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CCL advance tipping policy is hogwash


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Perhaps you two "ladies" could take your cat fight to a more private venue? :rolleyes:


So now you want in on this, Pooh Bear??? :)


JK, of course.


Sorry for the spectacle.. I was discussing the topic of thread

until Ms. Righteous compared me to H82SeeU. Not gonna

take that.

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Bingo!;) This iteration is going back to sleep for now. Wake me up when things get slow on the forum again and we need to spice it up with a discussion on tipping:D


Yet another sock pocket of H8toseeyoutip confirmed.


I guess I am the only one that does not have him on ignore, who is the stupid one? Yep, this guy. Trolls love to be fed, and if ignored, they create new screenames, and if further ignored, they just go away. I should take my own advice sometime.

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Oh where to start with this one.


RE: "Social Decency"

We are not asking anyone how much they make or even discussing a single person. We are discussing a position in afroum set up for such discussions.


RE: Insulting

You did the pot calling the kettle black thing.. why attack me personally unless you want to get into it and get attention.


RE: Tacky

There are opinions and there are facts. You have the right to think I'm tacky say it here. It's not a fact... I am just trying to set a few things straight here.


RE: You were me a few year ago

I get it.. I am not cultured yet.. give me a few years and I will be as classy as you. Now THAT'S TACKY.


If you are what I have to look forward to in a few years, let's hope the Mayans were correct.


So you are not even willing to consider the validity of what I am saying? Okay... Maybe you just need some time...


As for my "pot calling the kettle black" reference... I should have been more clear... You had posted about the troll on the beach participating in this discussion without statistics... It was a bad reference but what I was trying to convey was that those who back up their views on weak or lack of tipping with numbers are just as bad as those who use those numbers to bolster their claims about why you should tip recommended or above...


For what it's worth, I'm equally disgusted by those who justify over-tipping with "but they make so little and it all goes back to their families who live in huts and have no indoor plumbing"...


I did not say you were not cultured... I was only pointing out that many posts ago, I also felt the need to vehemently defend the rights of tipped personnel on these boards... And then I was exposed to another perspective which changed my views... It was an invitation for you to do the same... As someone who has worked for tips, you have a unique ability to see this type of debate differently... And I might add, be above the pettiness that these threads inevitably become before the mods make them go poof!


Question is: Are you able to do that? Can you see the bigger picture? Or would you rather continue this debate over who personally is tackier?


Just so there's no mistake here... that bigger picture I'm talking about is that part where you and others go on ad nauseum about the exact dollar amounts that tipped personnel make in order to justify your personal views on tipping...


Think about it this way: You claim you worked on a cruise ship... and that when someone claimed to know what you make, you couldn't let it slide because the information was wrong... How does it make you feel to know that people you served are putting so much time and energy into calculating what you made and then, having the balls to use that information to determine what to tip or even whether to tip at all??? Makes you pretty mad right?


Seriously?!?! Do you really want to be lumped into that category of people??


Either way... whether that information is used to weaken a tip or strengthen a tip or tip the recommended amount... that is just not the caliber of people I want to be associated with...


I'm sorry if you are offended by my opinion that your contribution of a monthly income for tipped personnel onboard is tacky...


But if I asked you to divulge your income or your significant others or of your boss or anyone else whose income you may know... wouldn't you be a little put off? Wouldn't you think that was a bit... tacky of me to ask or even debate with you?


Be above it Amy...

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But if I asked you to divulge your income or your significant others or of your boss or anyone else whose income you may know... wouldn't you be a little put off? Wouldn't you think that was a bit... tacky of me to ask or even debate with you?


Be above it Amy...


I am a tad different, I am a school teacher and my wife is a Deputy Sheriff...what we make it a matter of public record, anyone can find out, and our salaries are published on the counties website. But that is neither here nor there, in most situations salary is private.


You made a very intelligent post, but I am not sure what your point is in the grade scheme of this topic. You dont like disucussions of salary? Cruise staff are over/under tipped?

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It was a bad reference but what I was trying to convey was that those who back up their views on weak or lack of tipping with numbers are just as bad as those who use those numbers to bolster their claims about why you should tip recommended or above...



I am NOT using the facts to say what people should tip (one way or the other).


What I was doing was showing that H82SeeU is talking out of his ass again and simply had his facts wrong. Doesn't matter if he was talking about someones wage or what classifies someone as a service worker.


Read back and see where I said.. they only get paid $X per hour so you should tip them more.


He posted they made $60 an hour - I just did math and pointed to some references were full of crap.


And yes, I would want someone to say something if someone was going to stiff me because they thought I got paid too much.


Consider the following scenerio:


Customer 1: Did you know Amy makes $60 an hour?


Customer 2: Wow. I used to leave a $5 tip, but $60 an hour??? That's more than I make.! I'm only gonna leave $2 now. That's more fair.


Customer 3: You idiots, she shares those tips with everyone! Average salary of a waitress is like 35k.. pony up cheapskates!


I would NOT think customer 3 was being tacky - Customers 1 &2 yes...customer 3 stepped in to correct a wrong.




Big difference then what you are presenting me to be.

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What I was doing was showing that H82SeeU is talking out of his ass again and simply had his facts wrong.


In related news, the sun is hot, water is wet, and sand is sandy.


The only thing we need to prove about h82seeyoutip is why we dont have him on ignore like the rest of these boards. I just cant do it, his moronicness is just too entertaining, even if I take the bait.

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In related news, the sun is hot, water is wet, and sand is sandy.


The only thing we need to prove about h82seeyoutip is why we dont have him on ignore like the rest of these boards. I just cant do it, his moronicness is just too entertaining, even if I take the bait.


If we ignore and don't respond, and no one challanges him a lot of people will take his BS as gospel: with a post count that high he MUST know what he is talking about right?


That's the ONLY reason I commented on this thread was to set the record straight - think of how many people may actually think bartenders on a cruise ship make $60 an hour.

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The tipping prior to the automatic on your sale & sign was good but left out many. Remember the last night, you could look around and maybe 25 % of the tables had passengers. Cheap bastards cound't look the servers in the face. Case closed. Just my opinion of course.



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Remember the last night, you could look around and maybe 25 % of the tables had passengers. Cheap bastards cound't look the servers in the face.




No , I'm sure it was one of the following:


- Too busy packing

- Wanted to see the early show

- Husband/wife/kid/travel mate wanted pizza instead

- Headache

- Didn't know they had dinner on the last night

- I was on a hot slot machine

- Took nap and didn't wake up in time

- Ate late lunch in port

- Had to try the fish and chips/mongolian wok/sushi/deli - didn't get a chance all week!

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No , I'm sure it was one of the following:


- Too busy packing

- Wanted to see the early show

- Husband/wife/kid/travel mate wanted pizza instead

- Headache

- Didn't know they had dinner on the last night

- I was on a hot slot machine

- Took nap and didn't wake up in time

- Ate late lunch in port

- Had to try the fish and chips/mongolian wok/sushi/deli - didn't get a chance all week!



Can't use that, as I've never been in a port on the last day.

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The tipping prior to the automatic on your sale & sign was good but left out many. Remember the last night, you could look around and maybe 25 % of the tables had passengers. Cheap bastards cound't look the servers in the face. Case closed. Just my opinion of course.



It's not just your opinion, and it is a fact.People can come up with all kinds of justifications not to tip. Some claim it is anti-biblical. Some blame the cruise ships. It comes down to some people just don't like to tip.

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It's not just your opinion, and it is a fact.People can come up with all kinds of justifications not to tip. Some claim it is anti-biblical. Some blame the cruise ships. It comes down to some people just don't like to tip.


Anti biblical? Wow, there is a new one!


Your post sums things up very nicely.

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If we ignore and don't respond, and no one challanges him a lot of people will take his BS as gospel: with a post count that high he MUST know what he is talking about right?


That's the ONLY reason I commented on this thread was to set the record straight - think of how many people may actually think bartenders on a cruise ship make $60 an hour.


You could be right, but I have a suspicion even h82seeyoutip doesnt believe the nonsense he spews: he is just a troll trying to get a rise out of everyone.

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You forgot all the roaming servers and the bartenders who work the slow bars... tips gets divided amongst everyone.



Just for fun, let's do it with your math:


$60 per hour x 10 hours per day (and that's being conservative) = $600 per day


Let's say they only work 180 days a year (again conservative) =

$600 x 180= $108,000 per year


Does that look right?


It's called mental illness.


And then there are just idiots.


i see you conpletely ignored my challenge exercise, want to add any possible nuance to the equation, and moved directly to name calling.


thanks for playing. the moderator in a debate would have asked you to sit down.


and that link? one size akways fits all right? mr google even says i should be making 60k less than i do. and completely ignores my annual bonus.

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i take it you never worked with figures or statistics.


here's an exercise for you. figure out how many drinks can be served in a minute. add some beers to that mix.


multiply by 60.


attach an average retail to that amount and multply.


take that figure and multiply by 15%.


enter answer on line 1.


Now time to blow holes of the real world into the vacum bubble of this kind of thinking.

Hole # 1- You assume that every min of every shift of every bartender. Has a line of people always waiting for drinks.

Hole #2- You assume that every drink results in a 15% tip. Opps did we forget Soda cards were after your 3rd of the day you are drinking for free.


Now you will say these are only 2 small holes. But as we all know 1 pin hole into a vacum bubble and it stops being a vacum due to in coming air.

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Now time to blow holes of the real world into the vacum bubble of this kind of thinking.

Hole # 1- You assume that every min of every shift of every bartender. Has a line of people always waiting for drinks.

Hole #2- You assume that every drink results in a 15% tip. Opps did we forget Soda cards were after your 3rd of the day you are drinking for free.


Now you will say these are only 2 small holes. But as we all know 1 pin hole into a vacum bubble and it stops being a vacum due to in coming air.


not at all. all exists in the world of projections and actuals, with margnins of error.


and really no different than those that try to estimate the windfall of the "vacum" using stewards, with guestimates of room counts, capacity, asst. hires, and the omnipresent overtippers. add the john deere penlights, chocolates and international phone cards, they might find themselves in a diifferent tax bracket.


refer to the hyperlink, and they all make the same range, eh?

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not at all. all exists in the world of projections and actuals, with margnins of error.


and really no different than those that try to estimate the windfall of the "vacum" using stewards, with guestimates of room counts, capacity, asst. hires, and the omnipresent overtippers. add the john deere penlights, chocolates and international phone cards, they might find themselves in a diifferent tax bracket.


refer to the hyperlink, and they all make the same range, eh?


It's great to have people like you around to offset the impact that those evil over tippers have on enriching the cabin stewards.


Chocolates and tax brackets? Are you just trying to give John Heald more material for his blog? You can't be for real.

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So you are not even willing to consider the validity of what I am saying? Okay... Maybe you just need some time...


As for my "pot calling the kettle black" reference... I should have been more clear... You had posted about the troll on the beach participating in this discussion without statistics... It was a bad reference but what I was trying to convey was that those who back up their views on weak or lack of tipping with numbers are just as bad as those who use those numbers to bolster their claims about why you should tip recommended or above...


For what it's worth, I'm equally disgusted by those who justify over-tipping with "but they make so little and it all goes back to their families who live in huts and have no indoor plumbing"...


I did not say you were not cultured... I was only pointing out that many posts ago, I also felt the need to vehemently defend the rights of tipped personnel on these boards... And then I was exposed to another perspective which changed my views... It was an invitation for you to do the same... As someone who has worked for tips, you have a unique ability to see this type of debate differently... And I might add, be above the pettiness that these threads inevitably become before the mods make them go poof!


Question is: Are you able to do that? Can you see the bigger picture? Or would you rather continue this debate over who personally is tackier?


Just so there's no mistake here... that bigger picture I'm talking about is that part where you and others go on ad nauseum about the exact dollar amounts that tipped personnel make in order to justify your personal views on tipping...


Think about it this way: You claim you worked on a cruise ship... and that when someone claimed to know what you make, you couldn't let it slide because the information was wrong... How does it make you feel to know that people you served are putting so much time and energy into calculating what you made and then, having the balls to use that information to determine what to tip or even whether to tip at all??? Makes you pretty mad right?


Seriously?!?! Do you really want to be lumped into that category of people??


Either way... whether that information is used to weaken a tip or strengthen a tip or tip the recommended amount... that is just not the caliber of people I want to be associated with...


I'm sorry if you are offended by my opinion that your contribution of a monthly income for tipped personnel onboard is tacky...


But if I asked you to divulge your income or your significant others or of your boss or anyone else whose income you may know... wouldn't you be a little put off? Wouldn't you think that was a bit... tacky of me to ask or even debate with you?


Be above it Amy...


do yourself a favor and dont waste your time typing :)


there are a select few that enjoy the debate on being cheap and we cannot change it.Cheap people thrive on these threads


Its a funny thing,so many people try to justify being cheap by saying they remove tips and tip "as they see fit" or "what they feel is a good tip".Some people want to hand their steward an envelope so they can get thanked so much and feel like they did so much for their family (most of the time(99%) that envelope does not have what is "suggested")


Now for the I cannot justify $2 per person per day people.If you cannot afford $56 for the family of 4 for the week.Why not go camping or something you can afford to do.Myself I cannot wait for the fuel supplement to kick in and really mess the cheap people up :)


being a bartender for 20 years I am still waiting for the $60 an hour proof from H8 so I can quit my great job and work on a cruise ship :)

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It's great to have people like you around to offset the impact that those evil over tippers have on enriching the cabin stewards.


Chocolates and tax brackets? Are you just trying to give John Heald more material for his blog? You can't be for real.


entertaining posts pay twice the normal rate.


do yourself a favor and dont waste your time typing :)


there are a select few that enjoy the debate on being cheap and we cannot change it.Cheap people thrive on these threads


Its a funny thing,so many people try to justify being cheap by saying they remove tips and tip "as they see fit" or "what they feel is a good tip".Some people


Now for the I cannot justify $2 per person per day people.If you cannot afford $56 for the family of 4 for the week.Why not go camping or something you can afford to do.Myself I cannot wait for the fuel supplement to kick in and really mess the cheap people up :)


being a bartender for 20 years I am still waiting for the $60 an hour proof from H8 so I can quit my great job and work on a cruise ship :)


who said they don't pay the $56? i plan on redirecting it to the guys assigned to me. maybe a 50/50 split. maybe proportionately. but it will certainly be to the people i want it to go to.


and come to the hamptons on the weekends. the bars are lined up just like the lido bars in the afternoon.

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