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What to do with 11 and 9 year old after kids club close at 10PM?

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Take them to a quiet bar and sit them in a corner.



lol. That was just funny. :p Speaking of bad parenting, my son has always enjoyed going to the Schooner Bar with me for trivia or name that tune or just to enjoy listening to the piano player. Guess I'm a bad parent for not having him in bed, lol.

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yes i accept i have a right to voice my opinion too, i dont believe a 9 year old should be in the public places of the ship at midnight.

and yes of course we all love our children, but why is it so hard for some people to realise that other people dont.

next you will be saying let kids into the casino, cause its their holiday too and they have paid for it. its open nearly 24 hours so lets play those sparkly machines.

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Frankly, what someone else does with their kids isn't my business. Just as what mine does is none of yours. If you want to have your child in bed at 8 pm, more power to you. If I want to let mine stay up until midnight, that's my concern. Thankfully, there have been some helpful, nonjudgemental posts that the OP can actually get good ideas from. Needless to say, just smile and ignore the unwanted parenting advice ;) And have a wonderful vacation!

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yes i accept i have a right to voice my opinion too, i dont believe a 9 year old should be in the public places of the ship at midnight.

and yes of course we all love our children, but why is it so hard for some people to realise that other people dont.

next you will be saying let kids into the casino, cause its their holiday too and they have paid for it. its open nearly 24 hours so lets play those sparkly machines.


But the reality is that a 9 year old is allowed in many public places of the ship as long as they are with a guardian at any hour, including midnight. I don't think anyone expects everyone to love their children. Just accept that those children are allowed on the ship and in many areas at different hours. There are plenty of adult only areas that if the small number of children that happen to be awake at midnight are truly bothering someone, then that person should be able to find a space children are NOT allowed. And no, I do not think they should be allowed in the adult areas, including the casinos. Wrong argument to use on me there, my friend. I live in Las Vegas, where it is against the law to have kids in a casino. I definitely agree that there are places children do not belong. But sitting with a family having a snack in a public place? That should not bother anyone.

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yes i know that a 9 year old is allowed to wander around the ship up until 1am. but as a parent i chose not to keep mine out that late. as the parent it was my my decision not the childs.

its just like the parents that bring young children to quest. it is scheduled late and it is requested to not bring children, but the cd always mentions that it isnt suitable for kids. it doesnt ruin it for me but i just think the parents should think is this suitable for my young child, they would complain if their primary school put on that sort of performance for their children.

i dont want to sit next to some screaming brat on the plane either.

or a temper tantrum brat at the dining table (thank god for late seating)

you dont have to agree with me.

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yes i know that a 9 year old is allowed to wander around the ship up until 1am. but as a parent i chose not to keep mine out that late. as the parent it was my my decision not the childs.

its just like the parents that bring young children to quest. it is scheduled late and it is requested to not bring children, but the cd always mentions that it isnt suitable for kids. it doesnt ruin it for me but i just think the parents should think is this suitable for my young child, they would complain if their primary school put on that sort of performance for their children.

i dont want to sit next to some screaming brat on the plane either.

or a temper tantrum brat at the dining table (thank god for late seating)

you dont have to agree with me.


But I don't disagree with you. I did say there are places that children do not belong. Quest is an excellent example of one. And I think most here respect your right as a parent to enforce an appropriate bed time for your child. I can't really help you with sitting next to a screaming brat on a plane. I wouldn't want that either. However I recognize that kid has a seat paid for just like mine so I guess I have to deal with it for a few hours. That actually happened to us a couple of years ago on our flight home from our Grandeur cruise. Red eye flight + screaming baby with a dirty diaper = cranky passengers (me included). I don't blame the child; I blame the parent who would not change that poor baby's diaper. But all of this is way off topic; I apologize.


Really, the OP wasn't asking about any of this. She asked where her family could go after hours. I was surprised so many people told her to put her kids to bed! Instead of offering suggestions that actually answered her initial question, they wanted to tell her how to enjoy her vacation with her children. I guess my point is that just because you see a child up late doesn't mean those are bad parents or that they will be in an adult area or that the kids will be running around going wild. So why would a family enjoying family time bother others? Even if it is at midnight?

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I'm the mom of a 12 and 14 year old and honestly I think some of the parents on here are a little thin skinned.


Someone says "you're kids should be in bed" - you say "thank you for your opinion", next.




I have been busy packing and such the past few days so have not been checking this but unfortunately I am the OP and now that I am catching up on this thread all I can say is ….DARN…. WHAT THE HECK DID I START???? Wow…… To each their own people!!!!! My original question was “what can we do TOGETHER?” I have gotten a general idea of what is open and some stuff to do together so THANK YOU you to those who have actually answered my question and responded kindly and not just used this board to post their hate. To those who have used his thread for parenting 101 and their dislike of children, thank you for your opinions too even though I DIDN’T ASK FOR THEM!!!! :D I don’t know if some people are bored with their lives and are just trying to “stir the pot” with this thread to give them some excitement or something to do but I sincerely hope all you crabby negative posters out there (a) do have a vacation coming up soon b/c you are CLEARLY in need of one and (b) are not on my cruise!! :D

We leave tomorrow to spend the weekend in FL before boarding so this will probably be the last time I log on to cruise critic until my next cruise but I just want to say for the record that just b/c we let our children stay up late on vacations doesn’t make us bad parents!! Are you kidding me??? I am sorry but some of the comments on here are just plain stupid and not worth the rebuttal. No my kids won’t be in the casino, bars or comedy club but if we want to go get pizza, min golf or even do a cannon ball into the pool at midnight guess what….. WE WILL and if it bothers you then TOO DARN BAD!!! I lost my mother when I was 26 years old and my brother a few years ago when he was 32 years old so I know from experience how fast live can go and to cherish ever moment with my kids. We will be making memories together and I sincerely hope it doesn’t bother others but again if it does then that is their problem not mine.

Maybe the next time you are on vacation if you see a family getting a late night snack or taking a late night swim under the stars and they are all laughing and having a good time instead of judging the parents you think to yourself… wow, yes it is late for those kids to be up but they probably don’t do this every night and I bet those kids will remember the swim on the cruise ship under the stars (or staying up past bedtime to eat that ice cream cone) for the rest of their lives, long after the parents have left the world.

Happy sailing everybody!

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I'm the mom of a 12 and 14 year old and honestly I think some of the parents on here are a little thin skinned.


Someone says "you're kids should be in bed" - you say "thank you for your opinion", next. There is no need trying to make that person believe that your little kids should be out until 1 am.


"Thank you for your opinion" - helping keep blood pressure down since dirt was young.





I have been busy packing and such the past few days so have not been checking this but unfortunately I am the OP and now that I am catching up on this thread all I can say is ….DARN…. WHAT THE HECK DID I START???? Wow…… To each their own people!!!!! My original question was “what can we do TOGETHER?” I have gotten a general idea of what is open and some stuff to do together so THANK YOU you to those who have actually answered my question and responded kindly and not just used this board to post their hate. To those who have used his thread for parenting 101 and their dislike of children, thank you for your opinions too even though I DIDN’T ASK FOR THEM!!!! :D I don’t know if some people are bored with their lives and are just trying to “stir the pot” with this thread to give them some excitement or something to do but I sincerely hope all you crabby negative posters out there (a) do have a vacation coming up soon b/c you are CLEARLY in need of one and (b) are not on my cruise!! :D


We leave tomorrow to spend the weekend in FL before boarding so this will probably be the last time I log on to cruise critic until my next cruise but I just want to say for the record that just b/c we let our children stay up late on vacations doesn’t make us bad parents!! Are you kidding me??? I am sorry but some of the comments on here are just plain stupid and not worth the rebuttal. No my kids won’t be in the casino, bars or comedy club but if we want to go get pizza, min golf or even do a cannon ball into the pool at midnight guess what….. WE WILL and if it bothers you then TOO DARN BAD!!! I lost my mother when I was 26 years old and my brother a few years ago when he was 32 years old so I know from experience how fast live can go and to cherish ever moment with my kids. We will be making memories together and I sincerely hope it doesn’t bother others but again if it does then that is their problem not mine.


Maybe the next time you are on vacation if you see a family getting a late night snack or taking a late night swim under the stars and they are all laughing and having a good time instead of judging the parents you think to yourself… wow, yes it is late for those kids to be up but they probably don’t do this every night and I bet those kids will remember the swim on the cruise ship under the stars (or staying up past bedtime to eat that ice cream cone) for the rest of their lives, long after the parents have left the world.


Happy sailing everybody!

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I have been busy packing and such the past few days so have not been checking this but unfortunately I am the OP and now that I am catching up on this thread all I can say is ….DARN…. WHAT THE HECK DID I START???? Wow…… To each their own people!!!!! My original question was “what can we do TOGETHER?” I have gotten a general idea of what is open and some stuff to do together so THANK YOU you to those who have actually answered my question and responded kindly and not just used this board to post their hate. To those who have used his thread for parenting 101 and their dislike of children, thank you for your opinions too even though I DIDN’T ASK FOR THEM!!!! :D I don’t know if some people are bored with their lives and are just trying to “stir the pot” with this thread to give them some excitement or something to do but I sincerely hope all you crabby negative posters out there (a) do have a vacation coming up soon b/c you are CLEARLY in need of one and (b) are not on my cruise!! :D


We leave tomorrow to spend the weekend in FL before boarding so this will probably be the last time I log on to cruise critic until my next cruise but I just want to say for the record that just b/c we let our children stay up late on vacations doesn’t make us bad parents!! Are you kidding me??? I am sorry but some of the comments on here are just plain stupid and not worth the rebuttal. No my kids won’t be in the casino, bars or comedy club but if we want to go get pizza, min golf or even do a cannon ball into the pool at midnight guess what….. WE WILL and if it bothers you then TOO DARN BAD!!! I lost my mother when I was 26 years old and my brother a few years ago when he was 32 years old so I know from experience how fast live can go and to cherish ever moment with my kids. We will be making memories together and I sincerely hope it doesn’t bother others but again if it does then that is their problem not mine.


Maybe the next time you are on vacation if you see a family getting a late night snack or taking a late night swim under the stars and they are all laughing and having a good time instead of judging the parents you think to yourself… wow, yes it is late for those kids to be up but they probably don’t do this every night and I bet those kids will remember the swim on the cruise ship under the stars (or staying up past bedtime to eat that ice cream cone) for the rest of their lives, long after the parents have left the world.


Happy sailing everybody!


My kids are older now but when they were young, the only one that wanted to go to bed at 10 was me! They were much too excited about being on vacation and being on a ship to even think about sleeping. There will be plenty of families in exactly the same situation. Enjoy!!

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I'm the mom of a 12 and 14 year old and honestly I think some of the parents on here are a little thin skinned.


Someone says "you're kids should be in bed" - you say "thank you for your opinion", next.




I have been busy packing and such the past few days so have not been checking this but unfortunately I am the OP and now that I am catching up on this thread all I can say is ….DARN…. WHAT THE HECK DID I START???? Wow…… To each their own people!!!!! My original question was “what can we do TOGETHER?” I have gotten a general idea of what is open and some stuff to do together so THANK YOU you to those who have actually answered my question and responded kindly and not just used this board to post their hate. To those who have used his thread for parenting 101 and their dislike of children, thank you for your opinions too even though I DIDN’T ASK FOR THEM!!!! :D I don’t know if some people are bored with their lives and are just trying to “stir the pot” with this thread to give them some excitement or something to do but I sincerely hope all you crabby negative posters out there (a) do have a vacation coming up soon b/c you are CLEARLY in need of one and (b) are not on my cruise!! :D


We leave tomorrow to spend the weekend in FL before boarding so this will probably be the last time I log on to cruise critic until my next cruise but I just want to say for the record that just b/c we let our children stay up late on vacations doesn’t make us bad parents!! Are you kidding me??? I am sorry but some of the comments on here are just plain stupid and not worth the rebuttal. No my kids won’t be in the casino, bars or comedy club but if we want to go get pizza, min golf or even do a cannon ball into the pool at midnight guess what….. WE WILL and if it bothers you then TOO DARN BAD!!! I lost my mother when I was 26 years old and my brother a few years ago when he was 32 years old so I know from experience how fast live can go and to cherish ever moment with my kids. We will be making memories together and I sincerely hope it doesn’t bother others but again if it does then that is their problem not mine.


Maybe the next time you are on vacation if you see a family getting a late night snack or taking a late night swim under the stars and they are all laughing and having a good time instead of judging the parents you think to yourself… wow, yes it is late for those kids to be up but they probably don’t do this every night and I bet those kids will remember the swim on the cruise ship under the stars (or staying up past bedtime to eat that ice cream cone) for the rest of their lives, long after the parents have left the world.


Happy sailing everybody!


So well said!! Vacation time with my kids is one week out of the year ... and the best part is the change of routines and embracing family time ... even if it is past 10 p.m!! Enjoy your cruise.


And to the child haters out there ... remember the children of today are the ones who are going to be taking care of you in your old age!!

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Maybe the next time you are on vacation if you see a family getting a late night snack or taking a late night swim under the stars and they are all laughing and having a good time instead of judging the parents you think to yourself… wow, yes it is late for those kids to be up but they probably don’t do this every night and I bet those kids will remember the swim on the cruise ship under the stars (or staying up past bedtime to eat that ice cream cone) for the rest of their lives, long after the parents have left the world.

Happy sailing everybody!


Great post cruiselover0213!


Hoping you get to check back before you leave. If you have the time, read my Oasis review (link in my signature below). Our grandson, who we are raising, was just shy of 11 for that, his 5th RCCL cruise. The review lists many of the things we did together after his club as well as during the 2-hour lunch and dinner breaks. And, even on the nights he stayed for the late night party at his club, we always hit Sorrento's or Cafe Promenade for his late night snack.


Here's to great memories! Have a wonderful cruise!

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In addition, I experienced this first hand on my cruises. My son BEGGED to stay later every night to play gaga ball. (Other kids would just be chilling or watching a movie.)


Beware, there is something addicting about gaga ball to a kid, my grandson who is usually shy and not one to join in where he doesn't know people did a complete 360 on the cruises in AO, especially when there was a gaga ball tournament which seemed to be most days/nights. Now that he's a teen, he's back to his old self and too shy to join in many of the teen activities, but still makes a couple of friends to hang out with on the cruises.


We also had a rule about late night party zone, he would have gone every night and stayed till closing but we only let him go on nights where we would be at sea the next day, for port days he had to leave at 10 and settle down for the night. This worked for us, he knew before going on the cruise this would be the way it worked.


He's been on 10 RCCL cruises and I have never had anything but high praise for the staff of AO. They are amazing at getting all the kids involved in the activities and until he hit the teen group he considered it as punishment if he wasn't allowed to be there whenever they were open.

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Boaring Allure on the 25th and I was just wondering what is there available to do with the kids after the kids club close at 10PM? Are the pools and hot tubs still open if they don't feel like going to bed right away? Is the ice skating rink or anything else open late for us to all do together? Thanks!


Like many others, I strongly recommend taking them back to the cabin, ordering some room service milk and cookies and then let them go to sleep so you can enjoy the ports fully rested. If you are your mate want to stay out, arrange for a babysitter after 10 p.m.

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why pay so much for a cruise with swimming pools, flowrider, icerink etc and then stick your kids in the daycare centre, sorry kids club. if you love holidaying with your well behaved children so much, why get someone else to look after them all the time.


I agree/disagree with your comment:

Our last cruise the kids wanted to spend all their time in the kids club so I told my husband "at least I know next cruise I don't have to worry about the ship pools, etc" then he brought me back to reality by stating "once you don't book on one of these ships they will want it all and hate the kids club". Children are like the weather in the caribbean during hurricane season, completely unpredictable. I had dreamed of a nice family vacation with all of us spending our time together but kids had other plans, it was their vacation also and if they wanted to spend it in the kids club that was their choice, point being some kids LOVE the program and parent's are letting their kids enjoy THEIR vacation, not using the club as a daycare.

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I have been busy packing and such the past few days so have not been checking this but unfortunately I am the OP and now that I am catching up on this thread all I can say is ….DARN…. WHAT THE HECK DID I START???? Wow…… To each their own people!!!!! My original question was “what can we do TOGETHER?” I have gotten a general idea of what is open and some stuff to do together so THANK YOU you to those who have actually answered my question and responded kindly and not just used this board to post their hate. To those who have used his thread for parenting 101 and their dislike of children, thank you for your opinions too even though I DIDN’T ASK FOR THEM!!!! :D I don’t know if some people are bored with their lives and are just trying to “stir the pot” with this thread to give them some excitement or something to do but I sincerely hope all you crabby negative posters out there (a) do have a vacation coming up soon b/c you are CLEARLY in need of one and (b) are not on my cruise!! :D


We leave tomorrow to spend the weekend in FL before boarding so this will probably be the last time I log on to cruise critic until my next cruise but I just want to say for the record that just b/c we let our children stay up late on vacations doesn’t make us bad parents!! Are you kidding me??? I am sorry but some of the comments on here are just plain stupid and not worth the rebuttal. No my kids won’t be in the casino, bars or comedy club but if we want to go get pizza, min golf or even do a cannon ball into the pool at midnight guess what….. WE WILL and if it bothers you then TOO DARN BAD!!! I lost my mother when I was 26 years old and my brother a few years ago when he was 32 years old so I know from experience how fast live can go and to cherish ever moment with my kids. We will be making memories together and I sincerely hope it doesn’t bother others but again if it does then that is their problem not mine.


Maybe the next time you are on vacation if you see a family getting a late night snack or taking a late night swim under the stars and they are all laughing and having a good time instead of judging the parents you think to yourself… wow, yes it is late for those kids to be up but they probably don’t do this every night and I bet those kids will remember the swim on the cruise ship under the stars (or staying up past bedtime to eat that ice cream cone) for the rest of their lives, long after the parents have left the world.


Happy sailing everybody!


Have a fantastic holiday!

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thank you for your honest post about enjoying the precious time with your family! There is nothing more important than that. My husband and I raised our two girls in a very structured environment while they were growing up. But when we went on family vacations, we left the routine at home and just really enjoyed each other and the time we got to spend together. Those are some of the best memories ever! Our girls loved that their bedtime came and went and we were all still up doing things together! Eating ice cream at midnight, swimming at the hotel after dark and countless other little things that as adults now they still remember! I hope you and your family have a fabulous cruise and vacation!!!



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Surprising how so many folks feel a kid should be in the cabin and in bed by 10pm while on vacation. :rolleyes: Not a single thing wrong with stopping for pizza, going for a swim, getting an ice cream or just simply just walking the ship with the parents or grandparents.

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