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Costa Concordia SINKING!


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My thoughts precisely! Like you I tune in now and then to see what lengths they've taken their self-imposed seriousness to.

Its really quite comical these experts and analysts. I really hope they do get dragged into court for influencing things above and beyond their control but in truth and in fact that would be granting them the power and influence they so need in their lives. They're not going anywhere, but they are amusing themselves and keeping busy, off the streets and for that we should be thankful

Now all we can do is await their final decisions and sentences handed down! And by the way the slick is still massage oil nothing more


A little harsh there. Demetrius.

There is a lot of media still running with this and a lot of that media released is taken as truth by the wider public. I think that there are fair minded people on this forum trying, in some small way, to cut through the media spin.


The UK is presently seeing the role of and the way media can obtain information such as the Murdoch inquiry.

Whilst this forum is only a forum, there has been some wonderful insights into media released as fact when in some cases it is just not so.


If this forum provides an avenue for critical thinking, is that not a good thing?

Why the disrespect?

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My thoughts precisely! Like you I tune in now and then to see what lengths they've taken their self-imposed seriousness to.

Its really quite comical these experts and analysts. I really hope they do get dragged into court for influencing things above and beyond their control but in truth and in fact that would be granting them the power and influence they so need in their lives. They're not going anywhere, but they are amusing themselves and keeping busy, off the streets and for that we should be thankful

Now all we can do is await their final decisions and sentences handed down! And by the way the slick is still massage oil nothing more


As a new poster, I am mystified by the attitude expressed by Dmitrius and glrounds. I do not see the “jousting for position” or the “self-imposed seriousness.” On the contrary, I have been impressed by the common effort on the part of many different talents toward solving the mystery of a very great, and very real, tragedy. In my mind this is an eminently worth-while pursuit.


I believe there is a huge amount to be learned from this tragedy. If I were in the cruise industry I would make every effort, including reading these pages, to learn how a disaster such as this one could be avoided in the future.


So far, what has emerged is a picture of a corporate ethos which led its management to treat its crew members like servants and its passengers like children. Like servants and children, they were kept in the dark as events unfolded and valuable time was lost. Regrettably this same supercilious attitude is reflected in Domnica’s admonishing tone to David Saba as well as in Dmitrius’s dismissive words to posters on this board.

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A little harsh there.

There is a lot of media still running with this and a lot of that media released is taken as truth by the wider public. I think that there are fair minded people on this forum trying, in some small way, to cut through the media spin.


The UK is presently seeing the role of and the way media can obtain information such as the Murdoch inquiry.

Whilst this forum is only a forum, there has been some wonderful insights into media released as fact when in some cases it is just not so.


If this forum provides an avenue for critical thinking, is that not a good thing?

Why the disrespect?


Also, with all the stores coming out, I think it would actually give Schettino a better chance at a fair trial.


Some stories seem plausible, others ridiculous. This would allow both sides in a trial to present evidence, and cross examine that evidence. The truth should come out in the end.


Unless the whole story is fabricated, it seems obvious the Concordia, while under command of Schettino, hit ground and sank, killing many.


All the fake you tube videos, or lies about unregistered passengers won't explain that away.


I don't care if Schettino was the first off the ship, he was first in command!!!

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Well, maybe we should figure out how many interviews she has given.


There was the long television interview, which has been broken up into at least two different sections that I have seen personally.


There is the Oggi interview.


There was the televised "french"? interview which one of our Italian members started to watch. Is that the same as the Oggi interview?


I think there may have been another after her first interview addressing more accusations, but as there was no source cited, I can't be sure.


I don't know about the french interview, but in the other three, there has been no inconsistencies.


Has she given another?


Or is everything else "leaked" information allegedly from her deposition?


Thank you for your informative posts.

As someone mentioned concerning "ma valise", meaning "my suitcase", valise is feminine therefore the article is feminine and "ma" "mon would have been masculine and "mes" would have been plural so Ms. Cemortan was making allusion to her "one suitcase".

Since the first day, I have tried to understand the reports from “mediaset.it. Unfortunately my Italian is pretty much non-existent so:

http://www.video.mediaset.it/video/tg5/servizio/283723/ora-la-verita-sul-concordia.html “Now the truth about the Concordia”

I can help with the French if you have a link to that interview.

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As a new poster, I am mystified by the attitude expressed by Dmitrius and glrounds. I do not see the “jousting for position” or the “self-imposed seriousness.” On the contrary, I have been impressed by the common effort on the part of many different talents toward solving the mystery of a very great, and very real, tragedy. In my mind this is an eminently worth-while pursuit.


I believe there is a huge amount to be learned from this tragedy. If I were in the cruise industry I would make every effort, including reading these pages, to learn how a disaster such as this one could be avoided in the future.


So far, what has emerged is a picture of a corporate ethos which led its management to treat its crew members like servants and its passengers like children. Like servants and children, they were kept in the dark as events unfolded and valuable time was lost. Regrettably this same supercilious attitude is reflected in Domnica’s admonishing tone to David Saba as well as in Dmitrius’s dismissive words to posters on this board.


Welcome to CC and thank you for your kind words.

Whatever we are doing here and for whatever reason we may have the time to be here doesn't matter. We are sharing not only articles and videos, we are expressing opinions. What we are not doing is making fun of people nor holding ourselves to be superior to each other. We welcome those with more knowledge and take in what they contribute.


Some of you may remember a few days back when I was questioning a strange "light" show very early one morning. What I have noticed since then is that the light that shined throughout the night from that pole on the pier is not working and hasn't since that early morning. Having seen water drops on the lens of the camera, I know it was not that. I believe it was just the timing I had at seeing the light possibly starting to flicker its way out and with the mist and rising sun hitting it just right that combined to set off the show.

Anyway, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. :p;)

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This poses an interesting question, because we've seen others besides Ms. Cermotan insisting a camera be stopped. Do cruiselines typically have policies in place that crewmembers are to stop passengers from filming specific situations?


Ms. Cermotan was not just off-duty but off the ship, so she was completely out of line. But what about the crew member who admonished a passenger filming the lifeboat operation?


Is there something here we don't know? Because if there is, then I may need to learn to be more discrete. :D



Maybe she was 'feeling guilty' over her involvement in this incident. .....



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Two new television documentaries coming up. Don't forget to watch Nat Geo tonight:


"National Geographic Channel (NGC) will premiere a documentary on the Costa Concordia disaster at 7 p.m. ET/PT Feb. 12. The story is told primarily by those who experienced it and will air again at 10 p.m. ET/PT Feb. 13. The one-hour show, titled “Italian Cruise Ship Disaster: The Untold Stories,” weaves together in-depth stories from passengers and staff on board as well as Coast Guard rescuers with home video and graphics to reconstruct the sinking of the ship near the island of Giglio in Italy."




"Sunday, February 19th Discovery will take you to where few have gone and where nobody wants to be. Cruise Ship Disaster: Inside The Concordia gives you an eyewitness account of the tragedy as the Concordia runs aground. The human and environmental toll captured the attention of the public eye and now Discovery Channel takes you inside the stranded ship. With never before seen footage from the evacuation, you can follow the Concordia passengers as they relive their flight to abandon ship and find safety. Cruise Ship Disaster: Inside The Concordia airs Sunday, February 19th at 10p on Discovery Channel."

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Does it appear that this person who resembles Domnica Cemortan is carrying something rather large, such as an over-the-shoulder bag, under the poncho?
Yes, to me that's what it looks like.


Welcome to the thread and thanks for your kind and encouraging words in your previous post.

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Two new television documentaries coming up. Don't forget to watch Nat Geo tonight:


"National Geographic Channel (NGC) will premiere a documentary on the Costa Concordia disaster at 7 p.m. ET/PT Feb. 12. The story is told primarily by those who experienced it and will air again at 10 p.m. ET/PT Feb. 13. The one-hour show, titled “Italian Cruise Ship Disaster: The Untold Stories,” weaves together in-depth stories from passengers and staff on board as well as Coast Guard rescuers with home video and graphics to reconstruct the sinking of the ship near the island of Giglio in Italy."




"Sunday, February 19th Discovery will take you to where few have gone and where nobody wants to be. Cruise Ship Disaster: Inside The Concordia gives you an eyewitness account of the tragedy as the Concordia runs aground. The human and environmental toll captured the attention of the public eye and now Discovery Channel takes you inside the stranded ship. With never before seen footage from the evacuation, you can follow the Concordia passengers as they relive their flight to abandon ship and find safety. Cruise Ship Disaster: Inside The Concordia airs Sunday, February 19th at 10p on Discovery Channel."



Thank you for the heads up.



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I think I have finally figured out the female voice of the person giving the various translated emergency evacuations over the Ship's PA system was... And it is not the blonde dancer seeking the attention of the world!!!!


Remember the video showing the one female crew member in the doorway to the promenade deck with the Bull horn, telling people that everything was under control and to return to their staterooms??


She is of Oriental persuasion, perhaps Chinese or Korean (SORRY if I have her nationality wrong, I am no good with eye shapes for Orientals)


Anyway at one point in the Emergency PA announcements you hear a female voice speaking in what I assume is Chinese giving evacuation directions.


I think that amongst the blondes. supposed 5 languages, Chinese or any Oriental dialect, would not be part of her repertoire!!


One minute she says she is having dinner (and according to a waiter they are eating dessert) and she, Schettino and someone else ?? are called to the Bridge. The next she is called to the bridge because she speaks 5 languages and is needed as an interpretor for Russians so she goes, posibly in the company of another employee ?? The next she is hungry and wants to leave.....


Just to many nexts....


But I digressed, sorry. She was not the female voice giving emergency directions if she is on the bridge standing at the back of the bridge (oh by the way, in her initial statements, she says she was at the Captain's side on the bridge.... I did NOT see her unless that was her with the black sleeveless top or unless her arms are beefier than they appear to be in normal lighting c onditions and if her hair is much much darker!!) Did any of you see a blond female in those videos standing next to or anywhere near him??? I sure did not...


Also to keep in mind what Michelle, mickey_d_ mouse, an eyewitness to what actually happened, says she heard and saw. She says it was not the blondes voice making the announcement, but was instead the new young blonde female Dutch crew member on her first cruise with Costa and a male that she also knew.




I think I have been misquoted I said in the 2nd video there is a blond with no shoes on trying to stand titanic like speaking english she is the dutch girl. I really cannot remember if the messages came through in russian. I do know that the english male host was giving the english announcements and he was not on the bridge.

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Kirykes shot appears to be about the same time frame as this one.
Yes, the two are very similar snapshots. I went back and compared the two and they seem seconds apart. In the one Kirykes uploaded her hair looks longer and more Domnica's length - in the first photo she was turned more sideways and her hair looked shorter, that's why I had doubts. She appears later on in a video wearing a black hat so that also threw me off. What are your thoughts?
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Does it appear that this person who resembles Domnica Cemortan is carrying something rather large, such as an over-the-shoulder bag, under the poncho?

You are so right. She is to skinny to have a backside that large or even shaped so oddly.


Remember she said her bag was with ther so now we know where it was on the pier.....


Also, in the shot Krykes posted, I swear that oblong shape looks just like a Lap top NOT in it's case....



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I think I have been misquoted I said in the 2nd video there is a blond with no shoes on trying to stand titanic like speaking english she is the dutch girl. I really cannot remember if the messages came through in russian. I do know that the english male host was giving the english announcements and he was not on the bridge.


Sorry Michelle, I read it last night and thought I read it differently:o


Thanks for clearing up my misquote:)



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Yes, the two are very similar snapshots. I went back and compared the two and they seem seconds apart. In the one Kirykes uploaded her hair looks longer and more Domnica's length - in the first photo she was turned more sideways and her hair looked shorter, that's why I had doubts. She appears later on in a video wearing a black hat so that also threw me off. What are your thoughts?


The pix in Kirykes post, if you look directly above the red line, it does give an appearance of the yellow blanket (?) covering something that is likely not a body part of Domnica.




Another memorial service, falling on the one-month commemoration of the grounding, was planned for Monday in Giglio itself.



Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2012/02/12/fuel-removal-begins-on-italian-cruise-ship-costa-concordia/#ixzz1mDFpfv8g

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Welcome to CC and thank you for your kind words.

Whatever we are doing here and for whatever reason we may have the time to be here doesn't matter. We are sharing not only articles and videos, we are expressing opinions. What we are not doing is making fun of people nor holding ourselves to be superior to each other. We welcome those with more knowledge and take in what they contribute.



Some of you may remember a few days back when I was questioning a strange "light" show very early one morning. What I have noticed since then is that the light that shined throughout the night from that pole on the pier is not working and hasn't since that early morning. Having seen water drops on the lens of the camera, I know it was not that. I believe it was just the timing I had at seeing the light possibly starting to flicker its way out and with the mist and rising sun hitting it just right that combined to set off the show.

Anyway, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. :p;)


Thank you for your words of welcome!

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Do we know yet when his trial will start?

I don't think it's been announced yet but the next big date is March 3. On that day the survivors Judge Valeria Montesarchio has summoned will testify at a hearing to be convened in Grosseto. It will be held in a large theatre rather than a court since there are many witnesses.

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I don't think it's been announced yet but the next big date is March 3. On that day the survivors Judge Valeria Montesarchio has summoned will testify at a hearing to be convened in Grosseto. It will be held in a large theatre rather than a court since there are many witnesses.



Thanks, I wonder if he will attend this one as he didn't attend his last one when they stayed the house arrest.

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The pix in Kirykes post, if you look directly above the red line, it does give an appearance of the yellow blanket (?) covering something that is likely not a body part of Domnica.


I think it's the nature of the material...it's almost like paper. See all the nice crisp lines from where it was folded? And check out these guys...they are wearing it differently, but you can still see that it holds away from the body.



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The pix in Kirykes post, if you look directly above the red line, it does give an appearance of the yellow blanket (?) covering something that is likely not a body part of Domnica.


LOL :) She was quoted as saying that she had the captain's blue jacket that she later delivered to him. Maybe that's the mystery bundle?

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Yes, to me that's what it looks like.


Welcome to the thread and thanks for your kind and encouraging words in your previous post.


Thank you for the welcome!


I think I made a mistake when I uploaded the picture because it came out as a thumbnail. Would it be helpful if I posted it again? If so, how do I do it so it comes out full sized?

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