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So Chair Hogs dont have rights?


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A few weeks ago while on the Fascination, I flipped the TV to the lido camera station right around 5:45-6:00am. You would be amazed how many people I saw either walking really fast or running (yes running!) in PJ's, bathrobes, etc., placing their "stuff" on chairs near the pool then sauntering off to parts unknown. I went down around 8 or so to get some coffee and *most* of those chairs still only had "stuff" on them, very few were occupied by actual people. That's just plain rude, I don't care who you are - a flip flop and/or a book on a chair doesn't make it "yours" for the day just because you managed to get to it before someone else.


LOL! Thank you for giving me something to look forward to watching while waiting comfortably in my jammies for room service to be delivered in the mornings.

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Here is something I teach my preschool students.


"If you get up on your feet, someone's bound to take your seat."


Now if 3 and 4 year olds can abide by this, why can't adults.


I'd guess it's the same reason that preschoolers can understand the following and many adults cannot:


1. no shoving

2. no cutting in line

3. if you don't have anything nice to say...

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Well, we sit by the pool when our kids are with us as they are in the pool and I will not let them out of my sight even if they can touch...if kids aren't with us, I don't really care where we sit...



I did say that if there are no chairs poolside that I will sit on the edge of the pool while my kids swim so I watch my kids in the pool too, however, since we, 9 times out of 10 cannot find chairs poolside, I usually find chairs elsewhere on the ship. Problem is, as someone posted before, if you leave your stuff on a chair elsewhere and go to sit next to the pool to watch your kid swim, there is the danger of some over zealous clock watcher coming and taking your stuff away from your chair! I just dont understand why it is soooo important for folks, especially if they dont have kids to watch, to sit poolside when there are plenty of other sunny places to sit on the ship.....just sayin'.

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I'd guess it's the same reason that preschoolers can understand the following and many adults cannot:


1. no shoving

2. no cutting in line

3. if you don't have anything nice to say...



We would probably all do well to remember The Golden Rule, then all these issues wouldn't be issues:)

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I just dont understand why it is soooo important for folks, especially if they dont have kids to watch, to sit poolside when there are plenty of other sunny places to sit on the ship.....just sayin'.
Because some adults actually like to swim?


Of course, I am sitting next to the adults-only pool, so it wouldn't be an issue for you.

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Because some adults actually like to swim?


Of course, I am sitting next to the adults-only pool, so it wouldn't be an issue for you.


I like to swim too, but I dont have to be right next to the pool to do it, I get up, go to the pool and swim, get out and go back to my chair. And sometimes I travel with just my husband and we try to get chairs near the adult only pool, but have only been able to procure them one time out of 12 trips. so we usually find chairs somewhere else and walk to the pool when we want to swim. No problem. Actually, the only problem would be if someone (as I believe you mentioned before) is that while I was away from my chair to swim with my chair out of my sight, someone would come and take my stuff off my chair.

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I did say that if there are no chairs poolside that I will sit on the edge of the pool while my kids swim so I watch my kids in the pool too, however, since we, 9 times out of 10 cannot find chairs poolside, I usually find chairs elsewhere on the ship. Problem is, as someone posted before, if you leave your stuff on a chair elsewhere and go to sit next to the pool to watch your kid swim, there is the danger of some over zealous clock watcher coming and taking your stuff away from your chair! I just dont understand why it is soooo important for folks, especially if they dont have kids to watch, to sit poolside when there are plenty of other sunny places to sit on the ship.....just sayin'.


Well, I think that is half the problem. We don't find it important at if we aren't with our kids, actually we would rather be away from it all if we don't have our kids...but for some reason, others seem to think this is the only place to be...and it drives me especially crazy on a ship with an adults only pool that has seats, yet my daughter can't swim there, but people without kids can sit around the pool for the kids...go figure.


I don't occupy any chairs when they are swimming if I can't find one near the pool where I can see them. I will sit on the edge of the pool until one opens up or I will just stay there and sit...


We are on vacation and really shouldn't have to worry about anything but until people realize there are other people on the ship besides themselves than we have to deal with it...

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Friend, you're fighting a losing battle. The only way you can save a chair for yourself, given the "gone to the hottub or pool" scenario, is to have a family member parked in the chair , or the one next to it, and let others know you will be back soon, and by "soon", within 30-35 minutes. Sorry to burst your bubble, but paying for a cabin on a cruise ship does not give you or anyone else the right to reserve a chair for the day. There aren't enough chairs for everyone to do that. So why not put to use that old saying "Share and share alike?" Or, my favorite, "Treat others the way you would like to be treated". You'll make far fewer enemies that way.


This is the part that amazes me the most. Now I know there are CHOGS reading this but afraid to admit it,,,so why dont ya'll step up to the plate and give us a logical reason why you think it IS YOUR SHIP and you DO have the right to reserve a chair all day long even if you are not in it.


Also explain why the signs that are posted that state if a chair is not used for 30 minutes,,and I believe that is even printed in those daily papers,,does NOT apply to you and YOUR vacation. Those of us that that need to serve you just want to know.


BTW,,I sit inside and drink beers duirng the day whilst the chair fighting is going on so I really do not have a dog in this fight. Although in April if I cant sleep, i will go out and remover the pretty "reserved for me because I am number one and you are on my ship" signs and standby with my camera to record the fun.

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I want everyone to please read the following definition and apply it to the OP's original statement:



1a. Noun

One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument.


The OP's original post on the subject was taken down. There is a reason for that. He is just causing trouble. Please don't feed into it. :)

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How about this... on my last cruise, I saw a lovely group of unoccupied chairs (one love seat, two singles) under an umbrella overlooking the adults-only pool. There were a couple of items left, including one magazine on the love seat. I sat on the other half of the love seat and started reading my book. About a half hour later, 3 people came and said those were their chairs. I said, well, it seems there are 3 of you and there are 4 places to sit so I'll just stay here and read quietly. They sat down and gave me the stink eye. Finally, the woman on the other side of the love seat said, "I'd really rather you left." Not wanting to cause a commotion, I got up and left without a word.


What do you think?


I think I still would NOT have moved. I would've probably told the woman what I would really rather (have the winning lottery ticket, world peace, another drink in my hand, more peace and quiet because her talking to me was interrupting my reading, etc or just plain said "that's nice!") and gone back to reading and ignoring them (and trying not to laugh because they were giving me the stink eye).

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we usually find chairs somewhere else and walk to the pool when we want to swim. No problem. Actually, the only problem would be if someone (as I believe you mentioned before) is that while I was away from my chair to swim with my chair out of my sight, someone would come and take my stuff off my chair.
Exactly! Which is why my chair needs to be where I can at least see it from the pool. Not because someone might merely move my things but because they might steal them. I'm not gonna risk someone running off with my Kindle and my camera!
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So what im finding out here, if you leave your stuff on a chair and lets say you did it at 8am, you leave at 10 am to go get a massage you dont have a right to come back to the chair you were at for two hours already?


If you sat in a seat at the food court in a busy mall for two hours and then got up to go shopping, would you expect to have your seat when you got back?

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Well, I think that is half the problem. We don't find it important at if we aren't with our kids, actually we would rather be away from it all if we don't have our kids...but for some reason, others seem to think this is the only place to be...and it drives me especially crazy on a ship with an adults only pool that has seats, yet my daughter can't swim there, but people without kids can sit around the pool for the kids...go figure.


I don't occupy any chairs when they are swimming if I can't find one near the pool where I can see them. I will sit on the edge of the pool until one opens up or I will just stay there and sit...


We are on vacation and really shouldn't have to worry about anything but until people realize there are other people on the ship besides themselves than we have to deal with it...


So true, that is my point, why do adults, without kids feel as though they absolutely HAVE TO sit by the main pool? So, in your case as in mine, why shouldn't you be able to claim a chair somewhere away from the pool, put your stuff down and take your child to the pool without the fear of someone removing your stuff and taking your chair? Dont get me wrong, there really are CHAIR HOGS out there and I have seen plenty of them on plenty of cruises, but I dont see this particular situation as hogging. You should be able to have a chair to come back to when you are done supervising your child at the pool. There are plenty of unsupervised kids at the pool whose parents should leave their chairs and watch them, but they dont for whatever reason, you could start another whole thread about them!

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So how much do these chairs weigh? FOr hogs I have a simple idea: someone could just design some sort of strapping sytem as a backpack type deal,,then you could hook it to a chair and carry the chair all around the ship with you all day until you really need to unstrap it from your back and use it.


Anyone going on the Splendor in April,,I will chair sit for you. My fee,,all the beer I can drink while in your chair.

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Exactly! Which is why my chair needs to be where I can at least see it from the pool. Not because someone might merely move my things but because they might steal them. I'm not gonna risk someone running off with my Kindle and my camera!



OK, so what your saying is that if you want to swim, your chair needs to be by the pool, but not everyone can sit by the pool! So what is a person to do? Personally, as I said before, I can almost NEVER find a chair by the pool and I have never had anyone remove my stuff from a chair that is AWAY from the pool area. I have, however, had stuff removed from a poolside chair while my child was sitting watching the chairs while I went to the bathroom and to get a drink. In my personal experience, I have found it easier to find chairs away from the fray and walk to the pool. As for someone STEALING my stuff, I have never had that happen except in port when I had my camera stolen in Cozumel Mexico!

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So true, that is my point, why do adults, without kids feel as though they absolutely HAVE TO sit by the main pool? So, in your case as in mine, why shouldn't you be able to claim a chair somewhere away from the pool, put your stuff down and take your child to the pool without the fear of someone removing your stuff and taking your chair? Dont get me wrong, there really are CHAIR HOGS out there and I have seen plenty of them on plenty of cruises, but I dont see this particular situation as hogging. You should be able to have a chair to come back to when you are done supervising your child at the pool. There are plenty of unsupervised kids at the pool whose parents should leave their chairs and watch them, but they dont for whatever reason, you could start another whole thread about them!


While I don't want to lay in the sun or be around a bunch of kids (yes I have kids, they are teens now), and don't like to feel like a sardine squished into that area (don't like crowded areas), I do have to point out that there is a giant television by the main pool there that some people like to watch and/or listen to while they are in the sun whether they have children or not. I'm just playing devils advocate there - plus there is the fact that not all ships have an adults only pool (the Dream only has adults only hot tubs, no adults only pool). I think chair hogging it rude and inconsiderate, but I did want to point out the above areas. :)

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I want everyone to please read the following definition and apply it to the OP's original statement:



1a. Noun

One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument.


The OP's original post on the subject was taken down. There is a reason for that. He is just causing trouble. Please don't feed into it. :)



Maybe your a Troll I have been on here alot longer than you. Its a simple question to ask. Maybe you have inner issues.

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If you left items on a park bench or a picnic table and went back an hour later, would you really expect them to still be there?


If they were moved would you report it to the police?

If they weren't there would you report them as stolen to the police?


What do you think the police would say when you told them you left the items unnattended?

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That person sounds like a chair hog who lost his stuff and was trying to save face by intimidating a kid. Unfortunately there are unreasonable people out there. The 30 minutes may sound arbitrary but it is what was set by the cruise line (and if you think about it 30 minutes is more than enough time to go and do something in the vicinity of the pool deck and then return to your chair).



Of course that is the question is 30 minutes really 30 minutes. Unfortunately you get a lot of people that just take the view point that if it is empty they are just going to move the stuff. While most of the people claim that they have waited for 30 minutes before moving how many really do? I know I have far better thnigs to do then sitting with a watch looking at a particular seat or group of seats for 30 minutes.


Just as the chair hogs claim reasons for what they do, the chair vigilantes also claim their reasons. Each is just trying to justify their behavior. The ship has set the rules, it is up to the ship to enforce them. It is appropriate to ask a crew member to enforce the rules (of course the biggest issue when you ask a crew member to moves someones things, they most likely do not know if the person claiming that the 30 minute rule has been violated is correct or not.


Both sides feel superior in their sense of entitlement.


Clearly there is the case of someone coming out and claiming 10-15 seats early for a group. It far far less clear for individual seats where somoen may have been gone for just a few minutes and someone tries to grab the seat before 30 minutes because after all if no one is it they must be a chair hog and they are entitled to move the stuff and grab it.

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While I don't want to lay in the sun or be around a bunch of kids (yes I have kids, they are teens now), and don't like to feel like a sardine squished into that area (don't like crowded areas), I do have to point out that there is a giant television by the main pool there that some people like to watch and/or listen to while they are in the sun whether they have children or not. I'm just playing devils advocate there - plus there is the fact that not all ships have an adults only pool (the Dream only has adults only hot tubs, no adults only pool). I think chair hogging it rude and inconsiderate, but I did want to point out the above areas. :)


And all of those reasons are quite vaild, but what about the ships with adults only pools and no Seaside Theatre? It is the same on all ships and a question that the CHAIR HOGS are too cowardly to answer...:rolleyes:

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