a shelf when we go shopping.


Someone mentioned when you take a photo, take it and move so others can have a turn. We are the back of the pack kind of people, I listen to the tour guide and DH hangs at the back (if another tour group isn't close behind), or goes ahead of the group to get pics with no one in them and then trots to the next area. I tell him what the guide said about each item when we view the photos afterwards. We just sent one of those picture frames that you put the memory stick into and it slide shows all our travel pics for my m-i-l which we loves it. There is even a timer to turn it on when she wakes up and turns off when she goes to bed.

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As far as pictures at the Terra Cotta warrior sight, the only place we could not take pictures was of the people who were working on restoring more of the warriors.


And even then there was no one standing there stopping you from taking pictures, so we just took them.

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