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Cancelling or changing a cruise for a sickness in the family...dog?

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You could ask at your vet if any of the vet techs babysit dogs. I have used them from my vet a lot of times. They come and stay at my house with my pets. They also house-sit since they get the mail and bring in the trash. I also know they have an inside line to the vet. My one dog had loose stools and she called the vet and got a prescription to give my dog. I had a blind dog who died at 14, but I didn't want to board him, and it worked out great. They do get booked up since the vets get first dibs with them.

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We got my boy home and got him sleeping in the exercise pen where he will spend the next 6 weeks. Once we got him settled in we went to our regular vet to pick up our girls- we dropped them off for boarding when we left to take D to the ortho vet. While we were picking them up I got to speak with our regular vet about boarding D while on the cruise. She assured me they would be able to handle him and she was well trained to care for D and we'd better not cancel our trip.


So in the last few hours I've had 3 veterinary professionals plus the numerous support you guys have given me tell me it will be okay to board him and I'm going to take everyones advice.


When we go on other trips we usually have my mom dog sit all of them at our house (we've got a big back yard with a fence so they can run freely) or if she can't or we are going on a longer trip we board all 3 together. The vet found out if Diesel can't see the girls when they are being boarded he will bark and cry until they put them together. He really is a sweet boy, so I think with the girls in sight and Diesel safely isolated he will do fine.


I cannot thank you all enough for the encouragement and advice you've given me. I pray your furry children will be safe and healthy, as well.


I took this of him in the car once we got him loaded up to bring him home. The whole contraption on his leg just breaks my heart.




What a handsome boy he is! I used that same soft inflatable e-collar for my Chewie (Newfoundland) a few months ago when she had surgery. It was so much more comfortable for her than the old rigid e-collar.

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I can relate.........we were booked on a family cruise for New Years Eve........the month before(Nov 29th),my Yorkie got mauled by a larger dog....her trachea was punctured and her vertebrae was broken......had emergency surgery and eventually came home with shunts in her neck.She was a mess and I thank God everyday for the vet.He was fresh out of school and tried something new.Saved her life,but she had a long recovery.


I mentioned to the vet we had a trip planned and didnt know what to do......they offered to board her there,even though they don't do overnight boarding normally.So we went on our trip and she got spoiled rotten at the vet.


I like the suggestions of those who say use a vet boarding........Good luck to you and your pup!

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What a handsome boy he is! I used that same soft inflatable e-collar for my Chewie (Newfoundland) a few months ago when she had surgery. It was so much more comfortable for her than the old rigid e-collar.


The inflatable collars are great! They take up so much less room than those awful e-collars. Diesel has figured out he can pull it over his head so we've got his regular collar running through it so he can't- smart boy when he wants to be! He also has non-slip booties for traction on his good leg and to protect his other foot because he is dragging it across the floor.


And I love Newfoundlands. They are adorable!

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What a sweet boy ... so glad it worked out and thank you for posting the follow up for all of us :). Speedy healing to Diesel and hope you guys have a wonderful time on your trip!

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Shelley, I am so glad you are still on for your trip. Your story reminded me so much of what I've been going through the past 3 months. Our boy greyhound broke his radius in early April. The nearest vet for that kind of injury is Charleston, 2 hours away. I was a nervous wreck the day of surgery when they went in and reconstructed the bone, inserted pins, screws and a plate. His surgery was over 3 hours! Not a good thing with greyhounds because they do not tolerate anesthesia well.


I was pacing and crying, calling the office every couple of hours. I finally called my husband in tears. He called the vet and explained to them how upset I was. He did great during the surgery but started over heating and they had to work to get his temp down. We have been through 2 more surgeries and we still are not out of the woods.


To add to the fun of all that - Katie, our female grey, stabbed herself in the chest with something unknown in the backyard and had to have stitches the day after I took Freckles to Charleston.


But I would add my vote to watch his recovery and if all is going well - board him at the vet. When we take him to Charleston, a weekly trip for a while, they made over him and everyone on the staff knew him as soon as we would walk in.


You are lucky - I tried one of the blow up collars - didn't stay on, neither did the plastic cone collar. Fortuanately his break is a front leg and I put a tshirt on him to prevent licking.


Good luck and keep us posted.

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Shelley, I am so glad you are still on for your trip. Your story reminded me so much of what I've been going through the past 3 months. Our boy greyhound broke his radius in early April. The nearest vet for that kind of injury is Charleston, 2 hours away. I was a nervous wreck the day of surgery when they went in and reconstructed the bone, inserted pins, screws and a plate. His surgery was over 3 hours! Not a good thing with greyhounds because they do not tolerate anesthesia well.


I was pacing and crying, calling the office every couple of hours. I finally called my husband in tears. He called the vet and explained to them how upset I was. He did great during the surgery but started over heating and they had to work to get his temp down. We have been through 2 more surgeries and we still are not out of the woods.


To add to the fun of all that - Katie, our female grey, stabbed herself in the chest with something unknown in the backyard and had to have stitches the day after I took Freckles to Charleston.


But I would add my vote to watch his recovery and if all is going well - board him at the vet. When we take him to Charleston, a weekly trip for a while, they made over him and everyone on the staff knew him as soon as we would walk in.


You are lucky - I tried one of the blow up collars - didn't stay on, neither did the plastic cone collar. Fortuanately his break is a front leg and I put a tshirt on him to prevent licking.


Good luck and keep us posted.


I am so sorry you've been going through the same thing! It is so draining both emotionally and physically! I had shoulder surgery 10 weeks ago and am still recovering from that. I'm worn out from everything and am going to need this cruise!


It gets tough driving 2 hrs each way to get to the vet but I know it is what is best to get him healed properly. I'm so blessed I have a job that has allowed me to switch 10-hour days so I only have to work 4 day and use the other day to take him to his appointments.


I hope your Freckles and Katie will heal quickly and be back to normal soon! We love Charleston and try to go every year. My mom/grandparents lived there for 14 years and we've got a ton of family in SC.

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Ask mom to stay home and take her on next cruise? ... i know it's a terrible suggestion, but maybe something you hadn't thought of?


Also, if he was in good health, who would stay with him? Pet sitter?


We normally board them when we go on trips or ask my mom pet sit. I really don't trust any one else with my animals. (protective much?)


I couldn't ask my mom to change hers. She is the one that got the trip together and they haven't been on a cruise since our trip on the Caribbean Princess in December 2005 and are really looking forward to it. At least the DH and I were just on the Jewel in April and the Monarch in December- so I was willing to forego the trip if we had to.

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First, let me say that I am so happy your wonderful boy is doing so well.

Next, let me add we understand, sort of, what you have been going through.


Oct 2010, our wonderful boy, Auggie (he is STILL my avatar) was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Although it's treatable and recoverable in humans, it is not for dogs. We did opt to treat which would and did extend his time with us. (I have to say, THANK YOU to Veterinary Pet Insurance and their optional cancer rider as that dramatically reduced our financial pain (we still would have treated our baby)). Flash forward the end of March 2011 where were told told the course of treatment was no longer helping and he probably had about a month left. We had a cruise scheduled for the first week of April.


My inlaws always take care of our baby when we're out of town, but we also were torn to leave him. They INSISTED that we go. First because this would be the last time they had a chance to spend one-on-one time with him and secondly because we needed a break too. Had they not been available,that would have been another story.


We went on our trip and did enjoy it, mostly. The last night, Graham Seymour sang 'Chasing Cars' and hubby and I both silently cried. We got home from our cruise to a happy dog who we got to enjoy for a few weeks more.


You have lots and lots of support and you know your boy will be well cared for (and probably majorly spoiled) while you're gone.


Give D some ear scritches for me and my hubby and you enjoy your cruise.



(p.s. Thank you for letting me share.)

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First, let me say that I am so happy your wonderful boy is doing so well.

Next, let me add we understand, sort of, what you have been going through.


Oct 2010, our wonderful boy, Auggie (he is STILL my avatar) was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Although it's treatable and recoverable in humans, it is not for dogs. We did opt to treat which would and did extend his time with us. (I have to say, THANK YOU to Veterinary Pet Insurance and their optional cancer rider as that dramatically reduced our financial pain (we still would have treated our baby)). Flash forward the end of March 2011 where were told told the course of treatment was no longer helping and he probably had about a month left. We had a cruise scheduled for the first week of April.


My inlaws always take care of our baby when we're out of town, but we also were torn to leave him. They INSISTED that we go. First because this would be the last time they had a chance to spend one-on-one time with him and secondly because we needed a break too. Had they not been available,that would have been another story.


We went on our trip and did enjoy it, mostly. The last night, Graham Seymour sang 'Chasing Cars' and hubby and I both silently cried. We got home from our cruise to a happy dog who we got to enjoy for a few weeks more.


You have lots and lots of support and you know your boy will be well cared for (and probably majorly spoiled) while you're gone.


Give D some ear scritches for me and my hubby and you enjoy your cruise.



(p.s. Thank you for letting me share.)


This thread is therapeutic, isn't it?

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glad to hear your pup is doing ok and you arent going to skip your trip. i am leaving my 4yr old dobe for an oasis cruise next month and am dreading it because we havent left her for more than a week and ill be gone 11 days for this trip. luckily my parents are taking her and she will be spoiled rotten. you cant beat a good dog and i hope all is well with yours. he looks a lot like mine... tessie2.jpg

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First, let me say that I am so happy your wonderful boy is doing so well.

Next, let me add we understand, sort of, what you have been going through.


Oct 2010, our wonderful boy, Auggie (he is STILL my avatar) was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Although it's treatable and recoverable in humans, it is not for dogs. We did opt to treat which would and did extend his time with us. (I have to say, THANK YOU to Veterinary Pet Insurance and their optional cancer rider as that dramatically reduced our financial pain (we still would have treated our baby)). Flash forward the end of March 2011 where were told told the course of treatment was no longer helping and he probably had about a month left. We had a cruise scheduled for the first week of April.


My inlaws always take care of our baby when we're out of town, but we also were torn to leave him. They INSISTED that we go. First because this would be the last time they had a chance to spend one-on-one time with him and secondly because we needed a break too. Had they not been available,that would have been another story.


We went on our trip and did enjoy it, mostly. The last night, Graham Seymour sang 'Chasing Cars' and hubby and I both silently cried. We got home from our cruise to a happy dog who we got to enjoy for a few weeks more.


You have lots and lots of support and you know your boy will be well cared for (and probably majorly spoiled) while you're gone.


Give D some ear scritches for me and my hubby and you enjoy your cruise.



(p.s. Thank you for letting me share.)


Erika your story makes my heart break for you! I dread the day my pups go through a terminal illness with every bone in my body.


My heart goes out to all of you who have lost your beloved pets or have gone/are going through a similar time. I love animals and cannot imagine coming home from a long day and not having a dog meet me at the door with a thousand kisses. While I don't always like the messes they create, the barking fits, and the fact that we can't maintain nice things because of them, I wouldn't change it for the world! Luckily Diesel is our oldest at 3.5 years followed by Zilla at 2.5 years and finally our baby Scarlett who is 2 so I hope we can enjoy them for a while and provide them with a happy life.


I'm so glad I am not the only one who will go to these extremes to help our pets. I work as a forensic chemist/csi at our local police department and have been told by a number of the officers who work here "I've got a $.55 solution to that problem" and pull out their duty weapon from the holster. NEVER.

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glad to hear your pup is doing ok and you arent going to skip your trip. i am leaving my 4yr old dobe for an oasis cruise next month and am dreading it because we havent left her for more than a week and ill be gone 11 days for this trip. luckily my parents are taking her and she will be spoiled rotten. you cant beat a good dog and i hope all is well with yours. he looks a lot like mine... tessie2.jpg


Another red dobie with natural ears. She is so pretty and look a lot like my Scarlett (avatar picture)! Scarlett even sits like that.


Enjoy your Oasis cruise- save some food for us!

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This thread is therapeutic, isn't it?





Erika your story makes my heart break for you! I dread the day my pups go through a terminal illness with every bone in my body.


I'm so glad I am not the only one who will go to these extremes to help our pets. I work as a forensic chemist/csi at our local police department and have been told by a number of the officers who work here "I've got a $.55 solution to that problem" and pull out their duty weapon from the holster. NEVER.

Thank you. I am so thankful we made the right decision for everything we did.

And as far as your co-workers are concerned. Suggest you pay the $.55 to their spouse so they can solve their issues that way! :mad:



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I'm so glad I am not the only one who will go to these extremes to help our pets. I work as a forensic chemist/csi at our local police department and have been told by a number of the officers who work here "I've got a $.55 solution to that problem" and pull out their duty weapon from the holster. NEVER.


Yeah, your dog. But never their own, I can just about guarantee it. What insensitive jerks.:mad: I like Erika's suggestion.


One thing I forgot to mention is that when we do buy insurance for our cruises, we always get the cruise line's for the "cancel for any reason" insurance. Although I consider my furry ones to be my children, the carriers won't. And once you add the "cancel for any reason" feature to an independent policy (not to mention that you have to do it within 14 days of booking), the price becomes comparable to or, at our ages, more than the price of the cruiselines'. Just a thought for a future catastrophe...

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One thing I forgot to mention is that when we do buy insurance for our cruises, we always get the cruise line's for the "cancel for any reason" insurance. Although I consider my furry ones to be my children, the carriers won't. And once you add the "cancel for any reason" feature to an independent policy (not to mention that you have to do it within 14 days of booking), the price becomes comparable to or, at our ages, more than the price of the cruiselines'. Just a thought for a future catastrophe...


This is a very good suggestion. When we were planning, my TA kept suggesting I add the "Cancel for any reason" clause, and I went with a more specific one that was a bit less expensive. Then, we almost ended up needed the "any reason" one with my son (luckily my invaluable TA worked with Royal to move our cruise out a few months). The few extra $$ for the "any reason" clause is nothing compared to the $$ lost when insurance won't cover the cancellation.

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Yeah, your dog. But never their own, I can just about guarantee it. What insensitive jerks.:mad: I like Erika's suggestion.


One thing I forgot to mention is that when we do buy insurance for our cruises, we always get the cruise line's for the "cancel for any reason" insurance. Although I consider my furry ones to be my children, the carriers won't. And once you add the "cancel for any reason" feature to an independent policy (not to mention that you have to do it within 14 days of booking), the price becomes comparable to or, at our ages, more than the price of the cruiselines'. Just a thought for a future catastrophe...


I did not know this was available! Thank you for sharing!

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I did not know this was available! Thank you for sharing!

Yes CFAR is the route we sometimes go, if we purchase the policy from a third party and can commit within the usual 14-21 days of initial deposit. It usually runs 150% of regular insurance, and covers usually 50%-90% total cruise cost (which you would get in cash). There are many, many wrinkles which one must be very careful about before purchase (some CFAR riders cease 1-2 days before departure date, often times you must insure for all non-refundable cruise charges, etc.) Just a heads up.

As a basset owner, just another FYI. I have insurance for the long eared pup, and it buys a lot of peace of mind. If I do have a 4K procedure for pup (and we all know that can, and does happen), the great majority of that would be paid for.

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"I've got a $.55 solution to that problem" and pull out their duty weapon from the holster. NEVER.


Comments like that indicate to me that they are probably covering for shortcomings in other areas of their lives. I'm just sayin'.


I'm a vet and when people say things like that to me they get a good talking-to. Kind of fun when they're being all macho and a woman vet calls them out on it. ;)


Glad Diesel is doing so well. What a beauty.

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Comments like that indicate to me that they are probably covering for shortcomings in other areas of their lives. I'm just sayin'.


I'm a vet and when people say things like that to me they get a good talking-to. Kind of fun when they're being all macho and a woman vet calls them out on it. ;)


LOVE it! Well done, BeagleOne!


P.s. You all have inspired me to add a pic of my sweet baby as my avatar. That's Pepper the rescue dog. Part Basenji, part Shepherd and/or other rescue dog mix ;), and the BEST thing we ever did (adopting her).

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I am so sorry you've been going through the same thing! It is so draining both emotionally and physically! I had shoulder surgery 10 weeks ago and am still recovering from that. I'm worn out from everything and am going to need this cruise!


It gets tough driving 2 hrs each way to get to the vet but I know it is what is best to get him healed properly. I'm so blessed I have a job that has allowed me to switch 10-hour days so I only have to work 4 day and use the other day to take him to his appointments.


I hope your Freckles and Katie will heal quickly and be back to normal soon! We love Charleston and try to go every year. My mom/grandparents lived there for 14 years and we've got a ton of family in SC.


It is exhausting. We live in a 2 story raised beach house - no opening the door to a nice run - I spend a lot of time scrubbing the back porch. Thank goodness for training pads. Just wish they were a little bit larger. :o


The first 2 months DH was working out of town, the dog had separation anxiety when left by himself downstairs so I slept on the sofa for almost 2 months. I was worn out by the time DH's contract ended.


Katie, our dirt girl, healed quickly. I was so worried about infection because she loves to lay in her hole in the back yard. But we dodged that bullet.


Now to get Freckles well.


We like Charleston also. I gt down there every month or so just for the day or to visit friends.

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