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Phlydude's Valor 5/15 - 5/22 Review


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Ok, here it goes...(it will be long so here is your warning)




Flew out of PHL on Saturday 5/14 into Miami. Arrived on time and after getting off the plane went to find luggage claim. On the way, hoped to find a bathroom......uh, where's the bathroom? Donde esta el bano? No bano??? OK.....finally on the baggage claim level, found one. Relief!!!!


Waited for my MIL and FIL and grabbed their bags off the carousel while waiting for their arrival. They showed up to grab the last ones and off we went to find transportation to the hotel. Word of caution, avoid super shuttle!!! Their system is tedious and long and their drivers are rude (their was a woman on the shuttle that didn't speak English and was on the wrong shuttle, thankfully FIL speaks Spanish fluently and was able to explain). Buck it up and grab the cab to save headache and confusion.


Checked in to the Holiday Inn Bayside. Reserved online with the cheapy rate and requested high floor and waterview. I was given both during check-in and was given 902. Nice big room on the corner with a great view. (Join Priority rewards to get the gold room card that gives you $5.00 off you meal.)


MIL and FIL booked in the Intercontinental on a Hotwire rate and were impressed as well (despite the lobby situation - more on this later)


After settling and checking with MIL and FIL, we decided to meet at bayside in front of the Hard Rock. We walked through and as soon as we approached Bubba Gump's, my wife froze and couldn't be pulled...snakes!! There was a vendor with snakes for pictures. We had to wander around to get to Bubba Gump's. Once there, we got a tasty dinner and had a good night. Headed back to get some sleep and was kept awake a little while by the Hatian heritage festival music but after about 15-20 minutes, lights out!!


MIL and FIL headed back to their hotel to see the Miami style of prom dresses and the see prostitutes working the lobby, nice!!

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Dennis, you are leaving us hanging!! LOL! Saw those snakes a few weeks ago... not pretty! LOL! Of course then you walk by the people trying to pull you in to get a massage.... The vendors in Bayside are worse than the ones in Mexico! LOL!!!!!

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Oh yeah, I forgot - for those interested, I am 29 and my wife, Andrea, is 26.




Headed out about 10:15 or so after eating breakfast in the hotel and grabbed the little cab that could over to the pier. It struggled up the bridge as it's transmission was in a state of disrepair but made it. Paid the $9.00 fare (those waiting fares kill you while in traffic and at stop lights) plus tip and were able to track down a porter easy enough. He grabbed our bags and put them on our own luggage bin (which is good because they won't be near the top where they won't fall off, but bad because all those bags are on top of mine - liquor inside!) As the porter walked over with us, he told us about Roatan and where to go. He was friendly enough and wasn't rude so he got a nice tip for helping us out.


Into the cruise terminal we went. Time is now 10:30. Went to the check-in line set-up in the lobby and received our S&S cards. Then directed into the line for security. Stopped yet again for a bag search because they spotted a bottle. Yeah, a bottle of hot sauce (I love my Tamazula) for my eggs and potatoes. I was let go and sent to another line waiting to board. We stood there for a while and finally around 11:30, sent to the next waiting area. During the time spent waiting in line, we same numerous bags search and ALOT of booze taken away from people. One guy even went outside with his liquor to put it in his checked bag...don't know how that one turned out though...


Ok, we were sent to the second waiting area and were seated in the first section. While sitting there, we get a call from MIL and FIL on the cell and get immediately yelled out for using the phone inside. Yet others were using their phones without issue and one guy even walked past in a wedding party without anything being said. My wife was livid and was not appreciative...I tried to calm her down...I got the look....yikes!!


Now after we watch like 8 wedding parties walk by, we are finally allowed to board. We walk the distance along and pass all the fools hanging to the right side hearing the comments "did I miss something??" Little did they know, there were 2 lines and the rule of thumb in my book is stay to the left line because it always moves quickest. Sure enough, left line for ID and card check moved quick and then onto the picture area. After the obligatory picture off again and on to picture and S&S card swipe. FINALLY we're on the ship!!


We gawked at the lobby and then headed to the right and board the elevators to 6. Off to the room, 6291. It looked cleaned so we put our bags in the closet and shut the door. Off to Lido.


We explored the the ship a bit and tried to find MIL & FIL. We went around and found the spa. Andrea inquired and was picked as a volounteer for a facial demonstration. So @ 1 PM I left her and went off exploring. Found MIL & FIL and went to grab lunch in Lido. After lunch, I showed them around the ship and finally, we went back to the rooms to see if bags had arrived. They indeed had and I went to work unpacking. As I unpacked I started wondering where my wife was. I tried calling her cell phone numerous times but it went right to voicemail. Finally, after about 3.5 hours, they let her go and only because it was muster drill time. She came running down to the room in a panic because she thought I was going to leave her going to the drill without her. Soon enough, we were off to the drill.


Andrea almost get sick twice during the drill due to the stale air, heat and the lack of eating since being stuck in the salon so the drill couldn't be over quick enough.


Back to the room and then up to Lido for sail away. Put on my lei and then up to the pool. I was picked out of the crowd immediately by many from our Roll Call. After the April fool's stunt, I guess I was a marked man!!


After that, it was time to go to dinner. Table 508 in Washington dinding room for 4. Our headwaiter was Bawa, Mario was the asst. Neil was the drink waiter and all did a good job that warranted a little extra $$$ at the end of the trip.


After dinner, we headed to the show with a couple numbers by the dancers and the commedian. Then to the change then to the casino. Losers there but a good time. Also stopped in Lindy Hop and saw Ed Rocks. It was crowded and hot in there...

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Sea Day - Formal Night


Ok, this was the day we set the clocks back an hour. I don't know if this is because of the daylight savings versus standard time but I know without it, the Caymans would have been 2 hours ahead of us (I never saw a local time in Belize or Roatan).


We headed up to the Lido buffet and got some breakfast (only time we ate there for breakfast all week). It wasn't bad but was a little limited as I found the buffets all week. After this, went out to the pool area and searched out a chair. Finally found one on deck 11 towards the bow. Wasn't too bad and was close enough to the forward most pool. Swam for a little while and then headed to the casino for a slots tournament. After that, I can't remember what we did until dinner.


Got dressed in the tux with cumberbund and black tie and then went to captain's cocktail hour and dinner. It was lobster night but I'm not into the sea critters so I had beef.


After dinner, pictures, show (which was very good) and then back to the room to change. Casino again and then to R rated comedy show. After this was over, bed time since we had a tour to get up for in the AM when we hit Belize

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3rd day - Belize


Went to the Ivanhoe theatre to meet up for our tour, the Belize City and Altun Ha tour. We boarded the bus and headed out to Altun Ha. We had 2 guides, a Creole lady who told us about Belize city and the culture. I think her name was Julie. And Wilfredo, a Mayan decent Belizian with an education as long as my arm who was very impressive. He took us around the ruins site and explained everything in full detail.

The shame of it was this older couple who when you looked at them knew that they were going to be a PITA. They complained when the a/c on the bus wasn't on (ok, I see this complaint but had to throw the dig in that they paid for an air conditioned bus tour) who actually asked when we arrived to the ruins if there were any buildings that were air conditioned. He went with the group, she stayed on the bus. After the tour, we were given the option of climbing the pyramid if we chose. FIL and I chose to, Andrea and MIL chose not to. The view wasn't great from the top as this pyramid was the best looking building on site but now I can say that I climbed it. We headed through the little market on the way back and back to the bus to the pier shopping area.

If you leave through the gates, look for the fire eater with the charcoal tongue and lips. I hope the tips he gets are worth it!


Did a little walking around and then tender back to the boat. 15 minutes tops each way and I think unloading takes longer than the trip.


Back on ship and dinner in the dining room and late night aft pool deck for burgers, dogs, grilled chicken and pizza.

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4th Day - Roatan


We booked Tabyana beach with the ship and headed there about 9 AM. This place was very nice. Beach was the best one I went to all week and we enjoyed our time here. We stayed as long as we could (about 4 hours or so) and headed back to the ship. Took a different dirt path back to the ship that was much quicker but much more non-touristy. Little kids running along the bus for blocks looking for hand-outs. MIL & FIL had been there 5 years ago and said that it has a lot more construction since then. I liked it better than Belize and I could see how crusing has changed this little island for the better.

I would not hesitate to go back...

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Day 5 - Grand Cayman


Were were seated for breakfast with what we thought was plenty of time before our #5 tender group would be called but we were wrong, we got our coffee and OJ and then had to scram to the theatre. MIL & FIL missed the anouncement.


We headed off on the 1st tender for non-tours and waited for a couple tenders for MIL & FIL to get to us. We hopped on a taxi bus that we got crammed into where a rude ass from the Conquest said to me "You are a very large man!" I simply said, "Yes I am" and kept my mouth shut. The taxi driver tried to make everyone get off at the first stop. Only a few did. Next stop was for those who paid through the ship. 3rd stop was Sea Grape beach. Off for us. $20 for 2 chairs and 2 drinks for the group of us made it worth while. The beach was nice but a little steep. It was a cloudy day that turned rainy but we still managed 2 hours in. After this, we crammed into another taxi on the way back into town and did some shopping.


I got a Citizen watch and Andrea a pair John Hardy earings to match her Hardy collection. We also ate at the Hard Rock and did a little liquor pricing. Back on ship and dinner in the dining room again for the 2nd formal night. Wore my lime green vest and tie. Very Caribbean and I was complemented numerous times!


Saw the show in the theatre (the 80's one) and found you either got it or you didn't. I thought it was good but my wife didn't know alot of the songs (she was born in late '78) and complained that there were no Tina Turner songs.

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Day 6 - Cozumel


Paradise Beach was our first stop. It was pretty calm there all day. We ate lunch and swam most of the day. We finally left after about 6 hours and never did get the chance to meet Tom.

Heading back to the ship with all the Conquest partiers was a treat, especially when they are rude and obnoxious. But it was fun to see that they left 29 behind!


Andrea and I headed into town and walked from Forum shops down to Punta Langosta. I was glad to see that they widened the sidewalks. Almost bought a pair of gator boots for $225 but they didn't fit. Wan't bad considering the price was $400 originally, and this was after being told that the cruise ship made sure that they took care of their passengers....


Bought some souveniers for home and family and then back to the ship. Watched all the drunks come back and surprisingly, didn't leave a single one behind.

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Next day was sea day and pretty uneventful aside from the slots seemed very loose (at least the quarter ones anyway). You could seem to lose.


Ate dinner for the last time in the dining room and gave extra $$$ to our wait staff minus the Maitre'd. He only came to the table once in an obvious attempt to look for tips at the end of the week. After this we packed and left the luggage outside the room. Last buffet chance and off to bed.

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General thoughts -


I wasn't sure about how this cruise was going to be, but found I really enjoyed it and only hope all Carnival cruises are like this. I found it very enjoyable.


Bawa and Mario as servers, Neil as drink waiter were great. If you get them, make sure you tell them Dennis and Andrea said hello!!


Bernard was our room steward. We didn't see him until the end of day 3 and only then after signing his clip-board, did we start getting towel animals (which I could care less about). One of his assistants was a little rude when we saw him in the hallway. He asked if we were going out while in Cozumel and we said yes. He said, that's good for me. Maybe it was his Slavik humor or maybe he was serious but either way, I wasn't impressed with their service.


Captain changed mid-week without announcement to the guests. What's up with that?


Brent the cruise director was annoying and he stunk. He also made an off-color comment about the staff in the dining room singing the wrong words to Happy Birthday. I thought it wasn't right since these people pretty much work for him...


Art auctions - don't bother going unless you want free cheap champaign (which you need a bid card to get) or want a litho-graph of a Kincaid or some Peter Max stuff that they shove down your throat.


Dining room food was good. Buffets on the other hand were limited and not great. Pizza, hot dogs, chicken, burgers were all good. Calzones were always 10-20 minutes no matter when you asked for one.


Didn't eat at the deli or Chinese side windows but I was told the Deli was good from others.


Ran into many CCers many times and numerous times throughout the journey. It was great to meet everyone in person.



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Oh yeah, last things....

I didn't hear it but FIL did...alot of the dining staff in the buffet area were voicing their dislike for the CCL since they got stuck working really long hours on port days while others had time off in port and late shifts after port. I don't know how new some of the crew is but 6 months is about the time I would figure some new ones would be coming aboard...



This week was kid-less!! There were only the toddlers on board and they were few and far between. NO school age kids


This cruise was about as much of a mix as you could get. Tall, short, skinny, fat, dark, light, green and purple. This truly was the normal people's cruise!!

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Did the South Beach tour to kill time before our 8:30 PM flight. While it killed time, it wasn't worth it. Bus ride down Collins and up Ocean and dropped at 5th St. You walk where you want but be back by 12:30.


MIA airport is horrible. Fly out of FLL

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Sea Day - Formal Night


Ok, this was the day we set the clocks back an hour. I don't know if this is because of the daylight savings versus standard time but I know without it, the Caymans would have been 2 hours ahead of us (I never saw a local time in Belize or Roatan).



Hmm. The Cayman time reference doesn't seem to add up. If the ship did nothing, I think there would be a 1 hour time diff with the ship being ahead of GC. Anywho, it sounds like the ship time changed Monday night before you hit Belize. When did it change back and/or how many times did it change.


If the ship went back an hour, I think Belize and Roatan would be an hour behind. The ship and GC would be on the same time. If the ship moved the clock ahead after GC and before Cozumel, then Cozumel time would be 1 hour behind, otherwise Coz and the ship would have the same time.

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You are really making me feel old...your wife was born in 1978!! I was still loving disco and playing the Bee Gees day and night...still love them! Thanks for the review! What was included in your Roatan beach break? Was there shade, huts, chairs, etc.

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