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Funship 2.0 (Liberty) Review w/Lots of Pictures


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Before we begin, I need to give another shout-out to Monica in the steakhouse on the Liberty. Without her, I would not have the pictures for this review. I mistakenly left my SD card on the ship in the safe and she gave us personal service after the trip and made sure we got it back. She's an angel.


...here we go...


Funship 2.0 Carnnival Liberty Review


A couple notes first off: In the last few years, I’ve taken up photography as a hobby. This review is really my first real photography trip experience. My goal is to give you, the reader a unique perspective on both the ship and the ports-of-call. I used 2 cameras for most of the pictures you will see here: a Nikon D7000 body with a Tamron 18-270 lens, as well as an Olympus 1030SW waterproof point-and-shoot camera. I really hope you like the pictures, as I spent both sea-days doing nothing but roaming around the ship taking pictures and people watching. I hope you get a unique and enjoyable perspective on the cruise vacation.


I’ll throw in some side notes throughout this review that I hope aren’t too annoying. One of these is that I learned early and often to make friends with the Carnival employees. More than once we benefited from just being friendly and talking about thier day with them. More on those times later.


With that out of the way, let’s begin!


My wife (Taren) and I (Chris) wanted to take our first *real* vacation since we have had kids. Our kids are 10, 8 and 3. We like the prices and the time of year fit very well for this cruise. We ended up booking the Liberty on the 11.26.11 Cruise - a Lido balcony on the port side, room 9268.


We decided to leave a day early as we didn’t want any potential travel problems get in the way of our cruise. We left the house at about 8:30am on Black Friday on our way to Kansas City (MCI). We stopped at Cabelas on the way to get me a new pair of tennis shoes (my old/new ones I just bought were “waterproof” and felt like wearing plastic sacks after a couple hours...YUCK)


We got to the airport and parked in economy parking ($6 per day) and, although I wouldn’t find out about this for a week, I left my radar detector turned on as we locked up the truck and headed to the terminal (more on that at the end of the trip).


We were flying Contenintal. Checkin was very easy, we checked 2 bags - side note - we mixed our clothes between bags, just in case one was lost - and after an hour or so we boarded our matchbox on our way to Houston (IAH). Watched “Hall Pass” on my iPad during the trip. The flight was uneventful except for some turbulence and the pilot dropping the plane out of the sky about 20’ above the runway at landing. Scared the heck out of my wife (ok, I’ll admit, me too) - and I told her not to worry, It’s the younger, “unpaid dues” pilots who get to work the holidays - we don’t get the more experienced ones. I have no idea if it was true or not, but I like giving her fits sometimes.


Arrived in Houston, grabbed some Schlotzkys sandwiches and walked 3 miles to the next terminal (not quite, but it felt like it). While we were waiting on our plane, I got a text message from our Driver with SAS transportation. He just wanted us to know we were on his list, and he would contact us when we landed in FLL. The plane finally arrived, and it was hardly a matchbox, but a Boeing 757 heading to FLL. This flight was uneventful. We watched “Bridesmaids” on her iPad and the flight literally flew by.


Got into FLL about 7:30pm. As we were exiting the plane, SAS (Richard I think) called and said he saw our plane landed, and as soon as we got our luggage to give him a call. Took Continental a while to get the luggage off the plane, and he called once more during that wait. As soon as we got it, we walked outside and called him. He told us to stand basically where we were, and 30 seconds later he pulled up and put our luggage in the van. He also picked up another Cruise Critic family that we didn’t know at the time, but we found out during the drive to Miami that they were also on our roll call, Gwen & Chris (aka smitty89)! Awesome...30 minutes in and we’ve already met one family on our roll call!


SAS transportation is AWESOME. Very fast, friendly and organized. Richard also kind of gave us a tour on the way, pointing out all the stuff on the way. I could not recommend SAS enough to anyone traveling from FLL to Miami Hotels or POM. **Note: They cannot pick up from anywhere in Miami except POM due to city/county restrictions. They can deliver you to Miami hotels/POM from FLL though.


OK, so after dropping off Gwen and her family (other CC members), he took us to our hotel, the Doubletree Biscayne Bay which overlooks the POM across the bay. Upon checkin, we were told that we were given a complimentary upgrade to a one-bedroom condo. SWEET. The room was awesome! Surround Sound, Flat Screen, Kitchen, 2 bathrooms and a BIDET. Ok, we’re not in Kansas anymore. DirecTV receivers on both TVs and Wireless Internet in the room. The views from our balcony were awesome.


...the view...



...our balcony...



...the bedroom...



...the living room...



...and the living room from the other side...



We were hungry, so we went to the Bleu Moon Bar and Grille inside the hotel complex. I had the chicken wings and my wife had the nachos. The chicken wings were just fried chicken with dipping sauce on the side - a little different than what I’m used to. But it was good. My wife’s Nachos were very good. We both got BIG Blue Moon beers that were wonderful after a long day of traveling.


The bed was comfortable and we slept well, but we got up early and got our first view of the Liberty across the bay (sorry forgot to get a picture).

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As we got the “cruise package” at the hotel, it included breakfast - and there’s a little cuban resturant in the hotel that serves a very nice little hot breakfast (toast, eggs, bacon and coffee). The package we got also include transportation to the POM starting at 11am. We really wanted to be there earlier to get an early zone boarding time, so we dragged our bags down to the lobby and there was a cab waiting for us. We tipped the doorman of the hotel and told the driver where we wanted to go.


**Side Note** Our SAS driver told us NEVER to trust a city taxi driver to take tourists on a direct route to the POM - so he showed us exactly where a cab driver should take us prior to dropping us off at our hotel.


When we got in the cab, I told the driver to head over to Biscayne Bay, take a left and go directly to the POM, which he did. Dont’ know whether or not he would have tried to pad his mileage but we cut it out by telling him directly what to do. We got to the port at about 9:15 and we could see people coming off from the previous cruise. The porters grabbed our bags and we headed inside. There were no lines and we breezed through security.


We got upstairs and went to the Kiosk to get our boarding passes. We were handed Zone 2 boarding. I was a little disappointed becasue we were so early and there was only like 20 people in the terminal at the time, but oh, well...we were there. We had some problems with the Kiosk - my name is Christopher, but due to CCL’s registation textbox only accepting 10 characters, they know me as “Christophe”. This means my passport name doesn’t match the name they have for me on file. The kiosk isn’t smart enough to figure this out, so we had to go find a real person. The termial was pretty vacant, but we went to the only person we could find just to the right of the kiosks about 50 feet or so. A very nice lady directing what little traffic there was struck up a conversation. While waiting for the only other couple in line to get their problems resolved, my wife asked what “Zone 2” on our card meant. The nice lady from carnival said “Oh, no, that’s no good...here take this one...” and gave us a Zone 1 boarding pass. BONUS! See, it pays to make friends!


...Taren with Zone 1 boarding pass...




Anyway, we got our S&S cards from the nice lady behind the counter - and yes, the problem was with my name - which unfortunately cannot be fixed (I guess). No biggie...it was easy enough and it that was the only snafu of the vacation, I’m happy ;)


...interesting pic of the Carnival terminal (upstairs) at the POM...



We went ahead and found some seats over by the forward of the ship and I went to taking some pictures. After a while, a nice couple sat down next to us and we struck up a conversation. After a while, my wife said “honey, she’s wearing mardi-gras beads - like we agreed to on our roll call!”. Sure enough, we met Sue & Ed (aka gardeningmama). Well, we had forgotten our beads, so Sue graciously gave us some extras of hers (Thanks Sue!). We ended up meeting with them multiple times over the course of the cruise for shows and drinks. Very nice people that we enjoyed spending time with. After I had my “borrowed” beads on from Sue, as I was walking around the terminal, Mike (mdbowl) found us and so we met him too. The beads is a GREAT idea!


...Sue and Ed...



An interesting thing here - as we were waiting to board, I kept seeing people getting off the ship. Literally, until about 11:30 people were still up on LIDO looking over the side. I thought that was interesting because I would have thought they wanted to get it cleared sooner than that. Oh well, we sure were ready to get on the boat though.

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Finally, about 12:00 they called a wedding and VIPs on board. Shortly after, about 12:30 they called zone 1. We headed toward the ship. After taking our picture and “dinging” us in with our S&S cards, my wife and I headed to the Excursion desk. Tomorrow was Half-Moon-Cay and we had a Cabana - we wanted to get one as far down the beach as possible.


There was no line at the excursion desk. We told them what we were there for, he handed me a map of the island with #14 and #15 already crossed off. I said that I would take #13 and the deal was done.

...Cabana #13 ticket...



As we headed up to the elevators to Lido, a server came by and we grabbed a couple Carnival Specials (some foo-fooey punch thing that was pretty good). We were some of the first ones on Lido deck, so we headed up to the Serenity area all the way forward at the top. We didn’t know it at the time but this would be the only time all week we would be able to enjoy it as high winds had it closed most of the rest of the time unless we were in port - and during those times it was full.


...ahhh - the Adult Serenity Area...



...Taren with the Funship Special...






...Lido Deck from Adult Serenity...



...Panorama from the top...


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We tried the hammocks and the big circular chairs for a while resting, enjoying the serenity. Eventually it started getting crowded so we headed down for a bite to eat. When you get on Lido deck, you immediately smell Guys Burger Joint on the port side. I was drawn like a moth to the flame baby. I got myself a “Piggy Patty” which is basically a smashed 5oz extra cheezy burger with a couple crispy bacon patties on top. I smother mine with grilled onions and mushrooms and chipoltle sauce. I’m sure it’s multiple thousands of calories and I had one every day. Guys, it’s worth it...trust me. If this picture doesn’t get your mouth watering, I don’t know what will.


...Guys Burger Joint “piggie patty”...



...Guys Burger Options...



...Toppings Bar...



...And the guys cooking...




...Another Pic of Guys...



...Guys Again...


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We ate our burgers at the Blue Iguana cantina and met another friend Larry from DC. He had a Nikon D90 so we talked cameras for a while. Yes, it’s geek talk, so I won’t bore you with it. My wife has been instrumental in getting me to shut up about being talking geek stuff in front of people who couldn’t care less. ;)


...Blue Iguana Cantina (Starbord Side Lido Deck)...



After eating our burgers, we headed to our cabin to unpack. We briefly met our Steward Benny - little did we know that would be the last time we saw him on the entire cruise. Don’t get me wrong, he did an awesome job, always taking care of us, but we just didn’t see him - period. We left him a nice tip though for his efforts, but I would have liked to make friends with him. I’m sure he was very busy and I didn’t want to stress him out any more than he probably already was.


We had a balcony cabin on the port side (9268) so we hung out on the balcony for a while then toured the ship a bit. Went to the dining room to see if we could find our table (no luck).


Soon it was time for Muster. We went to our respective stations. One complaint here I have is that the other passengers made it very difficult to hear what the instructions were saying. I understand it’s all scripted and everything, but It’s only a few minutes and if there really was ever a need for it, I would have liked to have heard what to do. I could probalby figure it out , but this was just a small thing. I did notice, however that the instructions specifically mentioned NOT FLICKING ASHES OVERBOARD as it could pose a fire hazard. (They didn’t say injury to other passengers, but it should be added...more on that in a bit).


After muster, we decided we wanted to watch sail away from our balcony. We grabbed a couple Red Frog beers and went to our balcony. It was a beautiful, partly-cloudy day but a little windy...especially when we were moving. Our neighbors forward of us were smokers. I believe there were 4 of them. They couldn’t smoke together, but one after another...when #4 was done, it was time for #1 to light up again. I can deal with the smoke, but it was the ashes that got to me. My nose plugs up with smoke, so I breathe out of my mouth. That just got me mouthfulls of ashes. The wind got pretty strong, where it was difficult to keep the cigarettes lit. The “cherry” of the cigs kept blowing off and onto our deck. I got burnt twice - once on the arm and once on the foot. The spray from the waves kept enough moisture on our balcony railing to make all the ash stick to it. I found out that ashes and white t-shirts don’t get along very well as I also ruined a shirt by looking over the edge waving forward to Ed and Sue. Don’t get me wrong, I agree smokers have a right to be there, etc...but when your habit is physically injuring other passengers (ok, minor burns, but still injuring)...you should consider being more careful. And yes, we did speak up, but it didn’t help. The couple aft of us were getting ashes and burns too, but after a while they just stayed in their cabin.


Enough of that...on to the fun stuff.


...Sail Away with a Red Frog Brew...



...South Beach...



...Pulling Away...


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It was time for our roll call M&G. We headed aft to the adult pool area to meet people from our roll call. We again saw Ed & Sue (gardeningmama), Mike & Deb (mdwbowl), Jazz (jazz226) - who is a delightfully fun woman who “hugs not shakes hands”...wish we could have spent more time with her by the way, and Sheila & Joe (joshmali) who we really became good freinds with. I got some pictures of our group as well as a great picture of the sunset over Miami as we sailed away. We stayed there at the M&G for a while, but many left for dinner in the MDR, so my Taren and I decided to go get a drink somewhere.


...Sunset Leaving Miami...



I still had my camera with me a lots of battery so we headed around the ship for pictures.


...Promenade (Deck 5) looking forward...



...Promenade looking aft...


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We came to the Alchemy bar and met Audri and Gregor, the bartenders there. They welcomed us and explained some of the drinks to us. When first reading about “Funship 2.0”, I thought the Alchemy bar was kind of a prescription pad type of thing where you make your own drinks...but that’s not what it is. They have all sorts of drink categories from Youthful to Energizing, etc. I think they have about 20 or so different concoctions because Audri told us that we would have to have 3 drinks each day of our cruise to have tried them all. I tried the Chipoltle Pineapple drink and Taren tried the Deal Closer. I thought mine was good, but the Mint was a little strong towards the end. Taren said the Deal Closer was an after dinner drink - very good but very sweet.


...Alchemy Bar...









...Alchemy Bar Menu...



...Audri making a cool (hot) Cucumber Sunrise...


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We grabbed some Sushi from the sushi bar and hung out in our cabin until time for dinner (we had late seating). We went to the Silver Dining room (3rd floor, aft) at 8:00. After a bit, quite a line developed behind us as people were waiting to enter. At precisely 8:15, the doors were opened and we were escorted to our table. We were seated at a 4-top booth and met our table mates for the week - a delightful couple from Miami - Marino and Mercy. Mercy didn’t speak very much english, but she followed the conversations pretty well and really warmed up to us by the end of the week. We really enjoyed our times with them and hearing about their onery grandkids. Guess how I remembered “Marino from Miami’s” name?


...Marino and Mercy...




We also met our waiters for the week - all of them were absolutely awesome. Our head waiter was Larry, then we also had Cosmin and Tuty assisting. Sorry, I didn’t get a picture of Larry. I did get one of Cosmin and Tuty though. Sorry for the quality, it was a very low light area and the ship was moving - and I don’t like to have flashes in the MDR setting like that.


...Cosmin and Tuty...



For dinner I had the Cured Salmon / Candied Tomato for a starter, Pan Seared Talapia for my main...and of course WCMC for dessert. Taren had the chicken tenders and the sweet and sour shrimp and WCMC for dessert. My WCMC was a bit “overdone” in that there was no “melting” in it. I was a little disappointed, but I found out later what I can do about it (more about that later).


After dinner, we were pretty beat, so we headed off to bed. Tomorrow was Half-Moon-Cay!

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GREAT REVIEW so far. Keep up the good work. I am trying to decide between the Legend, Freedom and Liberty. Maybe your review will help me. :)


Thank goodness for Monica...what a doll!


You should be very proud of yourself. Your pictures are outrageous. I might have to go out and buy my myself a new camera...my Kodak (although very good) isn't cutting it for me anymore.

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We got up early and had ordered room service the night before. I love Carnival’s room service. I ordered the smoked salmon, toasted bagel w/cream cheese and an orange juice every morning. Taren always had a crescent roll and coffee.


...Coffee pulling into HMC...


...and looking forward...



...smoked salmon breakfast...



You can get the salmon in the MDR also, which I did once. Most mornings, though we just had room service. We didn’t eat at Emilies all week with the exception of the chocolate bar on the last sea day and maybe a light snack here and there.


HMC is a tender port. We were told that since we are in a carnival excursion (cabana), we don’t have to get tender tickets - rather we meet in the Victoria lounge and are given first tender priority. We got to the lounge early and after about 20 minutes or so we were led to the tender pickup area. To our surprise, the tender was almost full with people with tender tickets. We were able to squeeze on the tender, but I wonder what happend? Maybe it was a miscommunication or something.


The tender took about 10 minutes to dock on the island. There is a small excursion meeting area right off the dock and we were told to get onto the back of a flatbed truck and they would take us to our cabana. The bed wasn’t completely flat, it had benches and railings and a roof. After about 15 minutes more, they stopped and we were at Cabana #13.


...We are here...



...Cabana #13...


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GREAT REVIEW so far. Keep up the good work. I am trying to decide between the Legend, Freedom and Liberty. Maybe your review will help me. :)


Thank goodness for Monica...what a doll!


You should be very proud of yourself. Your pictures are outrageous. I might have to go out and buy my myself a new camera...my Kodak (although very good) isn't cutting it for me anymore.


Absolutely, Monica is the BEST. Personal service means so much when dealing with a large corporation.


Thanks for the Kudos on the pictures, I have about 180 or so that I'll have in this review, and if anyone wants larger ones, I'll post links (as long as they aren't of my wife) :eek:


If you want to get into DSLR, look into the Nikon D7000 which is what I used for most of these pictures. Also, digital-photography-school.com is a great resource for tips and gear recommendations.

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...Taren loves the sand between her toes...



...best day ever...



...looking down the beach from our Cabana...



...and a panorama from our Cabana...




**Side Note***

Let me say here that after reading much on CC about these cabanas and needing to have one that is at the end of the beach (higher number) for privacy, I say I have to disagree. There’s little difference between #9 and #15 as far as privacy. #9 and #10 are closer to the bathrooms, but in reality, the last 6-8 cabanas have relatively the same amount of privacy. The closer ones to the bar, I would agree...they are more crowded. The cabanas are about 30’ apart, and people are walking up and down the beach all day so any ideas couples might have of “privacy” as my wife put it ;P should be put out of your mind. I was actually shocked she thought of that and I didn’t.


Also, when we filled out our cabana paperwork for the excursion (details on snorkel fin sizes, what kind of pop we wanted, etc), we told them we had 4 people in our cabana (same price) even though we only had 2. We were hoping to meet some people we could share it with and we did! Sheila and Joe were able to stop by and share our cabana amenities with us.


We were given 8 sodas, 2 large water bottles, a huge bag of tortilla chips, salsa (I think it had “turned” though), guacamole and sour cream dips, and a plate of cut fruit (melons, strawberries and pineapples I believe). We were also given a basket of Apples, Bananas and Pears. We had 4 pairs of snorkel gear and 4 floating mats. Honestly, the snorkel gear isn’t much use here. There isn’t any choral on the beach, and very little fish that I could see. It’s all a sandy bottom. Chris (smitty) said he saw some fish way out past the barrier, but I didn’t see anything. Snorkeling on the beach at HMC is a bust in my opinion...but it was free with the cabana, so who’s complaining?


After walking the beach a few times to take some pictures, I decided to take a nap on our lounger. I woke up at about 11:30 when it started raining. It rained several times throughout the day, enough that you couldn’t see the liberty from our Cabana. The nice thing about having a cabana though is that you’re protected in the rain. You could see the tenders filling up with people heading back to the ship, but we just stayed where we were and enjoyed our little home away from the ship.


Interesting - at one time there was a guy and 2 gals down the beach about 50 yards or so taking pictures with a little point and shoot camera. These pictures were, um...very “R” rated. One gal was helping to position the other gals hair and swimming suit (or lack of) and the guy was taking pictures. Remember I have a long zoom lens on my camera? Taren didn’t think I should take any pictures - or even offer to help with my nice gear. Bummer...because this gal wasn’t lacking in the “nice to look at” department. ;P


...I liked the color in this one...



...the pirate bar...


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You must have had a lot of fun on your cruise if you never bumped into Steward Benny ! :D


The problem you had with the smokers next to you is exactly why I'm afraid to get a balcony. I would only get one if I was the first room forward, but that usually means a loooooooong walk aft and usually everything we make much use of is all the way aft. Since we have the 4 "last minute kids" being all the way forward would be rough.


Did you tell the smokers that their ashes were burning you? Maybe they didn't realize what was going on, although I don't know how. :confused:

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...what good pirate ship doesn’t have the skull and crossbones flag?...



...yep, this about says it all...









Lunch on the island was kind of “meh”. It looked a lot better than it tased. They had jerk chicken, hot dogs, cheeseburgers and some cold salads. They also had the same fruit that we had in our cabana available. The desserts were especially bland. I’m not sure why, but we found this all week with the buffet pastries and desserts. They tended to be pretty bland for the most part - with just a few exceptions. The MDR and specialty meals had very good desserts.

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Great review and awesome pics! I can really appreciate good picture taking and you take great pics. I was on the Liberty, a couple weeks after you, so it's interesting to get your take on it. One comment - we stayed on Lido, as well - I have no idea the name of our steward because he never introduced himself, but we only saw him on the first day and the last night. So, it's interesting that you only saw your steward once. I wonder if it has something to do with the supervisor on Lido, maybe he's to blame and not the actual steward. Our cabin was adequate, but I have had such better cabin service on Carnival, in the past - and I'm not one who ever complains- but the cabin was a little off on this cruise. We even had an incident, on the last evening - I'm not going to go into it, but it was very strange and my husband has contacted Carnival (since we've been home) about it. Anyway, can't wait to read the rest of your review.

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Did you tell the smokers that their ashes were burning you? Maybe they didn't realize what was going on, although I don't know how. :confused:


I didn't tell them specifically I got burnt - rather I asked if they could watch where the ashes were going because they were coming over to our balcony. We were told that with all the new smoking rules this was the only place they could smoke, balconies are for smokers only, and they weren't going to burn down a steel ship.


Rather than make a fuss, we just left it alone and stayed in our room whenever they were out there.


It certainly didn't ruin our vacation - we did get to spend some time on our balcony when they were eating and sometimes late at night and early in the morning.

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Excellent photos, I recently bought a DSLR since I love cruising and was tired of not so good photos and seeing other spectacular photos on here. I love it! Great review as well, I might have to go back on the Liberty just so I can have a burger.

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We decided to head back to the ship about 3pm. There weren’t any tender lines so we got right on and boarded the ship. This was formal night, so after a brief time on the ship to get cleaned up, we had agreed to meet Ed and Sue for a drink at the Alchemy bar.


...having another Alchemy drink...




Now at this time we started really noticing the ship moving. If you’ve been on a cruise before, you also know that on formal nights, the Promenade is completely packed with photographers and people waiting to take pictures. We were running late to meet Ed and Sue at the Alchemy bar - which is at the far end of the promenade. As the ship was really rocking back and forth with the waves (8-10’ swells), it was entertaining to watch from one end of the promenade people moving and stumbling back and forth across the ship as it was rocking. Again, we were running late so as we were trying to make our way through the crowd, we weren’t having much luck. God stepped in and gave the Liberty a big old rock to port - which caused almost everyone on the Promenade to stumble towards the port. Honestly, it was like parting the Red Sea - so we just scooted right through quickly and got to the bar. It really was quite humerous to watch.


Again, we grabbed some martinis and sushi and chatted for a while until they went to dinner. Taren and I hung out for a while on the Promenade “people watching” until it was our turn.


...Taren ordering a drink at the Alchemy Bar...



...she got the Apple A Day Martini...



...some Sushi...



...and some Crab Salad...



We people watched for a while on the Promenade before it was time for dinner. Taren and I both had the Pumpkin Soup and WCMC for dessert. I had Lobster and Prime Rib which were very good. Taren had the Lobster. The prime rib was only about ¼ to ⅜” thick which is very small for my liking, but as I had 2 entrees, I certainly didn’t go hungry.


After dinner we met Ed and Sue in the Comedy club for the “R” rated show by Hank. We both thought he was pretty funny.


We were pretty tired after the comedy show so we went to bed.

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The next morning was a Sea Day so as Taren was looking forward to spending time on Lido in the Sun, I wanted to spend time taking some pictures of the Liberty. We got out on deck early and the deck-chair seat savers were in full force.


We had breakfast in the MDR and I had the Eggs Benedict and OJ. I thought it was very good. Taren had the pancakes with Banana/Caramel. She said the caramel was too thick, sticky and sweet, couldn’t really eat it.


...Eggs Benedict in the MDR...



Here’s a few pictures from wandering the ship:


...EA Sportsbar...



...Piano Bar...



...Closeup of the piano bar...



...Lower Level of the Silver Dining Room (aft)...



...Grand Staircase...


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