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Seven days until we cruise and then THIS happens...


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Too bad but I'm sure you'll make the best of it. I just got a text from a friend who had a medical procedure a month ago, he isn't healing properly, so needs to cancel his cruise. We leave for the Liberty next week, minus him and his partner! Have a fun time, even considering your situation.

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I now have a boot cast on my foot. I get to take it to Hawaii with me. Do I only pack one stupid shoe from each pair that I planned to bring, and HOW is this going to look on elegant night with my pretty dresses?!?!?! And worse yet, WHOSE cruising experience am I going to ruin because I won't be wearing proper shoes in the MDR? LOL I just HAD to add that in. But really, this sucks so bad :( Does anyone have any advice for me? Never vacationed as an injured person yet!


Wow they flame you on elegant night for wearing a boot? Perhaps you could wear two so they will match.icon7.gif

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Last spring I broke 5 bones in my right foot. 17 days in boot while we figured out what to do, 7 weeks in cast, 2 more months in boot with minimal weightbearing. A few helpful hints from my alter ego, Bootsy Collins:


Get the knee walker. I wish I had had that because I was lousy at crutch-walking and ended up in a wheelchair for four months because it was easier for hubby to get me around. Easier, but by no stretch of the imagination was anything easy. Choose your other shoe wisely.


Ice is your best friend. The fridges aren't really cold enough to maintain a gel pack, so ice in a baggie, wrapped in a towel, is your best bet. I used an ace bandage to try to wrap it around my foot, maybe worked 50% of the time.


Make sure you have enough pain medication! and if you're taking Vicodin or Percocet, make sure you take Senokot every night so you don't get blocked up.


Tell Carnival upfront so you can board with handicapped passengers and maybe get special consideration during safety drill or whatever they call muster nowadays. And if for some reason you don't get the knee walker, definitely carry a cane. Lets people know you're not just slow.


Ask Maitre d' to give you a table not too far from the entrance to the restaurant. Go to dinner 5-10 minutes late so you miss the initial crush when the doors open. For shows, get there early and plan on leaving late.


For formal night, fancy black pants are your best bet. They will hide the boot. Of course, if you want to bling it out, then don't hide your art!


Above all, have a wonderful time. Most people, once they're aware of your situation, will go out of their way to accommodate and help you. If they don't, feel free to play the gimp card!

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I now have a boot cast on my foot. I get to take it to Hawaii with me. ... And worse yet, WHOSE cruising experience am I going to ruin because I won't be wearing proper shoes in the MDR?


Dee, I am on the same cruise and you won't ruin my cruising experience one bit! I'll be able to recognize you now... you're the one with the boot :)



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Dee, I am on the same cruise and you won't ruin my cruising experience one bit! I'll be able to recognize you now... you're the one with the boot :)




We are on the same cruise too. I could care less what shoes someone is wearing, Tony might have to wear tennis shoes with his suit because of his ankle brace - tendon tear, surgery planned right after the cruise. someone has a problem with it....go somewhere else

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I had to wear a boot for a cruise and survived. I snorkeled, without boot, but wore it to the excursion. As my surgeon told me when I said I didn;t want to wear it on the cruise, he said--- Don't want to have surgery in Mexico either, don't take a chance, wear the boot when you walk. take it off to swm ad relax.

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Bella made it work during prom in Twilight...youll be fine! :p


:p :D


To the OP, sorry that had to happen, but don't let it ruin your cruise...I do like the bedazzling idea on the "boot" I am sure you will still have a great time, enjoy your cruise and be sure to post a review when you get back :D

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I now have a boot cast on my foot. I get to take it to Hawaii with me. Do I only pack one stupid shoe from each pair that I planned to bring, and HOW is this going to look on elegant night with my pretty dresses?!?!?! And worse yet, WHOSE cruising experience am I going to ruin because I won't be wearing proper shoes in the MDR? LOL I just HAD to add that in. But really, this sucks so bad :( Does anyone have any advice for me? Never vacationed as an injured person yet!

Take a bow tie and stick it on your boot on elegant night. Maybe take a Sharpie and draw on a tux or something. :D

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People sometimes complain that the "CC family" is rude and uncaring. Every post on this thread has been positive, and most have included good ideas that I wouldn't have considered. Have a great trip!;)

BTW, to all of you that offered support, good job!

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I am so totally and truly overwhelmed by all of you lovely people. Such positive and humorous posts and for that I thank you! Today started out on a rather downward spiral but you made me laugh and you made me smile and you ALL made a positive impact to an otherwise crappy day. I thank you immensely!


I would like to add the comment about the boot in the MDR was just a joke, I have read so many posts about dress code etc that I just HAD to :D


I am so very grateful to be going on this cruise, thankful that it wasn't a worse injury than it is. So I am going to share something with you all regarding the injury. It's a rather embarrassing story, but you all have been so kind I will share this with you.


New Year's Eve, I was prepping for the following day, family coming for a big supper. So, I open up my big double pantry doors, reach in to get a bag of chocolate chips on the second shelf... and the biggest, heaviest, nastiest can of Campbell's Chunky Soup jumps right off the third shelf and propels itself right on the top of my right foot.


People, I said words I didn't even know. I strung words together and created a whole new language, and I proclaimed each of these words at the top of my lungs, and then I collapsed on the floor in a heap. It was then I looked down at my foot and saw the blood. That can must have lay in wait, sharpening it's edges for days because not only did it burst a rather large blood vessel under the skin but it slashed my foot open. It then bounced up about 2 feet in the air and launched itself at the tip of my little toe effectively removing the entire toenail.


Now I have to tell you, I'm no delicate little flower. My husband was babbling about doctors, hospitals, X rays, stitches. I screamed for a basin, cold water and ice, STAT. I soaked that foot for 3 days then went to work as scheduled. At the end of that 9 hours I couldn't remove the shoe on my foot. THEN I went to the doc. The rads were sent to a specialist, blah blah blah. Took this long to determine that I required a boot and probably surgery when I get home. I have a cracked bone (only one) but extensive soft tissue damage, tore all the tendons on the top of my foot straight across and only now am I whining about it, because now the cruise is a week away and reality has set in but all of you have made it all better, THANK YOU and my apologies for rambling but I owed you all something for your kindness!

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I now have a boot cast on my foot. I get to take it to Hawaii with me. Do I only pack one stupid shoe from each pair that I planned to bring, and HOW is this going to look on elegant night with my pretty dresses?!?!?! And worse yet, WHOSE cruising experience am I going to ruin because I won't be wearing proper shoes in the MDR? LOL I just HAD to add that in. But really, this sucks so bad :( Does anyone have any advice for me? Never vacationed as an injured person yet!


You'll go and you'll have an amazing time! Don't bother packing both shoes in a pair since you won't be able to wear the other one anyway.


I broke my foot a few days before a cruise and ended up with a "walking" boot that I could remove to go in the water. It was a great cruise! This pic is of me with my crutch.



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OW Dee,

That sounds awful, and extremely painful. I once dropped a can of Manwich on my big toe, putting groceries away. That sucker hurt for months, and that was just a bruise. You have my sympathy. I hope you have a terrific cruise, and please do come back and let us know how everything goes.

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You'll go and you'll have an amazing time! Don't bother packing both shoes in a pair since you won't be able to wear the other one anyway.


I broke my foot a few days before a cruise and ended up with a "walking" boot that I could remove to go in the water. It was a great cruise! This pic is of me with my crutch.




Hey, that's exactly like MINE! Nice color :) lol

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OW Dee,

That sounds awful, and extremely painful. I once dropped a can of Manwich on my big toe, putting groceries away. That sucker hurt for months, and that was just a bruise. You have my sympathy. I hope you have a terrific cruise, and please do come back and let us know how everything goes.


You bet I will! The Manwich cans sound equally vicious!

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I've had foot problems and surgery and have traveled with limitations many times. I am so glad that I didn't let it hold me back. If you are on crutches I would try to rent a wheel chair to help you get around the ship. Being on crutches can be tiring. Don't be afraid to ask for assistance.


The nice thing about a cruise vacation is that you can sit on deck reading a book, visit the casino, watch shows, etc. You can pick and choose what you want to do and don't have to worry about holding people back or walking for miles.


Enjoy your cruise!



Omg! I can just see it in future reviews; those stories about the "poor wheel chair lady"!


In all seriousness though. Im sorry your foot. There are benifits! My foot was run over by a bus in Mexico on our first day there! I received top notch service the entire time including trips to the front of the line e erywhere including the airport.

After the injury ( interior stitches plus 12 on the outside, broken heel and 2nd metatersal) my husband bought a pair of water wings. He put them over my foot and then blew them up. This way I was able to sit in the water ( with a large drink lol )and let my foot float. It really was a great conversation piece!


Go get that bedazzler and have some fun with it. Something tells me you are one of the people who can make the best if it. I hope you hit the jackpot in the casino!

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I now have a boot cast on my foot. I get to take it to Hawaii with me. Do I only pack one stupid shoe from each pair that I planned to bring, and HOW is this going to look on elegant night with my pretty dresses?!?!?! And worse yet, WHOSE cruising experience am I going to ruin because I won't be wearing proper shoes in the MDR? LOL I just HAD to add that in. But really, this sucks so bad :( Does anyone have any advice for me? Never vacationed as an injured person yet!


I have had 2 knee replacements and foot surgery and foot surgery was worse! I totally understand you wanting to look good but being practical is the most important thing for your recovering and being sure you do not cause problems to the other foot/leg. For safety and ease of walking, you will most likely need a certain height heel to balance out your walk. I would say take two different shoes for the OK foot-one for casual and one for dress. Do not worry about coordinating, people will see the boot and feel sorry that you have it on for the cruise and be glad they don't.

Be practical. If you do not get good balance, you may end up hurting yourself more. Balance on the ship is important. Good luck.

As far as getting a cast wet-I think just a little is OK but not putting it in water. You sound carry little clear bags to put your boot in and tuck the top into the top of the boot if you think you might be stepping in water or on wet surfaces. Sorry, practical not pretty is my advise.

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Just be so thankful that your disability is temporary! It's no fun when it's permanent. I am confined to a wheelchair!


So jump for joy on your one good leg!


I'm sure the OP is at least somewhat gratful that she is not confined to a wheelchair, either temporarily or permanently. However, just because she is not worse off than somebody else does not negate how she is feeling at this time - and neither should it. And before you decide I have no idea what I'm talking about my husband is a double amputee and permanently confined to a wheelchair. I'm personaly impressed with her attitude, I think I'd be throwing myself a major pity party :D


OP - I have also had the dubious pleasure of being in a "moon boot" for several months, though lucky for me not while I had to be away from home. The one thing I remember with clarity was that keeping my toenails nicely painted really helped me feel more "put together" when only wearing one shoe. One word of advice on that though is to NOT attempt to put the polish on yourself! One smudged mess and an inability to clean it up was enough to get me to ask somebody else to do it:eek:

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Omg! I can just see it in future reviews; those stories about the "poor wheel chair lady"!


In all seriousness though. Im sorry your foot. There are benifits! My foot was run over by a bus in Mexico on our first day there! I received top notch service the entire time including trips to the front of the line e erywhere including the airport.

After the injury ( interior stitches plus 12 on the outside, broken heel and 2nd metatersal) my husband bought a pair of water wings. He put them over my foot and then blew them up. This way I was able to sit in the water ( with a large drink lol )and let my foot float. It really was a great conversation piece!


Go get that bedazzler and have some fun with it. Something tells me you are one of the people who can make the best if it. I hope you hit the jackpot in the casino!


Oh my HEAVENS I am so sorry about your foot! What a horrid thing to happen on your holiday and it must have taken forever to heal :eek: And are you married to McGyver or Red Green or someone famous because that water wing thing is INGENIOUS!!!! Smart man!


I am going to go see about the bedazzler today for sure! And the casino thing... if I won that would be a great thing, I usually leave behind nothing but donations :p

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Just be so thankful that your disability is temporary! It's no fun when it's permanent. I am confined to a wheelchair!


So jump for joy on your one good leg!




I am truly thankful, indeed I am! I cannot begin to imagine what my life would be like in a chair and that is a fact. Thank you for your perspective on this issue, I woke up this morning with a whole new spin on my situation. The injury didn't kick my butt, I will be the one kicking butt, with my GOOD foot that is :D

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I have had 2 knee replacements and foot surgery and foot surgery was worse! I totally understand you wanting to look good but being practical is the most important thing for your recovering and being sure you do not cause problems to the other foot/leg. For safety and ease of walking, you will most likely need a certain height heel to balance out your walk. I would say take two different shoes for the OK foot-one for casual and one for dress. Do not worry about coordinating, people will see the boot and feel sorry that you have it on for the cruise and be glad they don't.

Be practical. If you do not get good balance, you may end up hurting yourself more. Balance on the ship is important. Good luck.

As far as getting a cast wet-I think just a little is OK but not putting it in water. You sound carry little clear bags to put your boot in and tuck the top into the top of the boot if you think you might be stepping in water or on wet surfaces. Sorry, practical not pretty is my advise.


Oh my, it sounds like you are very experienced in the recuperation department! I know in my initial post I came off sounding a little frivolous but truly I'm not! I am all about safety at home and at work and my DH is as well. Not one to worry overly much about how people perceive me by my appearance and so you can imagine that I am going to be wearing the sturdiest anti-slip footwear on my good foot that I can dig up! I am such a klutz it wouldn't take much for me to take a spill and end up with two buggered feet!


It isn't a cast per se, but a boot that has air bags inside pumped up to conform to my foot and hold it snug while it is strapped rather tight to my leg to the knee but it can be removed for bathing and swimming and just laying in the sun which I suspect I will be doing a lot of!


Thank you for your advice, and concern!

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