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Upset with the Royal Caribbean "low-price" guarantee


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TA did not ask me to call RCL. I was on hold for hours and tired of waiting for the three way. I called RCL directly and was pushed around several times. That cost me three hours!!! I timed it. I was thinking about hanging up, but did not give hope. I was stupid to believe that they can do something for me, in fact they would not!


Two days of fighting, got nothing they promised. I feel being ripped off completely. If you do not want to have a best price policy, please do not advertise for it. This is all happened within 24 hours!!! I did not even ask them to refund me the difference. If they can do a little bitty to move my cabins together, I will be very happy. They had the same cabins available and sell them at a lower price. They told me if I ask for put two of my cabin together, that will cost me more. Feel so bad for how I was treated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Take a deep breath & read the responses you're getting here. RCCL CANNOT work with you directly because your TA owns the reservation. That means the TA is the only one they can deal with!!


It's up to your TA to talk to RCCL & since they are giving you incorrect information, a three way call is needed to ensure the TA is actually trying to get the reduction & not misleading you.

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My view is, you saw and you paid for a cruise you thought was a good deal? why not just leave things like that? You must have been happy in the first place otherwise you would not have booked. I can see it from your point of view but sometimes trying to get something extra can lead to conflict if demands are not met.





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:mad:TA says that Cruise line would not allow them to. The cruise line says that I need to deal with the TA. I truely think it is the Cruise line's policy problem, not the TA if he/she has to get the permission to do anything. I can not cancel now. They said that I can cancel within 24 hours. Then the supervisor says that I can not cancel without paying the full price anyway. I paid them already. Everybody screwd up. My vacation is already ruined!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I'm sorry, but that doesn't make sense that you can't cancel.


When was your cruise scheduled? Were you already within the final payment period? I noticed your screen name is "isail2011". If your cruise is in 2011 you are beyond that final payment date and would not be entitled to a reduction.


If you're not within 90 days of sailing, I'd ask to speak to the TA's supervisor or the company owner.


The TA is jerking you around.


Like I posted earlier, it's experiences like these that enfore I make the right decision booking directly on the phone with RCCL.

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:mad:TA says that Cruise line would not allow them to. The cruise line says that I need to deal with the TA. I truely think it is the Cruise line's policy problem, not the TA if he/she has to get the permission to do anything. I can not cancel now. They said that I can cancel within 24 hours. Then the supervisor says that I can not cancel without paying the full price anyway. I paid them already. Everybody screwd up. My vacation is already ruined!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sounds like a bad TA - they must be using their own company's cancellation policy, not RCI's policy. I hate to say it - but you MUST read the fine print when you book something with a big price tag like a cruise. Inform yourself with the rules and policies before you book anything. If the TA rep who took your booking down misinformed you, then like the other posts have suggested, ask to talk to the supervisor and let them know of the dates/time/person you had the conversation with about getting the lower fare, both instances. Demand for compensation and if they refuse to, let them know that they will be reported to the Better Business Bureau and any other venue you can basically let everyone know not to do business with them.


But don't say that your vacation is ruined because of this. You were happy with your booking until you found out you could get it cheaper. So technically, you were okay with paying the original price at the beginning. It was just taking that extra step that has made you unhappy because you found a better deal.


If the TA refuses to refund your money - call your bank or credit card company and see what they can do, sometimes it's easier to get your money back that way and report it a breach in contract charge. Meaning you aren't receiving the goods or services as promised, as in a form of fraud. If you used cash or check, good luck to you.

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The first thing - where is the OP located? Different countries, different rules.


Obviously the OP is within the cancellation period as he/she has paid the total amount.


If this is the Monday/Tuesday special, he/she would not be entitled. Everyone knows that. Since it's Wednesday, needs to check today if there is still a reduction.


Dealing with an online TA is very trying although he/she seems to have a telephone number. Call the manager/owner/supervisor of the agency - by-pass the agent.


Calling the credit card company is wrong. They will do nothing. The contract has not been breached. He/she agreed to a price and that's what they are getting.

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Well, since you cannot cancel, I would not let this ruin your cruise.


I agree with everyone else that it sounds like your fault and I would keep dealing with them and if you do not get the result that you like just chalk it up to a lesson learned

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Calling the credit card company is wrong. They will do nothing. The contract has not been breached. He/she agreed to a price and that's what they are getting.


I should have been more clear - if the policies of the TA would allow her to cancel but the particular TA rep was not giving her that option - basically trying to make his/her commission. If after attempting to settle the situation with the TA does not work, that's when I would call credit card company to see what they can do, as this was a recent purchase and they have ways of reaching the vendor...doing it before your billing cycle might help too. If the credit card was recently charged - it may still be actually in an authorization charge mode - meaning the purchase has not been completed in full. Maybe have some luck that way???

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I should have been more clear - if the policies of the TA would allow her to cancel but the particular TA rep was not giving her that option - basically trying to make his/her commission. If after attempting to settle the situation with the TA does not work, that's when I would call credit card company to see what they can do, as this was a recent purchase and they have ways of reaching the vendor...doing it before your billing cycle might help too. If the credit card was recently charged - it may still be actually in an authorization charge mode - meaning the purchase has not been completed in full. Maybe have some luck that way???


No, that won't help. That fact that the item changed prices does not breach the contract no matter what the outcome. The cc company will not get involved. The only way is if the agency has a free cancellation period - 24/48 hours and that is abviously not the case here. No one has to give the right to cancel any purchase whether it's a cruise, car and pair of shoes.

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When you book through a TA, the TA owns the reservation, you do not. RCCL will only talk to the owner of the reservation (I can't even request my own eggcrate pad for the bed - the TA has to put in the request). Your TA is telling you what they want you to hear.

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No, that won't help. That fact that the item changed prices does not breach the contract no matter what the outcome. The cc company will not get involved. The only way is if the agency has a free cancellation period - 24/48 hours and that is abviously not the case here. No one has to give the right to cancel any purchase whether it's a cruise, car and pair of shoes.


That is true - but what I was saying is if the credit card company can get a hold of the supervisor/owner of the TA, not the individual TA agent that could be withholding the option of a refund, especially since the OP tried to get the issue resolved the within a 48 hour time period - maybe it was even in the 24 hr time period for a 100% refund. Of course you just can't call your credit card company and demand them to give you a refund just because you decided you didn't like the purchase. But if she was unfairly denied the right to cancel without penatly and the TA's individual agent penalizes her out of policy, then yes that would be a breach of contract with the vendor.


I have no clue how much money the OP spent on cruise fares, but to me if it's a difference of say, $25 pp, then I wouldn't waste all my time and energy on trying to save a few bucks through arguing with the TA. But if the OP is out a considerable amount, I can see why he/she is upset.


Maybe a 3-way call, have RCI call the TA while she is on the line? Looks like the OP was trying to get her TA to call RCI and they failed to do that too by putting her on hold for an hour. But maybe having RCI initiate the call would help clear up any confusion on the price guarantee owed to the OP.


What a mess. Like someone said earlier, it may be something the OP just will have to take as a lesson learned. But maybe if they talk to an RCI customer service supervisor, they can help by at least giving her the difference in fare costs possibly with OBC?

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Wow.... This really makes me afraid of large online TA's....

The only reason to consider them (IMHO) is the OBC or little perks they offer. In instances like this, the customer is always the loser.


OP, please go enjoy your cruise and book directly next time. This certainly is not the cruiseline's fault...

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:mad::mad:I should have cancel it and disbute with my credit card company. Now it's too late. It passes the first 24 hrs, than the 48 hours. the things I was asking was pitfull, I would be happy if they can do anything for me, even to move the cabins togather at the same level. I caught them lower the price twice within 48 hours!!!


TA says RCL is at fault, RCL says it's the RA's problem....I'm sure I will not enjoy the cruise at all for the way I was treated and ripped of!!!!!!!!!!:mad::mad::mad:


This will be the last time I do business with them!!!:mad:

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:mad::mad:I should have cancel it and disbute with my credit card company. Now it's too late. It passes the first 24 hrs, than the 48 hours. the things I was asking was pitfull, I would be happy if they can do anything for me, even to move the cabins togather at the same level. I caught them lower the price twice within 48 hours!!!


TA says RCL is at fault, RCL says it's the RA's problem....I'm sure I will not enjoy the cruise at all for the way I was treated and ripped of!!!!!!!!!!:mad::mad::mad:


This will be the last time I do business with them!!!:mad:


I still don't think you mentioned when your cruise is and what ship.

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Hi Isail!


Sorry to hear that you are frustrated with the process. Don't let it ruin your cruise. You will still have fun!


One thing that you haven't mentioned is the details of your cruise. The rules can be different as you get closer to sailing. Could you please let us know your ship and sail date? Thanks so much!

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That is true - but what I was saying is if the credit card company can get a hold of the supervisor/owner of the TA, not the individual TA agent that could be withholding the option of a refund, especially since the OP tried to get the issue resolved the within a 48 hour time period - maybe it was even in the 24 hr time period for a 100% refund. Of course you just can't call your credit card company and demand them to give you a refund just because you decided you didn't like the purchase. But if she was unfairly denied the right to cancel without penatly and the TA's individual agent penalizes her out of policy, then yes that would be a breach of contract with the vendor.


I have no clue how much money the OP spent on cruise fares, but to me if it's a difference of say, $25 pp, then I wouldn't waste all my time and energy on trying to save a few bucks through arguing with the TA. But if the OP is out a considerable amount, I can see why he/she is upset.


Maybe a 3-way call, have RCI call the TA while she is on the line? Looks like the OP was trying to get her TA to call RCI and they failed to do that too by putting her on hold for an hour. But maybe having RCI initiate the call would help clear up any confusion on the price guarantee owed to the OP.


What a mess. Like someone said earlier, it may be something the OP just will have to take as a lesson learned. But maybe if they talk to an RCI customer service supervisor, they can help by at least giving her the difference in fare costs possibly with OBC?


I certainly agree about the 3 way call. Of course it depends on where the OP is. As for the credit card - not going to happen. Legally the OP is not entitled to a reduction - the credit card company is not going to get involved in anything at all as far as this is concerned. If the OP authorized this payment, that's the end of it. Anything else is between OP and TA certainly not cc company.

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I think we have a troll here. Never mentioned the ship the date port or anything specific. If this was after the final payment date then oh well. I have been on many cruises and almost everyone at some point had a price change sometimes I was able to get it and sometimes I was not. This has never affected my vacation. I booked a cruise and the price I paid was alright or I would not have booked it. I have never seen someone act like this on here before over a price reduction. Troll!

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Just want to get some help. I do not want to name them because that I have not board the ship yet. Still hope that someone can help me some. (false hope? maybe). I paid too much for it. I learned my lesson. What would you feel if you paid your cruise, within 24 hour, you found out they drop the price twice for the same cabin, same ship. They claim that they have the 48 hours guarantee and they refuse to do anything for you? Even worse, they drag you to the point that the lower priced cabins are booked; you can do nothing about it now. I hope someone there understand the situation and have some sympathy. My days have been ruined, I do not want anybody has this experience ever. I’ll post the name the agency and the cruise once I’m done with them.


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Just want to get some help. I do not want to name them because that I have not board the ship yet. Still hope that someone can help me some. (false hope? maybe). I paid too much for it. I learned my lesson. What would you feel if you paid your cruise, within 24 hour, you found out they drop the price twice for the same cabin, same ship. They claim that they have the 48 hours guarantee and they refuse to do anything for you? Even worse, they drag you to the point that the lower priced cabins are booked; you can do nothing about it now. I hope someone there understand the situation and have some sympathy. My days have been ruined, I do not want anybody has this experience ever. I’ll post the name the agency and the cruise once I’m done with them.




You've had your laugh now go away.

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Troll. Probably the same person who dug up all of the old threads that had RCCL complaints overnight. The fact they just rant the same BS over and over again with no specifics is enough to know they are just a troublemaker with too much time on their hands.

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