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5/23/12 1st time X/cruise, med. engagement, Paris; oh my! Solstice Med. Trip Report


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Post# 19: Solstice Extras


In this post I found more pictures I wanted to include and some information I jotted down in my journal. I will start the Paris portion after this post. I am sure you have figured out by now we got engaged in Paris, stay tuned! These are pictures I took from my dad’s iPhone. I forgot to mention he had the international package on his phone for emergencies and to check up on our dogs. Wow, how did I forget to add this? I had an interview while we were in Venice! Thank goodness we had his phone. Unfortunately, I did not get the job but I feel like every interview is a learning experience.



First up 2 of our Rome in Limo Drivers:




Sabrina from Florence:





Rafael from Naples, he is the one who sang to us:





Shots from Monaco:








View of Kotor from Solstice:





pizza in Positano:



VIDEO: Grand Prix of Monaco. The video is really blurry (taken from iPhone) but you can hear the cars racing at least. Anyone know how to make iPhone videos not blurry on YouTube?




Notes from my journal:


-The picture and location feature in the stateroom TV did not work the entire trip.


-Smokers never bothered us and seemed to stay in the smoking areas. When we did pass smoking areas there were only a handful of people there smoking.


-We really liked the burgers at the poolside café


-Room service was always hot and came quickly; we did not always get the phone call saying they were on the way. We tipped each time.


-We never had to wait long for tenders… except for a member of our party who delayed us an hour! (hmm wonder who that was)


-Don’t forget sunscreen! It is expensive on ship, ours ran out and we found out the hard way how much it will cost you.


I will now transition to the Paris portion of our trip. The Paris entries will be long so stay tuned...

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Wow Ashley!!! You so have to have your own blog on these kinds of things. I'll make sure DH reads this tonight just so he can see that it can be done!!! Can you suggest any sites for packing tips that you used for research? We leave on a Solstice cruise from Singapore to Sydney on November 23 so I'm starting to get really antsy about packing!:eek: I'm usually a "night before packer" but not this time.



Oh yes, it can be done! I just googled around, no particular site. These are some of the tips I remember: put socks (and other small things) in shoes, wrap belts around the perimeter of suitcase (instead of rolling up), packed underwear inside hat, wore bulkiest stuff on plane (wedges and jacket for me), side-note I even had a pair of knee-high boots packed :D, i put my heaviest stuff in carry on bags like I said above, I think I took a picture of my suitcase, I will keep looking to see if I did.


Also I started laying stuff out in the spare bedroom a month ahead of time. I would just move stuff to that room as I came across items and knew I did not need them between now and cruise. That way you have time to look and ponder at your items to see if you really need them. I was able to eliminate things this way instead of being rushed. I also took almost an entire day to plan outfits to see what pieces would get me the most use. I ended up trying to stick within color themes, although I kinda veered away from that ;) I will try to think of some more


It was a group effort for us. If someone had room in their bag and someone else was overweight we just moved items around... the airport shuffle. We did weigh our bags at home but our scale was off from the airport. I think also I was under weight because my stuff is smaller than Tyler's. Think about jeans, I am 5'3 and a size 2 he is 6'3 210 pounds. I could get away with more stuff packed :rolleyes:


One more thing, they do not weigh the garment bag, we had that thing stuffed!!!! They did not weight my back pack either, that was stuffed to. So pack heavy things in carry on. I will look for pics now



Beware if you fly with Alitalia because they do weigh your hand luggage and 8 kg is the limit. We had to move some things into our checked luggage.

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Wow, those are iphone pictures!!! They are so clear & awesome. If you don't mind what was the pricing for the international phone pkg? Both hubby & I have iphones and not sure what to do overseas next May. Did your father have internet? or just texting & phone calls? My carrier is AT&T. Thank you in advance for checking this with dad for me. Cannot wait for Paris....ahhh it's the city of love....now isn't it....:-)

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Think the blurry video might be a function of the iPhone? Although the pictures seem to be OK. Previous iPhones had crummy cameras.



Ok thanks. That's a bummer. They are so clear when you view the video on the phone.


Wow, those are iphone pictures!!! They are so clear & awesome. If you don't mind what was the pricing for the international phone pkg? Both hubby & I have iphones and not sure what to do overseas next May. Did your father have internet? or just texting & phone calls? My carrier is AT&T. Thank you in advance for checking this with dad for me. Cannot wait for Paris....ahhh it's the city of love....now isn't it....:-)


Sorry I must have wrote some confusing info- all the pictures are from a Sony camera except my most recent post. But if you were referring to those- yes they are very clear :) the iPhone impresses me with pictures! I wish the video would be just as clear :(


I just asked my dad, we have AT&T too, however he said the company paid for it so he does not know the price. We had international texting, calling, and Internet. Even if we did not have the company pay for it I am sure we would have at least added some kind of international packages for emergencies- and we did have an emergency at home while we were gone.


I am out of town and with no computer this weekend- just the 3G on my phone so I will have to start Paris next week :)

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you go to the 'cocktail party' in J'ville? Are you a Dawg or Gator or one that could care less..lol:) Looking forward to the remainder.


Yep, got back home (Atlanta) last night! Man, that was crazy! It really is as insane as people say :eek::D


My masters is from UF and I am working on my PhD at UGA so I wore a FL shirt and UGA hat but inside I was rooting for FL. Tough, tough loss :(


I am hoping to get some posted tonight.

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Just returned to San Francisco last night after staying several nights in Barcelona after our October 14 (last of the season) Solstice cruise on the same itinerary. We had cruised on the Equinox, so were familiar with the Solstice, her sister ship. I had read your posts before we left and finished reading the thread a few minutes ago, in a severely jet-lagged state. Loving every minute of your posts and can't wait to read the about the rest of your trip.


By the way, we did find the Buza bar, but didn't know about the stairs down to the Adriatic. For those asking for directions, it's impossible to direct you. Here are a few hints: As you enter the gate to Dubrovnik, go all the way to the clock tower. The bar is up high on the right hand side. Start asking servers in the little eateries in the area. Near the top, I stepped into a small shop which doubled as the kitchen of the living space, and the two women there were happy to finalize the directions. At Buza, be sure to visit the restroom :D



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By the way, we did find the Buza bar, but didn't know about the stairs down to the Adriatic. For those asking for directions, it's impossible to direct you.




Hi Ashley, we got back from 'your' cruise on the Solstice last Friday, and had a terrific time! Unfortunately I caught the 'flu and have been in bed for most of the week with shares in Kleenex :(


We found the Buza Bar - it was AMAZING! And we think we can give directions.......


From the Pile Gate entrance, walk all the way to the end of the Stradun (main street) and bear right at the end, then take the first lane on the right, opposite the museum, which leads to a small market square. The day we were there they had a small handicrafts and produce market, but only til around 1pm.


On the far side of the market square is a wide and steep stair case (look left and it's in the far right corner) Climb to the top of the stairs and walk left across the square, aiming for the stairs to the right of the open air restaurant - you should now see a wall sign ahead of you promising a bar with the best views ever - and they're not wrong!!!


climb the stairs and follow the street, and Buza Bar is a few hundred yards on your left, through a stone doorway cut in the wall. there is a steep stairway down to the bar, be very careful as a lady fell when we were there.


We loved this place so much we stayed for quite a while, despite the strange mix of music (Silent Night, the theme from the Godfather, the theme from How the West was won, then some Dean Martin :p)


the views are spectacular, but make sure you use a restroom before you visit - the bamboo screens hide a spectacularly awful chemical toilet :eek:


hope this helps people find the bar - enjoy :D


Ashley, looking forward to more posts, and maybe will get around to doing my own some time soon lol


Deb x

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Ashley--leaving early on Sunday to arrive on Monday in Rome for the Equinox. Hope you have the time to get this finished -- or at least to the Paris (my favorite city) engagement.


Oh, well. If not, I will have something to look forward to, other than jet lag, on my return.


I have really enjoyed your review/blog. Great job.



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Ashley--leaving early on Sunday to arrive on Monday in Rome for the Equinox. Hope you have the time to get this finished -- or at least to the Paris (my favorite city) engagement.


Oh, well. If not, I will have something to look forward to, other than jet lag, on my return.


I have really enjoyed your review/blog. Great job.




Lucky you, Patricia! Hope you read my trip report for tips! We LOVED the Equinox!

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Lucky you, Patricia! Hope you read my trip report for tips! We LOVED the Equinox!


Yes, loved your review of the Equinox. Impressed how well your son and daughter got along too! We are looking forward to cooler temps:)--but may have some rain--:(


Thank you for all the time you spent putting it together.

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Yes, loved your review of the Equinox. Impressed how well your son and daughter got along too! We are looking forward to cooler temps:)--but may have some rain--:(


Thank you for all the time you spent putting it together.


Thanks for your compliments of our children, Patricia. We all had so much fun that we are now going on a short 4 night Connie cruise right before Christmas so we are sure to have more family time together once David is home from Bucknell. And Kate said to me this morning, "Mom, I am soo excited for our cruise!" Makes it easier to take them when they appreciate it so much :)

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Post# 20: Au Revoir Solstice, Bonjour Pairs! (post 1 of 3)


06/04/2012, Monday, Paris Day 1


Before I jump into this portion of the trip report I need to give some warnings! I spent days and days and days planning the Paris portion of our trip. I had every minute planned to maximize our time. Therefore there will be A LOT of pictures because every hour was jam packed. You should see the itinerary I made in Word. I also had 2 excel sheets going. To be honest, you cannot just wing it in Paris- you need to plan.


I used a website called Not For Tourists that allowed me to put in address points of things we wanted to see and it placed all points on a map. I printed the map out in areas and planned our days accordingly to what was kinda near each other to not waste time zig-zagging all over town. My dad also has a coworker who lived in Paris for years and he oversaw our plans and gave suggestions. He too had a huge binder for planning that we were able to borrow. I had about 12 bakery or pastry shops I wanted to visit, we only made it to about 3 of them, bummer, but hey I will just have to visit them the next time we go!


Here is the link for my Paris map I made, hope it works from Not For Tourists. It includes attractions, food, and shops I personally wanted to see.




Paris is very special to me. I took 3.5 years of French and patiently waited for May 2004 when I had the opportunity to go. I went to Paris in 2004 and remembered how enchanting Paris is and how much there is to see and do, and how large the city is. I was unbelievably excited to show my family “my” city. In my 2004 journal I wrote “I hope to bring my family and Tyler back to this beautiful city one day, this place is amazing.” Well dreams do come true. I never thought my family would get to see my favorite city in the world together! In 2004 when I saw the Eiffel Tower for the first time I shed a few tears. My teacher then did a great job surprising us with the tower, and making it a ‘moment’ stamped into our internal photobooks. He did not tell us we were going to see it when we left the hotel; I wanted to do the same for my family, a surprise they would never forget- everyone seeing the Eiffel Tower at once together, most for the first time. An image we will never forget!


Will I be able to pull this surprise off? Keep reading!


Note: TIP! A BIG tip, buy the Paris Museum Pass. We bought the 4 day pass at the airport near baggage claim. This gave us unlimited access to EVERYTHING except the Eiffel Tower (even included Versailles). This pass also allows you to get in quickly as you do not have to wait in the ticket line; you go straight to the entry line. This was very valuable, especially at the Louvre and Versailles. I added up the costs if we would have paid for everything one entry at a time and the pass was much cheaper. You can buy a 2, 4, or 6 day pass.


Alright lets get going…


Armed with about 12 different maps, addresses bookmarked in iPhone, and the metro map engraved in my head, we were ready to go! I was not going to waste anytime getting lost!



Lets go! …



Solstice: I begrudgingly got up around 6:30-7ish and took one more gaze around the room that had become home to us. There was a little motion this morning; we could hear the empty coat hangers sliding around in the closet. How fitting considering the only other time we felt movement was the first night. We had one last breakfast at the buffet, a quiet one. You could feel the sadness in the normally bustling buffet. Even though we had Paris ahead I was still very sad to be leaving the Solstice. So many dreams came true in the past 12 days.


We met with the rest of the family and made our way to the gangplank. No one knows this in my family but I was crying under my “Parisian” sunglasses as we walked away from the Solstice on the gangplank- myself leading the way. I thought getting myself into “Paris” mode would help with the sadness; not really. Once we reached the end when it was time for me to turn around for “Gino Time” (the time when I give directions or explain what is next- this case luggage then cabs to the airport) I pulled myself together and went into guide mode. We were off the ship by 8 FYI.


The taxi to the airport from the port was 30 euros.


BCN Airport: I am writing this entry from the airport waiting for our flight to Paris. The sadness is going away now, now that Paris is at my fingertips. We are flying Air France to Paris, they were awesome at the check-in counter. They did not care about weight or that we had an extra bag (we planned on all flights after cruise having 1 extra bag). We also all got upgraded to first class! WOOHOO! Too bad we got the upgrade on our shortest flight, but hey, I will take it! The airport is very hot and none of the ATM’s are working, NONE. Security was a nightmare and gave my dad a hard time about his medications, but we made it through eventually. The fight was pretty smooth and we got a meal since we were in first class.












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Post# 20: Au Revoir Solstice, Bonjour Pairs! (post 2 of 3)


Paris:!! Voila!! Ahhh, Pair-E! How I love you! We are not even off the plane and I am grinning from ear to ear. Sadness is long gone now. We quickly got our luggage and bought our Paris Museum Pass right there near the luggage area and went out to grab some cabs!






I had been practicing my French for months now preparing for the interactions with taxi drivers. Well, turns out unlike Barcelona, the Parisian taxi drivers speak English very well. No need for my Je suis excite or pouvez-vous m'amener là-bas? I had it all planned out for the hotel too! Since we were at a Marriott, well they spoke English too. The taxi ride from the airport to our hotel (Marriott Champs-Elysees) was 51 Euros and took 45 minutes.






The hotel is magnificent! The Marriott Champs Elysees is the only hotel on Avenue des Champs Elysees. Tucked in between the shops you will find the hotel with its very Parisian-Metro style entrance. You are greeted by a grand staircase (or escalator) which brings you up the lobby. The lobby features a beautiful glass dome. This hotel is not cheap you are definitely paying big bucks for the location! (for example, a small milkshake is 20 Euros) I want to soak up this location for everything its got because I know I will not be able to stay here again (well never say never, right!). Also big-bucks does not always mean a view! We had two rooms, one had a view of the lobby! The other had a much nicer view; my parents got that room. But hey, I will take this room with a lobby any day!!








Not the Barcelona Arts, but still large and very nice for Parisian standards (and mine too!)! Somewhere I have pictures of the giant bathroom that had a separate tub and shower.



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Post# 20: Au Revoir Solstice, Bonjour Pairs! (post 3 of 3)


The staff here is very personable and friendly. I quickly made friends with half the people working there; picking their brains for tips they gladly hand out. I also secretly conferred with a nice man to see if my game plane for surprising my family made sense (right metro lines/stops etc.). He gave me the green light! We are near the FDR metro stop. However we enjoyed being able to walk to many locations as out hotel was so central. As I have stated before, I really like walking in pretty places, so I am again going to take advantage of our location. Off track a little but want to add this now I guess. When we got home we calculated on a map how far we walked in a day. At least 10 miles a day we walked, some days up to 15! No wonder I lost over 10 pounds in Paris!





As I stated above, I had a huge surprise for my family once we arrived! I made it very clear there was no time for naps, we were dropping off luggage and hitting the streets of Paris pronto. I had planned for us to go see the Eiffel Tower first, I did not tell them we were going to do this. We took the metro line 9 to the Trocadero stop (we bought a carnet- 10 pack of tickets that is also good for trains and bus).






The best place (IMO) to first see the tower is at Trocadero. Once you exit this stop you come out of the ground, turn a corner, and BAM! There she is! The tower just jumps out of nowhere as soon as you turn that corner… this is the exact moment I cried in 2004... and again in 2012. Since my parents knew to ask no question and just follow my lead in Paris I was hoping they would not notice the Eiffel Tower signs.


Success! THERE SHE IS! Everyone was blown away at how big the tower is. Ahh I have goose bumps now, take me back please! Despite the dismal weather, we were grinning from ear to ear. It was very cold and cloudy, FYI. However I was able to pull off the surprise!



















(we didn’t get a family group shot in front of the tower. I am so sad by this! We were so excited I guess we didn’t think about it, booo, I am really sad over this)


I am going to stop here, and pick up with trying the first item on my “must eat” list right here at Trocadero! The croque monsieur! Will it be everything I imagined? AND hmm no proposal yet...

Edited by CruisingGatorGirl
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Those that are interested, I copy/paste my Not For Tourists lists. We did other things that are not on this list and did not make it to everything on this list. It is in no order but list the address.


Arc de triomphe Place Charles-de-Gaulle | 01 55 37 73 77

Bateaux-Mouches Pont de l'Alma | 01 42 25 96 10 Best company for river tour, do at sunset

Boulangerie Julien Villa Saint-Honoré |

Boulangerie Secco Rue Jean-Nicot | for pain au chocolat

Catacombes 1 Place Denfert-Rochereau | 01 43 22 47 63

Cathédrale Notre-Dame Place du Parvis-Notre-Dame | 01 42 34 56 10

Fauchon 24 Place de la Madeleine | 01 70 39 38 00 chocolate

Galeries Lafayette 40 Boulevard Haussmann | 01 42 82 34 56

Gerard Mulot 76 Rue de Seine | good for picnic food and crocque monsieur

Jardin du Luxembourg 15 rue vaugirard | 01 42 34 20 00

Laudree Avenue des Champs Élysées | There are 3 locations on CHamps

Le Relais de l'Entrecote 15 Rue Marbeuf | best steak-frites in town

Longchamp 404 Rue Saint-Honoré | way cheaper than in the US

Louis Vuitton 101 Avenue des Champs Elysées | 01 53 57 52 00

Maison de Gyros 26 Rue de la Huchette |

Maison de Gyros 26 Rue de la Huchette |

Musée d'Orsay 1 Rue de la Légion d'Honneur | 01 40 49 48 14

Musée du Louvre 34 Rue du Louvre | 01 40 20 50 50

Opéra Garnier Place de l'Opéra | 08 92 89 90 90

Pantheon 82 Place du Panthéon |

Paris Marriott Champs-Elysees Avenue des Champs Élysées |

Place de la Concorde 31 Avenue des Champs Élysées |

Place du Trocadéro Place du Trocadéro et du 11 Novembre | best place to view tower, surprise for family. line 6 or 9, get off at trocadero

Poilâne 8 Rue du Cherche Midi | 01 45 48 42 59 bread

Pont des Arts Pont des Arts | lovers bridge

Tour Eiffel 5 Avenue Anatole France | 01 44 11 23 23

Vavin Boulanger 3 Rue Vavin |

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Here's my food list:



· Laudree Avenue des Champs Élysées, need I say more? Macaron Harmonie, Religieuse Rose, La Fraise Laduree, Tarte Tatin (warning: it’s super heavy and super sweet), Cupcake Fraise-Rhubarbe


· Boulangerie Julien 75 Rue Saint-Honoré, pain au chocolat


· Boulangerie Secco Rue Jean-Nicot pain au chocolat & baguettes are award winning


· Fauchon 24 Place de la Madeleine, pricy but worth it, éclairs! Canelé


· Vavin Boulanger 3 Rue Vavin viennoises are brimming with chocolate Top of Form

·Bottom of Form


· Jacques Genin, 133 Rue de Turenne, 75003 Paris 11am-7pm Tuesday-Saturday, Éclair au Chocolat,


· Pierre Hermé, 72 Rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris Tarte Infiniment Vanille, Tarte au Chocolat Porcelana, Croissant Ispahan, Croissant au Beurre




· Gerard Mulot 76 Rue de Seine good for picnic food and croque monsieur


· Le Relais de l'Entrecote 15 Rue Marbeuf, steak frits


· Maison de Gyros 26 Rue de la Huchette An “Extra Pita Grecque,” for 4.50 euros, is the best fast food around


· Poilâne 8 Rue du Cherche Midi, bread

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Love, love, love, your whole review. Can't wait for the proposal, and what better place than in Paris. Don't you just LOVE Paris!!!! YES!!! As much as we've walked there, I could never lose 10lbs- only in my dreams- We just eat TOO MUCH there! (and drink)


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Please, please, please go on another trip! I don't care what kind....cruise, land vacation, all inclusive, I don't care. I just want to keep reading your reviews! I am addicted to your narrative style.:D:D


Did you make it into Louis Vuitton? I collect LV purses and small bits. I try to buy a purse in every major city I visit if there is a LV store. Next stop for me is Singapore in 11 days. The Louis Vuitton store there is on it's own island!!!:):)



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By the way, we did find the Buza bar, but didn't know about the stairs down to the Adriatic. For those asking for directions, it's impossible to direct you. Here are a few hints: As you enter the gate to Dubrovnik, go all the way to the clock tower. The bar is up high on the right hand side. Start asking servers in the little eateries in the area. Near the top, I stepped into a small shop which doubled as the kitchen of the living space, and the two women there were happy to finalize the directions. At Buza, be sure to visit the restroom






How was the weather in October? I would be interested in doing that in the future. How were the waves? And I agree with your tips for finding Buza Bar! Best to ask someone to direct you


I did not visit the bathroom! Now I have a mission for next time


Hi Ashley, we got back from 'your' cruise on the Solstice last Friday, and had a terrific time! Unfortunately I caught the 'flu and have been in bed for most of the week with shares in Kleenex


We found the Buza Bar - it was AMAZING! And we think we can give directions.......


From the Pile Gate entrance, walk all the way to the end of the Stradun (main street) and bear right at the end, then take the first lane on the right, opposite the museum, which leads to a small market square. The day we were there they had a small handicrafts and produce market, but only til around 1pm.


On the far side of the market square is a wide and steep stair case (look left and it's in the far right corner) Climb to the top of the stairs and walk left across the square, aiming for the stairs to the right of the open air restaurant - you should now see a wall sign ahead of you promising a bar with the best views ever - and they're not wrong!!!


climb the stairs and follow the street, and Buza Bar is a few hundred yards on your left, through a stone doorway cut in the wall. there is a steep stairway down to the bar, be very careful as a lady fell when we were there.


We loved this place so much we stayed for quite a while, despite the strange mix of music (Silent Night, the theme from the Godfather, the theme from How the West was won, then some Dean Martin :p)


the views are spectacular, but make sure you use a restroom before you visit - the bamboo screens hide a spectacularly awful chemical toilet :eek:


hope this helps people find the bar - enjoy :D


Ashley, looking forward to more posts, and maybe will get around to doing my own some time soon lol


Deb x




Oh no I am sorry you got sick :(


Thanks for posting directions! Would love to see your report, you should write on :D



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Ashley--leaving early on Sunday to arrive on Monday in Rome for the Equinox. Hope you have the time to get this finished -- or at least to the Paris (my favorite city) engagement.


Oh, well. If not, I will have something to look forward to, other than jet lag, on my return.


I have really enjoyed your review/blog. Great job.






Sorry :( you probably already left by now. Hopefully this will be all done when you get back! Thank you for the nice comments hope you have a fabulous trip! Can't wait to hear about it.


Love, love, love, your whole review. Can't wait for the proposal, and what better place than in Paris. Don't you just LOVE Paris!!!! YES!!! As much as we've walked there, I could never lose 10lbs- only in my dreams- We just eat TOO MUCH there! (and drink)



Oh, yes, I do LOVE Paris haha :D I have no idea how I lost so much weight it was crazy. I ate a ton too, wait until you see what I had for breakfast :eek: I keep saying I am going to move to Paris because I can eat all the carbs I want ans lose weight ;) And I am not exaggerating, I lost at least 10 pounds somehow. Hey, i'll take it ;)

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Please, please, please go on another trip! I don't care what kind....cruise, land vacation, all inclusive, I don't care. I just want to keep reading your reviews! I am addicted to your narrative style.:D:D


Did you make it into Louis Vuitton? I collect LV purses and small bits. I try to buy a purse in every major city I visit if there is a LV store. Next stop for me is Singapore in 11 days. The Louis Vuitton store there is on it's own island!!!:):)






Wow, well thank you :D We are hoping and praying to be able to go on an X cruise for our honeymoon. We would like to do the Greek Isles one this time. I am thinking of starting a blog if I ever get the time :D


I did not make it to Louis Vuitton on this trip (I did in 2004). There was a huge line out the door and I was not up for wasting time when I knew I might not buy anything. On this trip there were A LOT of Asians in Paris (and all over Europe) and they were buying up everything in all the shops. Especially LV and Longchamp. I did make it to the Longchamp flagship store. That will be in a post. I decided I am going to start collecting watches on my trips, that will be in a post too. Please share pics from the Singapore LV, that sounds nuts!!!



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