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Electronic cigarettes


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If someone use an egic near me on a plane I would be complaining to the flight attendant. The "water vapour" being blown from your mouth has no business near me or any other passengers. They should only be allowed where regular cancer sticks are allowed.

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If you are discrete about it, you will likely be able to “vape” almost anywhere, even if it is technically not allowed. Worst case – someone complains and you have to stop. On an airplane, however, the consequences for breaking the rules, ANY rule, can be much more severe. I wouldn’t risk it.

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I stealth vape when necessary (at work)....last time I flew was before I had the ecig, so I was going insane after a long flight to Seattle! I'm really trying to give up the analog cigs and only vape. Wish me luck!

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Ok this has now gotten out of hand. I guess I worded it wrong. I was just wondering how to get thru tsa with it. It is against the law to smoke on and air plane.(I wont be vaping or smoking it) I just got it and dont the not policies and far as traveling is concerned. As far as the ship I figured it would be in the smoking sections. I just contacted TSA. You can bring them in your carry on. Need to put them in a baggie like you would your liquids. Thanks for the great responce. Single digit dance.:):)

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If it's allowed Ann that's all good :) people like me can avoid it. It's the stealth vapping in enclosed spaces that can harm immune compromised people and small children.

Nothing at all wrong with what you did.


Ok let me start by saying I'm sorry you are ill. I truly feel for you - it's devastating to deal with cancer in any form. I lost my mom to cancer 11 months ago, I get the chemo induced immune system problems. However - you and anyone who is getting chemo is at risk from everything around you not just people who use an electronic cig.


Now - that being said. The brand of e cig I use is all food grade ingredients. The 'vapor' piece of the ingredients is in almost everything you eat and the base ingredient in asthma inhalers. It's not unsafe to the people around me unless they are also having problems with the food they buy in the grocery store.


Your oncologist states that you are at risk because of 'germs and bacteria' being exhaled in the vapor. The suspension of germs and bacteria in the vapor is no different than if I sneezed or coughed into the air around you. The vapor dissapates that quickly - it doesn't hang in the air like cigarette smoke. You are at risk from many things, chemo sucks. I would love to hear from your oncologist how they came to the decision that the vapor is so much more dangerous to you than normal coughing, sneezing or anything else that expels air out of someone faster than normal breathing. IMO, the oncologist is exaggerating possible negatives to your health in a statement about something they disagree with.


The other person here stating that people using an e cig should be in the 'smoking section with the rest of the cancer sticks' is ignorant and self centered. There is nothing in an e cig that is a proven cancer agent and there is no odor. If you didn't see me with an e cig in my hand, you would have no idea I was using it. While should I, or anyone sit in the smoking section when we aren't smoking?


The world (or the cruise ship) doesn't revolve around any of us - we all have to share the space.

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Ok let me start by saying I'm sorry you are ill. I truly feel for you - it's devastating to deal with cancer in any form. I lost my mom to cancer 11 months ago, I get the chemo induced immune system problems. However - you and anyone who is getting chemo is at risk from everything around you not just people who use an electronic cig.


Now - that being said. The brand of e cig I use is all food grade ingredients. The 'vapor' piece of the ingredients is in almost everything you eat and the base ingredient in asthma inhalers. It's not unsafe to the people around me unless they are also having problems with the food they buy in the grocery store.


Your oncologist states that you are at risk because of 'germs and bacteria' being exhaled in the vapor. The suspension of germs and bacteria in the vapor is no different than if I sneezed or coughed into the air around you. The vapor dissapates that quickly - it doesn't hang in the air like cigarette smoke. You are at risk from many things, chemo sucks. I would love to hear from your oncologist how they came to the decision that the vapor is so much more dangerous to you than normal coughing, sneezing or anything else that expels air out of someone faster than normal breathing. IMO, the oncologist is exaggerating possible negatives to your health in a statement about something they disagree with.


The other person here stating that people using an e cig should be in the 'smoking section with the rest of the cancer sticks' is ignorant and self centered. There is nothing in an e cig that is a proven cancer agent and there is no odor. If you didn't see me with an e cig in my hand, you would have no idea I was using it. While should I, or anyone sit in the smoking section when we aren't smoking?


The world (or the cruise ship) doesn't revolve around any of us - we all have to share the space.


All valid points.


Unfortunately they named them electronic "cigarettes", which immediately puts non-smokers on alert. I.E., if they're cigarettes then they're still bad for those in the vicinity. According to a new study done on second-hand effects....there are none.


Doctors with any knowledge at all are embracing them

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All valid points.


Unfortunately they named them electronic "cigarettes", which immediately puts non-smokers on alert. I.E., if they're cigarettes then they're still bad for those in the vicinity. According to a new study done on second-hand effects....there are none.


Doctors with any knowledge at all are embracing them


Agreed Pop. I hate that they are marketed as an electronic cigarette'.

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Most people that are using e-cigs are X-smokers people who are trying to quit which is what everyone wants right,than why expose these people to smoking. Seems to me if they have to be right with smokers anyway they might as well be puffing on a real cig. I say if they are willing to quit let them back into society.

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The batteries show up on xray and my bags were searched on embarkation. They acted like I had a nuclear bomb or something.


Bad luck I guess? I have flown over 20 times since I made the switch 4 years ago. I've never had a single issue. My nicotine goes in my liquid bag and my batteries and chargers go in a separate ziploc bag. I pull both ziplocs out of my main carry on bag and place in the gray plastic xray bin. Not once have I been questioned.


Also, I'd like to note, that I refer to it as a nicotine inhaler instead of an ecig because essentially, that's what it is.

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On the ships, e-cigs are under the same location restrictions as traditional forms of smoking.


I've not ever seen anyone attempt to "light up" an e-cig in the airport.

I was flying Southwest from DAL to BWI - a person took out one of those e-cigs and the flight attendants said " don't even think about it".

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Since I'm an RN as well having CLL, I know quite well what my risks are for everyday coughing and sneezing. What YOU may not be aware of is that the vapor does not vanish as quickly and is heavier, people exhale it and it does travel. My oncologists is the top in the WORLD in CLL and knows of which he speaks, I'll take his word any day over someone who has little medical knowledge justifying a habit.


My beef is not with your substitute nicotine suckers but with using them in enclosed spaces, where it is clearly not permitted. In open spaces I can avoid your additional vapor spread but stealth vapping is what bothers me because while we do all have to get along, I don't have to put up with something that is against a regulation, rule or law. I want people to be healthy but if they choose to endanger their health it's not my concern until it impacts me. Don't stealth vape and there is no issue...That's what I mean by getting along. I'm not saying you have to go where smokers are I'm simply requesting you not do it where it is not permitted. Not so hard.

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Enjoy the laugh and be cynical and may no one you love ever have to suffer a compromised immune system as many of you can't seem to understand that it IS unlike regular breathing. Travels further, has larger droplets etc...When you sneeze and cough people know you are doing it and can avoid you, when you stealth vape those same people can't avoid you and you ARE causing them potential harm.


Continue to be uneducated, that's your choice. Use them as much as you like where they are permitted. My beef is with people who stealth vape and put me at a greater risk. Seriously uncool.


To the OP, I'm sorry for the additional discussion and hope you have no trouble transporting your e-cigs. Enjoy your cruise.

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Enjoy the laugh and be cynical and may no one you love ever have to suffer a compromised immune system as many of you can't seem to understand that it IS unlike regular breathing. Travels further, has larger droplets etc...When you sneeze and cough people know you are doing it and can avoid you, when you stealth vape those same people can't avoid you and you ARE causing them potential harm.


Continue to be uneducated, that's your choice. Use them as much as you like where they are permitted. My beef is with people who stealth vape and put me at a greater risk. Seriously uncool.


To the OP, I'm sorry for the additional discussion and hope you have no trouble transporting your e-cigs. Enjoy your cruise.


You can give it a rest now, we have heard what you have to say and we know you do not know what you are talking about and that your onco has his own agenda. To keep saying it will not change that fact nor will pretending to turn your replys back to the original question when you are the one that changed it to begin with.

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.When you sneeze and cough people know you are doing it and can avoid you, when you stealth vape those same people can't avoid you and you ARE causing them potential harm.


Continue to be uneducated, that's your choice. Use them as much as you like where they are permitted. My beef is with people who stealth vape and put me at a greater risk. Seriously uncool.


Just so you understand....stealth vaping is holding the vapor in your lungs so that when you exhale virtually nothing is left of the vapor...result is no risk to you...


Also, apparently you've never been exposed to someone who unexpectedly (so you can't avoid it) sneezes or coughs in your vicinity :rolleyes:

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Just sayin', but I work in a hospital, and patients with a compromised immune system wear masks when out of their rooms, and we wear masks when we enter their rooms. Wouldn't a truly concerned oncologist highly recommend such a patient to not subject themselves to confined places like planes or especially cruise ships where viruses have been known to spread like wildfire? Cripes, I have a relatively normal immune system and I OD on yogurt and echinacea before I travel!


And exhaling vapor into a jacket or sweater would prevent it from ever getting into the public's air supply.

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Just sayin', but I work in a hospital, and patients with a compromised immune system wear masks when out of their rooms, and we wear masks when we enter their rooms. Wouldn't a truly concerned oncologist highly recommend such a patient to not subject themselves to confined places like planes or especially cruise ships where viruses have been known to spread like wildfire? Cripes, I have a relatively normal immune system and I OD on yogurt and echinacea before I travel!


And exhaling vapor into a jacket or sweater would prevent it from ever getting into the public's air supply.


I know if I had a compromised immune system - I wouldn't purposefully put myself into the petri dish environment of a cruise ship or an airplane. I used to fly weekly for work - until I learned to shut the ac vent off above my seat, I would get sick almost every flight.


I'd be more worried about the people who never use the hand sanitizer on a ship than someone vaping.

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I use mine everywhere - BUT - I do it in stealth mode. People think it's a pen. I cover the end while holding it and take only a little haul off of it. If you hold it in long enough, nothing comes out.


Sarah - I notice you are also in Ontario...can you tell me which brand you use and where you buy it? Does it feel/taste like real cigarette smoke or close? I'm interested to try this, but hesitant to spend a lot of $$ and then not like it.


I definitely do not want to taste like smoking a waffle or fruit! :P LOL

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Sarah - I notice you are also in Ontario...can you tell me which brand you use and where you buy it? Does it feel/taste like real cigarette smoke or close? I'm interested to try this, but hesitant to spend a lot of $$ and then not like it.


I definitely do not want to taste like smoking a waffle or fruit! :P LOL


Not Sarah, but can highly recommend White Cloud. They have a disposable you can try for very little money to see if you like them. Google White Cloud Cigarettes for their website. They're located in FL but have low shipping costs and amazing customer service.


I smoked for 30 years and haven't touched a cigarette in 10 weeks using White Cloud. Never thought it would work.......and especially when sitting in the casino on a cruise. I don't want a real cigarette and I've joined the ranks of those thinking that the stench is unbearable :)

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Most people that are using e-cigs are X-smokers people who are trying to quit which is what everyone wants right,than why expose these people to smoking. Seems to me if they have to be right with smokers anyway they might as well be puffing on a real cig. I say if they are willing to quit let them back into society.


Doubt they are trying to quit or they would have quit....it is just a substitute for an unhealthy habit that many people will not tolerate around them anymore...it is really not a noble attempt though.....;)

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Believe me I do know what I'm talking about and I do wear a mask, I'm simply bringing up an opposing view about STEALTH VAPPING. I'm a medical professional with an onco that knows more than most of you have forgotten. May you never need his services due.


I was being polite and not insulting YET many of you can't give up your pacifier so go ahead and stealth put people at risk. You are the entitled portion of society that is a part of our decline. If you choose to do it, do it where it is allowed, NOT where it's not. That is my agenda. If you are stealth vapping, I hope you are nailed with a fine, maybe you will get it. I have NOTHING against people who follow the rules but I will not tolerate someone who is inhaling a POISON into their body to then spew additional germs in my direction when it's clearly against rules/law or company policy.


I won't quit with telling people about this because many of them are unaware and do care and won't put people at risk if they know. Those of you that choose to ignore...whatever.


So those of you who think you are snarky...keep going.

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