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Common courtesy?

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but there also needs to be just a little tolorance on the part of the non smoker.



its interesting how you phrased this... because as far as I can tell, the smoker has ALL the rights and the non-smoker has none. Because the smoker has ALL of the rights... I think there also needs to be just a little tolerance on the part of the smoker.


The smoker can do what they want on the balcony (smoking related) for as much as they want. They can chain smoke from the time they get on the boat to the time they leave (if they ordered room service...LOL )


The non smoker can do nothing about this but deal with the smoke or not be on the balcony at all...


Since the smoker is the one that holds the key to a resolution (they will either comunicate and cooperate or they wont).. I think the smoker needs to have the tolerance of the non smoker.


The smoker is not doing anything wrong... but they are the ones that can work with their cruisemates.

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There is alot more to it then that.


First, a smoker pretty much has to get a balcony. For me an inside cabin is not an option. Many non smokers dont realize this, but most smokers cant just turn smoking on and off. Non smokers can book inside cabins if they want, locate more toward the front of the ship, etc. There are plenty of options. For me as a smoker, I cant even consider an outside or OV cabin.


Second, if a non smoker came to me and asked that we ease up on smoking when the ship was in port, I would do exactly that. But you have people complaining about smoking while the ship is moving? Come on, whats next? Are you going to ask me not to smoke and drive my car in front of yours too?


Some non smokers are just not realistic, and I think for some, its more psycological then anything. They know there is smoking going on, and that bothers them.

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its interesting how you phrased this... because as far as I can tell, the smoker has ALL the rights and the non-smoker has none. Because the smoker has ALL of the rights... I think there also needs to be just a little tolerance on the part of the smoker.


The smoker can do what they want on the balcony (smoking related) for as much as they want. They can chain smoke from the time they get on the boat to the time they leave (if they ordered room service...LOL )


The non smoker can do nothing about this but deal with the smoke or not be on the balcony at all...


Since the smoker is the one that holds the key to a resolution (they will either comunicate and cooperate or they wont).. I think the smoker needs to have the tolerance of the non smoker.


The smoker is not doing anything wrong... but they are the ones that can work with their cruisemates.


We non-smokers have, what, 90% of the ship to not smoke in? And that gives the smokers all of the rights? Sorry, I don't get that, even as a fellow non-smoker.

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In a word, yes. Much is made over smoking on balconies when in actuality not many people stay on their balcony and smoke for hours on end. Most cigarette smokers have one, which takes about 5 minutes, and then retreat to inside their cabins or some other place on the ship. I'm a cigar smoker and have one on the balcony from time to time but not routinely. Even the shortest cigar takes about an hour to smoke if I'm going to commit that much time to the balcony it's usually late in the evening. I'd rather be on deck with the ocean breeze all around me.


I would not worry too much about smoke on your balcony. It's not as bad as you think.



But again, it could be. I normally cruise Celebrity where smoking is not allowed on the balcony but a couple of years ago I was on a Holland America ship with a balcony and there were 3 older women who were the biggest chain smokers in history. It seemed they never left their cabin and they spent 90% of their time on the balcony smoking, coughing up pieces of their lungs, and talking very loudly in their very gravely smoking voices.


I cruise alone and like to spend a lot of time on my balcony reading. I was able to spend only a few hours that entire week. When you pay double, or 200% for a solo balcony cabin and can't use it, it kind of doubly smarts.


Surprisingly, a lot of the smoke came onto my balcony from over the top of the divider and I didn't notice it was much better when the ship was moving than when we were in port.


HOWEVER.....I KNEW when I booked the cruise that HAL allowed smoking on the balconies SO OF COURSE I said nothing to the women.

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I dont understand how people complain about smoking on balconies. The ship is moving at a prett good clip and creating significant air flow. How in the world can the smoke bother you on the next balcony?


That said, I try to be a courteous smoker, but there also needs to be just a little tolorance on the part of the non smoker.


It's surprising, but yes... just because you can't see the smoke, doesn't mean you can't smell the smoke. It's not just intolerance.....I try to have a nice conversation with my neighbor in an effort to compromise. If they want 10 minutes to smoke, I'll go back inside for a bit. Some people are more sensitive to smells than others. I've left a bathing suit on the balcony that smelled really bad after the neighbor's cigarette. I just figured that smokers don't really smell it anymore. When I have to walk through the casino for some reason I can usually smell it on my clothes and hair later that night.


It can work as long as everyone is civil and understanding. I realize you need your cigarette and hopefully you realize the smell does permeate everything around.


Mornings at port are the worst - smokers want their morning cigarette and I want my coffee and breakfast on the balcony while watching the activity in port. I just don't book a balcony anymore.

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I dont understand how people complain about smoking on balconies. The ship is moving at a prett good clip and creating significant air flow. How in the world can the smoke bother you on the next balcony?


That said, I try to be a courteous smoker, but there also needs to be just a little tolorance on the part of the non smoker.


A non-smoker can smell cigarette smoke from 8-10 balconies upstream, whereas smokers' sense of smell is deadened by smoking. Whether or not the strength of the smell is enough to bother them is up to them.


A non-smoker like me, who smoked through my mother until I was 17, and has reduced lung function because of it, am bothered by less than others. I always try to be polite, however.

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I am a non-smoker who used to smoke. I understand that cruisers book a balcony so that they can smoke. We have been on 9 cruises. On 2 of them we have had problems with smokers. One was chain smoking going on, someone was always out there smoking; the other was a cigar smoker. For the chain smokers, I did not get to enjoy my balcony at all b/c there was always someone out there when I wanted to be out on it relaxing. For the cigar smoking cruise, we went out when the smoker was done. My question is where do smokers put their cigarette ashes & butts? To each their own, yes, but I am not going to book an Inside cabin just b/c others choose to smoke non-stop. We as non-smokers can only hope we can enjoy our balconies or those smokers next to us are considerate & are willing to work with us. Isn't that what life is SUPPOSED to be like (yes, I know I may be delusional :p).


You can always book with a cruiseline that doesn't allow smoking on the balcony. My guess is though that you don't want smokers on balconies next to yours and yet you book on a cruiseline that allows it because they are easier on your wallet. If a smoker is allowed to smoke on their balcony, why should they "work" with you??

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its interesting how you phrased this... because as far as I can tell, the smoker has ALL the rights and the non-smoker has none. Because the smoker has ALL of the rights... I think there also needs to be just a little tolerance on the part of the smoker.


The smoker can do what they want on the balcony (smoking related) for as much as they want. They can chain smoke from the time they get on the boat to the time they leave (if they ordered room service...LOL )


The non smoker can do nothing about this but deal with the smoke or not be on the balcony at all...


Since the smoker is the one that holds the key to a resolution (they will either comunicate and cooperate or they wont).. I think the smoker needs to have the tolerance of the non smoker.


The smoker is not doing anything wrong... but they are the ones that can work with their cruisemates.


Wrong, they can book a balcony on a cruiseline that does not allow smoking on the balconies.......problem solved!

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I have asthma and am very sensitive to smoke. If someone was outside smoking on the balcony next to me, it would bother me, even if there was a breeze. If we were in port and they were smoking, there is no way I could go out on the balcony without having an asthma attack. Smokers sometimes don't realize that there are people out there as sensitive as I am to their smoke and I do feel like I have no rights to use a balcony as I would like to. I would have to work around the smoking habits of my neighbors and I don't think that's fair to me.


But I am hoping it will be a non issue on my next cruise b/c I have booked my first balcony and paid extra for the spa balcony just for the hope to have less smoke to deal with.


For the person who complained that smokers "have to" pay more for a balcony just to cruise, well, I have to pay even more than you to enjoy a balcony b/c of my sensitivity to smoke.


I completely agree with the idea of having one side of the ship smoking balconies and the other side non smoking. Yes, there would still be places where it would be an issue (aft balconies) but overall, I think it would help more people enjoy their cruises-both smokers and non-smokers.

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I can't stand the smell of cigar/cigarette smoke. Everyones tolerance level for smoke is different. I detest even the slightest amount. If I ever get a balcony and have someone else fouling up the nice ocean breeze I think I'll bust out some skunk scent used for hunting and release a little of my own obnoxious fumes.

I think an act like that would fall under the catagory of vandalism. Smokng is allowed, vandalism is against the law. Good luck getting away with that scott free.

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We have sailed in balcony cabins for years and have been bothered by smoke on only a few cruises. The times that were rough were when someone smoked cigars and the others were chain smokers.


I haven't ever asked someone to not smoke, but I think if we were in the same boat again (pun intended) I would ask the cigar smoker to give me an idea how much longer he would be out there so I could then plan to go out again.


If we were eating out there and the cigar smoker came out, I will ask nicely if he/she can wait until after we finish eating. It's not the smoke from cigars, it's the smell.


If we were next to a chain smoker, I think I would ask politely if we could share times out there. I say this, but normally, the smoke/smell of a cigarette doesn't get to me, but the chain smoker does as it's constant and doesn't go away.


I think there should be a way for both of us to enjoy our balconies without being nasty. We both paid to enjoy them.

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We non-smokers have, what, 90% of the ship to not smoke in? And that gives the smokers all of the rights? Sorry, I don't get that, even as a fellow non-smoker.



my context was just on the balcony...


smokers have the same rights to all of the ship.


Please dont take my comments out of context. this is about the balcony and smoking

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Wrong, they can book a balcony on a cruiseline that does not allow smoking on the balconies.......problem solved!



first of all I am not convinced that there is a cruiseline like that.


Second, this is EXACTLY the reason people are angry with smokers. its that type of attitude.


I was commenting on a post that said the NON SMOKERS need to tolerate more... I was just saying how they are not in any control ON THE BALCONY and it takes the smoker to tolerate. I think there needs to be communication on both parts to tolerate each other.


So if communication and toleration is not your cup of tea.... then that's a problem that this message board will not be able to help with. Maybe medication

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If a smoker is allowed to smoke on their balcony, why should they "work" with you??



another low to mankind... man, people are rough..


people should always work with others. it's amazing how selfish people can be (On both sides of this situation)

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Celebrity and princess have a no smoking on the balcony policy.also, spa cabins on carnival.


What I find more annoying on a balcony.


1: hey everyone I have the balcony so party at my place....yea, we all want to be next to that. You can rent a row of balconys and if too cheap meet them on the lido.


2: hey let's toss the toddlers out on the balcony to ruin the peace and quiet!


3: last cruise 4 adults in one cabin,all on the cells 24x7 talking to everyone they could call. I was going to tell them about the cost but couldn't get a word in.


4: Hey I surveyed everyone in my area and I know exactly what tunes everyone wants to hear....umm...buy some headphones.

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Celebrity and princess have a no smoking on the balcony policy.also, spa cabins on carnival.


What I find more annoying on a balcony.


1: hey everyone I have the balcony so party at my place....yea, we all want to be next to that. You can rent a row of balconys and if too cheap meet them on the lido.


2: hey let's toss the toddlers out on the balcony to ruin the peace and quiet!


3: last cruise 4 adults in one cabin,all on the cells 24x7 talking to everyone they could call. I was going to tell them about the cost but couldn't get a word in.


4: Hey I surveyed everyone in my area and I know exactly what tunes everyone wants to hear....umm...buy some headphones.


These can be just as annoying or more so that breathing smoke that you don't want but the same rules should apply. Toleration and a belief that you are not the only person on this planet and just because something says you are allowed doesn't necessarily mean that you cant be nice to your fellow human beings...


These people you pointed out are self absorbed and have the courtesy of some people here on these boards. they have a right to be on the phone, play music and have their kids out on the balcony but people need to know there are others on the ship and everyone should work together to have a great time... is it really that difficult to compromise? :confused:

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The thread is about common courtousy, that being the key word.


I am a smoker and I feel ostrisized by society because of it regardless of how courteous I try to be around non smokers. I could be bitter about that but hey, life is too short (and probably shorter due to my addiction)


I don't view my smoking as "my right", but as "my addiction" and I am not proud of it. I do my best to conform and not infringe on the right of others.


Now I am not a saint by any means and keep in mind this thread is about courtousy.


I pay for a balcony or better every cruise to accomodate my addiction. If a neighbor asked me not to smoke, I would not be receptive to that. If a neighbor asked if we could work out a compromise, I would be more than willing to do so.


Two cruises ago my neighbors on the right were smokers as well so no problem. The neighbor on my left walked out onto her balcony, cursed, and slammed her door while going back in.


Do you think I tried to speak to her later in the hallway to reach a compromise? Nope. And why not?


Because I was smoking on my balcony and she had an aversion to it, rather than trying to be understanding or compromise, she decided I was world enemy #1 without having spoken to me.


It could have been an enjoyable experience for both of us, but because of her rudness, I didn't try to be courtious. As far as I am concerned, if someone doesn't let their needs be known, I am under no obligation to accomodate them.


I do appreciate all the non smokers on this thread who have gone out of their way to defend my "rights". To be honest, I would never ask anyone to go as far as some say they would to accommodate me. I would be more than happy to reach a compromise with any neighbor.


Unlike my unhappy neighbor, some won't ever voice their opinion even if were a problem for them just as I would never yell at my neighbors to stop slamming their doors no matter how much it irritates me.


I think the point is, if we have a courtious compromise all can be accomodated. Showing your anger and baring your teeth won't help. Not saying anything at all is also just setting yourself up for anger and dissapointment. It isn't up to a smoker to assume the resposibility of asking if smoke is bothering you when they are in a smoking area. If you ask kindly, I don't care if it is a smoking area, I wouldn't want to offend. We can work something out


If you deliberatly offend first though, all bets are off. Courtousy.

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The thread is about common courtousy, that being the key word.


I am a smoker and I feel ostrisized by society because of it regardless of how courteous I try to be around non smokers. I could be bitter about that but hey, life is too short (and probably shorter due to my addiction)


I don't view my smoking as "my right", but as "my addiction" and I am not proud of it. I do my best to conform and not infringe on the right of others.


Now I am not a saint by any means and keep in mind this thread is about courtousy.


I pay for a balcony or better every cruise to accomodate my addiction. If a neighbor asked me not to smoke, I would not be receptive to that. If a neighbor asked if we could work out a compromise, I would be more than willing to do so.


Two cruises ago my neighbors on the right were smokers as well so no problem. The neighbor on my left walked out onto her balcony, cursed, and slammed her door while going back in.


Do you think I tried to speak to her later in the hallway to reach a compromise? Nope. And why not?


Because I was smoking on my balcony and she had an aversion to it, rather than trying to be understanding or compromise, she decided I was world enemy #1 without having spoken to me.


It could have been an enjoyable experience for both of us, but because of her rudness, I didn't try to be courtious. As far as I am concerned, if someone doesn't let their needs be known, I am under no obligation to accomodate them.


I do appreciate all the non smokers on this thread who have gone out of their way to defend my "rights". To be honest, I would never ask anyone to go as far as some say they would to accommodate me. I would be more than happy to reach a compromise with any neighbor.


Unlike my unhappy neighbor, some won't ever voice their opinion even if were a problem for them just as I would never yell at my neighbors to stop slamming their doors no matter how much it irritates me.


I think the point is, if we have a courtious compromise all can be accomodated. Showing your anger and baring your teeth won't help. Not saying anything at all is also just setting yourself up for anger and dissapointment. It isn't up to a smoker to assume the resposibility of asking if smoke is bothering you when they are in a smoking area. If you ask kindly, I don't care if it is a smoking area, I wouldn't want to offend. We can work something out


If you deliberatly offend first though, all bets are off. Courtousy.




(I know you brought up the bad side of non smokers but there are smokers who, when approached nicely will purposely light up as much as they can because 'it is their right' and they are allowed and they are annoyed at the thought of compromise.)


The ugliness is on both sides. I wish more people felt like you

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So we finally upgraded to a balcony. So this could come up.


What if I ask for a compromise or if they could tell me when they will be Not on the balcony, and they curse at me?


This is my first ever cruise, my 29th wedding anniversary and 50th birthday all in one. I would hate to miss out on the whole balcony experience.


Any suggestions?


Thanks to those of you who have taken this question seriously and without malicious intent.

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So we finally upgraded to a balcony. So this could come up.


What if I ask for a compromise or if they could tell me when they will be Not on the balcony, and they curse at me?


This is my first ever cruise, my 29th wedding anniversary and 50th birthday all in one. I would hate to miss out on the whole balcony experience.


Any suggestions?


Thanks to those of you who have taken this question seriously and without malicious intent.


unfortunately if you meet up with one of 'those' types.. there is not much you can do. You will meet selfish, nasty self absorbed people in all walks of life. If you meet up with this type of person, they obviously know they are allowed to smoke and don't give a flying fig about you and there isn't anything you can do about it.


I dont believe there are that many of 'those' type of people so just go out knowing you will have a great time and if you run into that situation, do the best you can to use the balcony when they are not in the room

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So we finally upgraded to a balcony. So this could come up.


What if I ask for a compromise or if they could tell me when they will be Not on the balcony, and they curse at me?


This is my first ever cruise, my 29th wedding anniversary and 50th birthday all in one. I would hate to miss out on the whole balcony experience.


Any suggestions?


Thanks to those of you who have taken this question seriously and without malicious intent.


We are just back from the Glory and had a balcony room. We had people smoking on their balconies all around us - sides and below. You might be able to get one room to cooperate with you, but I wouldn't hold my breath on getting everyone to play along. It's the risk us non-smokers take.


It would be great if cruise lines would have one side of the ship smoking and the other side non-smoking. You would get people to book their cruises earlier to assure getting the side of ship you would prefer, if smoking is something that would bother you. That is the campaign we should get started.

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We are just back from the Glory and had a balcony room. We had people smoking on their balconies all around us - sides and below. You might be able to get one room to cooperate with you, but I wouldn't hold my breath on getting everyone to play along. It's the risk us non-smokers take.


It would be great if cruise lines would have one side of the ship smoking and the other side non-smoking. You would get people to book their cruises earlier to assure getting the side of ship you would prefer, if smoking is something that would bother you. That is the campaign we should get started.


Having one side smoking and one side non would never work.

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These smoking threads make me want to hit a Grateful Dead concert, do a shot of tequila, drink a Rolling Rock beer and iight up a smoke. All of which I have not done in years.


I really miss those years....

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I'd imagine it would be harder to sell out that way. As a none smoker if the only balcony cabins available were on the smoking side, I wouldn't book a balcony. If the whole side was filled with smokers my nose wouldn't be able to handle it.

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