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Princess this simply is not fair


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I was not free to book well ahead of time and being 50 days prior to sailing ,It was after final payment dates and assured the prices were rock bottom and availability limited


Having booked a 4 sector cruise 2 of which were inside guarantees with a promise that Princess always try to put you in same cabin when on back to back cruises and will upgrade you if the price drops


What do i find suddenly Balcony cabins appear and are being offered to "new bookings only " at less than i have paid for Insides


Princess refuse to allow me to upgrade unless i pay the original balcony price which of course is DOUBLE the "new bookings only " price


This is totally crazy and an appalling way to treat their loyal customers


Seems that i will have to change cabins 3 times to any old rubbish cabin they give me while others luxuriate in balconies they have paid peanuts for .


If all the cruise lines are going to play this silly game of not honouring price drops with at least an upgrade when its so close to departure then in future i shall darn well wait until the very last minute to book a cruise and finally receive the "perks " newbies are getting


Come on Princess start playing fair and offer unsold cabins as upgrades to existing bookings and use the guarantee system correctly

instead of selling off the best cabins to newbies at cheap prices

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As far as I am aware, there is no policy to put someone in the same cabin for back to back cruises unless it is booked that way originally, and all sales made after final payments are due are considered final. I'm not sure where you got your (mis)information.

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What does your TA say and what are they doing to help you? You didn't say in your post. It's possible that they can go to bat for you.


It's not unusual for cruiselines, and other retail or service businesses, to offer new customers "deals." You see it advertised all the time. It's a legitimate business practice and as long as they don't make exceptions, i.e., bend the rules to allow those not qualified to take advantage of the offer, I see nothing wrong with it.

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That's the way most cruise lines operate. The rock bottom price of today may be higher than tomorrow's rock bottom price. I get the last-minute deals via email from Princess, Celebrity, HAL, and a few Internet TAs. Some of them are very tempting.

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In this case, I see no harm in asking. I would first try my TA if I were you. See what, if anything, they can do for you. If the response is not to your satisfaction, then I would suggest calling Princess Customer Service during prime business hours at their location (9-5 excluding lunch). Ask for a Supervisor the moment they pick up the phone since that's where you're going to end up anyway after having to tell your story 3 times to underlings. Tell them your plight. While you didn't say how many Princess cruises you have been on, if that number is significant, I would be sure to tell them that and let them verify it so they know you are a good, repeat customer that they want to make happy.


I certainly see your point about them offering these great deals to new bookings and not to you, but that goes on all the time in every line of business I can think of. For example, Bright House Networks is always running dirt cheap prices for the first 3 months of Roadrunner High Speed internet service, BUT ONLY IF YOU ARE A NEW CUSTOMER. Existing customers here pay $44.95 per month for the privilege. There's nothing illegal about it. It's just a marketing ploy to get more customers, the same as what Princess is doing.


Again, no harm in asking. Be nice and polite and maybe, just maybe, they'll give you the deal, but I wouldn't bet the farm on it. Good Luck!


The Monk

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I agree that is certainly seems unfair.

And while of course it is not illegal to do this, it still doesn't seem entirely "right"... And while it is a business practice, there are many large retail companies that will give consumers the sale price... I know alot of companies that, if you bring in your receipt within 30 days of purchase, you will get the difference (from what you paid) back.


I think it would be nice if Princess would upgrade the existing clients and then sell the inside cabins as last-minute sales. This way, everyone should be happy!

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Dreamer 333


You have hit the nail on the head ......if Princess want to keep everyone happy they should upgrade everyone and offer the worst cabins at knock down prices during the final weeks


Yes I have spoken nicely to my TA and to Princess ........all i get is excuses Princess wont do anything because its been booked via a TA


TA says they cant do anything because Princess wiont let them


So stuck in a circle of going nowhere and yes i have platinum status on Captains Circle


There are empty outside cabins which my guarantee entitles me to but they are "wheelchair access " ones so they will not allow me to have them ......completely understandable if disabled people need them i would be the first to give it up ........however if when i do get on board i find that the "wheelchair access " cabins I have been denied having are occupied by non wheelchair passengers you will hear the row 100 miles away


As for other businesses using the same marketing ploys to get new business

For every new customer they acheive by these means they will loose other loyal customers ........so its a crazy waste of time and money


Cruise lines need to start by playing fair across the board and save everyone a whole heap of reasons to feel peeved

I am only too happy to pay the difference between what i have paid and the "offer price" for balcony cabins but sure as heck will not pay the rates of a year ago for the least desirable balcony cabins no one else wants

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I agree that is certainly seems unfair.

And while of course it is not illegal to do this, it still doesn't seem entirely "right"... And while it is a business practice, there are many large retail companies that will give consumers the sale price... I know alot of companies that, if you bring in your receipt within 30 days of purchase, you will get the difference (from what you paid) back.

I think it would be nice if Princess would upgrade the existing clients and then sell the inside cabins as last-minute sales. This way, everyone should be happy!


Princess' policy is not any different than airline policies. If you booked a low cost airline flight on a non-refundable basis, and later found out about a lower fare, would you feel that they should reduce your price to the lower fare--good luck.


My guess is that Princess is following some formula to maximize revenue, and follows a formula similar to that used by airlines. What is wrong with that? It allows them to keep their overall prices competitive. I'm sure that if the balconies remain unsold, Princess will be upgrading other passengers into them.


If the OP thought that the price was reasonable and worth the price when booking the cruise, it should still be reasonable and worth the price.

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While this feels unfair, am I wrong in viewing this situation as one in which a buyer pays a higher price to ensure passage on a particular ship rather than taking his chances that the ship will be sold out if he waits for a better price? We all must weigh the chances of getting a cabin on a particular ship vs missing out on the trip altogether if we wait too long. I can see where this may feel unfair, but sometimes we have to speculate in order to ensure that we get the specific trip we had in mind. I've received some great deals on last minute cruises and have also paid top dollar for cruises I booked a year in advance.

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If one books airline tickets with a low cost carrier you know they are non refundable


Thats not the issue being discussed


The issue as i understand it is ,,,,,,,,,,a passenger buying a guarantee cabin because thats all thats available but then being shafted by the cruise company denying them cabins in the correct category or refusing to allow the purchase of an upgrade at "offer " price because they are using the offer price as bait for new customers instead of treating existing ones in a fair way across the entire ship ............

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They do this because they can...in other words, if you continue to sail with them after you've been treated unfairly in your view, then they will continue to do so. It is sort of like gas prices, as long as people keep buying gas, there is no incentive to drop price. As long as you keep booking cruises, they will continue to ignore your concerns. Problem is that ships are sailing full and they don't have to worry too much about individuals. Sad but true.

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I'm still wondering who exactly made the promise to the OP that the insides would be upgraded if prices fell further...but that's just my curiosity. I'm in a similar situation, except that what might be considered an unfair application of reduced pricing took place long before final payment was due. I think there is room for legitimate complaint prior to final payment.


After final payment, though, I think the case is similar to an end-of-season sale. If I see something I want, I can buy it at the price offered, or wait knowing that prices will likely be reduced again. Hobson's Choice in this case is the risk of the item being unavailable, or suffering buyer's remorse.


I think the OP's case is analagous, and I understand the frustration. Is it unfair on the part of Princess to do what any other business does, and put unsold and time-sensitive inventory on sale? Or was it unfair of the agent to make the statements about upgrades because it would help close the sale? Either case is just as likely...and it would be easy for an agent who has perhaps guessed incorrectly about what might happen in the future to simply transfer the blame to Princess, knowing full well that Princess will not deal directly with the passenger.

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The story seemed to change a bit, from "What do i find suddenly Balcony cabins appear and are being offered to "new bookings only " at less than i have paid for Insides" to "There are empty outside cabins which my guarantee entitles me to but they are "wheelchair access " ones so they will not allow me to have them..."


If you booked an inside guarantee, then that is what you are entitled to. An inside. Not a balcony cabin, not a outside cabin, particularly not a wheelchair access cabin. A guarantee does not make certain you will get the best available cabin on the ship. It means you will get a cabin at least within the classification you paid for.

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If I see something I want, I can buy it at the price offered, or wait knowing that prices will likely be reduced again.


While you make some very valid points, I don't think that the point above is the same scenerio as the OP is speaking about. As you said, when you see something you want, you buy it at the price offered... however, the majority of the time, you probably take the "merchandise" with you and receive immediate benefits. The OP has purchased the cruise, but has not yet "received" it, so in my opinion, he/she should get the current price.

Even tho techinically Princess isn't supposed to give you the lower price, they do it quite often before the final payment is due, simply because they don't want the hassel of cancelling and rebooking the exact same room.


BTW... I am wondering if the OP has insurance... some insurance policies will let you cancel for any reason, not just medical. If this is the case, they can always cancel and rebook.

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. The OP has purchased the cruise, but has not yet "received" it, so in my opinion, he/she should get the current price.



If the current price is higher than when orginally booked should the client have to pay the higher price?..We can't demand the lower price and also be protected against higher prices in my opinion.

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If the current price is higher than when orginally booked should the client have to pay the higher price?..We can't demand the lower price and also be protected against higher prices in my opinion.


Of course she should not have to pay a higher price (I am assuming that question was rhetorical).

How many times do you see advertisements such as "Book Early & Save!"

The cruise lines wants us to book early, yet the don't truly reward early bookers in a case like this.

I still feel that they should sell the inside cabins as last minute deals, and upgrade the early bookers, as a reward/incentive for booking early.

Also, as I mentioned, Princess WILL give the lower price to someone who hasn't yet made final payment, to avoid the hassles of cancelling and rebooking. How is this different... besides the fact that they know they have her in a tough spot?

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Perhaps Princess should offer some type of Price Protection...


Apple Vacations automatically gives this to clients who purchase insurance... If they see the price lowered, they will give them the difference back.


I'd bet that if Princess did this, they would actually MAKE money because people would probably be more willing to purchase Princess' insurance.

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I actually feel pretty bad for people that have to base their happiness on money.

Were you happy with the price you paid when you booked the cruise? Yes, OK. Fine.

NOw, you find someone else can get something just like you for less money OR even worse, something better than you for less money, are you still happy? No? too bad.

Who do any of us think we are that we should dictate and decide company policy? How many times in the last few days have we heard, the hotels do it like this, the airlines do it like that, I think the cruiseline should do it like them too.

Why do people think the rules should be changed to fit their situation? Everyone knows the rules going in and you decide how you want to play the game. Don't be silly, you complaain that the cruiseline TOLD me to book early and get a good deal so I did and NOW they have better cabins then I have for less money, not fair. OK, were you willing to wait until a few weeks before that cruise and take a chance? I booked two cruises last year and BOTH have gone up in price, you would pay for an inside now what I paid for a balcony. That does not make me any happier than I would be if the price stayed the same, and if they started selling suites forless, I would still be happy with my balcony. With all the hardships that people all over the world have to deal with, some of us should be ashamed!

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Ah BUT.............................Dreamer, come on, I know you have been reading all of the "it outta be better" threads recently because we have both been posting to them.


You are right, catmand... and I usually agree with your opinions, but I must say that your post did seem to go a bit off the "deep end" (I say this very light-heartedly, not at all mean or judgemental... like I said, I typically agree with you!), when you spoke of the hardships all over the world. OF COURSE in comparison, these issues are nothing, but this web site is about cruises, and this is what we are discussing... Every single post is meaningless in comparison.


I think that part of the problem is Princess... they are willing to discount cruises before the final payment is due, even tho techincally they aren't supposed to do that. Again, I think that perhaps it would be beneficial to both Princess, and the consumer, if Princess offered some type of price protection with their insurance).


I do understand where the OP is coming (as far as it not being fair)...

And of course I understand that there are rules.

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to clarify


All 4 sectors were booked as insides because that was all that was available at the time.......but the price on outside cabins which suddenly appeared days later dropped so 2 of the insides were upgraded to outside guarantees by Princess ............(Its Princess who say they normally try to put passengers in the same cabins on back to back cruises )


There are outside cabins available in the guarantee band and the same cabins for all 4 sectors .......several in fact but they are also wheelchair access .....hence Princess will not release them ..........as I said if there are actually wheelchair passengers requesting them OK ........but if wheelchair passengers dont want them Princess should release them


The only other route to getting the same cabin for all 4 sectors is to upgrade to a balcony BC to BF are all on offer at same price ....... but the balcony cabins that are left are on a "newbie offer " and Princess wont allow me to have them at the newbie price $900 extra .......instead Princess want to charge me over $2000 for something they are offering for $900 to newbies


That is hardly fair in any ones book especially since the balcony cabins left are not the most desirable ones

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Ya, ya....ok, so I did go off the deep end, but just a titch. I guess it just hit me.......seems so many folks the past few weeks have been c/o of something. Something should be changed, something should be different, they should do it like this or that......hey that's the name of my Aunt Lee's pet shop, "This 'n That"....Grosse Pt. Michigan.


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