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Concordia News: Please Post Here


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Hurrah, Clive got something right.

After a bad week its nice to be correct every now and again.LOL

Thanks for that CTH.

Tomorrow I am off to Copenhagen to pick up a cruise ship on Sunday for a week, I will look in, hopefully, every few days.


YIPPEE!! Like you, I'm so happy when I figure something out. :D

Hope you have a great cruise.

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Thanks Cheng

Your explanations are much clearer than my initial queries.


One reason I continue to post here is the friendly atmosphere and the well reasoned questions and answers. It's sometimes tough to shove my experiences into that darned crystal ball to see what Titan really has up its sleeve. As per The Wizard of Oz: "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain""!


I will join SB in wishing you fair winds and following seas.

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Thanks for that Cheng.

With great help from Some Beach (Micki) we have always aimed to have a simple exchange of information. It is known that I used to contribute to "The other thread" but I found some of the opinions on there obnoxious and obscene. We have had the very occasional nasty post but we have just ignored them and not surprisingly they cleared off to where they maybe listened to.

Long may this thread continue in its own way. We always welcome new contributors who can be reassured they will not be attacked. Surprisingly this thread has probably something like 250 views everyday so a lot of people view without posting and that's fine by me, your more than welcome.

Thanks for the good wishes of you and SB for our forthcoming travels

Speak to you next week.



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One reason I continue to post here is the friendly atmosphere and the well reasoned questions and answers. It's sometimes tough to shove my experiences into that darned crystal ball to see what Titan really has up its sleeve. As per The Wizard of Oz: "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain""!


I will join SB in wishing you fair winds and following seas.


You just keep bringing it on...


Thanks for that Cheng.

With great help from Some Beach (Micki) we have always aimed to have a simple exchange of information. It is known that I used to contribute to "The other thread" but I found some of the opinions on there obnoxious and obscene. We have had the very occasional nasty post but we have just ignored them and not surprisingly they cleared off to where they maybe listened to.

Long may this thread continue in its own way. We always welcome new contributors who can be reassured they will not be attacked. Surprisingly this thread has probably something like 250 views everyday so a lot of people view without posting and that's fine by me, your more than welcome.

Thanks for the good wishes of you and SB for our forthcoming travels

Speak to you next week.




... cuz of what Clive has said here.


This project is a first in engineering a recovery like this. We all know what is suppose to happen but it's the getting there that sometimes confuses me. Even if some posts are speculation from information Titan has put out, the explanations bring about greater understanding.

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She's baaaaaack! This time she's defending him again - there was only a "blackout". (see link to BBC video)


Defend - Sue - Defend - talk about waffling. What the heck is going on? :confused::confused::confused:





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She's baaaaaack! This time she's defending him again - there was only a "blackout". (see link to BBC video)


Defend - Sue - Defend - talk about waffling. What the heck is going on? :confused::confused::confused:






If Hollywood made a maritime disaster movie with the Schittino/Dominica romance, it would be ridiculed as pure fantasy. We know now the truth really is stranger than fiction. :D

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Concern by locals officials after parbuckling that the ship might be subject to the Fall storms before it could be safely removed. And the degree to which the submerged side of the ship has suffered damage from laying on the rocks.


"If they do not provide us with a whole range of insurance, the ship will remain in the condition in which it is until next year when the weather conditions allow returning it to the board in complete safety." He said the Commissioner for the emergence of the Costa Concordia Franco Gabrielli talking about the removal work of the Consortium Titan Micoperi commissioned by Costa Cruises, in an interview aired today on One Summer Morning. Doubts, remember, not so much the phase of rotation (parbuckling) but rather the safety of the ship in the upright position than the time it will remain there and especially in anticipation of storms likely in the months of October and November. Hence the question whether to parbuckling in September or wait until the summer of 2014. "For the engineers have done simulations and assumptions, - said Gabrielli - today we do not know what the rocks are penetrated into the side, what kind of glimpses have achieved and what are the actual condition of the structure and therefore what kind of assistance will have to do to allocate floatable boxes needed to make the entire ship. " Il Giglio want certainty - "The concerns of the Commissioner are my Gabrielli but I have to record that are not in line with that provided communications Costa Cruises last official summit in Rome. For my specific question about when the ship would be rotated, Pierluigi Foschi confirmed that the Concordia would be rotated in any case in the month of September . " said the Mayor of Isola del Giglio Sergio Ortelli also intervening to One Summer Morning to comment on the interview with the Commissioner Franco Gabrielli. "Unfortunately - he said Ortelli - at this delicate stage, which is crucial for the removal of the ship, we continue to receive from Costa Cruises only verbal communications that are likely to be uncertain and especially never supported by documentation technique that determines what they contend". " The commitment of Costa taken in front of the Minister for the Environment Orlando - added then the mayor - was to present a comprehensive plan of removal that were not only the theme of the port of destination but also the issues of rotation and rigalleggiamento ship with timing once and for all final. And on that now want certainty. " Responding finally to a question whether, in the event of further delays we can come back to talk about cutting the ship at Giglio "It 's one of the conditions that have never accepted - said the mayor - and that we will never accept also because this was one of mandatory requirements required in the tender for the selection of the best removal project. "
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Concern by locals officials after parbuckling that the ship might be subject to the Fall storms before it could be safely removed. And the degree to which the submerged side of the ship has suffered damage from laying on the rocks.


Not sure what the concerns are. The ship will be much more stable when resting on the platforms/grout bags, and the anchor block lines, the port side parbuckling lines, and even the starboard parbuckling lines can be left in place to hold the ship in place. The addition of the port side caissons, when fully flooded (and these can be flooded above the water line) will add weight to the ship, and also serve as "breakwaters" to the hull.


As far as the starboard side, this will be sheltered from storms as it is facing shore. What difference does it make, other than the amount of loose items that may drop out of hull damage. I believe that the number and size of the caissons would be enough to lift the ship even if no hull breaches were closed. As the caissons are emptied, and the ship rises, water will drain out, and the weight will decrease, increasing the buoyancy effect of the caissons.

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This is what I meant earlier, the parbuckling site is quite a bit behind, and unfortunately, the photo they used for this update of 12/07 is several weeks old, it is the mounting of the very first caisson. Journalists seem to rely on this kind of stuff. Just two days ago I watched an animation video of how the accident happened on BBC News, it showed that electricity was lost the moment CC hit the rock which is evidently wrong.

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This is what I meant earlier, the parbuckling site is quite a bit behind, and unfortunately, the photo they used for this update of 12/07 is several weeks old, it is the mounting of the very first caisson. Journalists seem to rely on this kind of stuff. Just two days ago I watched an animation video of how the accident happened on BBC News, it showed that electricity was lost the moment CC hit the rock which is evidently wrong.


You can see the now installed sponson #3 when viewing the giglio web cam.

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This is what I meant earlier, the parbuckling site is quite a bit behind, and unfortunately, the photo they used for this update of 12/07 is several weeks old, it is the mounting of the very first caisson. Journalists seem to rely on this kind of stuff. Just two days ago I watched an animation video of how the accident happened on BBC News, it showed that electricity was lost the moment CC hit the rock which is evidently wrong.


Well darn. You are correct. I should have looked closely at the pix because then I would have noticed that the other sponsons were not on the ship already.

Daggum folks should have hired one of us to handle their updates. At the very least we would have the proper pix with the story. :D;)

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Not totally on topic but what do y'all make of this.

For emergencies at sea, do not waste time! calls the 1530! the coast guard is with you ".


This is the slogan of the new spot that the Ministry of infrastructure and transport has made for emergencies at sea. 30 seconds to transmit a message of security, 30 seconds to educate to establish a direct line between port authorities and those in distress at sea are demanding an emergency intervention to the coast guard.

guardia_costiera_1530_140713.jpg1530 is the answer – timely and reliable – emergencies at sea.

1530 It's completely free and Active 24 hours per day throughout the country.


The commercial aims above all to grasp who goes overboard the absolute importance for their own salvation and for the other people on board, an immediate and targeted intervention request at sea to 1530.


The more timely and direct the distress call, the more it will be fast and effective intervention by the coast guard. Therefore help us help you!

For the realization of the spot they wanted to aim for 2013 on a format, that cartoon, considered one of the most effective means of communication, able to launch a clear message, fast and understandable to all, that involves every age and social status. in particular, the friendly stars of the movie want to witness that anyone in the sea can easily and quickly get aid and assistance through the "1530".

To paraphrase an old slogan: even at sea a phone call ti saves lives.

Call 1530, asking for help does not cost you anything!



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Shame on my colleagues who would "go on strike" in the mistaken and error filled decision to convert a profession into a job. It's another sad commentary of the worldwide demise of professions (For The Public Good) in many fields of endeavor (law, education, medicine, clergy, etc)


I can't imagine our (attorneys) going on strike in this country. It would have to be an ethics violation.

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I can't imagine our (attorneys) going on strike in this country. It would have to be an ethics violation.


In most states (not all) attorneys are prohibitted from forming a union. It's a throw back to the concept that they are members of a profession (their labors are for the public good not for wages) Sadly, it's a concept that is remembered more by the expception than the rule. The shifting sands began with advertsing by attoneys whcih was not permitted anywhere when I was sworn in as a member of the bar in 1971.

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Not totally on topic but what do y'all make of this.

For emergencies at sea, do not waste time! calls the 1530! the coast guard is with you ".


This is the slogan of the new spot that the Ministry of infrastructure and transport has made for emergencies at sea. 30 seconds to transmit a message of security, 30 seconds to educate to establish a direct line between port authorities and those in distress at sea are demanding an emergency intervention to the coast guard.

guardia_costiera_1530_140713.jpg1530 is the answer – timely and reliable – emergencies at sea.

1530 It's completely free and Active 24 hours per day throughout the country.


The commercial aims above all to grasp who goes overboard the absolute importance for their own salvation and for the other people on board, an immediate and targeted intervention request at sea to 1530.


The more timely and direct the distress call, the more it will be fast and effective intervention by the coast guard. Therefore help us help you!

For the realization of the spot they wanted to aim for 2013 on a format, that cartoon, considered one of the most effective means of communication, able to launch a clear message, fast and understandable to all, that involves every age and social status. in particular, the friendly stars of the movie want to witness that anyone in the sea can easily and quickly get aid and assistance through the "1530".

To paraphrase an old slogan: even at sea a phone call ti saves lives.

Call 1530, asking for help does not cost you anything!




Prior to Schettino's close encounter with Giglio, I would have said they were nuts to do this. However, now that the Concordia sits on her side, I can see where this may have some benefit. My problem is that this will be used by all and sundry to report non-working toilets, and other such life-threatening situations. God, I hope this doesn't cross the Atlantic.

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M/V Lone has docked in Livorno, so the loading of caissons should be underway. Does anyone know if they are being trucked in? Load width restrictions on roads may influence loading time, but I couldn't see it taking more than 3 days to load 3 caissons. Harbor traffic may also affect loading, as passing ships can suck you away from the dock.

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M/V Lone has docked in Livorno, so the loading of caissons should be underway. Does anyone know if they are being trucked in? Load width restrictions on roads may influence loading time, but I couldn't see it taking more than 3 days to load 3 caissons. Harbor traffic may also affect loading, as passing ships can suck you away from the dock.


I'm sure I saw photos somewhere that showed them on barges from the manufacturing facility.

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Prior to Schettino's close encounter with Giglio, I would have said they were nuts to do this. However, now that the Concordia sits on her side, I can see where this may have some benefit. My problem is that this will be used by all and sundry to report non-working toilets, and other such life-threatening situations. God, I hope this doesn't cross the Atlantic.


As I recall one of the first phone calls from the ship was by a passenger calling a family member who in turn called the police. The police then called the CG. I believe that is what led to the first call to the ship from the CG because the Captain sure wasn't calling them.

I would think people would understand this is for actual emergencies but you just never know. I've read about some strange calls to our 911 operators.

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This is what I meant earlier, the parbuckling site is quite a bit behind, and unfortunately, the photo they used for this update of 12/07 is several weeks old, it is the mounting of the very first caisson. Journalists seem to rely on this kind of stuff. Just two days ago I watched an animation video of how the accident happened on BBC News, it showed that electricity was lost the moment CC hit the rock which is evidently wrong.


While I agree that the media tend to use the easiest available source, and tend to "dumb things down", really according to the official report timeline, which is based on the VDR data, the ship struck at 21:05:07, and the black-out is recorded at 21:05:58, so 51 seconds is "almost" the same moment as striking.

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While I agree that the media tend to use the easiest available source, and tend to "dumb things down", really according to the official report timeline, which is based on the VDR data, the ship struck at 21:05:07, and the black-out is recorded at 21:05:58, so 51 seconds is "almost" the same moment as striking.


Thanks for clearing that up, seriously. It's the power of the pictures which sticks in people's, and my, mind. I remember the images of the more or less brightly lit up CC listing towards the rocks/seabed it now rests on. Backup power, presumably. Maybe I need to eat my own words, looking closely on this very picture, almost no light on the normal decks, mainly at boat deck.



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Thanks for clearing that up, seriously. It's the power of the pictures which sticks in people's, and my, mind. I remember the images of the more or less brightly lit up CC listing towards the rocks/seabed it now rests on. Backup power, presumably. Maybe I need to eat my own words, looking closely on this very picture, almost no light on the normal decks, mainly at boat deck.




Yes, cruise ships will have not only emergency lighting (about 20% of normal, and mainly in passageways, stairwells, and muster stations), but most (can't remember if it's a requirement, but believe so) have a 3rd line of lighting, which are powered from battery banks, and these are even more clustered towards just getting people off the ship. since the Concordia's emergency generator did not function consistantly, these are most likely the battery lights.


On your next cruise, look at light fixtures in the passageways. The most common indicators are little green dot stickers. One green dot is for emergency generator powered lights, and two are for the battery lights.

Edited by chengkp75
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Mike ... If you look at the left side of the picture of the Bridge you can see a Red light which i think means the ship is being abandoned to other mariners and rescuers, i am sure Cheng can tell us if that is right.

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