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Should someone filing suit to get what they feel is just compensation really be concerned how their litigation may impact future insurance?


Should folks in Alabama who had to sue State Farm and ALFA to get their insurance to pay out after tornadoes destroyed their homes really worry at that point about future insurance premiums?


That is beyond stupid.

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Sorry, you aren't looking for justice, you are looking for vengeance and you aren't going to get it.


The only ones who are going to pay are the insurance companies (if at all), and hopefully the Captain will end up in jail.


Vengeance is a very strong word Freagan, you can say that to my face in person if you got to meet me or know my attributes or as a person who loves this industry.

I think most people here are only looking out for the welfare of the victims and commenting on how they feel about the industry now this has happened and how each sees compensation should be paid and how much.

Thats why the Forum is here I might seem vocal but a passion is attached towards my love of this industry. Each to their own analysis I guess.

I am very much pro passenger, not pro company after my dealings in the past 10 years with several of the Carnival cruise lines.

We are talking about a specific industry and I have worked hard and long years in similar industries. Even the impeccable companies under the Carnival corp banner may have also lost some standards after Carnival Corp took over, and thats a hard thing to say as I am endeared to them. I think the industry became less personable toward the customer and became a very big business. And lost touch somewhere. I still have faith in Princess and a few others. Its all mainstream now.

People who love ships are devestated this happened.

I believe this industry was heading this way with some poor managerial attitudes and after Carnival Corp took over.

The facts remain beginning to end with this Costa disaster and a Captain abandoning his ship...its sickening and sad.

Not really the word vengeance as you describe me. If I am a bit vocal thats because Im angry about this and on CC we are entitled to say so.

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How is helping someone with an injured leg in any way comparable with the ordeal of a sinking ship? Your life was never at risk! And if premiums rise because of the claims then maybe you should raise that with insurance companies and not the victims.



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Let us not forget that Costa's only source of income is the cruise fares they charge.


I wonder where the money to pay for all of the law suits is going to come from.

It maybe the only source of "income" but it's not the only source to pay the victim.


Insurance will pay for the claims. Unless, of course, if they didn't purchase sufficient insurance to pay out all the claims. Then the line will go bankrupt. Their ships sold to be pay all who have a stake.

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We are all entitled to our own opinions! and the lawyers are the winners!
yes to both and if you want to join the club work very hard in school, then university, then in a practice. Then if you want to litigate these sort of cases on a no win no fee basis, get an insurance company to indemnify you against loss, be prepared to see your premiums rise if you loose. I love barrack room lawyers they remind me of people who wear captains hats on board a rowing boat.
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Should someone filing suit to get what they feel is just compensation really be concerned how their litigation may impact future insurance?


Should folks in Alabama who had to sue State Farm and ALFA to get their insurance to pay out after tornadoes destroyed their homes really worry at that point about future insurance premiums?


That is beyond stupid.

I concur, I do realize this thread relates to the victims who's claim will fall within the policy holders public liability insurance.

I may also understand that some posters will feel a degree of shardenfreude with the companies problems, so to stimulate these poster the insurance companies who insure the hull will without doubt have employed lawyers to mitigate their loss.I have read that the first $10 mil of that claim should it be successful is uninsured. It would also appear that the ship may not have been insured for loss of use, if this is the case it will prove quite an expensive direct loss.

For me at present it is to early see the damage done to the Costa brand and how this will impact on the holding company's other brands. The specter of News Corps closure of the News of the World must haunt some employee's with greater knowledge than us.

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I reckon Judge Judy would say if you were driving a car on the wrong side of the road and hit another car then that would not be deemed an accident.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

When I drive in the US or Europe my sat/nav is set to warn me about which side of the road I should drive so I don't have an accident, an on purpose would be if I crossed the road with the intent to harm kill or maim myself, as we retained the ashes yet again there was no need.

Sent by carrier pigeon using twitter.

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LAWYERS ... the only Winners in all of this.. wake up ! I really do hope that the 3,000 or so people take the Costa offer which is fair and right.


For the GREEDY i really hope they see the error of their ways or Lose.


For those who lost loved ones i hope their settlement is what they feel is right for them because no amount of money will replace those people!



Your life was never at risk! ... pushka .... WOW i did not realise you were there as well !

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as a made up example of the severity of the issue

..lets all write a letter to Costa explaining the nice view we had when we were swimming away from or jumping off a capsized cruise ship.

We could also let them know the food was good on the ship while the cruise lasted. Before everyone was put at life threatening risk by the Captain.

Italy in a brochure seems a bit tainted now. There goes that idea ever again.


Over the years I have seen 2 people jump off a cruise ship and hanging off the edge where the whole ship was in fear while watching.

Imagine 4000 ? people working out an escape route ? and some jumping as well...


I cant imagine how those Costa cruise passengers and crew were feeling. : ((


Swim ahead, darling, I'll survive: 'My husband gave me his lifejacket as we jumped off sinking cruise ship... I never saw him again,' says French survivor


Greedy lawyers...oh ok then....whatever you say !!

hmmm ?

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oceanwavegirl .... did you miss this bit? certainly seems so!


"For those who lost loved ones i hope their settlement is what they feel is right for them because no amount of money will replace those people"


Greedy are those who got off the ship ok but intend to claim unjustifiable damages because they have a lawyer who is also Greedy! anyone who left with Injuries i agree they have a different claim.


The only decent Lawyer i have read about so far is the Guy who unmasked the Hungarians who were trying to claim for someone who was already Dead.

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LAWYERS ... the only Winners in all of this.. wake up ! I really do hope that the 3,000 or so people take the Costa offer which is fair and right.


For the GREEDY i really hope they see the error of their ways or Lose.


For those who lost loved ones i hope their settlement is what they feel is right for them because no amount of money will replace those people!



Your life was never at risk! ... pushka .... WOW i did not realise you were there as well !

Sid does the spousal abuse figures still spike when the Trotters lose? maybe that's your forte.

Ps I don't mean spousal abuse is your forte because like the 3000 or so pax I don't know you, but as you live near or in Bolton you may have some local knowledge.

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The only decent Lawyer i have read about so far is the Guy who unmasked the Hungarians who were trying to claim for someone who was already Dead.


You do recognize that the lawyer who unmasked the Hungarian fraud is one of the lead plantiff lawyers in the U.S. suing for big class action damages for survivors over the Concordia incident.

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Keel Haul ... my car Tyres say India on them but they are not from there! just in the same way that i live near Bolton but do not support them! any more stupid questions ?


Greg ... As i said the best thing he has done is uncover what the Hungarians were trying to do, with regards to the other work i stand by what i say that Greed has taken over for some people.

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Keel Haul ... my car Tyres say India on them but they are not from there! just in the same way that i live near Bolton but do not support them! any more stupid questions ?
Yes Sid as the Bolton area held the dubious honor of being one of the car crime capitals in the UK do you take your tyres in at night as you and your car seem attached to them.

Supplementary Stupid Question, you and your partner? have survived this disaster with no physical damage, you start to wade through your holiday insurance and you notice it includes legal aid.The offer comes through from Costa, you contact your legal aid they advise you in the current climate that you will get $100k+ each if you join one of the class actions what would you do, accept the much smaller offer from Costa?

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Yes Sid as the Bolton area held the dubious honor of being one of the car crime capitals in the UK do you take your tyres in at night as you and your car seem attached to them.

Supplementary Stupid Question, you and your partner? have survived this disaster with no physical damage, you start to wade through your holiday insurance and you notice it includes legal aid.The offer comes through from Costa, you contact your legal aid they advise you in the current climate that you will get $100k+ each if you join one of the class actions what would you do, accept the much smaller offer from Costa?



Oh, I think he should ignore the offer and go with the lawsuit. That way about 10 years from now he can wave his settlement check of $12.99 in the air and claim victory.

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I think some people are confusing Costa agreeing to pay out the money in 7 days with people having to agree to sign in 7 days.


Dear Mickey D, I have read the earlier "Costa Concordia Sinking' thread, and am so grateful that your family made it out alive. I thought you might like to know that old thread was locked and a new thread has been started at:



Your contributions have been very much appreciated by those of us trying to understand what happened.

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LAWYERS ... the only Winners in all of this.. wake up ! I really do hope that the 3,000 or so people take the Costa offer which is fair and right.


For the GREEDY i really hope they see the error of their ways or Lose.


For those who lost loved ones i hope their settlement is what they feel is right for them because no amount of money will replace those people!



Your life was never at risk! ... pushka .... WOW i did not realise you were there as well !

Interesting! You believe those who had lost loved ones have the deserve WHAT THEY FEEL IS RIGHT. But the rest of the passenger and crew only deserve what YOU think is right!

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LAWYERS ... the only Winners in all of this.. wake up ! I really do hope that the 3,000 or so people take the Costa offer which is fair and right.


For the GREEDY i really hope they see the error of their ways or Lose.


There was a TV news discussion on Sunday which outlined that the Costa compensation offer for non-injured survivors was smaller than any other major transportation disaster compensation offer made in Europe or the U.S. during the past 20 years on an individual basis (included U.S. Airways in the Hudson, etc.). The context of the conversation was the initial offer, not what people landed up with if they rejected the offer and sued.


How can you really say that the "Costa offer is fair and right" when put into historic context - it is the smallest offer in the last 20 years to non-injured survivors? Especially since most of the other instances didn't involve criminal negligence on the part of the pilot, captain, or driver.

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Oh come on, people are acting like this was all planned! "The more severly they are punished, the more likely they will create a climate of best practice?" How in the world is that going to control every person who is on the crew of any given ship? What happens if all the procedures are correct and it was entirely the crew that failed, especially the captain? Carnival Corp or Costa executives didn't tell the captain to ram the ship into a rock and then abandon the ship and passengers! Costa has already lost a half of BILLION in the ship alone, you don't believe that is costly? Out of pocket expenses will be at least 90 million (IIRC) They had a loss of at least 32 lives and yet the more money paid out will control the best practice in the future? I do not follow that logic.


You had a captain, who by all reports abandoned the ship. We know that in the PAST, Costa allowed and authorized a sail by. We DO NOT know if this time if it had been authorized at all. This captain is facing man-slaughter charges for each person that has died, and rightly so.


But what if Costa instructed the captain to get closer to that shore before he gave the abandon ship order? Would that have been the right thing to do? I don't know, who here wants to play God.


What I do know is that out of 4200 passengers and over 1000 crew, 32 are missing/have been found deceased and all the rest made it to shore either by the lifeboats or helicopters.


I do know that the family in Wisconsin who has been praying for their mother and father to be survivors deserve more than anyone that survived the grounding. I do know that the mother who is waiting for her 5 year old daughter to be found, deserves more than any survivor gets.


how can all this be quantified? how can you say who deserves more?

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There was a TV news discussion on Sunday which outlined that the Costa compensation offer for non-injured survivors was smaller than any other major transportation disaster compensation offer made in Europe or the U.S. during the past 20 years on an individual basis (included U.S. Airways in the Hudson, etc.). The context of the conversation was the initial offer, not what people landed up with if they rejected the offer and sued.


How can you really say that the "Costa offer is fair and right" when put into historic context - it is the smallest offer in the last 20 years to non-injured survivors? Especially since most of the other instances didn't involve criminal negligence on the part of the pilot, captain, or driver.



of course its the smallest offer coz Costa have the smallest b...... in modern maritime history oops sorry ! ... Australian bad manners...

Ok I will crawl back into my box for a while .....looking forward to another Costa thread, where I can campaign for the passengers have enjoyed all the posts thankyou

have a good day y'all


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There was a TV news discussion on Sunday which outlined that the Costa compensation offer for non-injured survivors was smaller than any other major transportation disaster compensation offer made in Europe or the U.S. during the past 20 years on an individual basis (included U.S. Airways in the Hudson, etc.). The context of the conversation was the initial offer, not what people landed up with if they rejected the offer and sued.


How can you really say that the "Costa offer is fair and right" when put into historic context - it is the smallest offer in the last 20 years to non-injured survivors? Especially since most of the other instances didn't involve criminal negligence on the part of the pilot, captain, or driver.


Amen! All this poster wants to do is try and convince everyone that a pitiful offer is a good one and that everyone who doesn't take the offer will have to wait years for a settlement and only make the lawyers rich.


Very linear thinking to say the least. He keeps ignoring the very probable middle ground where the class action suits end up settling out of court and in a reasonable period of time for a decent sum of money that makes both the lawyers and the passengers happy. It works well for the lawyers to settle in a timely manner so that they can get paid in a timely manner as well as the cruisers. There is no reason to think that will take 10 years.


Think Erin Brockavich. That class action went to binding arbitration in a reasonable period of time and everyone did well financially in the process. And BTW what is wrong with the lawyers earning a % of the settlement? They are providing a professional service and deserve to be paid for same!

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