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Hopefully I will be posting reports regularly from Seadream 1. I can't believe it's finally here but the boarding passes for our USAir flight tell me it is indeed true. I keep checking the weather reports and all I see is thunderstorms. Hopefully they will be ones of the typical Caribbean type of an hour or two. We arrive in San Juan at 1:15 so by the time we get to the docks we shouldn't have much of a wait until we can board. This is our second Seadream voyage. We sailed on Seadream 2 a couple years ago. It will be interesting to see if we see any familiar faces. I don't know how much switching around they do. I did write Miami to find out if they have wi-fi now and that is affirmative. $32 for an all day pass from it sounds like pretty much wherever you would normally roam. We are packed and ready. I'll check in from San Juan. If any newbies have questions I can answer please feel free to post.

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I realize some of those reading will be Seadreamers and some may be unfamiliar so I will try to give the newbies a bit of what it is like from at least our perspective. For those of you who are familiar I apoligize in advance as much of what I post you will know of course.*


Arrived at San Juan airport after a smooth 3 1/2 hour flight from*Charlotte. Easy $25 taxi ride to Pier 1 east in Old San Juan. We arrived about 1:45 and were scheduled to embark at 2. *One of the nice things about Seadream is the whole boarding process compared to the big ships. Across the way at Pier 2? was Eurodam of Holland America. Very pretty classic ship but there were busses for tours everywhere. I was thinking about how much of a hastle things must be compared to Seadream. It took a minute to screen the luggage and 5 minutes later they were ready to board. After being greeted by various officers/etc We went to the main lounge and one by one they bring you in to the boutique area to get your key/charge card and room assignment (we were gty and didn't know our room). While waiting there were drinks and horsderves to enjoy so the 20 minute wait was nothing. Room 402 is our new home for 5 nights, maybe 12? We are doing back to back cruises. We did the gty thing so we might have to change rooms. Hope not. For you newbies who may not be aware of cabin size so I must warn you. The cabins are very small. Having been on Seadream 2 years ago it's a non issue for us. You'll have to decide for yourself if that is important. And the bathrooms are nicely appointed but are a postage stamp. We love Seadream but the rooms/bathrooms are the smallest we have encountered on a cruise ship. Of course youi can upgrade to a suite.


We went on deck and enjoyed champaigne while luggage was being sorted and delivered. We weren't in a hurry so we just enjoyed the weather and people watched as our fellow passengers arrived. Weather was cloudy with dark clouds coming but they held off. We wondered if we would see any crew or passengers from our cruise 2 years ago. Sadly no Bill and Laurie that we met last time. Miss you guys if you're reading. We did see Silvio who was one of our favorites from last time. He has gotten a promotion to Maitre D? but still works like crazy -- as do they all. *So nice to see him. Seadreamers will understand but newbies won't, you seem to develop friendships with the crew while sailing and by the end you feel you have sailed with friends who happen to have a yacht and are focused on making your stay all it can be you. You will be spoiled and they seem to enjoy doing it. Returned to our room and unpacked. In spite of our best efforts we overpacked. We thought we were better this time.....not. There is enough closet/drawer space but barely. For first timers lay everything out and then cut it in half! lol


Went back on deck and watched the sail out and San Juan fade into the distance. Very nice. There was a nice cocktail party prior to dinner with very good shrimp plus other goodies. Of course drinks are included so all and pretty much whatever you want is a constant. Gratuities are included and I think it makes the ambience different on board. Nobody is over selling you or trying to steel you from another bartender. Service is spectacular on Seadream.


Off to dinner around 9. The tables for 2 were gone so they put us at a nice table for 8 and cleared the balance. We set together on a love seat and looked over the beautiful dinning room. It really is pretty.*I remembered the soups from last time and they did not dissappoint. Cream of broccoli. Awesome. We both had filets in a truffle sauce? Wonderful. No room for dessert but coconut rice pudding called and we didn't want to dissapoint. Thank goodness. Silvio was there to make sure everything was perfect and it was. Of course plenty of wine.


We were very tired but went up on deck and enjoyed the weather and view for a few minutes. Is there anything better than standing on a quiet balcony overlooking the stern and watching the world go by? So relaxing and you can feel the stored up tensions start to melt.


In bed by 10. Live wires we are. Maybe tomorrow?

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Day 2 St John


Woke up from a sound sleep thinking it must be 10! Thank goodness it was 8. We always sleep so well with the gentle rocking of the ship. Went to the gym to try to combat all the evil doings. DW was An animal and walked 3 miles on the treadmill. Me, not so much. 20 minutes for me however far that was. Still, it's something. The gym is small as you would expect, but big enough. There are 4 treadmills and that is what we use anywqy. When we arrived there was one guy on the one eliptical working hard. He must hav been extra bad as he was working hard. Anoth couple came in and while we were there. Looks like you should be able to do what you want if you are so inclined. We are on deck 4 and so is the spa/gym. As we walkd down the other end of the hall every single door had a do not disturb sign hanging, haha.


Showered and then off to breakfast. Breakfast and lunch are cool on SD as there is a small buffet in addition ( not instead of!!) the menu. Buffet at breakfast consists of cold cuts and my DW's favorite, sliced fresh fruit. We both ordered omelets, mine with bad stuff, hers with egg whites. Eggbeaters also available. Of course Silvio who never sleeps evidently was there to welcome us and oversee things.


Overcast day with periods of rain. You will probably not get much info on excursions from me as we tend to stay on board and enjoy the yacht (Disney?). The rain helped in the decision although it was more off and on showers. We alternated between a covered and open spot and spent our first day vegging. I think it was Job who came by and asked if he could borrow my sunglasses. I looked at him funny and ha said, "I'm sreious". I forgot about the cleaning thing they do. Funny. Had a fruit smoothy to keep cool. Tasty. Went to concierge and bought a wifi deal for the day. $35 per day. They have hourly rates as well. I can't just sit all day in the sun so it is worth it to me.


Lunch was beef stroginoff over rice and peas. The portions aren't big so it isn't too bad, haha. Of course the bufet had salads and such. DW had a spicy chicken curry with rice. It was spicy so she had ice cream to cool it down. Homemade of course. Did I mention Silvio was there with a smile. DW had a couple glasses of champaigne and I wad a pinot grigio. Lovely.


Back to the balanise beds where There is a wifi connection. None at the pool. They were filling the pool after painting it the first day. In and out with showers and cloudy but it kept it a little cooler. I'm guessing 80s? There were a few others enjoying the yacht, but most were off and about. There's a nice spot in the back of deck four I think where we sat covered and enjoyed the view of St johns off the side.


A nap ensued and now getting ready for dinner. Maybe we can stay up like big boys and girls now?. More later.

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Can totally relate to your perfect day artlee:p The yacht truly is the destination!!


Interesting about the wifi reception around the pool versus at the TOY Bar/Bali beds.


SeaDreaming is exhausting so we completely understand about those lovely beds calling to you after dinner and a drink at the TOY Bar ... just saying:cool:


Love your reporting!

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Before dinner last night we met in the lounge for the Captain's introduction along with his senior staff. Horderves and drinks of course. He mentioned something like 15 nationalities on board on the passengers kside and 20 on the crew side. Hmmm, and everyone can get along? Maybe the problems in ojr world coild be solved if we all went on SD? But then it wold be too busy to take us I guess. Off to dinner. Silvio picked out a great table for four for the two of is. Job and Jose took very good care of us. I had soup of course, cream of mushroom, and chicken with spinach and mozzerella in a sun dried tomtato sauce. She had grilled lobster. For desert we split a kind of chocolate lava cake thing. Of course just like we eat at home every night. Right. After dinner up to TOY with Gideon for some evening drinks and relaxation under the canopies. Rain hit hard for a bit but we were covered and enjoued the sounds. Stopped for a bit in the lounge where Pirates of the Caribbean was playing. Popcorn for those wjo wanted it but who could eat it after the dinner we just had? We made it up to 11:30 this time! Tomorrow St. Barts. Tough dutty!

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Another great night sleep. Barely made it to breakfast but fortunately made it. Corned beef hash is very good. It gets my high recommendation. DW of coursevhad her egg white omelet. She is not going to intimidate me! Took the tender to St Barts and walked around for a bit. Prices here are totally out of sight unless you are rich and famous. We are not so returned to home empty handed. The yacht was fairly empty and we enjoyed the balance of the moring just watching the sea and island in the distance. Found a new drink, frozen strawberry daiquari. Gideon makes the really great. Took a 2nd to lunch. Enjoyed the buffet with fresh shrimp and cheeses. I do love cheese and they sure have them on board. Sorry to report I had a cheeseburger and fries. I know what you are thinking of me. SW had salmon on lettuce. Desert was ice cream and chocolate sauce. WOW

More later

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Artlee, so enjoying your posts. I hope you continue to have great fun, and brag about it on here ;) .


I do love me some Silvio, and I'm so happy to hear of his promotion. He's the absolute best!


And did I mention that he's a rascal?



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One of the things for us about cruising or in this case yachting is how relaxing it is. Unlike a lot of vacations with this one time seems to stop. A day becomes 2 days. As I write this it is our third night and work worries have dissapated. This afternoon I took a long nap while DW enjoyed the sun. Overcast but only a couple sprinkles. The staff is just amazing. As wonderful as the yacht is, and it is, the staff for us is the best part. Each one is there to ofer you whatever you want. Never any attitude. Their hours are mind boggling and yet you never see anything but a smile and a williness to make sure you are spoiled the SD way. For us having Silvio on this cruise was a big bonus. He connected our SD 2 experience of a couple years ago to this one. He has made sure we were pampered beyond what anyone should expect. He's the best. I mentioned to him that he had fans here and he sends his hellos. He seemed genuinely pleased that he had folks that asked about him. He will be with us for a few moe days and then begins his vacation. Most work 4 months and then take 2 off. That's 24/7 for 4 months. I couldn't do it.


Tonight there was a fashion show of goods from the boutique held at the pool area. Horsderves of course and drinks. They say you can count on a pound a day. I don't want to think about the over/under on that. For you newbies they do have healthy selections every night if you can pass on the bad side. So far fir me, not so much. We all dined outside this evening under the stars. It was a bit humid but the atmosphere made up for it. My soup tonight was cream of carrot with ginger. As I mentioned I love soup and SD is a soup lovers vacation. I would so love to be able to duplicate their soup recipes. Newbies alert, if it says cream of something it does not mean heavy. Try it. If you don't like it you can send it to me. We both had dover sole and suffice it to say I could have it every night going forward. DW had some fancy strawberry thing. Think shortcake but fluffy merangue. She told Mihael, our wonderful waiter, how much she loved it and he simply said "would you like it again tomorrow night?" of course you know the answer. I forget to mention earlier that she loved the Pinot Noir from lunch. She asked the wine stewart Pablo if he was planning tomserve it again and of course the answer was yes just for you. And such is life on SD. Get to know the crew. They are very hardworking and nice people. It seems in a few days they have become friends and you look forward tomseeing them at TOY or the restaurant or wherever. For newbies TOY, or Top of the Yacht is a special place to enjoy the evenings or the afternoons. Gideon and Brian have been pouring drinks and they are just wonderful. God forbid you may be a touch hungry just ask for a cheese plate, yummm brie! The view from there is to die for. Again for newbies who have cruised on large ships one of the big differences is the entertainment. If you need to be entertained you will be dissappointed. Really the entertainment is you, your partner, or new friends and conversations over drinks. Yes there is a piano bar and yes there is black jack table but compared to the big guys not much. For us we enjoy spending time together and don't need a lot of entertaining. For us this is a very romantic vacation. But be warned if you need more.


I forgot to mention the pj's. Yes they still do it. Nicely laid out the first evening. Fatima is our room steward and is doing a fabulous job. There when you need her, never when you don't.


Love the wifi which is new from our last cruise. I think it works on the balinese beds, the cabins, and maybe the lounges i'd like it at the pool too so I could be with DW when she is there. No deals for multiple days. That could be changed. Overall good and quick service.


Bed time.


For those of you waiting for your turn, it is worth the wait. SD'ers know that and you first timers will learn it.


This is a great board filled with people who will share their experiences with you. It is this board that made me decide to try SD in the first place. Thanks to all of you omce again.

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This is an extraordinary board. Just about all of the other boards on Cruise Critic have lots of drama and people sniping about alcohol policies, toiletry supplies, kids on board, tipping policies, and chair hogging. On this board, people seem to be uniformly pleased just to praise SeaDream. It's amazing, isn't it. The board is almost as calming and relaxing as the cruise itself.


8 days to go!

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