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I've been bitten by the bug after my second (and DH's first) cruise last month. Already looking at itineraries for the next one ...


I am kind of blown away by the number of cruises some of you have been on/are planning. Once and twice a year?:eek: How do you manage it, both financially and work-wise? Are most of you retired (or just wealthy ;))?


One thing I am noticing is many of you are on the east coast or live in the southern part of the U.S. Do you think that makes a difference? It's much easier, I would think, to be able to DRIVE to a port and get on a ship.


Unfortunately the choices for west-coast cruising are not the greatest so our only choice is to fly to a port. :( You don't know how lucky you are if you are able to drive an hour or two and then hop on a ship!

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I can't speak for anyone else but I have been on 10+ cruises and money is always an issue but I find that I need to get away and a cruise is the best vacation because you don't need to think at all if you don't want to. I find the money somewhere and the vacation always gets paid for sooner or later. I live in NJ and am cruising on the Voyager on 6/3/05 leaving from Bayonne NJ. This is the first time I am within traveling distance from my home and looking forward to not having to take a airplane to get to the port. Life is too short no to enjoy it!

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Double whammy for Canadian cruisers....most of us have to fly to the port ( or spend 2-3 days driving) airfare is a real killer....especially if your cruise leaves out of San Juan :(

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There are only a couple of cruiseports within a days drive of where I live, which I've never cruised out of. The airfares can be prohibitive so that is why I've only been on 3. My 2nd and my 3rd one I wanted to do So. Carib. but the difference between SJ and MIA was too great, so did Western and then Eastern. I'm splurging for my next cruise because I know it will be the last time I get to cruise for a while.

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Hubby and I (software engineer and writer for public radio, respectively) have cruised domesticaly twice in 8 months. We travel domestically several times a year and internationally at least once every two years. We have no debt, make decent money and save a lot. We don't spend a lot on services or entertainment as I get a lot of comp tickets through my work and basically, we are bookish nerds who are very self-entertaining.


We live in a nice apartment so our living expenses are fixed as in no leaky roof to fix or finance, etc. We drive our Japanese cars a long time; my last car was 13 years old when I sold it two years ago, my husband's car is nearly 11 years old. We don't drink, smoke or eat out too often and that saves a lot of discretionary income.


Basically, we decided that travel was our top priority after our daughter left for college (she's a freshman) and we don't care about owning a home or new cars so travel could indeed become a more frequent reality and so it has. There's nothing wrong with owning a home or new cars, mind you, it is just not our priority.

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Two years I went on three cruises a year, but that's because I was living at home and Mom and Dad paid. :D


I don't know how they did it. We all really like cruising and it seems to be the best value around for vacations so somehow they did it.


My cruises practically came to a stop once I got married. :( This upcoming cruise will be my first RCCL cruise since our honeymoon and I'm so excited! :D


My parents still take a few cruises a year but now my father is retired, my mother gets a lot of vacation time, and they now have enough $$ to not even think about having to "save" up for a vacation like we have to.


Oh yeah, I've already told DH (and almost convinced him) that when he retires I want to move to FL so we can have easy access to the cruise ships and cruise a lot more often.:p

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We could never afford to cruise when ours kids were young, they were always involved in traveling sports and ice hockey and such that were very expensive. We took our first cruise the year our daughter graduated from college and have taken at least one extended cruise a year since then. Some are back to back cruises so the airfare is cheaper, two weeks for the price of one airfare. We have both worked at the same places for a long time and have plenty of vacation time, I get five weeks a year and hubby gets six weeks.


When the kids were younger we would rent a house at the beach for a week and vacation with them. No airfare was involved.


I too can't understand how people with kids can afford the cruises like they do.


We paid for college for both our kids, no school loans, maybe thats where we put our cruise money. It was worth it, and the kids agree.

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We could never afford to cruise when ours kids were young, they were always involved in traveling sports and ice hockey and such that were very expensive. We took our first cruise the year our daughter graduated from college and have taken at least one extended cruise a year since then. Some are back to back cruises so the airfare is cheaper, two weeks for the price of one airfare. We have both worked at the same places for a long time and have plenty of vacation time, I get five weeks a year and hubby gets six weeks.


When the kids were younger we would rent a house at the beach for a week and vacation with them. No airfare was involved.


I too can't understand how people with kids can afford the cruises like they do.


We paid for college for both our kids, no school loans, maybe thats where we put our cruise money. It was worth it, and the kids agree.


Oi :rolleyes:


Perhaps I can explain.......people come from all walks of life.....just because you couldn't cruise and pay for college does not mean that everyone else has the same finances you have. I have 1 brother and twos sisters. Brother went to Brown, Older sister went to Boston University, Younger sister and I went to Cabrini College all paid for by my parents with just my dads income. And guess what He never graduated High School!! We also went away every year for a minimum of 10 days.....Point here is just because you can't afford it doesn’t mean other cant either.

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My two cents:


We just make a cruise a year one of priorities. I think taking a GOOD breal every year is something you can't really put a price on because it really helps us feel better all year long! We are both working class folks and just start saving and being resourceful in order to cruise once a year. I am hoping one day we can cruise TWICE a year...

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We all have differing financial circumstances. We also make different choices with our money. When you receive your paycheck you can flush it down the toilet if you want, use it on drugs/booze/clubbin/restaurants or women, pay for private school/college, expensive clothing/furniture, be house poor (with an expensive mortgage), or car poor, or have really nice vacations.


We are the average middle class family. Fortunately, my family's financial circumstances are such that we take a lavish vacation every other year and we save and plan to take the kids with us. During the years of no vacations (every other year) we do day trips to amusement parks or the Jersey Shore.


When our kids are grown and gone or at least grown (9 years, 1 month and counting) - our vacations will increase because it will be just the two of us - "if my hubby and I can stand each other." Ha ha ha. :rolleyes:

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Yes, so many choices (not drugs or women, lol). More like - re-landscape the front yard? Remodel the bathroom? Buy new furniture? Or ... take a great vacation. I want it all, that's my problem! :o


Four weeks' vacation, but it's called "PTO" - meaning illness, dr. appointments, what-have-you come out of the same pot. If I get the flu, for example, and miss five days work, that's five days vacation. :mad: So I try to stay healthy. I know, whine, whine, whine.


Don't mind me - I am going through vacation withdrawal, having just cruised April 9-16.


The lavish vacation every other year sounds like a good plan though. ;)

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Yes, so many choices (not drugs or women, lol). More like - re-landscape the front yard? Remodel the bathroom? Buy new furniture? Or ... take a great vacation. I want it all, that's my problem! :o




I know what you mean- we delayed reconstructing the front of the house as well as replacing furniture and appliances. The trade offs we make. Eventually, I will have to do those things, but I need the vacation badly. My job can be stressful.

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As much as I would like to take a cruise every year, I think every other is more feasible. We are a working middle class family, 1 income, 2 kids, a house, 2 cars, and so on...I would love to be able to just plunk down the deposit for a cruise while on a cruise, but we watch every penny. When we take a vacation, I want it to be a "WOW" vacation.


Another way we same money for our cruise is that we drive down to FL. If you notice we live in MA. Having kids in school, our availability to vacation is limited. So, we drive and save a ton of $$$. For instance, we left on Fri. mid-morning and drove all night to Cape Canaveral. Got there on Sat. afternoon. We stayed at the Radisson. Boarded the Mariner on Sunday. Got off the ship on Sunday and got into the car to drive home. Got home Mon. morning, sent the kids to school (they slept all night in our minivan). In all we spent just over $400 in expenses to and from FL. Roundtrip airfare for four flying out of Boston, during vacation week, was $2500.


When we do book a cruise again, you can bet that we will be driving:D !


I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy ever moment of it!!! ( I saw that on a bumper sticker, and loved it)



DH Tom

DD Emily 9 yrs.

DS Thomas 7 yrs.


1st cruise-Voyager 10/01/2000-without kids

2nd cruise-Mariner 4/17/2005-with kids

3rd cruise-not yet planned, but will include kids!

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Our first cruise was out honeymoon. We loved it and hoped that we would be able to do it again. A couple years later we did and then made it a priority to go again. I had bought a modest house before we got married and it turned out to be a great inventment. We traded up to a new house and lived somewhat modestly, not going out too much and driving older cars, so we could cruise. Many of our cruises have been in the cheapest inside we could find. We took our daughter on 3 as she was growing up. We have managed to take 2 cruises most years. Often we go during the "off season" to get lower rates. Some of our trips have only been 3 or 4 day cruises, sometimes b2b. We managed to pay off the house and get our daughter thru college without any loans.


It will be a while before we retire but in the meam time we have taken 45 cruises in the last 26 years.


We have been fortunate.

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We try to book a cruise about a year in advance so we can have the extra time to pay it off. We don't eat out much nor go to the movies often. All of our extra change goes into a bowl every night. I clip coupons and the I put the money that I save from the coupons into the bowl as well. I sell on eBay and my DH (a mechanic) does extra jobs at home. We cruise around hurricane season because of the great prices. Except for my 2nd cruise, we drive to the ports.


There are lots of ways you can save to go on a cruise. I think there was a thread on Ask A Cruise Question about different ways people saved for a cruise. You might try to do a search there:)

Good Luck!

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Blizzard54-Good for you!:) I'm sure there are many of us that want to be in that position when our kids are grown.


We also take the inside cabin:( . Having young kids with us, we don't spend much time there, except for sleeping. Who knows, maybe next time we'll "spring" for the OV.

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We were GOING to do some remodeling but lucked into having a DIY show filmed at our house (they will be here in TWO WEEKS and will be in our house for THREE DAYS - FIFTEEN PEOPLE!! YIKES) so since we are saving money there we are spending it all on a vacation on the Navagator.


Next cruise we are saving for? ALASKA 2006!

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Debbie...a great question.


My bride and I are recently married (678 days today). We both have grown children that still require financial assistance from time to time and that can be a problem...lol.


However, we decided early on in our relationship that we will follow that old expression, "take time to smell the roses." For us the roses are cruising.


We are both in healthcare, and much to the surprise of many, compensation is not all that great. So we are like Colette...we plop all our change in a jug at the end of the day (its amazing how fast that adds up.) We dance on our patio rather than going out. We hold hands on the couch while watching tv instead of going to a movie.


But we insist on our time together on a ship. It is our special time. The anticipation, the planning, the shopping (that's my wife's comment) is almost as exciting as the cruise itself.


We try to cruise every year. Maybe you can do it every other...maybe only when you can. It doesn't matter. It's the chance to do something just for you. Go for it. There will always be other times for fret and worry.

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We were GOING to do some remodeling but lucked into having a DIY show filmed at our house (they will be here in TWO WEEKS and will be in our house for THREE DAYS - FIFTEEN PEOPLE!! YIKES) so since we are saving money there we are spending it all on a vacation on the Navagator.


Next cruise we are saving for? ALASKA 2006!


How exciting! How did you get picked for the DIY show????

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Another way we same money for our cruise is that we drive down to FL. If you notice we live in MA. Having kids in school, our availability to vacation is limited. So, we drive and save a ton of $$$. For instance, we left on Fri. mid-morning and drove all night to Cape Canaveral. Got there on Sat. afternoon. We stayed at the Radisson. Boarded the Mariner on Sunday. Got off the ship on Sunday and got into the car to drive home. Got home Mon. morning, sent the kids to school (they slept all night in our minivan). In all we spent just over $400 in expenses to and from FL. Roundtrip airfare for four flying out of Boston, during vacation week, was $2500.


When we do book a cruise again, you can bet that we will be driving:D !


I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy ever moment of it!!! ( I saw that on a bumper sticker, and loved it)


That is a long drive to Florida from as far North as you are. We have driven to cape canaveral and miami from Philadelphia at least three times. That is a tough trip. We often stop at South of Border to rest. My kids love it- and I enjoy that they get experience life outside Pennsylvania.


God Bless...

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Guest OBAYbee

We have been taking cruises for years. We started when we were younger during family reunions. Since then we've cruised with Auburn University Alumni to the Mediterranean. We will have cruised on all the Voyager class ships after our cruise in August on AOS.

Instead of my husband and I buying Christmas, Valentine, or Anniversary gifts for one another we just cruise once a year.

The Freedom of the Seas cruise will be our most expensive venture. We are taking all of the family on that cruise as a graduation and Christmas present from us to our children.

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We got totally hooked on cruising in 1989.My dad died and left us (me and 4 siblings) a very small inheritance.We thought Dad would like to see us all have a great time using the money he had worked so hard for.We planned a cruise with our spouses,10 of us,all together,having the time of our lives.The rest is history....All of our kids are grown now and very self sufficient.Close to retirement age but both still working full time.Could I quit working and still live nicely.Sure,but we both love to travel.We vacation twice a year.At least one cruise and usually a land vacation in Europe. This year 2 cruises.Did one on the Grandeur a couple weeks ago and have a 10 day Mex Riv cruise booked for 9/30 with 2 brothers and sisters in law.If I have to keep working to afford cruising,then that is what I shall do.I blame this addiction on Dear Old Dad....

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We are totally hooked on cruising! I wish we could do more. When we are not cruising we boat (our personal boat) on the Great Lakes, sometimes taking 18 day trips. However, with gas prices the way they are our Great Lake trips will probably be cut short this year...with gas prices the way they are a 18 day trip can cost nearly as much as a cruise. We always drive to Florida to save money on the planefare. We do drive 24 hours straight to get there, we take turns driving. Our next cruise booked for April 2006 is for my son's graduation. College is next and we are hoping for academic scholarships. If they do not come through we may have to put cruising on hold for a few years. We are just an average income family that has learned how to save for the important things.

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That is a long drive to Florida from as far North as you are. We have driven to cape canaveral and miami from Philadelphia at least three times. That is a tough trip. We often stop at South of Border to rest. My kids love it- and I enjoy that they get experience life outside Pennsylvania.


God Bless...


I think that we will also be driving to Port Canaveral in Jan 06. With the current price of airfare, driving down from NJ will be an option to consider. I am still hoping to see cheaper airfare, but it does not look good.

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The first time we drove to FL our kids were 4 and 5 1/2. They left quite an impression on family when we returned. They didn't talk about Disney (went there for 1 day) or anything ese we did, they listed the states we went through in order, up and back. There aren't too many kids left that get to see and experience things outside of their backyard.


This year was a little easier, they are now 7 and just about 9. It's great family time. We didn't feel guilty when they wanted to go to Adventure Ocean, we knew we would be spending a ton of time with them in the car talking about our wonderful vacation on the Mariner.


heathernijoli-keep us updated which show and when it will air. I would LOVE to do that! I need a neighbor whose house we can trade spaces with!:D

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