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omg! what if you have no d.l

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In Mississippi, took my son to get his driver's permit. They requested a birth certificate, but we didn't have it for some reason (and he was born in Nevada -- couldn't just run over and get one). Figured passport would be good enough since you needed a b.c. to get a passport. Nope. They absolutely would not accept a passport in lieu of a b.c.


However, all I've ever used on a cruise is a passport.


Since you need your b.c. in order to get a passport, it seems redundant. I would have asked to talk to the manager.

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so my silly friend is bringing an even more silly person with them on our cruise and today she asks me:

"so- and -so lost their liscence, so what else can they use for I.D.? Really? Really? heck i dont know!!!! seems to me if your dumb enough to have your liscence taken away you might not be smart enough to cruise?

But anyway.. .i have no idea what to tell the poor silly girl.


They can get a state issued I.D. from the same office that issues driver's license.

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I have a state issued ID too' date=' but oddly enough, in my state many liquor stores will not accept it (supposedly it is easier to forge than a real driver's license). You're supposed to get a special "liquor ID" for non-drivers, but that costs more. So I end up bringing my passport to the liquor store! LOL![/quote']


Use your passport at the grocery store here (Wegmans) to buy beer and the cashier will have to call a keyholder for approval. That was when we stopped buying beer there. If it's good enough for Customs, it should be good enough for a grocery store. :rolleyes:


Our kids are homeschooled so their passports are the only photo ID they have.

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If you don't have a passport, what about travel insurance. I don't think you two thought out this trip very wisely. Seems like you are pretty inexperienced and should maybe try another mode of vacationing, like a tent in a park.

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I see a lot of questions on these boards where people are asking what form of ID would be acceptable. One thing I just cannot understand is some people's reluctance to get and use a passport. What is the problem with doing that? (I realize that for the OP's friend it is too late to do that now but honestly - she's had 8 months.)


Having a passport avoids all problems that may arise through not having the right type of birth certificate, having a revoked drivers license, etc. It also avoids the major hassle that would occur if someone had their cruise cut short and had to fly home from a foreign country - you NEED a passport to arrive in the US by air.


So someone please explain to me why there are so many people who are so reluctant to get a passport.





Not everyone is eligible to get a passport. My exhusband owed back child support, he was paying his current and paying on the arrarage, but it wasn't paid off so he could not get a passport.

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Not everyone is eligible to get a passport. My exhusband owed back child support, he was paying his current and paying on the arrarage, but it wasn't paid off so he could not get a passport.


While I feel for your husband's situation, if someone is not eligible to get a passport they should not be trying to leave the country, even if it is just for a vacation. One of things our courts do to prevent "flight risk" is to take away someone's passport. While I totally agree that such laws are very harsh regarding clild support, it is however, the law.


To others who have responded regarding the cost of a passport, and not wanting to spend money on something that in a perfect situation is not required, things happen. And when they do you will regret not having a passport. Our Western Caribbean cruise was cut short when my wife became ill. We had to leave the ship in Grand Cayman. If we had not had our passports we would had a lot more time and expense in getting home. MUCH more than the price of a passport.


PLEASE people take this advice. Get a passport. Carry it with you EVEY time you you set foot on foreign soil. Even if you're told it's not needed, just do it.


Off the soap box now.


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If you don't have a passport, what about travel insurance. I don't think you two thought out this trip very wisely. Seems like you are pretty inexperienced and should maybe try another mode of vacationing, like a tent in a park.


Nice. :rolleyes:

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Use your passport at the grocery store here (Wegmans) to buy beer and the cashier will have to call a keyholder for approval. That was when we stopped buying beer there. If it's good enough for Customs, it should be good enough for a grocery store. :rolleyes:


Our kids are homeschooled so their passports are the only photo ID they have.


I think it's that people aren't used to seeing them used as identification.


The first year my DD played All Star softball, they needed to see her birth certificate, I couldn't find it so I gave them her Passport.


They looked at it like I showed them an alien from outer space. :D

They accepted it, though.

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If you don't have a passport, what about travel insurance. I don't think you two thought out this trip very wisely. Seems like you are pretty inexperienced and should maybe try another mode of vacationing, like a tent in a park.


Actually, if you read the OP's post, it is a friend of a friend who "lost" her DL. Sounds like there are three in the cabin. The OP should be just fine. She might even get a solo cabin out of the deal if her friend and the "goof ball" don't get on the ship. Just sayin'. :rolleyes:

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While I feel for your husband's situation, if someone is not eligible to get a passport they should not be trying to leave the country, even if it is just for a vacation. One of things our courts do to prevent "flight risk" is to take away someone's passport. While I totally agree that such laws are very harsh regarding clild support, it is however, the law.


To others who have responded regarding the cost of a passport, and not wanting to spend money on something that in a perfect situation is not required, things happen. And when they do you will regret not having a passport. Our Western Caribbean cruise was cut short when my wife became ill. We had to leave the ship in Grand Cayman. If we had not had our passports we would had a lot more time and expense in getting home. MUCH more than the price of a passport.


PLEASE people take this advice. Get a passport. Carry it with you EVEY time you you set foot on foreign soil. Even if you're told it's not needed, just do it.


Off the soap box now.




Very good response.....Just get a passport, it is for your own protection and well being. If you can't afford the fee, you shouldn't be on a cruise.

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Personally I think this person has forfeited their rights to go on a nice cruise. They have caused much aggravation to everyone else with their irresponsible behavior. It's too late to apply for just about any other form of ID.


Leave silly friend home and impress upon yours the need to choose friends more carefully.


yea, she is really silly. Found out its because she has several outstanding parking tickets from way back that she never bothered to pay, *and its not that she couldnt afford it, which makes it even more stupid * got this info from my brother who is a police officer. now dont get me wrong, she is a very smart person, you would be shocked if you knew what her job was, lol... but for some reason, the smartest people seem to have no common sense. Oh well, i forgive her for the hassle as she made us some cookies, offered to pay for an excursion and said sorry about 5o times. still.... hope she makes it onto the ship. theres a large group of us going. Some people have to learn the hard way i guess.

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Not everyone is eligible to get a passport. My exhusband owed back child support, he was paying his current and paying on the arrarage, but it wasn't paid off so he could not get a passport.




Maybe he needs to be responsible and step up and just pay his back child support.

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yea, she is really silly. Found out its because she has several outstanding parking tickets from way back that she never bothered to pay, *and its not that she couldnt afford it, which makes it even more stupid * got this info from my brother who is a police officer. now dont get me wrong, she is a very smart person, you would be shocked if you knew what her job was, lol... but for some reason, the smartest people seem to have no common sense. Oh well, i forgive her for the hassle as she made us some cookies, offered to pay for an excursion and said sorry about 5o times. still.... hope she makes it onto the ship. theres a large group of us going. Some people have to learn the hard way i guess.


Oh please have a video recorder ready on disembarkation day.

Chances are if she does choose to take the cruise she will be having an extended vacation courtesy of CBP when she returns. Heck, they may even just come on board the final morning and swoop her out of her cabin.

Seems to me that happened a few weeks ago to someone on Destiny {I think it was Destiny} there was a thread on here about it.

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While I feel for your husband's situation, if someone is not eligible to get a passport they should not be trying to leave the country, even if it is just for a vacation. One of things our courts do to prevent "flight risk" is to take away someone's passport. While I totally agree that such laws are very harsh regarding clild support, it is however, the law.


To others who have responded regarding the cost of a passport, and not wanting to spend money on something that in a perfect situation is not required, things happen. And when they do you will regret not having a passport. Our Western Caribbean cruise was cut short when my wife became ill. We had to leave the ship in Grand Cayman. If we had not had our passports we would had a lot more time and expense in getting home. MUCH more than the price of a passport.


PLEASE people take this advice. Get a passport. Carry it with you EVEY time you you set foot on foreign soil. Even if you're told it's not needed, just do it.


Off the soap box now.



To add to the soapbox...


Last year, my company went through a reorg in which 25% of the people in my position were let go. I survived and went on my trip to Hong Kong as planned. While they cut my level, they added positions to the level below me. On Nov 1, they informed someone that she was promoted. They asked do you have a passport and can you go to Hong Kong tomorrow. She did, and she joined me in Hong Kong.


I just got back from a trip to Germany planned in less than two months. The opportunity arose; I jumped. While there, my friend said her upcoming bachelorette party would be in Cabo. Another friend got an email stating a friend just got engaged and the wedding will be in Belize in December.


My point is, you never know when a great opportunity may arise.

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To add to the soapbox...


Last year, my company went through a reorg in which 25% of the people in my position were let go. I survived and went on my trip to Hong Kong as planned. While they cut my level, they added positions to the level below me. On Nov 1, they informed someone that she was promoted. They asked do you have a passport and can you go to Hong Kong tomorrow. She did, and she joined me in Hong Kong.


I just got back from a trip to Germany planned in less than two months. The opportunity arose; I jumped. While there, my friend said her upcoming bachelorette party would be in Cabo. Another friend got an email stating a friend just got engaged and the wedding will be in Belize in December.


My point is, you never know when a great opportunity may arise.


Certainly if that is your situation you would be wise to plan for it, but I live a very boring life and my employer does not require travel, much less international travel (and if they did they would pay for the passport). I am several years away from being able to travel anywhere, much less internationally, at the drop of a hat.

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We did not get passports until last year and that was due to our Med cruise. At first we used our birth certificates and DLs and then we had passport cards. We never (I repeat NEVER) had a problem. And to all you who post "what if this happens or what if that happens". I don't live life by "what ifs". If that were the case, I would never leave the house, much less take a cruise... lol.


But I digress... all this talk of passports is OFF TOPIC. The Ops cruise leaves in days and clearly there is NO TIME to get a passport. She asked a question and she has been given several answers.


Op, I hope it all works out for your friends!!

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Certainly if that is your situation you would be wise to plan for it, but I live a very boring life and my employer does not require travel, much less international travel (and if they did they would pay for the passport). I am several years away from being able to travel anywhere, much less internationally, at the drop of a hat.


Of course my employer pays for the passports (they paid my renewal 4 years ago, and they just paid for me to get additional pages sewn in). In this situation, though, she needed to leave the next day. There was no time to get a passport. Since she already had a passport, she could leave with the rest of us. If she hadn't had a passport, the company would've paid for her to get one, and she probably would've had to go downtown Chicago and apply in person, then fly in later. Having a passport on hand makes such things possible. And, while cruising is great and there is a ton to see in the US, there's a huge, beautiful, fascinating world out there.

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We did not get passports until last year and that was due to our Med cruise. At first we used our birth certificates and DLs and then we had passport cards. We never (I repeat NEVER) had a problem. And to all you who post "what if this happens or what if that happens". I don't live life by "what ifs". If that were the case, I would never leave the house, much less take a cruise... lol.


But I digress... all this talk of passports is OFF TOPIC. The Ops cruise leaves in days and clearly there is NO TIME to get a passport. She asked a question and she has been given several answers.


Op, I hope it all works out for your friends!!


You carry homeowners/rental insurance, right? Car insurance? Admittedly not a perfect analogy, but those are "what ifs." Having a passport just makes things easier if needed.



Back on topic, it may not be too late to get a passport. I don't know where the friend lives, but if it's anywhere near a passport processing office, she can get one in a day or two. I know you can apply at the office downtown Chicago.

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You can get a state id card at the DMV, a passport alone may not be enough???


Passport is all you need but I'm assuming the girl does not have a passport and intended to use her drivers license and birth certificate to travel. Hopefully she is aware that she need birth certificate if she uses any ID other than passport for travel.

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Of course my employer pays for the passports (they paid my renewal 4 years ago, and they just paid for me to get additional pages sewn in). In this situation, though, she needed to leave the next day. There was no time to get a passport. Since she already had a passport, she could leave with the rest of us. If she hadn't had a passport, the company would've paid for her to get one, and she probably would've had to go downtown Chicago and apply in person, then fly in later. Having a passport on hand makes such things possible. And, while cruising is great and there is a ton to see in the US, there's a huge, beautiful, fascinating world out there.


For me the possibility doesn't exist at all so having a passport on hand is pointless for that. I have traveled the huge, beautiful fascinating world quite a bit (and without a passport, too, just an itty bitty green card that said "US Armed Forces";)) but for the foreseeable future such travels are off the table. For many people such travels will never be possible.


You carry homeowners/rental insurance, right? Car insurance? Admittedly not a perfect analogy, but those are "what ifs." Having a passport just makes things easier if needed.



Back on topic, it may not be too late to get a passport. I don't know where the friend lives, but if it's anywhere near a passport processing office, she can get one in a day or two. I know you can apply at the office downtown Chicago.


I didn't purchase homeowners insurance until I owned a home and I didn't purchase car insurance until I owned a car, and in both cases I am required to have them. Right now I do not need a passport for the types of travel that I do and I have determined that traveling without one presents a low risk so that's a choice that I've made. It is not a one size fits all choice. I think the silly person the OP is talking about is probably better off with a passport because it is more foolproof.


(And the discussion of passports in a required document thread is not completely off-topic because it is an option, as you point out it is still possible to obtain one for the OP's friend.)

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