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I Have Been Stewing about this for a Very Long Time.........


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I really want your honest opinions. You won't insult me. I'm asking, so please respond.

On an HAL cruise, I went to the gym with my DH to use the treadmills. It was mid-morning and we were able to get side-by-side machines and started our workout. I was 'treading my mill' and listening to CNN. Perfectly happy to be with my DH, on a wonderful HAL ship, feeling good and enjoying my exercise.

One of the Spa workers came up beside me and started yakking away. It was annoying and I wanted him gone. He is supposed to be a 'trainer' etc and I thought it pretty dense of him to be chit-chatting with a person trying to exercise but didn't want to be rude so I gave him a few non-committal sort of responses.

Out of nowhere, he reached across the control panel, increased the incline level I was working at and upped the speed.

I was shocked. I immediately set it back to where I WANTED IT AND TOLD HIM CLEARLY I would set my own controls. He started to babble something stupid about how I should be working harder.

Next think I know, he reached his hand out and shut my treadmill off. WHAT!!!!

By now I am furious and seeing as there were a few others in the gym, I reset my machine, started again and told him to scram (that was not the word I used).

My blood is boiling by now. He shut off my treadmill without providing me a cool down???? He adjusts the incline???? Resets my Speed????

DH is not fully aware what is happening as he's minding his own business and enjoy his workout. DH finishes and turns to me and I say I'm staying a bit longer and will join him later. He leaves.

Gym is now empty.

I get a hold of that spa trainer. I really screamed at him at this point....

HOW DARE YOU!!! Do YOU know I have a heart condition? I just had a heart attack? Do you know I'm recovering from Open Heart Surgery? Do you Know what instructions my Doctor has given me regarding exercise? Did I ask for your help? Did I invite you to come near me what I was exercising?

I told him to keep his "dam" hands in his pockets and off the controls ofmachines passengers are working on unless they are in danger, are operating the machine incorrectly or ask for your help!!! My blood pressure was off the chart.

The only thing this fool responded to all of my tirade was....I'm not allowed to put my hands in my pocket and that if I wanted, I could report him.

It was never my intention to 'report him' but when he said that I took that as an arrogant challenge. I thought about it the rest of the day and evening. Later that night, we were chatting with the F & B. I know this is not directly that person's department but was someone we know and trusted. I told that person what happened. They asked what I wanted done about it. I said....only that the spa worker be instructed to not do such a thing again.

I continued to use the spa during the cruise. Why wouldn't/shouldn't I? That person avoided me like the plague which was fine by me.

Later in the cruise, we were talking with the HM who we know well. Casual chitchat and one subject let to another and I told him the story of what had happened. I honestly felt (and still do) that was not only nervy but dangerous. He was annoying me, then he was effecting my enjoyment and safety on an exercise machine and then he was arrogant. By now, I really didn't care what they did to him.

It has bothered me since.

I never want to get someone in trouble.

Was I wrong?

Should I have kept my mouth shut?

I have no way of knowing if he was ever spoken or anything else that may have happened.


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Sail -


I know you've advised other posters over the years about what to do when something isn't to their satisfaction:


1) bring it the immediate attention of the person most responsible (DR steward, cabin attendant - or gym trainer)

2) if it's not taken care of, excalate it.


That's also what I recommend to people, otherwise the situation will simmer and stew and affect the entire cruise.


I would have gone to the gym manager (and would advise others to do the same in this situation), but you certainly did nothing wrong.

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Of course you weren't wrong - you're the customer!!!


I too am far less than satisfied w/ Steiner, and have no intentions of using their services ever again. Their employees are rude and have little to no regard for their clients well being. And why should they? After all, there's a boatload of fresh victims coming next week...

It's a dirty shame that they have a monopoly on all Carnival Corp. ships...

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Sail, my opinion is that the spa attendant was WAY out of line. He had no business doing what he did without first asking if you'd like some coaching. And to shut off a treadmill without a cool-down makes me think he has no clue about exercising. He stuck his nose where it didn't belong. The only thing you missed was going directly to the spa manager and reporting this dunderhead. Don't worry about "getting someone in trouble." HE was the one who got himself in trouble ... not you. This is often used by misbehavers to put a guilt trip on the person who was the victim or saw their misdeeds. If I get in trouble for doing something I shouldn't, it's ME who caused the trouble ... not the person who reported it.

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Sail -


I know you've advised other posters over the years about what to do when something isn't to their satisfaction:


1) bring it the immediate attention of the person most responsible (DR steward, cabin attendant - or gym trainer)

2) if it's not taken care of, excalate it.


That's also what I recommend to people, otherwise the situation will simmer and stew and affect the entire cruise.


I would have gone to the gym manager (and would advise others to do the same in this situation), but you certainly did nothing wrong.



Thanks for your response.


I have so little (no) respect for anyone at Steiner's and never, ever use any of their services aside from the (free) exercise machines.


IMO, to have spoken with any other empty headed, (JMO) poorly trained Steiner person would only get my agitation level even higher.


I chose instead to speak with high rank officers on the ship.

That is the part that is bothering me. Should I have simply kept my own counsel?


I would make the same choice (if unfortunately something similar occured in the future) to by-pass anyone in a Steiner uniform. While it is always unfair to paint everyone with the same paintbrush, my experience with any of them has always been negative. It has been more than ten years since I have partaken of any of their services.

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Gee, S7S, I'm amazed. The trainer's actions are mind-boggling. I definitely think you did nothing wrong concerning him, but I think I might have gone further (but I can get rather hot-headed about things like this). The only thing I might have done, knowing you, would have been to maybe request some sort of explanation or apology from the putz, through his superior? But that may have just made it boil even further. I'm glad you didn't let it stop you from using the facility.

Was he maybe trying to pick you up? (only half-kidding ;) )

And I agree with Brian - Steiner is abysmal, at best.

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It appears you did what you could do at the time and he left you alone after that. He was definitely not a very smart individual because you could have been hurt.


Would it have made you feel better if you could have tied him to the belt on the treadmill and turned the speed to "incredibly fast?":eek: Just a thought.

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Sail - That "trainer" had absolutely NO right to do what he did and I would have been furious too. If something like that had happened in a gym like Bally's that person would have been dismissed, and guess what? He probably should have been - he is definitely in the wrong field if he doesn't know how dangerous something like that can be. No one except the user should EVER be adjusting treadmill controls... I had a HUGE problem watching it happen on that reality show, The Biggest Loser.


As far as Steiner's goes - I think there are alot of folks on these boards who feel the same way. My last experience was several years ago and was very unpleasant - I told the gal I had recently had several surgeries on my lip to remove skin cancer and correct scarring - she assured me the products were the kind that I explained to her that I could only use, well I had a super bad reaction to something she applied to my face and I said never again.


I do continue to use the salon services for manicures, pedicures and hair styling. I liked the salon gals on the Volendam quite a bit - the girl who did my pedi was from Ireland and quite engaging. The gal who did DD hair's for our first formal night was really great with her and chatted away asking her all about school, friends, etc. :)

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It appears you did what you could do at the time and he left you alone after that. He was definitely not a very smart individual because you could have been hurt.


Would it have made you feel better if you could have tied him to the belt on the treadmill and turned the speed to "incredibly fast?":eek: Just a thought.


I love that image!!! :)

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Sail, like you I am not one to shoot from the hip and report people who merely annoy me. I am loath to do anything that will put someone's job at risk or impact on them in a negative way for something minor.


Having said that, there is a point where it is imperative to let a person's supervisor know about an employee's negative behavior. I believe that the situation you described is just such a situation.


This employee was not only intrusive and disrupting your exercise, he was endangering your health. I shudder to think of what harm he may have caused you. Having said that, who knows what harm he may cause others who would be less assertive than you?


I am glad you brought this to the attention of the Hotel Manager and others in authority. If the spa attendant was reprimanded, all the better. Who knows what further you may have prevented. If this led to his losing his job, he deserved that as well. HAL and Steiner cannot afford to have people in their employ who abuse their guests.


Sail, Good job!!! :)



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Gee, S7S, I'm amazed. The trainer's actions are mind-boggling. I definitely think you did nothing wrong concerning him, but I think I might have gone further (but I can get rather hot-headed about things like this). The only thing I might have done, knowing you, would have been to maybe request some sort of explanation or apology from the putz, through his superior? But that may have just made it boil even further. I'm glad you didn't let it stop you from using the facility.

Was he maybe trying to pick you up? (only half-kidding ;) )

And I agree with Brian - Steiner is abysmal, at best.


Oh, Phil........what a charmer!!! :D Trying to pick me up!! You know how to make a girl feel great!!!!

(I so hope we get to 'meet again' in October '06)

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Thanks, Laura.


Your post and views on the situation mean alot to me.

(I forgot to add that another part of my irritation was that when he shut off my treadmill, I lost all measures of how long I had been walking, the distance I had walked and the calories I had burned. Those numbers matter to me on every workout.) Most of us set goals we wish to accomplish with our exercise program and (especially when gobbling extra calories on a cruise ;) )

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Thank you very much for your comments. I always respect your opinion. This issue comes into my head from time to time and I have been regretting telling the F&B and HM. I feel better now after reading all of the comments posted here.

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I'm afraid my temper would have gotten the better of me and I'd have pushed for an even stronger reprimand for the "trainer." If it had been something that was "only" annoying, I would have said go through the "chain" - you know, the immediate supervisor, etc. But given the extreme nature of the "trainer's" actions you were most assuredly right to take it as "high" as necessary. I only hope that he was given a good talking to so he understands not only how he endangered you but what an idiot he was for responding the way he did. Idiots - we're surrounded by idiots. :o)


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You have a valid complaint. Everyone agrees.


My thoughts are that managements needed to be informed. As a past manager, I know that you can not watch each one of your employees at all times and that you rely on the customer/client feedback as one of your working supervisory tools. susan.

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Having never set foot in a ship's gym other than to walk thru it;) , I'm hardly one to respond. However, you know me.


First, I don't think it's good that this has been on your mind for this long. This should have been all settled for you on the ship and you should not have to bring it home with you.


Second, I would not have spoken directly with the employee at all. I would have found the responsible person for overseeing the Steiner people (not the Steiner Manager). I would have gone directly to that person and registered a huge complaint about the treatment I had received. I would have insisted that this person be dealt with immediately. There was no excuse for this behavior. The person had no right to fiddle with your machine.


Frankly, I'm stunned at the response you received from everyone you spoke to. It doesn't sound like they took the situation that seriously.

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Sail - you were so right to report him. I own 3 stores and would want to know if one of my employees did something like that. What he did could have affected your health. His supervisor has every right to know about it and hopefully correct it. Happy future sailing! :)

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Sail--When did you take this cruise? Why are you stewing about it? It isn't doing your heart or blood pressure any good.

...I agree with Dave...You are the first to say...address the problem-take care of it right-away.

To just turn off a treadmill...The man is an imbicile and dangerous. You should have reported him as soon as you left the gym.

Don't let the small problems build into a big health problem for you.


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My blood pressure was up after reading your post! If the trainer would have simply apologized I would have left it at that, but with his continued arrogance and lack of concern for the well being of his guest, a formal complaint was more than justified.

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Having never set foot in a ship's gym other than to walk thru it;) , I'm hardly one to respond. However, you know me.


First, I don't think it's good that this has been on your mind for this long. This should have been all settled for you on the ship and you should not have to bring it home with you.


Second, I would not have spoken directly with the employee at all. I would have found the responsible person for overseeing the Steiner people (not the Steiner Manager). I would have gone directly to that person and registered a huge complaint about the treatment I had received. I would have insisted that this person be dealt with immediately. There was no excuse for this behavior. The person had no right to fiddle with your machine.


Frankly, I'm stunned at the response you received from everyone you spoke to. It doesn't sound like they took the situation that seriously.




To avoid any confusion.

The two Officers with whom I spoke, are persons very well known to us. We were not strangers meeting for the first time to discuss this situation. They are people we know VERY well. We have known this HM for MANY years, many cruises. I never did mention in my comments here the response he gave. :)

If we had been meeting the F&B for the first time, I am postive the conversation would have gone very differently. They KNOW us. They knew what I said, was exactly what happened. They also knew I wasn't looking for the normally sought for "compensation" they everyone seems to want for any/everything that happens. We could skip all of the usual babble. I didn't want the usual: "So sorry blah, blah, blah" and they knew they could skip by all that. The conversation we had with the F&B was perfectly appropriate given the familiarity.

I did not want that trainer fired. I never want to be involved in a situation that causes a person their employment.

All I wanted was for someone to explain the obvious to him. The people who come into that gym come with all sorts of conditions and varying levels of health/fitness. One has an image of reasonably young people working out in a gym all being the height of fitness. We all know that is not necessarily the case. This trainer endangered me; he could endanger someone else. And, in truth, I DID want to vent my anger.

After I made the comment to the F&B and then later in the cruise when I spoke with the HM, neither I nor they ever raised the subject again. I had told persons with authority. There was nothing more I wanted to do with the subject.

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Sail--When did you take this cruise? Why are you stewing about it? It isn't doing your heart or blood pressure any good.

...I agree with Dave...You are the first to say...address the problem-take care of it right-away.

To just turn off a treadmill...The man is an imbicile and dangerous. You should have reported him as soon as you left the gym.

Don't let the small problems build into a big health problem for you.



Pat....Thank you.

This is the reason I posted this thread.

I truly wanted to know if I had over-reacted and thought the incidence worse than it really was.

You have all helped me alot and I shall now 'put it away'.

I have been concerned I got someone in trouble who didn't deserve it and that has bothered me.

You've all convinced me I acted appropriately and whatever happened to him was his own fault.

Thank you VERY MUCH.


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I also agree that you were not wrong to report this situation.


I would only add that I am so sorry this happened to you, and you must let this thing go entirely. You were treated inappropriately - period. You were the victim, and are not at fault in any way.:o

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