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Middle Aged Drama Queen's Eastern Med Review: Serenade, Pics, Surprises & Fun!

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Sherri: I can't hold back anymore. Our daughter and I wonder every morning what you, Hubby, and the Klingons are up to. Love all the photos! This is the most entertaining review I have ever encountered. Thank you for all the pre-cruise preparation and post-cruise posting. You have made our med cruise on the Serenade next June so much more interesting and easier (for me, the cruise binder mom). From the Taste of Barcelona to The Dophins in Santorni, our trip will truly be enhanced by your fantastic review. Thank you, thank you, thank you!! Kirsten:)

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I cannot thank you enough for this review, as my husband and I will be on the Serenade with the same itinerary next week! Your pictures are great and have me looking forward to our cruise! Also, your suggestion to use Revelation tours for Cannes was well-recieved. We will be joining 6 others from our roll call on the tour with Michel! :)

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Oh, where to start??!!


First, I must apologize for my absence from the boards today...as I mentioned before, I have been lazying about in Florida for the last few weeks, earnestly writing and...cruising. This was all done while Dear Hubby Mike was back home in Kansas City, slaving away at his job to pay for my lazying about & cruising, as well as caring for our furry pets. Hubby Mike flew to Florida yesterday afternoon, and so we have had a joyful reunion the last 24 hours! :) Trust me... the only thing to take me away from my beloved storytelling would be my Dear Hubby.



Second, I LOVE the comments and feedback. Writers (even amateur ones, such as myself) love receiving feedback - both positive and negative, although positive is always better...and so your comments are priceless to me. I appreciate every one of them, and hope to answer them here, soon. :)


For those requesting "More, please" - more is definitely coming! We still have to discuss Paul McCartney, as well as the Milan fashion model in Pompeii - not to mention the disaster at disembarkation. I PROMISE more stories to come, if you promise to stay with me!


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Sherri, the photo of you taking the shot of ouzo is priceless! Bet the klingons are still teasing you about that! Never had ouzo but think it is similar to Sambuca? I'll drink to that! ;)


Yes,like Pastis, Pernod, Ricard etc. Add water & it goes cloudy. Good stuff.


One tip I picked up in my travels, drinking it neat is a good substitute for Imodium:D

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We still have to discuss Paul McCartney

Yes, waiting for the Paul McCartney story. As a 10 year old in 1964 I pretty-much grew up as a Beatles fan. I finally got to see my hero in 2005 in Vegas. I felt like a 10-year old girl - LOL. Still my favorite concert to date - and I have seen almost all the greats! Eagles, Elton John, Eric Clapton, Steve Winwood, Heart, Guess Who, James Gang, Styxx, Sammy Hagar, Grass Roots, Steppenwolf, ZZ Top, etc, etc, etc. Paul McCartney blew them ALL AWAY!!!!
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I saw the Beatles in Houston when I was maybe 10??? It was before "assigned seating" and we got there hours before to stand in line. It was crazy pandemonium getting into the venue. We were on the balcony level, and due to the screaming, never actually heard any of the songs!!!! I've seen Sir Paul twice since then (with reserved seats) and simply loved him! I will say, though, that the Eagles concert was the very best - saw them a couple of years ago. I commented to a colleague the other day that I thought they were even better now. The colleague mentioned the "better" was perhaps because they were all clean an sober now!!! LOL

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I am loving your review. Everyday I have been looking forward to reading your posts. I haven't kept up with my TA thread coming up in October! I feel like I know you and your family!


Thanks again for many hours of entertaining and informative reading.



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Sherri, the photo of you taking the shot of ouzo is priceless! Bet the klingons are still teasing you about that! Never had ouzo but think it is similar to Sambuca? I'll drink to that! ;)


I almost didn't post that picture, because it certainly isn't flattering...(and notice the wind whipping my hair??!!)...but really...that picture DOES speak volumes about how ouzo tasted....!

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I've been reading your review for hours! Thanks for filling my rainy Sunday afternon and evening with your wonderful review. It's definitly making me re-think my next cruise, my little klingons would certainly enjoy Europe the way you've described it.


I'm glad you've enjoyed it! And Klingons can certainly bring joy to a vacation... most of the time. Hee hee. ;)

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I have soooooo enjoyed reading this review!


You remind me of myself, the uber-organiser when it comes to booking, printing and filing the cruise stuff. but crappo when it comes to remembering where you put it ;)


Love the Klingons too... but only because they aren't mine..... I unfortunately travel with a little bleeder, literally.... her nose has bled, no, I correct myself, her nose has gushed everywhere we have taken her. I swear that child has left her DNA on 4 continents!


Looking forward to the rest of your cruise and would love to travel with a celeb like you one day!


Aw, thank you! Yes...my OCD skills can come in handy...but then I suffer from MES, as well...(Misplace Everything Syndrome)...especially tickets. I seem to have a thing for losing tickets!!!!


Wow...a nose bleeder. That would be terrible!!!! I thought it was bad with Mickey sneezing on everything - but that was just Santorini. ;)

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Sherri........what a wonderful afternoon of reading. Hope you found the way to the whore houses in Ephesus, the oldest in Turkey.....say some!


Also, on Santorini, did you come across some diggings of a lost city......thought maybe to be Atlantis?


Your style of writing really sets you apart, and it's extremely enjoyable, humorus.......and carries a style all of it's own.


Some put your writing with Trainman, or Sailor Jack...........but you write so eloquently, with your own style of penmenship.............it's different, so just keep it up!


We have been so fortunate to have seen so many of the same sights, and one that we keep going back to, and having stayed there on two occasions overnight......is Eze, in the owners suite of the Chateau Eza.


Nothing has blown us away more than being served breakfast on our balcony, overlooking the Med, from so high above.


I'm looking forward to hearing about your next cruise, already accomplished, I believe you said the Freedom!


If we could find a cabin for you......we would love to have you join us on our Jewel TA, coming up in about 32 days, as the blogger!!:D




PS.......oh, by the way........we love KC and have friends that live in the Village of Loch Lloyd!


Rick, THANK YOU for commenting on my review. An accomplished cruiser as yourself - this is a true honor! And for the record...the street up to the bordello in Ephesus was BLOCKED!!! But...don't worry...we'll get to visit one in Pompeii - story to follow soon!


Yes. Pick me to join you on the Jewel. I would SO have fun with you all, and I would blog my little heart out. :D:D


And what a small world...one of my first jobs (when I was a teenager) was working for House of Lloyd...the owner was the guy who developed Loch Lloyd. His name was Harry Lloyd, and he was my immediate boss for many years (I worked there all through college....)


Again - thanks for visiting me!

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How cool......a job offer as a travel blogger........you just got what you wished for.......


Btw. I love your review........your ability to engage us in ordinary day to day experiences in such descriptive detail is wonderful.


Wouldn't it be grand if I could make money blogging??!! While cruising??!! :D


Thank you so much...I'm glad you're enjoying it! More to follow...

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I'm caught up on your review & keep checking for your next installment. I can't wait. This is the best review I have read on CC & thank you for all the time and effort you have put into it....so, now what's next...?????


Stay tuned...more tonight! :)

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Ok this review has been great fun but where's the Freedom review? Since I'm on her in a few months I need me some info! :D


It's coming! It's "only" a 7-day cruise, so it won't be an epic novel, such as this one. ;)

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I just remembered you had posted this way back on your first post for this cruise (about a generation ago). My wife turns 50 on the day we're flying to Barcelona to embark on the WESTERN Med Cruise on the Serenade. I hope we have great adventures like you, perhaps without the alarm going off in the Accademia.


Happy birthday to your lovely wife! I hope you buy her something really cool - like some tasty gelato - to celebrate! :D


And yes. Keep all Personal Panic Alarms at home, please!!!! (But hey - at least you know - if you DO set it off, NOTHING HAPPENS!!!!)

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But Sherri, the squid fries (tentacles) are the best part. I lived on Crete for 18 months in my long past youth and practically lived on fried cheese, calamari, and Greek wine. Greek calimari is still my favorite.




Myron - I will gladly "Pick & Flick" my tentacles to you, so YOU can enjoy them! I like the calamari that looks like little onion rings. ;)

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Sherri: I can't hold back anymore. Our daughter and I wonder every morning what you, Hubby, and the Klingons are up to. Love all the photos! This is the most entertaining review I have ever encountered. Thank you for all the pre-cruise preparation and post-cruise posting. You have made our med cruise on the Serenade next June so much more interesting and easier (for me, the cruise binder mom). From the Taste of Barcelona to The Dophins in Santorni, our trip will truly be enhanced by your fantastic review. Thank you, thank you, thank you!! Kirsten:)


Aw, you're welcome! Glad we can be of help - and glad we can provide some entertainment! :)

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I cannot thank you enough for this review, as my husband and I will be on the Serenade with the same itinerary next week! Your pictures are great and have me looking forward to our cruise! Also, your suggestion to use Revelation tours for Cannes was well-recieved. We will be joining 6 others from our roll call on the tour with Michel! :)


AWESOME! You're going to love Revelation Tours - if you get French Franc, tell him hello. He won't remember us, of course, but still. I hope you're visiting Eze....it was divine!

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When we last left our travelers, they were in a little Greek tavern on the shores of Akritori Beach…where the Klingons were dining on chocolate brownies and French fries, Hubby Mike was eating the supposedly-fried-but-was-actually-melted feta cheese, and the Drama Queen was de-tentacling the calamari in order to make it more palatable….



We were sharing the day today with our TBF’s (Touring Buddies Forever), Cathy & Ken. We had met Cathy & Ken on our Roll Call, and they were the couple that not only did we share just about every non-Italian tour with, we ran into them EVERYWHERE on the ship. The Klingons had held a vote and decided they wanted to adopt Cathy & Ken as their new parents, because, in their own words, Cathy & Ken were “way cool.” THAT, Dear Readers, is a compliment in the highest order, coming from a Klingon. I was hoping Cathy & Ken would take my Klingons up on their offer, but alas...they took one look at the Arcade bill on the last day and walked away from the adoption. Go figure.



Anyway, Cathy had ordered the shrimp off the menu, and it was the last to arrive at the table. I had joked that they were probably still trying to catch it, because there was a Greek god – I mean, young man - in nothing but swimming trunks, who would run into the ocean, grab something, and then run back to the kitchen, while his long, flowing hair was whipping wildly in the wind. Not that I noticed him or anything. I…um…was, after all, studying the maps of Santorini on the tablecloth. Yes. That’s what I was doing. (Meow. I am Cougar. Here me ROAR.)


Soon, Cathy’s shrimp was presented…poor Cathy. I thought I was weird because I don’t like tentacles on my calamari…but Cathy apparently doesn’t like her shrimp looking like…well...shrimp:





These weren’t just shrimp. These were shrimp on STEROIDS. Did you know that shrimp have nineteen separate sections of their body? Yup…’tis true. And Cathy’s shrimp had all nineteen sections – and probably then some – still attached. We could see the eyes, the antennas, the walking legs, even the maxillipeds – it was all there. Cathy took one look and shoved that poor plate of shrimp away – so Hubby Mike, ever the hero, ripped into the shrimp. Literally. He said they were good, but when it takes more effort to prepare your food for consumption than what you get back – it’s not a fair deal. So…be forewarned if you visit this place. The calamari looks like calamari…and the shrimp look like shrimp. Just an FYI.



Hubby Mike, tearing into the shrimp, while Cathy dines on...bread.



So…our verdict of The Dolphins? It you like your seafood very, very fresh…and authentic…then this is the place for you. Really. We DID enjoy the flavors of the dishes, irregardless of all of the joking I may have done. The food was tasty. If you like your food a little…camouflaged… then no…this is not your place. If your Klingons gag at the site of seafood – like mine do - stay away from this place. Stay far, far away.



After lunch, Dimitrius herded us back into the van and we drove back to Fira, which is where our adventure began about 5 ½ hours before. We settled up with Dimitrius, said our goodbyes, and then plunged into some shopping. It was only about 3:00 pm, and the last tender wasn’t leaving the Fira dock until 5:30 pm – so plenty of time to pick up some souvenirs before we had to get back onboard.


There are lots of little shops right by the cable car station – and because we’d done our window shopping there early this morning, we knew exactly what we wanted to buy – and where to buy it. Brainy Brad bought a beautiful volcanic bead necklace for his girlfriend, and I bought some olive oil moisturizers.


Because our shopping was quick, we were heading to the cable car line about 3:30…and yes. There WAS a line…but it didn’t look horrendous, or anything. In fact, because I’m a faithful lurker here on CruiseCritic, and had done my homework, I knew the line would move relatively quickly and we’d be back on the ship in no time.


Hubby Mike, however, has NOT done his research…and he takes one look at the line, and declares emphatically, “I’m not standing in THAT. We’re taking the steps.” He crosses his arms and stares at me….


Is he KIDDING me??? There are 588 steps…with donkey droppings…in the hot, afternoon sun….


Here’s where I put my foot down…literally….I wasn’t budging from that line, and I tell him, determinedly, “Trust me. I KNOW – from reading CruiseCritic – that this line will move really fast. I am NOT taking the steps.”



Remember THIS photo? Of that steep path winding down the mountain???!!



Arms folded, I’m glaring at him….


Well. What we have here, folks, is a stand-off. In the streets of Santorini, no less…. Who will prevail? Will we take the hot, donkey-decorated steps down to the tender? Or the cool, air-conditioned cable car down to the tender?


And this…THIS…is when Paul McCartney comes into the story….



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