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Blog from our holiday on Eclipse. Last 3 days


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Here goes.

Sorry if its a bit long. I will try to put some pics up during the week.

Day 1. Fri 16th Mar.


After grabbing around 2 hrs sleep late on Thursday from 11pm to around 1am that was me awake all night.

Kay didnt get any sleep at all. She does that regularly when we go on holiday (We booth need to get more organised earlier)

We left for Airport around 5.45am and had to stop at Tesco to buy travel padlocks.

GLA was easy and the flight down was good. Left from gate 19. Nice we brekkie on board, watery scrambled egg. tough bit of ham and a delicious sausage that i put between the roll. (take the boy out of Greenock etc etc)

LHR was very busy. me being the idiot that I am misplaced our boarding cards for the MIA flight so had to get others printed..

Walked through duty free and looked at the prices. Not any cheaper than Tesco. £12.99 for a bottle of Smirnoff, whiskey and Morgans.

Bought some magazines and sweets (saw a couple of police with AK47s and some weird colourful and wonderful people) and headed to the gate. 35B


Took a pic of our home for the next 9hrs. A boeing 747 400 (big bugger).


Anyway as our timing was perfect we walked through duty free to the gate and straight on board. we passed Paul Daniels and Debbie McGhee sitting on the plane as walked to our seats 50J and K. Up near the back.

Jesus it was tight with very little leg room at all. I got the window seat as usual and had to squeeze by a wee Indian guy (thankfully he was wee and skinny and on his way to join Carnival Cruises for the next 9 month) and sat down. There was about an inch between my knee and the seat in front and that was me for the next 9 hours (or 10 as it turned out)


After sitting for almost an hour waiting on an 'engine repair; I hate when they tell you that when you are waiting to take off; ''Welcome aboard and by the way just sit on yer arse for a while as your plane is fkd but are we away to break a spare part off another plane to fix yours'' Oh an don't panic!!!


Anyway almost an hour late we taxi out and join the queue. Saw a strange wee plane, Air Qatar looked like a 737 from the front but almost half the size in length

Wish I took a picture.

So we are offski upwards and onwards to Miami. Uneventful flight apart from being cramped. Kay slept, I got around 20 mins the whole flight, grub was OK. Wee pasta dish was tasty, The dessert thing, a lemon souffle was amazing and then we got Sandwiches around an hour from MIA. So we are heading to land and fly over Miami (looks nice, lots of golf courses, water and airports) head down round the back and come in from the east. That route added around half an hour to our flight which we had made up so we landed around 3,40 local time.

Now the fun begins, Passport Patrol, Jesus, after a long flight you just want to get moving but they stick you in a big hall and make you wait for nearly 2 hours before fingerprinting you and taking your picture.


So we get to the hotel around 6pm, The Sheraton Miami Airport. 2 mins drive from the arrivals,

Room 434, nice big and with a lovely view looking out onto a golf course.

After a quick change we head into Miami itself, $30 in a taxi for around a 7 mile journey into Ocean Drive. Just full of lights and bars and restaurants and lovely young girls trying to get you to go into their restaurants.

We walked up the drive for half an hour and it was chocca!! Think trying to get out of a football game and the crowd for the next one are coming in at the same time.

We found a lovely wee Italian place with a live 'latin' band playing and we jumped in there. Bella Roma 1238 Ocean Drive. Absolutely delicous but with a sting in the tail.


Kay had Carbonara and I had a pizza. and for dessert we both had profiteroles which were wonderful and fantastically presented . Then the bill came and I nearly fainted.

2 glasses of wine $26. Bottle of beer $7. Diet coke $4. $16 for a pizza and $19 for the Carbonara. Add the sweet. tax and a 18% gratuity came to $131.77.



Anyway we are on holiday so no worries. After another wee wander around we found a Walgreens and bought some hayfever tablets, asprins and a travel plug cause we forgot to lift them from the house. Then we flagged a taxi. At this point its around 11 and we are both shattered. Taxi back to hotel and crashed out.


It was a long day but it was enjoyable.

Stuart (my 7 year old son) would just love Ocean Drive with the live music, bright lights, colours and cosmopolitan atmosphere. Jack (the 17 year old son) would love the beer, strange concoctions of drinks and the women. My god the women!!!!!

Seen some real classic American cars and took a couple of pics. The guys love it when you want to take a pic of their car. They just stop and pose for you. Brilliant!!!


So far its been good if very tiring.

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The big day has finally arrived.

Happy St Patrick's to everyone. 'Tiocfaidh ar la

As usual I woke up early doors. Back of 5am and started yesterdays blog.

We went for breakfast and I made an arse of myself as usual When we got to the table there was big black cups sitting on the table

I thought they were the previous peoples so I put them on the next table. Big waiter looks at me as if I am stupid and I explain what I am doing

and he stares at me and ask what we want for breakfast and carries on with his job. Maybe you had to be there!!!


Anyway breakfast is decent.Usual hot stuff and Continental buffet. Orange juice is lovely and the wee danish pastries are just to die for.

Like East End Bakers Chelsea buns but with a more creamy topping.


I saw this one woman who had (and I kid you not) Bacon, scrambled egg, hot waffles with syrup and a fruit salad on the one plate. Her plate was jam packed.

Strange combo!!!

So back to the room 434



Doing this part on Notepad in the Stateroom as I am too miserable to get the internet just yet.


Anywhoo on to bizness. We left the hotel around 12 and had the pleasure of Mr Brown as our bus driver.

this guy was brilliant. Great patter on the 20 minute jurney to the port.


So we reach the port and head in to the big shed areas. 10 minutes or so and we were ready to go on board.

As you are just about to board there is a guy with a big fancy camera.Thers these 2 old wummin who give it 'oh we

dont want our picture taken we have been travelling for 10 hours dont take our picture'. Aye right ye are hen,

Your no the only one to have travelled a distance. Her idea of distance is probably like Miss Daisy going to the post office.


We finally get on board and look at each other in a 'wow' kind of way. (Its our silver wedding cruise so the 'I love you' look

stopped happening many years ago) Anyway it is absolutely lovely. We Wandered around for a bit, had a wee drink, while waiting for

the room to be ready and the bingo caller announced that staterooms were ready around 2 15.


It really is a cracking boat in fantastic condition. A bit like HMS Dignity wishes it could be.

(If you get that joke then 'Hail Hail') So up to Stateroom 1401 and in we go. Lovely well laid out wee room. (Conceirge Class)

Back down we go for the Muster Drill at half 3. That takes around half an hour and then upto the Oceanview Cafe

for some dinner. A nice slice of pizza, a wee bit of pasta and some fancy bread and cheeses.


Half past 4 and we meet up with some of the people from the Cruise Critic website and spent around an hour with them

Was really nice to put faces to names and all were lovely people. Ellysa what the F**K were those shoes!!!

Wish I had took a photo of them. Maybe I will later in the trip.


Back in the statroom to unpack. Jebus what a mess the clothes are in and there is no iron to help out.

Kay is having a panic attack anout the state of them. Looks like Celebrity are gonna make a fortune off us

for ironing charges. Thats prob the 'real' idea behind the rule.

Need to look into that cause gotta get stuff sorted for the morra nicht!! Formal night.


Shower shave shampoo and...well you get the rest and its off to the main dining room and what a cracking night.

Great company and an absolutely fantasic meal. I mean fantastic!!! I am as fussy as they come but that was fantastic.

Not gonna tell ye every meal but the Steak was cooked to perfection and the pepper sauce was heavenly. The meal was so

good I could not eat a sweet!! Not that's a coupon buster!!


A wee wander round the ship then midnight. Back to the room and found the bed had been turned down and there was

a chocolate on the pillow. I will leave you to guess who ate the chocolate!!!!

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Day 3

Early kick off. As usual I am up 6am ish, Kay still sleeping.

At 0645 (look at the patter o this eejit. 0645. Whit a load of keech)

At quarter to 7 I take a walk up to Deck 13 and start doing some pounding the boards at what feels 100mph.

Truth is I am walking at around 5mph with the wind at my back and 3 when walking into it.

After lapping it few times I start to turn the clock back and start to jog. Yes I jog!!

Jog one walk one jog one walk one. Well I better keep doing it while I can before I am at the knit one

purl one knit one purl one stage.

After a few of those I just keep walking around the ship, up and down stairs going god knows where.

After about 40 minutes I am blowing oot my arse!!!!! Time to calm doon big yin!!!

Head into the Ocenaview Cafe where I grab a quick orange juice then make 2 cups of Tea and head back to the sleeping

Hobbit in the room.


Back of 9 We head up for some brekkie. The choice is wonderful. you name it its there. Apart from tottie scones!! Why not??

Back to day 1 and to the plate issue I have. Now its a buffet! Take a plate try some food then go back for another

plate of different food. I clocked some people with plates piled 10 feet high with meat, fruit, veg, bread, toast, waffles

syrup sauces yougurts everything on this on plate!! Hello!!! MDR tonight. Just give the waiter the night off and give these

nuggets the lot on one 1 plate. Prawn cocktail, Peppered Steak and jelly, French Onion soup, Lobster and ice cream.

You get my drift. So I had my usual fried stuff. I earned it by walk one jog one so there!! Kay had cereal and toast.

No no no!!! not at the same time on the one plate!!!!


1045 Cruise connections welcome. Bit of a damp squib that. A few crew introductions and we sit and talk to the same

people we had dinner with (Very nice people) and leave around 20 past 11 to go for our Anniversary celebration thingy.

We walk upto the top of the ship. The Skydeck. Blown to bits we walk in and we are told stand there. Smile, click!!!

We get our picture taken to remember the occassion. This photo will end up on the internet in the cruise line pictures

equivelant of bad high school photos or people of Walmart!!!

A nice glass of somethng and the same crew who we met 45 minutes earlier give a wee speel and then theres a dance to

the most romantic song ever!!! The Rightous Brothers version of Unchained Melody!!!

Most romantic song ever is Mike the Cruise directors words not mine. Personally I prefer The Winner takes it all by ABBA.

Only kidding Darling!!!!!!


Now for a real coupon buster. I can claim to be a member of the most intelligent 4 person team on the ship.

Ellysa, Steve, Ksy and I formed a team called 'Hands across the sea' entered a quiz competition and won it!!

WE won a thingummy type of thing that you put something in and put it round yer neck.

Then some lunch. We were Joined by Everett. We had a good blether for half an hour or so the we went to catch some rays!!


As previously mentioned tonight was the 1st Formal night.

I went dressed in full highland regalia with the Spirit of Scotland tartan and if I say so myself I looked fkn great!!!!

Kay also looked great. In fact she looked better. 1st time she has worn a dress in, I think 14 years.

Met our tablemates again and had another cracking evening. The only downside for me is that our waiter can speak English

almost as good as I can speak Klingon. I can hardly make him out. Poor guy works his bollox off all night and talks away

and must think I am a loony. Truth is I cant be arsed asking him to keep repeating himself so I just nod and smile!!!


Finished up in the Sky Lounge with Rob and Cathie for the Karaoke. Some of these singers must have been professional

cause they were brilliant. Esp the couple who sang Endless Love. Not one I would normally enjoy in a karaoke as its slow

and boring but they asbolutely nailed it.


Back to reality. Tomorrow is the 19th March 2012 and we will have been married 25 years to the day. I remember it well.

I was loaded with the flu and doped up. So bad that I spewed all over the honeymoon suite bathroom and they had to call

a plunber. True story.


fancy my chances the morra?..........Na, me neither!

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Keep the blog coming, it's great, along with your Glesga(or should I say Greenock) humour thrown in. We will be on Eclipse this time next year, so any info/pics would be great to keep us going til then.


Enjoy yer cruise, Big Man........ and Kay, of course

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Day 4. San Juan


Happy Anniversary Kay. Love you very much and thank you for 25 fantastic years and 2 wonderful sons. xxx


Another 5.30 wake up. This is murder, tossed and turned for a while then dropped off again, woke up half 7. Result!!

Feeling ok, wee sore head after the heavy session (2 buds) last night.

Headed up to tramp the boards agian. 10 tracks on the ipod is around 30 mins or so, that was my target.

Done it. Counted 8 trackes then back to replay 2 favsI really like to keep the motivation. Ruby by the Kaiser Chiefs and Moonlight Kiss by Raul Malo.

2 fantastic uptempo songs and great for tramping.

Popped into the Oceanview Cafe and took 2 Teas back to the room along with 2 donuts.

That little offering was still not enough to win a climpse of her booty.


Went for breakfast at Oceanview again and then popped upto the Lawn club which was brilliant.

Met Rob and Cathie and had a game of Bocce (if thats how you spell it.

A quick game for starters then the serious stuff started. The Intercontinental chanpionship of the Caribbean.

In a sensational match which finished 2-0 won by the peely waaly Scottish team who triumphed over the picture of health American

pair by 2 games to 0.

Back to Room to change then upto the Soltice Deck to sunbathe. Jebus it was scorchio. Too scorchio so we headed down to 14 where there

was a breeze to keep cool. But the wind carried with it something out of a flame thrower!! We got toasted.

I swear you could fry an egg on my chest it was so hot. Remember we are from Scotland where its shorts and T shirt when its 50 degrees.

The pool party started as we approached San Juan.

We both got a bit too much sun so we headed back in to put some clothes on before we leave the boat. Took a taxi for $3 each upto the Forts

Wandered around for an hour or so then the Trolley bus back into town. Wandered thro some trinket shops then back to the ship.

Where we berthed there was a CVS store across the road. On the road directly behind the CVS store there must be a sewage works or

something cause the smell in that area would have forced Shrek out!! By god it was rank. So close to the ships too.

Just a word to the wise for anyone who reads this. Avoid this area!!!


Back in time for MDR and what a surprise for us. A card from a couple of our dinner mates. What a lovely touch. Then the enbarrassment of the

waiters singing Happy Anniversary to us in a mixture of broken English, Klingon, swaheeli and something from 20,000 leagues!!!

Again it was a nice touch and added to the occasion. We both thank them all very much.


After dinner we went to see the late night comedian in Celebrity Central. Troy something!! sorry cant remember his surname

Have to say he was very good indeed. Had the place in stitches. I am gonna steal some of his patter but not for on here!





Day 5 St Thomas.


Guess what?? I slept in. slept straight thro till half 7. Yippee, no treading the boards today.

Breakfast at usual place and usual fried stuff. Fat bloater!!

Went on the 'Lovely St Thomas tour' It was really good and decent value for money. It was over 5 hours with 4 different stops

each for around 15 minutes then 2 full hours at Magens Bay. An absolutely beautiful beach. Our Bus driver was Hodgee and he was

really excellent and knowledgeable. He is a big guy!!! Everyone was his cousin and every girl was his sister, we even got an old

calypso song from him about what happens in St Thomas stays in St Thomas. Well recommended from me.

Anyhoo. In Magens bay Kay and were in the waater upto our necks. These dive bomber pteradactyle type of birds were

flying overhead and dive bombing for fish around 6 feet from you. It was some sight. Sand as usual got everywhere.

I swear I will still be pulling sand out my erchie on christmas. I hate the stuff but since we are in Caribbean you must respect

their land and go to the beach. Well tell me another way to chill than to stroll along the beach with the woman you love. (pukes)


Anyway we head into Charlotte Amelie for some shopping. We buy a couple of things for Stuart and still nothing for Jack.

Poor boy will be reporting us for child cruelty. Back on board and as Kay has been struggling with sore heads we pop into the

medical centre as we both forgot our BP tablets. I am feeling OK but as Kay is struggling its best to get her PB checked.

anyway its up 170/107 so she gets some more tablets and off we go. $100 lighter for the experience. Dr on comission or something??


Quick change and off to what has been the best hour of the cruise so far. Rob and Cathie invited ourselves and other table guest to

their suite for a sailaway. Well I dont think I have laughed so much in years. Everyone has now let their hair down as we all know

each other now and the funny stories just rolled. It was brilliant. So good we are back there tomorrow night when we leave St Maartens.


Now the Cirque de Solei show on board. (Sorry if its spelt wrong, in fact i'm not sorry at all cause you know what I mean)

is spectacular. We watched it after leaving R and C's and it blew me away. Its basically circus acrobat trapeze type of thing.

Wow!!! If you come on board a Celebrity Cruise ship and this is one of the acts then Dont miss it. Now its not as good as

R and Cs sailaway party but its still really good.


Quiet end to the night. Dinner stayed in MDR till half 10 (then Kay headed back to the room as she was still not feeling quite herself).

and then upto the Lawn deck for a bit of......partying?? No!!........drinking games? No!.........skinny dipping? No!

.........Wait for it.......yes I am not kidding........

......Stargazing. I am officially a geek!! and proud!!!

It was mindblowing. A pretty clear night in the middle of the caribbean sea and the lights turned off.

You could see for miles. Well millions of miles if the scientists are to be believed!! Frankly I dont cause

they all have daft hair and are too clever to have common sense. But there were constellation things, stars, planets and even

something that looked like a space cloud. No wait that was somke from the funnel.

Anyway 11.30 comes. Pop into the Oceanview cafe for a cuppa then back to the stateroom where instead of finding my lovely wife

sleeping she is watching 'Captain America' And I am the geeky one!!!

Night night.

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Day 6 St Maarten.


This is actually being written on day 7 thurs morning so it might not be as accurate and informative as the others as my memory is failing.

Woke up went shopping saw planes night night!!!!


Naw seriously now! up to watch us arrive at St Maarten and the Silhouette was arriving just in front of us. Took some lovely pics

and there in the distance was a big massive rain cloud. So being from Scotland I thought 'ach ne bother a wee bit o rain'

Anyway the 'S' sailed right into the cloud and alomst disappeared. I thought jebus its the Bermuda Triangle' It literally could not

be seen because of the rain and this boat was around 500 yards in front. So snapped away and got some nice pics and then there was a wee drizzle.

No problem I just kept snapping and then all of a sudden things that felt like hailstones which were on fire came launcing out of the sky.

I had to run like Usain Bolt (or I bolted) to get from the Soltice deck to the bit underneath to get shelter from these alien entities

that were hammering donw on me from above. It honsestly felt like a scene from Independence day. So I reach the 'safety' of the Skylounge

and I am 'drookit' from head to toe and sore all over as these things hitting me especially the sunburnt bits was bloody sore.


But being the hardy bugger I carried on taking pictures and then it stopped. As quick as it appeared it was gone. It all happnned in around

5 minutes. Then a nice Rainbow and some more pics.

Back up to the room. Collect Kay and down for brekkie before heading into Phillipsburg. Now this was nice.

Busy, but had a truly Caribbean feel to it. Steel bands playing Calypso music and lovely colourful people. We bought some nice gifts

for those poor souls who we left behind. Jack is a jammy git. I wanted this particular but him decided Jack was to get it and not me.

This item ic class in a glass but no way could we afford or justify buying 2 of them so he got it.

We bam better appreciate or or he will get it shoved up somewhere.


Then Taxi to Maho Beach to see the planes. Now let me tell. If you have never done this its amazing.

Stand on the wall as a boeing 737 or Airbus 320 or even a 330 comes towards you head on!! They iterally fly 15 feet above your head and land

right at the end of the runway. What a fantastic buzz. At one stage it looks like they are gonna hit you as the approach is so low and flat.

Now for the fun bit. The AA biggie was ready for take off and I went and stood behind it. Fool!!

He opens up the throttle a bit. and there is a blast of sand that hits you full in the face. And that is before the full throttle.

When full throttle comes it just knocks you right off your feet and sends you flying thro the air. I videod it and everyone who has

seen it has laughed so hard at my expense. Aye! Haha right enough!


Anyway back to the ship quick change and down to Rob and Cathie's suite for the sailaway from St Maarten.

Again what a great experience and a great laugh and many thinks to Rob and Cathie for having us.


Before we go any further lat me tell you names of some people who have become real good friends now. All were at the sailaway.

In no particular order

Rob and Cathie, Marge and Joe, Dierdre and Vinny, Elyssa and Steve, Everett and finally Lance. Thanks to you guys

for helping make this such a special cruise for us. Your company has been enjoyed throughout.


We Went for dinner and then to the late night comedy show called 'The Liar's Club'. Very funny show and well worth watching.

That ran a bit behind schedule and we left the auditorium around 1am and headed back to the room.

Another really good day and one with quite a few lasting memories.

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Happy Chappy---Love the blog. We are going to be on the Eclipse for the TA crossing, and your blog is getting us so excited. A question for you or Dizney--do either of you know who the Bar Manager is on the ship? Thanks if either of you know!!!



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Happy Chappy---Love the blog. We are going to be on the Eclipse for the TA crossing, and your blog is getting us so excited. A question for you or Dizney--do either of you know who the Bar Manager is on the ship? Thanks if either of you know!!!




Not sure of the bar manager, but the food & beverage manager was Mark Tomley a UK bloke. :-)



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Not sure of the bar manager, but the food & beverage manager was Mark Tomley a UK bloke. :-)



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Thank you both so much. I am setting up a martini tasting for our group of CC'ers on the TA and would love to handle it in advance. I contacted the Celebrity Experience Coordinator who said I'd have to wait until we board and go to the Events Coordinator on embarkation day to schedule the tasting. We have 50 people so that means I'll have to call them all to tell them the time and place--hate to spend that time, but guess that's the only option.



Thank you both so much and Please continue the wonderful blog.




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