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Questions for Travel Scoot owners.


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Owners of the Travel Scoot. Please talk me into or out of buying a Travel Scoot. I’m looking for information, both pro and con. My DW doesn’t think it looks very comfortable and we are both not sure it’s worth the cost if I didn’t use it very much because of it's small size. I do have a GoGo Elite which is getting harder to get out of the back of our Subaru Forest. The battery alone is as heavy as the whole Travel Scoot. I have been using it a lot more often lately. I also have been thinking about taking it next year for the first time on my next cruise because my legs are getting much worst when it comes to standing, walking and real painful trying to stand. I’m just very leery of letting the airlines handle it. Any and all information you can share will be very helpful.


Thanks in advance.



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The Travelscoot is an excellent option for many people. Personally it was not an option for me for the following reasons.


  • Need a flat footbed as found on the Go Go. The travelscoot has 2 bar footrests that due to MS my feet could easily slip off . Also due to the angle of the foot bars my legs would get easily fatigued thus further increase the chances of my feet slipping off the footrests
  • There is no reverse gear. To go in reverse you have to use your own foot power which most refer to as "Flintstone Power"


Before you decide to purchase a Travelscoot I would check with the manufacturer if there is someone in your area that would be willing to let you test drive theirs. If not you can rent a travelscoot at http://www.scootanywhere.com/?gclid=CMHHjeei2bICFcU-Mgod9nIAGw

Edited by xxoocruiser
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I have had my Travelscoot since June after trying one on a cruise that a fellow passenger offered me to try. If you contact Travelscoot they will see if there is anyone near you that you can give it a try.


I could go on and on about how much I love mine but I am still in the honeymoon stage and hope I will always feel this way. It has opened up my life to going places I had stop going but you already have a GoGo so you know all about that.


Have you looked at this site: http://mytravelscoot.blogspot.com/

There are so many comments and pictures to look at and see how others use theirs.


I have back problems that cause problems in both legs to the point of not being able to stand long periods or walk very far. I do not have a problem backing up my Travelscoot with my feet and when you do that it isn't for a long period of time. That little scooter will turn around so easily and sharply as long as you don't do it fast and are paying attention. No I have not tipped it over.


I have a Honda CRV and it fits in the back just great. It isn't hard to lift in and out with the battery off and I just sit on the back of the CRV and put it all together. I have yet to run the battery down even after 5 hours at the fair it didn't indicate it was getting low.


Good luck with whatever you choose.

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Kevin, the Travelscoot works very well for me. I can walk but it is getting harder and harder to walk any distance and I can not stand in line for more than a couple minutes. I LOVE the TS for its light weight portability. I have a Prius V wagon and it fits nicely in the back without folding it up and it is light enough that even with shoulder problems I can lift it in and out myself. If I had to describe how it rides it would be like riding a big tricycle. I have no issued with the comfort of the rid. But it is not something I would just “sit” on for any long length of time. When I get where I am going I transfer to a chair. It does not have a reverse gear but it is not an issue for me….it has a very tight turning radius and I can also back up “Flintstone” style by just pushing backwards with my feet. If you haven’t ready, check out Elizabeth Fisher’s blog as recommeded by cotatica above. She has a lot of great information on her site. I’ve had mine since July 09 and I have taken it on 10 cruises, to wine festivals, shopping at work. It was a hard decision buying it sight unseen but I do not regret my purchase at all. There are a number of us on the “other” board that use TS.




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I Wanted to add that a few users like to store the TS in a golf bag for airline storage. I do not. I just drop down the handle bars, cover with some bubble wrap and then put the red protector pouch that comes with the battery bag over the whole handle unit as demonstrated on the TS website. I do take the battery off and carry it onboard in the bag. I have flown 12 flights with it so far both domestic and international.

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I've had my travelscoot for 4 or 5 years now and I love it. I also have a (huge) rascal scooter that I use only in my neighborhood as it is so hard to transport. I have taken my scoot on lots of plane trips domestically and overseas. The scoot has been ridden "hard" over cobbles in Europe and gravel trails at home. It has withstood the hard use quite well. I bought a golf bag and put it in that and check it through if I have to make tight connections as I prefer to let the airlines worry about getting me to the next gate. Other times I ride it to the gate. The batteries always go with me into the plane regardless if the scoot is checked or not. In five years I have replaced ONE belt. That is all. It is much sturdier than it looks. My only problem was seat comfort. It was not comfortable until we had padding added and the vinyl cover of the seat removed and replaced with sunbrella fabric.

I agree with everyone else who suggested a test drive. I have done that with several people and for most it would be a good choice. However it is definitely not the scooter for everyone. It fits in the back of both our cars (Highlander and Prius V) without being taken apart. I have post-polio and still have enough upper body strength to lift it into and out of the cars. As my walking and balance have become more compromised it has become a big part of my mobility. I would not be traveling or shopping or whatever without it.

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My husband got the GoGo Pride Elite traveler and we had the same problem, too heavy to transport....


Now we bought the Lexis Leight by Tzora and we love it. It folds to make it easily portable and it only weighs 54 pounds yet it handles like a much heavier scooter.


The best part is that is backs up also, which the travelscoot does not! It says that it fits into ALMOST any car, which means any mid-size car with a trunk opening over 17 1/2 inches wide.



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My husband got the GoGo Pride Elite traveler and we had the same problem, too heavy to transport....


Now we bought the Lexis Leight by Tzora and we love it. It folds to make it easily portable and it only weighs 54 pounds yet it handles like a much heavier scooter.


The best part is that is backs up also, which the travelscoot does not! It says that it fits into ALMOST any car, which means any mid-size car with a trunk opening over 17 1/2 inches wide.




I also have the Tzora but I use that at work and keep it in the office....I work if a very large office building and it is difficult for me to get from one end of the building to the other. The Tzora is very portable for my husband to handle but I can handle the Travelscoot myself. With the Tzora I would have to take the battery and the tiller unit off to be able to lift it in and out of my Prius V. The flat floor on the Tzora is a plus. A minus is that is is not as maneuverable as the Travelscoot in tight places.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just got back from a 15 day Panama canal cruise, two air flights. I rode it to the plane door and they took it down to the part of the plane that holds baby strolllers. It came back just fine all I had to do was start it up and drive away. It handled nicely on the ship and crew took it down sharp inclines. They were so grateful that it wasn't any of the heavier ones. We did not go on any long excursions but visited each port and was able to go to flea markets and port shops easily.


We had the seat refinished with memory foam and sunbrella fabric. I do wish the foot rest was aflat surface. It would help greatly. It can get wet and be wiped off (bathing suit). If you can handle no reverse, It is a dream.


First time in years I can go to the mall or large store alone because I can lift it out of my van myself. However, it is rare that someone doesn't offer to help and I take the help.

Mine is 3 months old and I would do it again. it was worth the money to regain my freedom.


Hope this helps.

Edited by EileenN
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2 of us got our travelscoots the beginning of the year after seeing one on the cruise we were on. We ordered the basket, extra belt and have the travel bags. My friend has not put her basket on and doesn't feel she needs it. I put mine on the front and decided it was to much trouble having it there. It is a little trouble putting the clips on to hold it in place and with my hands it was not easy. But I have found I don't need the basket, at least at this time. I take a cloth bag like you can buy at stores for reuse. I just have it in the bottom on the red carrier that goes on the bottom with velcro like a shelf. When I am shopping I put the bag on the front handles and add things as I go. The "red shelf" holds lots more than it looks like it can and then it also hold big items like it would hold a carry on suitcase. I do not regret getting the basket because I know I will need it at some point but right now I am doing fine without it. I guess when I think about it the basket is in the way when loading it into the back of my Honda CRV and I don't need it to be a problem. I have no problem getting my travelscoot in and out of my car and just take off or add the battery depending which way it is going. I LOVE MY TRAVELSCOOT! IT HAS GIVEN ME MY LIFE BACK!!! Yes I am screaming it from the roof top! Marla

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I bought the basket and it is on the back of my scooter. I just got it about 2 months ago after having the scoot for 4 or 5 years. My husband loves the basket because he puts all of his stuff in there. If it was just me I would probably not have bothered. I would buy an extra belt and was certainly glad to have one with me when the original broke as I would have been traveling with a sit and push. I also purchased an extra battery. If the first one runs down (only happened once or twice) I have a second one so I can keep going. I plug in the one I used the most once I am in my room and then use the other one the next day so they both get used about equally. I get 8+ miles from each charge. A little more for flat terrain and a little less if it is very hilly. I also travel with a bike chain/lock so I can keep it from being taken if I am going swimming or such.

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Katisdale, I look up to you with all your experience with our wonderful travelscoot. You mentioned the lock and I just bought one that was suggested, pacsafe anti-theft retractable cable lock. I haven't read the instructions yet, got to get the magnifying glass out! How do you lock your up? I have tried to figure out in my mind what to do. I am taking my TS on my next cruise and it is the 48 day South America, LA to NY. I am just worried about even leaving it locked up at times. Any suggestions will be appreciated. Do you ever just fold it up and take it inside with you and have the clerk/whoever watch it? Looking forward to your answers, Marla

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I go to a nice restaurant in the Las Vegas Casinos about once a month. I use a Travelscoot, and a good thing, too, cause the distances are huge. I generally ask the hostess what I can do with it while I eat. Sometimes there is a stray corner right near the table that I can put it...actually this happens fairly often. Otherwise generally they put it in their office and bring it back to me or in a check room. It has never been a problem.



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Just returned from a 7-day Coastal Cruise and DH used the Travel Scoot for the first time cruising. Thought we would report back how well it worked for him. The hotel we stayed at in San Pedro shuttled us to the Cruise Terminal. Since DH can walk short distances, we folded the Travel Scoot up into the canvas bag it came with and let them pack it with our luggage. Once at the cruise terminal, we reassembled it (just in minutes) so DH could ride it into the terminal after the luggage was taken by the porters. DH is also on oxygen, so it was necessary to carry his concentrators on the scooter. It worked great. We got to our room, unloaded the extra concentrator and my carryon and went to lunch!!


We also purchased a basket and put it on the front. We only attached one "strap" and it seemed to hold on pretty well. We did not have a HC room, so we needed to tilt the scooter sideways a little to get it in the room. We also removed the seat when we did this. The scooter fit nicely on the floor of the closet in our standard size balcony room on Princess.


We were particularly pleased that we could "TENDER" off the ship in two ports (Catalina Island & Santa Barbara). DH could walk on to the tender and the crew just lifted the 35 lb scooter onto the tender. The crew was great.


We were very pleased with the use of both the scooter and oxygen concentrators (Sequal & Inogen), which we brought on ourselves. Hope some of this information helps. We have learned so much from these boards and are so happy we are still able to cruise.

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Hello Cotatica,

I just put the bike lock cable through/around the tiller a couple of times and secure it to a tree or a fence or whatever is around. I haven't had a problem with it in restaurants or shops. Either there is a place to put it or a check room. The staff always seem to have a place to put it, especially in restaurants. Some shops that are very small I just stay in one place and ask the clerk to bring me whatever I wish to see although I don't do that much anymore as I always feel obligated to buy if they help me that much, but that is just me. I am not much of a shopper and didn't like shopping when I was able-bodied.

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Hello Cotatica,

I just put the bike lock cable through/around the tiller a couple of times and secure it to a tree or a fence or whatever is around.


I secure mine a bit differently. Since I have the retractable cable lock and the wire isn't very thick I thread it through one of the crutch/cane holders and then secure it around a tree or post, whatever.

Edited by nieciez
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Just returned from a 7-day Coastal Cruise and DH used the Travel Scoot for the first time cruising. Thought we would report back how well it worked for him. The hotel we stayed at in San Pedro shuttled us to the Cruise Terminal. Since DH can walk short distances, we folded the Travel Scoot up into the canvas bag it came with and let them pack it with our luggage. Once at the cruise terminal, we reassembled it (just in minutes) so DH could ride it into the terminal after the luggage was taken by the porters. DH is also on oxygen, so it was necessary to carry his concentrators on the scooter. It worked great. We got to our room, unloaded the extra concentrator and my carryon and went to lunch!!


We also purchased a basket and put it on the front. We only attached one "strap" and it seemed to hold on pretty well. We did not have a HC room, so we needed to tilt the scooter sideways a little to get it in the room. We also removed the seat when we did this. The scooter fit nicely on the floor of the closet in our standard size balcony room on Princess.


We were particularly pleased that we could "TENDER" off the ship in two ports (Catalina Island & Santa Barbara). DH could walk on to the tender and the crew just lifted the 35 lb scooter onto the tender. The crew was great.


We were very pleased with the use of both the scooter and oxygen concentrators (Sequal & Inogen), which we brought on ourselves. Hope some of this information helps. We have learned so much from these boards and are so happy we are still able to cruise.


Thanks Sailaway5 for the update on the cruise! Sounds like you both had a great time! Awesome to hear that as well as the tendering process.


I just sent your update to my DH via e-mail so he'll have R/T report on a POC user with a Travel Scoot.


As of right now, DH is doing really well, but I'm pushing him to get a rollator that can double as a transport chair if he doesn't want to go for the Travel Scoot. (I told him it's for peace of mind for me more than for him).


Happy Cruising!

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Our first TravelScoot has arrived.

It has been put together and tested.

Will order a second one plus two chains and one extra battery when they are back in the office.


Will also order:

the original (can be easily cut to any shape)

1.25” of ultra-plush supportive and pressure relieving WonderGel. Its low profile makes it perfect for car travel, turning your drive from awful to amazing. Also great for your office chair, home furniture, and anywhere else that could use that extra comfort! From




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Thanks Sailaway5 for the update on the cruise! Sounds like you both had a great time! Awesome to hear that as well as the tendering process.


I just sent your update to my DH via e-mail so he'll have R/T report on a POC user with a Travel Scoot.


As of right now, DH is doing really well, but I'm pushing him to get a rollator that can double as a transport chair if he doesn't want to go for the Travel Scoot. (I told him it's for peace of mind for me more than for him).


Happy Cruising!


Good luck on whatever you decide to purchase. Just an FYI, DH was able to walk to dinner on the ship rolling his small Inogen (also has wheels -- or can be a backpack). He preferred to pull it when he was "dressed" up and now favors that way for short distances. It fits nicely on the Travel Scoot when he needs to go further distances, so he doesn't run out of breadth. I think you mentioned he was on oxygen too?



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  • 2 weeks later...
Thanks for all the good info. I have an evergo, where do you put it on the Travel Scoot, basket or? Does Travel Scoot have weight limit?


Yes the TravelScoot has a weight, bu many people who are above the limit use them all the time.


The real concern is center of gravity, IMHO.


Will it fit in the bottom?



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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Good Evening Travelscoot Fans ,

I guess I will address this to "Katisdale" since you folks have had your Travelscoot about the longest of any of us :-) But everyone else jump in too with your experiences with flying with your Scoot !


I am now the proud owner of 2012 shiny chrome Travelscoot. I bought it based on the wonderful reviews I read on this site and read everything you folks and many others wrote many times before we decided to take the plunge :-)


I love my Scoot, it has made my husbands life sooo much easier, not to mention mine, since I am the one who uses it. However DH is the one who muscles it in and out of the car, It's soo light I'm sure I can do it too. It rides in the back of our car and it is "peace of mind" for me IF I need it ! I only use it for long shopping trips like to a Mall or Lowes etc. and of course the main reason is for Cruising and Travel.


We are getting ready for our first cruise with our little Scoot for New Years ! I am anxsting over checking my Baby ;-( We hear nightmares of lost luggage everytime we cruise ;-O I feel like the lady from Vegas who warmed her battery for 3 days with blankets,before she charged it...... I am very protective of my Scoot.


Right now my plan is to ride my Scoot down the Jetway and then my DH will disassemble it at the door and put it in a Golf Bag and he will hand it to the Baggage Handler. Oh just saying that makes me nervous. We have the Lithium Battery and the little Travel bag to take the battery on board with us .....Have you ever had any problems getting the battery aboard ?


#1-Have you ever door checked yours at the end of the Jetway ? #2- Do you label your golf bag with a tag that says Mobility Scooter or do they ? #3- What kind of golf bag did you get ? Does it have wheels? Does the seat back actually fit in the Hard Golf Bag too ? #4-Do you reassemble it right outside the Jet door, or wait and go up the Jetway before reassembling.

My husband thinks he wants to practice sort of like a NASCAR Pit Crew and get the Scoot assembled and Disassembled in about 3 min. He wants to practice while I hold the stop watch LOL.

Thank You for your Help and any reassurance you can send my way, that my Scoot will not be harmed :-) Any hints or tips will be greatly appreciated


Thank You,

Joanne- Proud Scoot Owner

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