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Concordia customers suing for all of this money, be happy your alive!!!


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absolutely they deserve more than the cost of the cruise - the $15K number sounds just. I am so sick of everyone that thinks that an accident can make them a multi millionaire. Extended therapy should be offered, etc for PTSD but where I live (Beaumont, Texas) we are lawsuit happy - people sue everyone for everything - it's disgusting.


Now you see where I'm going with this....

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Besides all they went through and things they lost on the ship do you really think all they should get back is the price of the cruise.






I think they should be reimbursed for all lost possessions and the price of their cruise and related expenses. A bonus would be a future cruise credit of equal or lesser cost.


The uninjured passengers have been offered approximately $14,500 each plus a refund of their cruise and travel costs as well as onboard expenses. Some people think that's fair....some think its not.







Seems more than fair to me.



Sorry, OP but I completely disagree with you. These folks deserve more than a free cruise for all they went through. This was gross negligence followed by complete ineptness that put every single passenger and crew member in grave danger. I too would sue in this situation.





Deserve? They booked and showed up for a cruise vacation. Where does deserve come into play?


Complete ineptness would have resulted in 100% casaulties. What ever happened to be thankful for being alive?










As a CCL shareholder, I'm quite certain I don't need to learn a lesson. I believe the blame rests squarely on the Captain's shoulders. If the 'victims' wish to really enhance safety, they should sign wavers guaranteeing that all of their lawsuit proceeds will go to safety @ sea programs. What are the odds of them doing that?

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You should read through this thread and pay close attention to the posts from mickey_d_mouse. She's a Concordia survivor.




For some people, the offer of 11,000 euros or whatever might be suitable. However, keep in mind some people lost more than that in clothing, jewelry, electronics, etc. Many people are having to seek counseling for PTSD. Many people had to come out of pocket for their return flights home and have not been reimbursed yet. Can you imagine having to pay walk up airfare for a plane ticket from Italy to Australia? :eek: Should they be given a billion dollars? No, but I do think the offer that was given to them was a slap in the face. I'd probably sue as well. Saying they should be happy to be alive is kind of silly, because this should have never happened in the first place.


I hear you and yes I read the Mickey D post. But agreed, they should have done more to get those people home at no cost to them. But that did not happen so they should compensate for belongings and airfare but all the money being requested.... Rediculous

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Why is it that these Costa Concordia customers are attempting to sue the Carnival Corp for all of this money and most of them were not even hurt? Have we as people gotten so greedy that we have to use a misfortune to become rich? I can see if you really were hurt or a loved one was killed or harmed etc... But Really? If you had the money to sail on the ship for heavens sakes and make it off safely, is that not enough? The Captain is going to Jail and your getting your money back from your cruise. Why am I thoroughly disgusted by this greed?


I agree, sort of,


I think the passengers that made it out alive, should get a refund of all expenses, and a free cruise each year, for the rest of your life.


For the people that did not make it out, why do they need any money? they are gone, it wont bring them back.


Doesn't that sound as stupid as the OP comment about why sue?

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CCL's offer was peanuts, everyone knows that. At least a third of that amount would go toward airfare alone, and as for "30% off a future cruise", what makes you think these survivors want to go on any cruise in the future? I think people are forgetting that they are STILL looking for bodies, there are still some bloated, rotting passengers on that ship and so far, CCL's answer is a small amount for "being inconvenienced".

A large settlement, one big enough to be punitive is in order, to prevent this from happening again. Anything less, it will be just the cost of doing business.


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I agree, sort of,


I think the passengers that made it out alive, should get a refund of all expenses, and a free cruise each year, for the rest of your life.


For the people that did not make it out, why do they need any money? they are gone, it wont bring them back.


Doesn't that sound as stupid as the OP comment about why sue?





A free cruise for the rest of their life sounds 'stupid.'


You are correct that the dead won't need money, but I'm not sure that was the point you wished to make? :o

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I think they should be reimbursed for all lost possessions and the price of their cruise and related expenses. A bonus would be a future cruise credit of equal or lesser cost.






Seems more than fair to me.








Deserve? They booked and showed up for a cruise vacation. Where does deserve come into play?


Complete ineptness would have resulted in 100% casaulties. What ever happened to be thankful for being alive?










As a CCL shareholder, I'm quite certain I don't need to learn a lesson. I believe the blame rests squarely on the Captain's shoulders. If the 'victims' wish to really enhance safety, they should sign wavers guaranteeing that all of their lawsuit proceeds will go to safety @ sea programs. What are the odds of them doing that?


And when do we deserve anything for showing up to a cruise? It's like the person in a car accident that doesn't get hurt but sues any way... It's just another way for people to come up. I didn't hear anyone screaming and demanding a muster drill before leaving.... And we wouldn't because quiet as kept we all hate those things but the Concordia customers are now the first ones sayin..."Woe is me, and I didn't even have a muster drill" GET THE FRIG OUTTA HERE!!

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CCL's offer was peanuts, everyone knows that. At least a third of that amount would go toward airfare alone, and as for "30% off a future cruise", what makes you think these survivors want to go on any cruise in the future? I think people are forgetting that they are STILL looking for bodies, there are still some bloated, rotting passengers on that ship and so far, CCL's answer is a small amount for "being inconvenienced".

A large settlement, one big enough to be punitive is in order, to prevent this from happening again. Anything less, it will be just the cost of doing business.






As one who has retrieved way more than my share of drowning victims over the years, I can assure you they are no longer bloating.


A sum large enough to prevent it from happening again would be one that would put all cruise companies out of business. An unsinkable ship is NOT possible.

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I agree, sort of,


I think the passengers that made it out alive, should get a refund of all expenses, and a free cruise each year, for the rest of your life.


For the people that did not make it out, why do they need any money? they are gone, it wont bring them back.


Doesn't that sound as stupid as the OP comment about why sue?


Nah my original post wasn't stupid just realistic. Now as far as lives lost different ball game... That's income to someone's home that has been lost and such, that I agree needs to be compensated for, and even in the event of children's lives lost, the grief may be too hard for one to bear and work as usual...

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Usually I support Carnival, period. In this case, screw'em! This was a disgrace and they should pay through the nose

for allowing a moron the captaincy of one of their ships plus the spineless cowards who refused to stand up to him as senior officers.


I'd happily sign on for any class action suit. The reality is with this crime having taken place in Europe flying a flag of convenience,

CCL's liability will be greatly reduced.


Once again I really like the Carnival experience but in this case they really blew it.:mad:

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Yikes! The Concordia capsizing was a huge deal. There was gross negligance, major incompetence, everyone who lived can absolulely say their lives were in grave danger. I believe all passengers on that ship are entitled to more than just their money back. Cruise ships have a responsibility to keep their passengers safe at all times.


I agree 100%!!!

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I wasnt aware that insurance covered Splendor? I read Carnival is self insured.


Carnival announced the loss of the ship from sailing will cut earnings by 11 cents per share they estimated.


(and that was before the fire on the ship just recently, also costa.)


I dont believe they have business interruption insurance which is what is going to hit them, not just the actual cost of the ship which is what may be insured.



I remember reading that insurance covered cost, but I just goggled and can't find evidence to support either of us. And that they were going to sue the manufacturer of faulty parts.

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Original point being too many people wanting to become milionaires over any incident be thankful for why you have.


I agree. Unfortunately, yes, there will be some people trying to become rich from this disaster, but I think that's the minority. I'm sure the vast majority of passengers just want to be fairly compensated and reimbursed from what they went through, and Costa doesn't seem to be cooperating.


And when do we deserve anything for showing up to a cruise? It's like the person in a car accident that doesn't get hurt but sues any way... It's just another way for people to come up. I didn't hear anyone screaming and demanding a muster drill before leaving.... And we wouldn't because quiet as kept we all hate those things but the Concordia customers are now the first ones sayin..."Woe is me, and I didn't even have a muster drill" GET THE FRIG OUTTA HERE!!


If 50 people went asking the cruise director for a muster drill, would it have happened? Probably not. They simply would have been told "it'll be held tomorrow" or whatever. I would have felt uncomfortable sailing without one, but there's nothing I could have done about it. That's the ship's responsibility. It's not the passengers' fault there was no muster drill.

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Why is it that these Costa Concordia customers are attempting to sue the Carnival Corp for all of this money and most of them were not even hurt? Have we as people gotten so greedy that we have to use a misfortune to become rich? I can see if you really were hurt or a loved one was killed or harmed etc... But Really? If you had the money to sail on the ship for heavens sakes and make it off safely, is that not enough? The Captain is going to Jail and your getting your money back from your cruise. Why am I thoroughly disgusted by this greed?


Greed? How about considering that you yourself did not go thru this experience and that you cannot even fathom what they went thru nor what they will be going thru in the future? WOW........

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I honesty think 14k is fair, but that is for me. I have cruised with my BIL a couple of times and I don't think that would cover his stuff. He is a real techno geek and with his computers (yes plural, don't ask), video equipment and other misc stuff, it would not cover his gear.

I don't know how you make the payout fair, JMO.

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Unless you were on that ship, you have no idea what those people went through.

And if you have no idea what they went through, how can you possibly pass judgement on their actions now?

Do you KNOW what they saw. heard, felt?

Do you KNOW how scared they were?

Do you KNOW what they lost that day besides material things? Like being able to ever go on a vacation again without reliving that experience? Or being able to leave their kids out their sight for fear of not being with them if something terrible would happen again?


I totally agree that lawsuits are very often frivilous and a huge majority of them should never happen. But some are justified.


Unless you were there.....it's unfair to judge them.

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Greed? How about considering that you yourself did not go thru this experience and that you cannot even fathom what they went thru nor what they will be going thru in the future? WOW........


Carnival Corp did offer counseling, money, money off a new cruise etc... What more is there left to compensate? And to answer your question yes Greed ;-)

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Unless you were on that ship, you have no idea what those people went through.

And if you have no idea what they went through, how can you possibly pass judgement on their actions now?

Do you KNOW what they saw. heard, felt?

Do you KNOW how scared they were?

Do you KNOW what they lost that day besides material things? Like being able to ever go on a vacation again without reliving that experience? Or being able to leave their kids out their sight for fear of not being with them if something terrible would happen again?


I totally agree that lawsuits are very often frivilous and a huge majority of them should never happen. But some are justified.


Unless you were there.....it's unfair to judge them.


What more is there to offer? Counseling DONE! Monetary for damages DONE! Cruise in the future DONE! Oooook.... Other than funeral expenses for the dead and compensating for the loss of lives.... What else is their? Not about passing judgment but being realistic

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I don't think anybody who wasn't on the ship when this occurred has the right to call anyone greedy for wanting what they feel is fair compensation.


Nobody here knows what these passengers dealt with. How it felt to see your flash before your eyes, being panicked just knowing your possibly minutes away from death, being trampled by hundreds of other passengers in the dark trying to get to a life boat, and now some of these people will be in therapy for months dealing with PTSD all because they decided to go on a cruise and chose the Costa Concordia to sail on? Greedy? Are you kidding me?


"Be happy you're alive"? Why should my life have been put in that type of danger in the first place?


Wow. Just wow.

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I think this is the dumbest thread I have read on CC. I dont believe in suing everybody for what ever but this is different. Without being in their shoes whos to say what amount of money is right. If you think 14000 and your cruise fare back is fair its because you were not there! That is a slap in the face!!! Even though some went unharmed it is the point of the matter. How many more Captains may and still do the same thing he did? Im pretty sure some of you are in for a bad wake up call. Hopefully that will never happen again. But you know what they say. Bad things happen in 3's!! Think about that for awhile!!!

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Why is it that these Costa Concordia customers are attempting to sue the Carnival Corp for all of this money and most of them were not even hurt? Have we as people gotten so greedy that we have to use a misfortune to become rich? I can see if you really were hurt or a loved one was killed or harmed etc... But Really? If you had the money to sail on the ship for heavens sakes and make it off safely, is that not enough? The Captain is going to Jail and your getting your money back from your cruise. Why am I thoroughly disgusted by this greed?


I read all the posts and I am with you!


I would rather take the offer as I know I would be no way out of pocket with $14500 each plus travel costs etc.etc


Some need more but most wouldnt, if you look at some of the natural disasters in the world most get nothing or less! Does getting off a capsized ship demand more compensation than your house and possessions getting washed away forever because nature isnt a corporation?



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Some need more but most wouldnt, if you look at some of the natural disasters in the world most get nothing or less! Does getting off a capsized ship demand more compensation than your house and possessions getting washed away forever because nature isnt a corporation?








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I don't think anybody who wasn't on the ship when this occurred has the right to call anyone greedy for wanting what they feel is fair compensation.


Nobody here knows what these passengers dealt with. How it felt to see your flash before your eyes, being panicked just knowing your possibly minutes away from death, being trampled by hundreds of other passengers in the dark trying to get to a life boat, and now some of these people will be in therapy for months dealing with PTSD all because they decided to go on a cruise and chose the Costa Concordia to sail on? Greedy? Are you kidding me?


"Be happy you're alive"? Why should my life have been put in that type of danger in the first place?


Wow. Just wow.


So being scared has a price tag now?? I better start leaving money under my 4 yr olds pillow every night. They are compensating for counseling by offering it, monetary ratification for misc. Stuff and money off future cruising... Like the other poster said " deserve all they did was show up for a cruise" Alright already when is enough enough??

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