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Above all, don't overpack!


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I think - above all - don't try to change someone else's habits:p Some people get mighty defensive about their choices. If you're an overpacker, have at it. If you're a light packer, have at it. And don't try to offer advice to "the other team" unless they specifically ask for it:eek:


I'm a light packer when flying. On the few occasions when we drive somewhere, I start throwing things into the car, but that makes me cranky at the end of the trip. So I'm trying to improve my skills there as well:o


I didn't get the impression that either group of packers were trying to change someone else's habits. We're just chatting about what we do. I am always curious about others, because I can either learn helpful hints, or decide to overpack just because I feel like it.

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I think a lot depends on the time of year you are traveling in. If in the middle of summer in a hot climate, you probably will not be able to re-wear things, so you may have to bring some extra outfits.


Also the type of cruise -- if you MUST dress for dinner that requires extra clothes. We were on a NCL "freestyle" cruise -- I found we did not need to dress for dinner much at all. Often what I wore in the daytime was fine for the night too (capris, casual skirts, etc.) We traveled in early April - so it wasn't too hot even though we were in the Carribbean.


That being said -- my DH is plus-size. His clothes took up quite a bit of suitcase space; however we found on this cruise he could re-wear a lot too, and we took a couple too many outfits for him as well as me. On NCL, guys can wear "nice" shorts and a collared shirt in some of the Main Dining Rooms. So, what he wore during the day, he could wear at dinner too.

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Yuck! Sweat drenched clothes need to be machine washed, not "Febreezed."


I don't want to be reformed. I have zero desire to mix and match. I have airline status so I don't need to worry about baggage fees. To each their own.


This is me minus the airline status. But I can pack 2 outfits a day plus room/door decorations, jewelry, purses and 8 pairs of shoes in a big suitcase and 1 carryon for 9 days. I have no desire to do laundry on vacation, wear dirty/sweaty clothes or mix and match while on vacation. I don't see how enjoying my clothes makes me need to be "reformed". :)

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This is me minus the airline status. But I can pack 2 outfits a day plus room/door decorations, jewelry, purses and 8 pairs of shoes in a big suitcase and 1 carryon for 9 days. I have no desire to do laundry on vacation, wear dirty/sweaty clothes or mix and match while on vacation. I don't see how enjoying my clothes makes me need to be "reformed". :)

Your packing sounds like my SIL on her first cruise with us, minus the room/door decorations. I had to pull her suitcase through the airport on the way home for her along with mine because it was too heavy for her to keep up with her Brother,my DH. Kinda funny since she was a size six and both DH and I are overweight.


Can't figure out how you managed to make your "reformed" statement right after dissing people like me who mix and match. I don't wear dirty/sweaty clothes; I hand wash if I need to.


I think I'll just keep trying to take less and less every trip to make my self happy.

We just came back from a week in Florida and I took photos of all my makeup, jewelry and electronics, etc as I unpacked. I'm going to print out my photos and cross off things that I didn't use to remind me next time of what I don't need.

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Your packing sounds like my SIL on her first cruise with us, minus the room/door decorations. I had to pull her suitcase through the airport on the way home for her along with mine because it was too heavy for her to keep up with her Brother,my DH. Kinda funny since she was a size six and both DH and I are overweight.


Can't figure out how you managed to make your "reformed" statement right after dissing people like me who mix and match. I don't wear dirty/sweaty clothes; I hand wash if I need to.


I think I'll just keep trying to take less and less every trip to make my self happy.

We just came back from a week in Florida and I took photos of all my makeup, jewelry and electronics, etc as I unpacked. I'm going to print out my photos and cross off things that I didn't use to remind me next time of what I don't need.


Nothing wrong with mixing and matching. It's just no fun for me. And my suitcase weighs 40 pounds tops with my carryon actually being a small shoulder bag. Luckily, my feet are a size 6! I like to work out with free weights so I'm strong enough to lift everything and pull it.

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Febreez is your friend:D


Ewww, even I who doesn't mind re-wearing an outfit finds that one icky. Maybe it's because I'm allergic to a lot of perfume type products and chemicals and that falls into that category... but if it needs febreze then it needs washed.


I overpack and so does the husband. We prefer to have a selection to choose from and as long as it all fits into 2 suitcases that weight 40 pounds or less each (have to allow room for extra stuff to come home) then we don't care. This way we can wear what we're in the mood for and not stuck wearing something because it's our only option.

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I think - above all - don't try to change someone else's habits Some people get mighty defensive about their choices. If you're an overpacker, have at it. If you're a light packer, have at it. And don't try to offer advice to "the other team" unless they specifically ask for it


I'm a light packer when flying. On the few occasions when we drive somewhere, I start throwing things into the car, but that makes me cranky at the end of the trip. So I'm trying to improve my skills there as well


This hits the nail on the head.


Then...what would we have to discuss here??? ;)


You're right, everyone has their habits but I also think that a person can learn from others comments. My last cruise I packed enough for the week, I keep reading when you drive to port, why not? So, I ended up with too much and I knew better. I prefer packing smarter rather than heavier, at least I didn't end up with 10 or more unworn garments (my husband has done this).


It's a bit crazy to think people get defensive or offended regarding comments on a public forum. If they do, perhaps they shouldn't read on public forums. I think this is especially true when I read on the fashion & beauty board a person making comments that they just don't understand why fashion and beauty are being discussed.


What drives me most crazy is the question "what can I get away with?" when asking how casual they can dress on formal nights, or "who cares what you are wearing?". I happen to think the people who state they don't care and are adamant about it are probably more snobby about clothing than those they call "fashionistas", but they don't look very pleasing. I also don't understand why a person who dresses well (at any price point, it can be done) would be looked down upon. I admire well dressed people and aspire to do that myself.

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Happy KS,

I can agree with what you say, it's just when someone comes along and specifically says not to do something when what they're saying cannot be taken as definitive. It's not a one shoe fits all.:);)


This can be seen in the various responses as to what everyone does.


A little OT but what drives me crazy and up a wall is when people criticize people for dressing formally and saying things like, "playing dress up" or "trying to be someone they are not".


Back to not overpacking vs. overpacking.:D

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Interesting chatter here but I did sense some defensiveness on occasion.

I think it is kind of a personality thing.

I am the type to wear jeans and yoga pants for most of my day to day life and clothes aren't all that important to me most of the time. But when I am on vacation I do tend to dress a little bit nicer but no way like my sweet niece who wouldn't be caught dead in a pair of casual shoes except for working out and then they would have to be designer LOL

I am trying to go with clothing that packs as small as possible and maybe be used for more than one purpose...a swimsuit cover up that I can wear to dinner the first night maybe or white capris that I can wear on a walking tour and then to dinner with a fresh top that evening.

I don't want to spend money on extra luggage fees and unfortunately I don't have the luxury of taking all I want since I will have to fly to any cruise destination with the possible exception of California one day but that it still a 12 hr drive.:eek:

As I try to say in things like this each to his own!

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I'm actually pretty good at packing, but my problem is my husband. Any of you have that problem? I can roll, tuck, and fit two outfits a day, a dress or two for dressier nights, plus bathing suits into a standard suitcase for a 7 day cruise. Of course, I have a carryon with other essentials, but still!

He has to have a full size suitcase, an overstuffed garment bag, a carryon, maybe a rolling duffle. He never wears every "outfit", but he takes it just in case.

I just laugh and go with the flow! It's his cruise too, and if it makes him happy...well then, it makes me happy! That's what porters are for.


My husband can pack for a weekend trip and look like he is moving! Guess who will be doing the packing for our 10 day trip? :D

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I always over pack and I love it ! Sorry but I live by "I'd rather take it and not need it, then need it and not have it!" I am always the one that has that thing that some one else forgot ...so it usually turns out for the best :). Heck on one cruise I took a small suite case just for my shoes ...and I wore them all :D.




You've given me an idea: I can use a carry-on for my shoes!! We're flying on Southwest (whose carry-on requirement is size, but not weight, based) for our second time "Around the Horn" on the Splendor next year, and now I have one less thing to think about!



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Why all this tension guys? This is a Vacation AND a fashion/beauty board. One would think this would be close to orgasmic to most women. :D So lets chillax a little alright?



Anyhoo...if I could devise a way to haul my entire closet (I have an overflowing walk-in) with me, I would! I don't care...I would even bring my winter coats :eek:



Funny thing is, in my day-to-day life, I HATE DRESSING UP! But for some reason, my confidence level sky-rockets when I am on vacation. Maybe it has something to do with seeing that there are many many many more people walking around with baskets of "rolls" and "muffins" than I could ever have imagined. I love picking my vacation outfits. I love seeing other people in cute outfits and stealing some ideas. Its all part of the fun.



Peace and love to all of you.;)

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Why all this tension guys? This is a Vacation AND a fashion/beauty board. One would think this would be close to orgasmic to most women. :D So lets chillax a little alright?



Anyhoo...if I could devise a way to haul my entire closet (I have an overflowing walk-in) with me, I would! I don't care...I would even bring my winter coats :eek:



Funny thing is, in my day-to-day life, I HATE DRESSING UP! But for some reason, my confidence level sky-rockets when I am on vacation. Maybe it has something to do with seeing that there are many many many more people walking around with baskets of "rolls" and "muffins" than I could ever have imagined. I love picking my vacation outfits. I love seeing other people in cute outfits and stealing some ideas. Its all part of the fun.



Peace and love to all of you.;)


:DAgain Izzy... I love your style!

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I am trying to go with clothing that packs as small as possible and maybe be used for more than one purpose...a swimsuit cover up that I can wear to dinner the first night maybe or white capris that I can wear on a walking tour and then to dinner with a fresh top that evening.[/color]!

I do that all the time. I'll wear a tank top, skirt or capris to dinner and then wear then into port or around the ship later in the cruise with different top or bottoms. I have a t-shirt dress that I wear to dinner one night and it's my beach coverup after that if I need one. I don't sweat on board the ship at night; I'm usually cold from the air conditioning and wrapped in my faux pashmina.

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Worst part about overpacking, is the airline fees. Last month, I paid for an extra bag with just shoes in it. Men's shoes take up soooo much room! And then coming home, I had 1 suitcase overweight and that was another $50.00. It's not cheap being a fashion guru!!! LOL

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Ewww, even I who doesn't mind re-wearing an outfit finds that one icky. Maybe it's because I'm allergic to a lot of perfume type products and chemicals and that falls into that category... but if it needs febreze then it needs washed.


I overpack and so does the husband. We prefer to have a selection to choose from and as long as it all fits into 2 suitcases that weight 40 pounds or less each (have to allow room for extra stuff to come home) then we don't care. This way we can wear what we're in the mood for and not stuck wearing something because it's our only option.


Vodka and water in a spray bottle also works.:D Especially now that vodka comes in many flavors. Infused vokdas are easy to make at home- cheap vodka and lavendar flowers or vanilla beans.

OMG another way to smuggle.:p

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I too have been on many vacations over the years.....land and sea.........I always have extra items to wear and hubby and I managae to travel in a 26" suitcase each with a carry on each...........if the trip is only one week then the second suitcase is a 22" or 24" depending on where we go. We take what we want and what we need.


I see no problem with people taking more than one suitcase even with the airline fees these days. Why not have what you want....you are on vacation....who cares..............


Kuddos to those who travel light.....I like to think we travel "medium"



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I always over pack and I love it ! Sorry but I live by "I'd rather take it and not need it, then need it and not have it!" I am always the one that has that thing that some one else forgot ...so it usually turns out for the best :). Heck on one cruise I took a small suite case just for my shoes ...and I wore them all :D.


It's gotta be a Jersey thing. I'm the same exact way. My last 4 cruises have been at an embarkation within driving distance which also helps since I don't have to worry about baggage fees. But still, I'd rather have options :D

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Febreez is your friend:D




Over packers can be reformed. DD, who used to bring her whole room for a day at Grandma's, managed to take only carryon on Ryan Air.


Febreze is not my friend. I cannot imagine taking sweaty worn clothes, spraying them with Febreze and trying to re-wear them...YUCK!

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After a trip when I had to give up stuff to accommodate his excess "choices" I put my foot down and started editing what he packs.


We don't mind sending a few things out for cleaning while onboard a ship. I don't mind doing a bit of hand washing delicates, I refuse to have the laundry do those anyway. Since I don't own 16 pair of underpants and 8 bras I have to wash some at some point of the trip.


I carry enough stuff with all the hair, makeupJ, shoes, entertainment(iPod, DVD player, camera, phone, etc...). It just makes sense to me to cut back on the larger items, such as clothes. I highly doubt anyone notices I wore the black slacks or white shorts 3 times. If they do then they have a problem with being a bit nosy and need another activity to fill their time.


The nice part is packing to go home, no sorting clean from dirty, it's all dirty. Plus when you get home there is less laundry to do and less to put away. We generally have all the laundry done within 3 hours of arriving home. My type A husband has everything else sorted and put away by evening. It used to drive me crazy, but I find it's nice not to have any chores left for the next day.


I agree with everything you've said, except the part about your DH being plus-sized.:)


Febreez is your friend:D




I don't have a problem with doing laundry on vacation, whether it's washing things in the shower/sink or using the w/d in a rented condo, as we did this past week.


For me, it's not about luggage fees, since we have airline status and can check 1-2 bags for free. I also lift weights and can lift my 50+ pound dog, so a suitcase that doesn't squirm is less of a challenge. But I value my time, and waiting around at LAX for up to an hour for my bag to arrive is a complete waste of it. So I'm perfectly content to do a small bit of laundry daily if it means not having to check a bag - the time taken is generally in a much more pleasant setting (on a ship I don't wait in the laundry room - it somebody wants to pull my stuff out to do their load, that's fine with me as long as they don't throw it on the floor).


We came home from our recent Hawaii trip with all clean clothes, as I managed to put the morning's exercise gear through the wash before we flew home. So no laundry once we got there! On the flip side, it's been 3 days, and I still haven't unpacked.:p

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We most often travel to foreign countries and for up to a month at a time. This means you really have to make some decisions because too much after a month of dragging it around begins to really tint the vacation gray.


Some things to consider: With the cost of gas in some countries they do not have large cars:( When the guide says "I have a big car" you don't find out until later that "big" is not specific!!) One bag takes the whole trunk. Some trains have stairs up and down to the seating area and no place to put a small bag let alone a suitcase. Lifting a heavy bag to the overhead bin can injure you -- FA's don't volunteer to help and they should not. Cobblestones and gravel and bricks and cracked sidewalks are misery with rolling suitcases -- actually 2 wheels can be better than 4. Large suitcases do not fit in the elevator of cute hotels of the "old world". Mind the gap -- sometimes you have a large step to get you and your bag over let alone getting into boats and tenders etc. All of these situations have happened to me in my travels in the last year. You can make packing choices but you can't choose when you have to drag your "carryon/suitcase" over a mile in the airport before you find a porter, or drag the bag up 2 flights of stairs because the "llift" doesn't. For me alone: 40 pounds is the max and 35 pounds is better! It doesn't matter what I wear as long as I am clean and appropriate. I never can buy clothes on a trip because I am "fluffy" and Asia etc have little tiny women to mess with my good self image.:o


And my last rant --those who bring a 22 inch suitcase AND a tote bag that will hold half the house AND a purse that is 2 inches less than a 30 gallon bag. You probably look better on the cruise than I do but YOU ARE A BIN HOG and that is worst than a chair hog! You know who you are. Take your share of the bin and no more.

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And my last rant --those who bring a 22 inch suitcase AND a tote bag that will hold half the house AND a purse that is 2 inches less than a 30 gallon bag. You probably look better on the cruise than I do but YOU ARE A BIN HOG and that is worst than a chair hog! You know who you are. Take your share of the bin and no more.


I pay for my checked bag and have a very small bag that easily fits in the bin. Seems to me that some of those who take up the more share of the bins are ones who don't want to pay for a checked bag and overjam a bag that should easily fit.;)

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I can't understand why underwear is even an issue with packing -- it takes up hardly any room, and isn't that expensive to buy (5/$26 at VS) so that you don't need to be washing stuff in the sink. If you do enjoy that, Ex Officio makes quick-drying underwear.

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