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Middle Aged Drama Queen's Eastern Med Review: Serenade, Pics, Surprises & Fun!

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Terrific review! My family is doing a similar itinerary next summer and I was wondering if you could link all the private tour companies you used ... there are 8 of us trying to book excursions so we thought it may be better to do it privately.



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Come onn don't you see it? It's like the four of you dressed (unintentionally) like the several white houses in Santorini & then BrainyBrad "had" to be the little blue the churches' domes are in between the white....you can see it in the picture...even cooler :D:cool:


BTW Santorini is amazing...we were there with the Brilliance (hey, Serenade's sister!) 4 years ago for my mom's 50th bday(another similarity) and I remember thinking I could live there off of managing a restaurant or a hotel....can you imagine??:cool:


How funny! We HAD seen that Brad matched the churches with his choice of attire (completely unintentional, of course), but I hadn't paid attention to our own attire. You're RIGHT! We ALL blend!


I CAN imagine, as I had those same thoughts...my little brain was going on overdrive, trying to think of how I could make a living in Santorini...perhaps as a WRITER, you think??!!!

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Terrific review! My family is doing a similar itinerary next summer and I was wondering if you could link all the private tour companies you used ... there are 8 of us trying to book excursions so we thought it may be better to do it privately.




Yes! If you go through the review, all of the private tour companies should be in red...which means I've got the link already imbedded in their names! I think you're smart in doing private tours...we saved a ton of $$$ by doing it this way, and also got to see/do so much more. Let me know if you can't find a particular link - but they should all be there (The RomeInLimo link may be in the Florence review - the first time we used them...but I'll be sure to link to them when I post the upcoming Naples/Amalfi Coast review).

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I never knew the famous Santorini donkeys were actually mules. :D That's interesting. It makes sense though. Thanks. :)



I am so glad you noticed that. I ALMOST typed "mules" in my narrative, but then I thought, "No one will know what I'm talking about!! Who's ever heard of the Santorini mules??!!"


But...being from Missouri...where the mule is our state animal...I know a mule, too, when I see one. ;)

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So, we’re still strolling down the empty streets of Oia…blending in with the scenery around us…we'll continue our photographic tour of Santorini....



This sign along the way says it all....



Besides passing the normal little souvenir shops, cafes, stairways to nowhere, and little B&B’s, we also pass some trivial, but interesting things that make us go, huh?




"Why, I don't mind if I do!"

Like, why is this hot-pink chair just sitting here…along the side of the road? I mean, who just leaves a hot-pink chair along a public road???!! It’s just perfect for Pretty Princesses to sit a spell…





Don't you just want to open it???

Or…why is this door here? Where does it go? Where does it lead to? What notable people have gone through that door???





Little tables with umbrellas! Just like drinks with umbrellas...there's something about umbrellas that I find so fascinating!

Or…is this a little bed & breakfast? Or is it a hotel? Armeni Village? What IS that? I wonder how much it costs to stay here…I wonder if anyone famous has stayed here? I wonder if I'LL ever be able to stay here????!!



Another gate.... I WANT TO OPEN THE GATES & DOORS & EXPLORE! But what if I were to set off an alarm???!!




...and isn't it amazing that the Greek spirit is alive and well, regardless of what they've weathered over the years? This sign was displayed prominently all over Greece, and I thought it was a wonderful tribute to the strong resilience of the people....


So...enough of gates and doors and stairways and chairs...let's get to the good stuff...the ocean views....


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I absolutely love this review! My husband and I are going on the Navigator in September, but because of your review, we are discussing doing your itinerary, or at least a Western Med itinerary, next year so we can go to Barcelona and some of your earlier ports. :)

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Of course, I don't want you to think that it was JUST gates and doors and stairways that we explored...


No, we made sure to stop and take in the view while we were strolling....






...which was pretty darn impressive....




Eventually, we made our way to the main square of Oia, known as Nicolaou Nomikou Square, where we came across another beautiful church:




This is the impressive Greek Orthodox Church Panagia of Platsiani. It's open to the public, and if you ever visit Oia, you MUST visit this church. Please. The interior is absolutely UNBELIEVABLE. And no. I didn't take any photos, out of respect for the little Greek woman that was inside.


Close to the square, there are public restrooms, although they DO cost .50E to use. In front of the restrooms, there was a beautiful little garden....



They DO have other colors besides blue and white in Santorini!!!


We meet up with Dimitrius around noon, and we load up in the van for our next stop, Ammoudi.


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I absolutely love this review! My husband and I are going on the Navigator in September, but because of your review, we are discussing doing your itinerary, or at least a Western Med itinerary, next year so we can go to Barcelona and some of your earlier ports. :)


If you need a personal tour guide (just don't let me do directions), pick me. :p

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Just a little short drive down the steep hill of Oia, and we’re at the “other” port of Santorini, Ammoudi. (We had tendered in to the first port, in Fira). Ammoudi is a small fishing village that was made famous in the “Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants” movie. We hop out of the van for a short photo op.


I’m happy to say that I finally have vision in both eyes, so I am not sporting the pirate look in Ammoudi. Mickey, however, is still sneezing. Of course she is.




A Klingon Family Portrait:





After hopping back in the van, Dimitrius then takes on a drive ALL the way around the island…over to the non-cliff side…that snakes around and shows us the non-populated areas of Santorini. Not very picturesque…just a few houses…blue & white domed churches (of course), and a lot of pasture land. We see lots of grapes being grown, as well as tomatoes.


We're driving along on a somewhat remote road, when we see a couple backpacking along the side of the road up ahead...all of a sudden, we're yelling at Dimitrius to stop.


"Stop! Stop! We KNOW those people!" we holler at Dimitrius.


Poor guy. He's probably thinking, "Yeah, right. Like YOU know someone walking along the side of a remote road in Santorini."


But we DID. And so he stopped.


It was our BFF's, Steve and Amy, from the ship. They were in the middle of their hike from Fira to Oia - so it was so funny to see them and wave at them as we went by. I'm not sure who we scared more - Dimitrius, by yelling, or Steve & Amy, by having a "strange" van slow down and stop while they're walking.



After what seems like hours, we’ve finally arrived at our next destination, Santos Winery.


Santos Winery is a huge tourist destination on the island, and because they regularly have free wine samples, I can certainly see why they're so popular. We hop out and eagerly head to the little pavilion where we quickly indulge in some tasty wine and cheese.



Mickey and Ken, heading for the samples...don't worry. She only sampled the cheese. I think.


They were offering a red wine, a white wine, and a dessert wine. Yes, please. And I KNOW I’m allergic to wine, darn it, but I couldn’t help but be a little bad and indulge in some of the tastings. The verdict?




So did Ken…my drinking buddy. Ken and I quickly headed into the shop and stocked up on some delicious wine to bring back home, which, yes, did get confiscated by the Liquor Police when we boarded the Serenade later that day. (That's when I really hate RCI's policies. Bleh.) We (uh…I better rephrase that…)…I….also purchased a small bottle of Ouzo, which I have yet to try. Maybe I’ll break it out in celebration when this review is finally done. OPA!


Santos Wines is on one of the highest points of the island, so it offers some fabulous views of the surrounding areas. It’s worth a visit, even if you AREN’T into wines, just so you can partake in the wonderful views:



Can you see our HAIR??!! That's the WIND!!!




They have SUCH a great view here that it’s a popular wedding spot…you can find them online and book to have your wedding here…although I have to say, it was STILL very windy. Just an FYI.






This is probably the only time today that we saw ANY other barbarians…seriously. We never saw any…except there were about 3-4 tour buses parked in the parking lot at Santos Wines, as I think it’s a standard scheduled stop for the ship excursions.





A few more photos, and then we’ll move on…to lunch!


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Your review is awesome. I am only up to Rome but I had to drop you a line. Your pictures are wonderful, even those pigeons. I now have my hubby reading the review. He actually laughed out loud & he's only at Barcelona. We are booked on a 9-day Med. Cruise in May 2013 & your helpful hints & insights will be invaluable. Thank you for doing this.

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Your review is awesome. I am only up to Rome but I had to drop you a line. Your pictures are wonderful, even those pigeons. I now have my hubby reading the review. He actually laughed out loud & he's only at Barcelona. We are booked on a 9-day Med. Cruise in May 2013 & your helpful hints & insights will be invaluable. Thank you for doing this.


Oh, you can quit now...all the funny parts are done with.




Thank you - I'm glad you're enjoying it, and I hope you enjoy the tips along the way. I try to keep them coming in each port....

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A few more photographs, and we'll be ready to go to lunch...which was quite the experience...



See the buoys???


The buoys in the above photograph mark the place where, in 2007, the MS Sea Diamond sunk off the coast of Santorini, leaving two passengers presumed dead. Oil is still leaking from the submerged ship...the cause of the accident? The captain cut it too close to the coast, hitting some rocks below. Hmmm... sound familiar????




From where we were at Santos, we had a clear view of our ship....




Everywhere you looked, you were constantly reminded that Santorini used to be a volcanic crater....





Just another view of paradise...actually, out there somewhere are some hot springs that you can swim in...catch a small boat at Ammoudi, and in no time, you're enjoying a nice, warm bath....I "think" Steve and Amy did this, and would have more information on it, if anyone had questions....






Okay. Let's go eat.


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Interesting to see a different viewpoint of Santorini. I am jealous :(


There were 8 (EIGHT) ships in port with us the day we were there. It was nothing short of a nightmare and the one and only time I have ever gone back to the shore excursions desk to complain (end result, a 25% refund off the cost of the excursion). We were in traffic jams everywhere we went. We could barely move around Oia because of the Barbarians, got to our lunch spot at 3:00. We had zero time to explore Fira (we should have had 45 minutes) and had well over an hour wait for the cable car to get back to the ship. We were "those people" they were making announcements about back on the ship. The ship had to wait for those of us on the last bus. Thankfully there were cruise ship staff monitoring the cable car line and we were wearing our little tour stickers so I wasn't worried about being left there. However, it might have been nice on the island later on at night after the last ship left :p


It's good to know it's not always like that. I would like to go there again someday, but if there are more than two ships in port I'm not leaving the ship.

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Interesting to see a different viewpoint of Santorini. I am jealous :(


There were 8 (EIGHT) ships in port with us the day we were there. It was nothing short of a nightmare and the one and only time I have ever gone back to the shore excursions desk to complain (end result, a 25% refund off the cost of the excursion). We were in traffic jams everywhere we went. We could barely move around Oia because of the Barbarians, got to our lunch spot at 3:00. We had zero time to explore Fira (we should have had 45 minutes) and had well over an hour wait for the cable car to get back to the ship. We were "those people" they were making announcements about back on the ship. The ship had to wait for those of us on the last bus. Thankfully there were cruise ship staff monitoring the cable car line and we were wearing our little tour stickers so I wasn't worried about being left there. However, it might have been nice on the island later on at night after the last ship left :p


It's good to know it's not always like that. I would like to go there again someday, but if there are more than two ships in port I'm not leaving the ship.


Oh, Karen - that's awful!!! I can't imagine EIGHT ships! Holy moly - I'd be thinking the island would SINK!!! We were the largest ship in that day, and there were two (very, very small) ships in, as well...but as you can see, we had Oia to ourselves! I hope you get to go back some day...and get to experience it with fewer barbarians.

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Well…we were definitely hungry…but before Dimitrius whisked us off to lunch, he had a special surprise for us…which ended up becoming the highlight of our tour. Seriously. Put aside the beautiful views in Oia, and the delicious wines at Santos Winery…and the fact that we’re going to meet Paul McCartney later this afternoon (oh, THAT got your attention, didn’t it?!) because we were about to have one of those special moments in life that are magical.



After we leave Santos Winery, Dimitrius begins driving…and we seem to be somewhere…in the boonies. Yes. Even exotic Greek islands, such as Santorini, can have boonies.



These boonies, however, came with a location: somewhere between Cambia & Mesa Pigadia. Like that means anything.



Anyway, we pull up to a small, picturesque roadside stand…





…which is “The Good Heart”…owned by Anna…and she specializes in homemade products of Santorini. Dimitrius hops out and rushes us over to the little stand, and we follow…not knowing what to expect.




Here we go....



Before we know it, Anna is handing us each a plate, where she’s placed some local specialties, including sundried tomatoes, caper leaves, blackberry jam and olives…and she has wine. Of course she does.



Don't judge based on presentation...it's all about the taste....



Remember the fabulous Barcelona Taste tour we did waaaaaaay back in Barcelona? Where we sampled various tapas?


Well, THIS was the Santorini Tapas Tour - and it was FREE!!!!!!!!! How much better can it GET???!!!



Oh my gosh…we dig in, and the verdict? Well. I’m not a good judge, as I hate tomatoes. The only GOOD tomato, in my opinion, is a tomato far, far away from me…but Anna’s sundried tomatoes? Wow. Delicious. In fact, Dimitrius tells us the story of the day he escorted The Food Network’s Giada De Laurentilis on a culinary tour of the island, and she was SO impressed by Anna’s sundried tomatoes, that she later featured them on one of her segments on TV.



And my opinion of olives is the same as tomatoes – in fact, if olives are ever presented on a plate intended for me, I have mastered and trademarked the sneaky maneuver known as the “Pick & Flick” – where I can magically make the dreaded olives (or tomatoes…or mushrooms, for that matter) disappear. But Anna’s olives? I had seconds. Which caused Hubby Mike to check the sky for flying pigs.



We’d no sooner finished our plates, when Anna comes out with little bags…that are full of pine nuts that have been drenched in honey and dipped in sesame seeds.






Holy guacamole, Batman! These things were the BOMB! Best things EVER. And washed down with Anna’s wine? Even better.




Initially a little hesitant...but they were good sports....



I’m proud of the Klingons. Some of them are a little finicky in their eating habits (and I bet you can’t guess where they get THAT from??!!), but they got into the spirit of things here and indulged, as well…





Anna, in turquoise, with all of us in her little shop....



We were having quite the party here in the boonies…but little did I know…it wasn’t over yet….



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Oh my gosh…we dig in, and the verdict? Well. I’m not a good judge, as I hate tomatoes. The only GOOD tomato, in my opinion, is a tomato far, far away from me…but Anna’s sundried tomatoes? Wow. Delicious. In fact, Dimitrius tells us the story of the day he escorted The Food Network’s Giada De Laurentilis on a culinary tour of the island, and she was SO impressed by Anna’s sundried tomatoes, that she later featured them on one of her segments on TV.



And my opinion of olives is the same as tomatoes – in fact, if olives are ever presented on a plate intended for me, I have mastered and trademarked the sneaky maneuver known as the “Pick & Flick” – where I can magically make the dreaded olives (or tomatoes…or mushrooms, for that matter) disappear. But Anna’s olives? I had seconds. Which caused Hubby Mike to check the sky for flying pigs.



We’d no sooner finished our plates, when Anna comes out with little bags…that are full of pine nuts that have been drenched in honey and dipped in sesame seeds.




Holy guacamole, Batman! These things were the BOMB! Best things EVER. And washed down with Anna’s wine? Even better.






You had me at Giada de Laurentiis...drool...!



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Oh no! Done for tonight? Your review is getting better and better. And I love the white sheet family photos, too (and I never even saw the old lady hat in the Athens picture -- just saw an attractive, happy family with a fabulous backdrop!).


As the other poster asked, just the names of all the tour companies you used would be helpful. I think I've missed a couple of links. And while I love your review, I really didn't want to have to go back through it again...:o:D

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Well…we were definitely hungry…but before Dimitrius whisked us off to lunch, he had a special surprise for us…which ended up becoming the highlight of our tour. Seriously. Put aside the beautiful views in Oia, and the delicious wines at Santos Winery…and the fact that we’re going to meet Paul McCartney later this afternoon (oh, THAT got your attention, didn’t it?!) because we were about to have one of those special moments in life that are magical.



After we leave Santos Winery, Dimitrius begins driving…and we seem to be somewhere…in the boonies. Yes. Even exotic Greek islands, such as Santorini, can have boonies.


These boonies, however, came with a location: somewhere between Cambia & Mesa Pigadia. Like that means anything.



Anyway, we pull up to a small, picturesque roadside stand…





…which is “The Good Heart”…owned by Anna…and she specializes in homemade products of Santorini. Dimitrius hops out and rushes us over to the little stand, and we follow…not knowing what to expect.




Here we go....



Before we know it, Anna is handing us each a plate, where she’s placed some local specialties, including sundried tomatoes, caper leaves, blackberry jam and olives…and she has wine. Of course she does.



Don't judge based on presentation...it's all about the taste....



Remember the fabulous Barcelona Taste tour we did waaaaaaay back in Barcelona? Where we sampled various tapas?


Well, THIS was the Santorini Tapas Tour - and it was FREE!!!!!!!!! How much better can it GET???!!!



Oh my gosh…we dig in, and the verdict? Well. I’m not a good judge, as I hate tomatoes. The only GOOD tomato, in my opinion, is a tomato far, far away from me…but Anna’s sundried tomatoes? Wow. Delicious. In fact, Dimitrius tells us the story of the day he escorted The Food Network’s Giada De Laurentilis on a culinary tour of the island, and she was SO impressed by Anna’s sundried tomatoes, that she later featured them on one of her segments on TV.



And my opinion of olives is the same as tomatoes – in fact, if olives are ever presented on a plate intended for me, I have mastered and trademarked the sneaky maneuver known as the “Pick & Flick” – where I can magically make the dreaded olives (or tomatoes…or mushrooms, for that matter) disappear. But Anna’s olives? I had seconds. Which caused Hubby Mike to check the sky for flying pigs.



We’d no sooner finished our plates, when Anna comes out with little bags…that are full of pine nuts that have been drenched in honey and dipped in sesame seeds.






Holy guacamole, Batman! These things were the BOMB! Best things EVER. And washed down with Anna’s wine? Even better.




Initially a little hesitant...but they were good sports....



I’m proud of the Klingons. Some of them are a little finicky in their eating habits (and I bet you can’t guess where they get THAT from??!!), but they got into the spirit of things here and indulged, as well…





Anna, in turquoise, with all of us in her little shop....



We were having quite the party here in the boonies…but little did I know…it wasn’t over yet….





I can't wait for more, we will be in santorini in September and will be renting a car just my husband myself, can we stop at this little shop.


I'm dying to find out where you end up eating.


I also want to mention that you do reminder me of Stephanie plum. I have read all 18 books and loved everyone one. Thank you so much for all the time you awe putting into this.



Edited by cruznqueen
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Have really enjoyed reading your review. I do reviews like this after all of our cruises and I know how time consuming and exhausting it is......so thank you! But it's worth it in the end.

We are just back from a Med cruise ourselves.....the jet lag is killing me. I hope to start on my review this afternoon. We also used rominlimo in Rome and Florence......great experience.

Will look forward to your conclusion. By the way.....the Serenade is our absolute favorite ship!

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Hi Maxs Mom, I was on the same cruise with you on Allure of the Seas with my granddaughter. Just came back from Oasis with my grandson and also had a great time. Looking forward to reading your review on the med trip. Sherri, Thank you for sharing your travel adventures. Enjoyed reading about your experieces and family. When I get back to greece I must check that roadside stand in OIa. Sounds wonderful.

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