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Chair Hogs On Notice?

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I agree. Perhaps on the Breeze they should offer alarm clocks that get people up earlier than noon while there are chairs still available. Late sleeping does not give you the automatic right to a chair.


And sitting in (or putting a towel on a chair) doesn't give one the right to use that chair all day.


I fail to see how people wanting chairs to actually be used for their purpose suddenly equates to them being late-sleepers who want special treatment.


Again, what makes the pool deck any different than any other place on the ship?

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I'm mainly talking about the equivalent problem and they are called "Chair Bullies".


These are the people who stay out until 4am, sleep until noon. Get to the Lido deck at about 1pm, and expect that people who legitimately have chairs to give them up.


They walk the deck and basically sit in chairs already being used by families that went for a quick swim or bathroom break, and when you tell them the chairs are taken by someone who will be back shortly, they give you a dirty look.


You need to look at both sides of the issue and be impartial.

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I hope it works!!! I was literally cussed out earlier in June on the Breeze by an old man who came back to an empty chair, that he thought was his... I told him that I had been there for over an hour and hadn't seen him.. I sat down in an empty chair, and the lady (who I didn't know) that was sitting by me, told him when she sat down the chair was empty.. He cussed me out, and I told him about the "30 minute rule".. he said BS (of course didn't use initials).. 30 minutes, 8 hours, if my stuff is there that is my chair for the day... So as he cussed at me some more, he stormed off to yell at the lady in the towel hut, and said is there a rule that if stuff is there for 30 minutes people can move it... She looked at him and said YES... I sat up in my chair, and said.. Thank you!!! He stormed off cussing as he left... Get over it dude!!!


I can say of all the boats we have been on the Breeze was the worse with chair hogs.. Maybe because there were very few sea days.. I just hope it works!!!!!!!

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So if you wait for 20-30 minutes for Deli or Mongolian Wok, you have to eat on your chair or lose your seat, that is not fair


But because the rule applies to everyone..........there will be lots of other chairs for you for you to choose from when you return from lunch.

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I'm mainly talking about the equivalent problem and they are called "Chair Bullies".


These are the people who stay out until 4am, sleep until noon. Get to the Lido deck at about 1pm, and expect that people who legitimately have chairs to give them up.


They walk the deck and basically sit in chairs already being used by families that went for a quick swim or bathroom break, and when you tell them the chairs are taken by someone who will be back shortly, they give you a dirty look.


You need to look at both sides of the issue and be impartial.


I don't think you can consider "chair bullies" an equivalent problem, or there would be 1000 "Chair Bully" threads on CC as well.


I've never experienced this, and while I'm not discounting your experience, I'm sure this issue is far, far less common.


And in fact, there wouldn't BE an issue with someone wanting a chair at 1pm (and who cares WHY that is, as if one should be chastised for sleeping in on vacation), if people wouldn't act like the chairs are their personal property.


I'm sure you'll find that if this initiative is handled correctly, there will be no need for "chair bullies" since there will be no "chair hogs".

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It's certainly a start. Perhaps not the most elegant or labor-saving solution, but there's only so much you can do.


I think this and "education" of pax is the key. The more notices you see on TV etc. the better. Think of it as a version of "Pavlov's dog"; behavioral conditioning. Show enough notices, and enough people have their stuff removed, and they then learn, hog chair = stuff gone = not good.


While I realize probably no cruise ship has enough deck chairs for every pax, I'm surprised that the money-hungry cruise lines have not set aside certain areas (both in Sun and shade) where pax can rent the chairs, either on a daily or per-cruise basis. This used to be done on ocean liners years ago. Here, you would pay a fee to the deck steward, and you would "own" a particular chair(s) for the alloted time frame. I would say to do this on a per-day basis, but allow for discounts if on a per-cruise basis. What to charge? On a 7-day, $20/day/chair/daily, or $10-$15/day/chair/cruise length. Also these chairs would be padded, and of a higher caliber than the regular ones.


Okay, I have my Nomex suit on! ;)


Hey, I remember those days too. While I am not one for more fees and such I do agree especially if they are padded and more comfortable chairs.

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Oh, I so agree! I'm not one to be causing a scene, but would be mortified if someone came up to me and my family, yelling and demanding "their" chairs back! :eek: That's not a memory I want my children to remember on vacation.


But like another post stated, hopefully this rule will be enforced and remind those who "don't know better" that chogging is unacceptable, therefore, more happy rule abiders and non-choggers! :)


So you want them to have an image of mom and dad wussing out?


I agree. Perhaps on the Breeze they should offer alarm clocks that get people up earlier than noon while there are chairs still available. Late sleeping does not give you the automatic right to a chair.


Ahh, the president of the Choggers has signed in. I give you credit for having guts to post, kinda of like a bartender posting on an AA forum.


Why do you feel throwing your crap all over the chairs gives you any right to the chair? Where does it say my book being on the chair reserves it for the day?

If you go to the mongolian BBQ, which I am sooo looking forward to, have your wife or one of your kids or someone watch your chair, or just get a different one when you come back. Easy.


I love this idea, but I really hope Carnival enforces it. Chogs like the guy above can still get around it, just stop by every so often and remove the sticker...problem solved for you, but for alot of other chogs who are in the casino or humping in their cabin, their crap will go right over the side where it belongs.

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Why do you feel throwing your crap all over the chairs gives you any right to the chair? Where does it say my book being on the chair reserves it for the day?

If you go to the mongolian BBQ, which I am sooo looking forward to, have your wife or one of your kids or someone watch your chair, or just get a different one when you come back.


What gives me the right is that I get up at a decent hour, I go to the Lido deck, I find a chair I like, and I use it for the day.

And I think I also have the right once in a while to get out of my chair to take a quick dip in the pool, or to go to the bathroom.

What people shouldn't have the right to do is expect that they can immediately have your chair if you get out of it for a few minutes,

What people do not have the right to do is bully my wife and make her feel guilty for telling people that I will be right back.


This is the type of behavior we experience on every cruise, and have never experienced chair hogging


So please stop being naive and admit this goes on.

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Excellent!! Remove chair hogs today, booze smugglers tomorrow and SMOKERS the day after that.


Welcome to the 21st century!!!

And the people wearing cutoffs, hats, wife beaters, and flip flops from the dining room! That is why there is alternative dining on the ships...:p

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What gives me the right is that I get up at a decent hour, I go to the Lido deck, I find a chair I like, and I use it for the day.

And I think I also have the right once in a while to get out of my chair to take a quick dip in the pool, or to go to the bathroom.

What people shouldn't have the right to do is expect that they can immediately have your chair if you get out of it for a few minutes,

What people do not have the right to do is bully my wife and make her feel guilty for telling people that I will be right back.

I agree with most of this... except.... there are 3000 people on the ship , and no way is there 3000 chairs available... I consider someone who uses a chair ALL DAY LONG... when there are others who might want to enjoy the lido, a chair hog...

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I have my doubts that they will enforce it. When they let people wearing t-shirts and shorts in the MDR on formal night, the chance of them banning the chairhogs is very slim.


I disagree. I believe they will.

NCL implemented this same system recently (see my signature dot)

I think it's about time NCL and CCL did something like this. Royal/Celebrity have always done a great job of policing chair hogs.

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This works great on royal. I have been on large ships and haven't observed any problems. When items were removed to clear the chair, it was between the cruiser and the deck patrol ...not between passengers .


I just got off the destiny and didn't see any chair problems. We found great chairs whenever we wanted them.

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What gives me the right is that I get up at a decent hour, I go to the Lido deck, I find a chair I like, and I use it for the day.

And I think I also have the right once in a while to get out of my chair to take a quick dip in the pool, or to go to the bathroom.

What people shouldn't have the right to do is expect that they can immediately have your chair if you get out of it for a few minutes,

What people do not have the right to do is bully my wife and make her feel guilty for telling people that I will be right back.


This is the type of behavior we experience on every cruise, and have never experienced chair hogging


So please stop being naive and admit this goes on.


I don't think the policy is aimed at those that use the chair for the day, key word here being "use". I have no problem with someone legitimately getting up early and using a chair.


The policy is aimed at those that get up at 6AM, drop a book or flip flop on some chairs, then go off back to sleep or have breakfast and expect the chair to be there at 11AM.


Bottom line (no pun intended), the only thing that should reserve a chair is someone's bottom.

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I agree with most of this... except.... there are 3000 people on the ship , and no way is there 3000 chairs available... I consider someone who uses a chair ALL DAY LONG... when there are others who might want to enjoy the lido, a chair hog...


If someone chooses to spend their entire day by the pool in a lounger, so be it. No problem with that. If they took the time to get up early and grab a chair to use throughout the day, fine with me. I don't think that is what the policy is looking to enforce.

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I think the practice of saving deck chairs will go away after the 1st or 2nd day of the cruise and then once people know they enforce the policy you will see it less and less.

I just hope that once people start to stop doing the saving all together that Carnival does not stop the policing of the policy and have the cycle repeat itself.

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I really don't have a reason to say anything, since I'm rarely by the pool. But I think some people who have posted don't understand the concept of what a CHOG is. We're not talking about someone who legitimately has parked their hinny in a chair for the day, leaving for <40 minutes at a time for lunch, potty break, dip in the pool, etc.

We're speaking here primarily about the early-risers in a group of, say, 6 or more, tossing towels, books or what have you on a whole bank of prime-location chairs at 6am to save for themselves and for dear Aunt Gertrude & Uncle Rudolph who sleep until noon and may or may not want to lounge by the pool later, but "just in case...", and for little Ermingard and Horace who will more than likely spend maybe a minute now and again perched at the end of mom's lounger while taking a break from the water, never actually needing loungers of their own. etc.

Oh, and there's the group of 20-somethings who will probably never even go in the water and could work on that tan on an upper deck just as well, but feel the need to show off those new bikinis in the front row. Of course they're all going to want to sit together, just not right now....

Kick their butts out!

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All they have to do is station some staff out on the decks from 6:30 am or so and just let them at it! :) By 7:10 am all the chairs should be 'available' once again! (for the next round of chair hoggers? LOL :) )


I agree that after a couple of days like this hopefully people will get the message?

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I really don't have a reason to say anything, since I'm rarely by the pool. But I think some people who have posted don't understand the concept of what a CHOG is. We're not talking about someone who legitimately has parked their hinny in a chair for the day, leaving for <40 minutes at a time for lunch, potty break, dip in the pool, etc.

We're speaking here primarily about the early-risers in a group of, say, 6 or more, tossing towels, books or what have you on a whole bank of prime-location chairs at 6am to save for themselves and for dear Aunt Gertrude & Uncle Rudolph who sleep until noon and may or may not want to lounge by the pool later, but "just in case...", and for little Ermingard and Horace who will more than likely spend maybe a minute now and again perched at the end of mom's lounger while taking a break from the water, never actually needing loungers of their own. etc.

Oh, and there's the group of 20-somethings who will probably never even go in the water and could work on that tan on an upper deck just as well, but feel the need to show off those new bikinis in the front row. Of course they're all going to want to sit together, just not right now....

Kick their butts out!



You said it best, girl! Couldn't be a more better example of what a true CHOG is. After reading some of these posts, now I'm afraid to get up from my chair to pee for fear of someone moving, losing, or stealing my stuff and chair!

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HAL has tried this also. I hope it works. We were on NCL two weeks ago, we watched people every day saving chairs. The last day, 9 chairs in front of the pool had towels on them and NO ONE showed up all day. I do not like "chair hogs"!!!!

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You said it best, girl! Couldn't be a more better example of what a true CHOG is. After reading some of these posts, now I'm afraid to get up from my chair to pee for fear of someone moving, losing, or stealing my stuff and chair!



If it takes you more than 40 minutes to pee, you have more of a problem than being a chog, lol.:)

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