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Review of NCL Star Oct14-21 Bermuda


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So after parking the Scooter and boarding the ship I went to deck 5 and Aqua first to check out the menu. It was nothing special, some kind of Chicken surprise...so surprise I decline.Then I popped up to deck 6 to get me a cocktail at the Champagne Bar. Please people it was after 7:00 and you know me...and besides if you followed my day, I was on the scooter and doing the no booze shuffle. So I needed me a drink and I needed it now. What you have Mr. Kevin, I saved your seat. Oh I don't know....surprise me...the Aqua menu didn't...I believe it should be fruity...tropical...you know...Bermudian...Oh A hurricane Mr. Kevin....or a Yellow Bird or a Mango Mango something...Oh what the hell...why not? Bring me one of each one at a time.....OK....OK So I started with the famous Bermuda Hurricane.Chatted with friends....Yellow Birded it...and chatted with anybody who would listen and then Mango Mangoed it and chatted with myself...I think...Whoever it was they were a hot **** so it mighta been me....LOL


So slightly buzzed and heading on the 9:00 hour I asked if there was a show and was told it was an acrobatic duo.....So I passed on that because watching others spin and tumble while I was on the verge of spinning and tumbling sounded dangerous so I hopped off my stool and up the queens staircase and out on to the promenade to have a smoke and chat with more promenade smoker friends. The night was gorgeous...Around 80 degrees and stars galore and very gentle breeze.....Absolutely a highlight of any Bermuda cruise. People said there was a tropical pool party at 10:00 so I though that sounded damned fine...so I elevated down to five and sloop john B'd into cabin 5502 without making any wrong turns. Again those pizza boxes and trays outside the door reminded me I just may be hungry.

So I turned on my not flat screen TV:




I turned on the Bridge Channel and it said we were in Bermuda. Who knew? It also said the temp was 80. and the wind was nada. I decided I would order me a pizza while I was getting hot and tropical for the evening ahead. I was curious and hungry......and I did like the Pizza on the Spirit in March.. 30 mins later...I did not like the pizza on the Star.But I scoffed 2 down and closed the lid...Showered, white shorts knee length...the requisite tropical Hawaiian Shirt (a variety of blues)...light tinted sunglasses and a white fedora hat and I was not only cool, but hot...and qquite tropical so I elevated up to deck 13 and climbed up the stairs to the Bier Garten to take in the sites and have a tropical drink no less.


Next up:

A night in the tropics:cool:



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Dear loyal Followers;


Although this review started off in good faith and many of you have been avid fans, I seem to have noticed a distinct drop off of interest and I fear that my lack of postings have many of you giving up on the review. My Graduate studies are paeaking and I have not had the time to adequately update and for that I aologize.I can do better over TG Holiday, but


I am wondering if many of you would like me to do a quick wrap up and end this drawn out review or if you would like me to continue in the manner that the rest of the review has been written. It is up to you because I write for you and if we have beaten a dead horse then so be it.


What say you?



Take as long as you need. We'll be here waiting when you get back. You have us hooked.

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I remember this party. I think it was called the Bermuda Triangle Deck Party. It was a great scenario for such a party! :D Kev - You take fantastic photos. I on the other hand, am the worse photographer ever. The type that cuts heads off, you know the type. :o That being said, I am really enjoying your photos of beautiful Bermuda. IMO the most beautiful place on earth. :)

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I remember this party. I think it was called the Bermuda Triangle Deck Party. It was a great scenario for such a party! :D Kev - You take fantastic photos. I on the other hand, am the worse photographer ever. The type that cuts heads off, you know the type. :o That being said, I am really enjoying your photos of beautiful Bermuda. IMO the most beautiful place on earth. :)


You know me and names, but you are right it was called the Bermuda Triangle Deck Party. And I had a blast, all decked out in my tropical attire and mingling with some great people.


Next up:Bermuda Triangle Deck Party:cool:



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So from way up here in the Bier Garten it was a festive site looking down onto the pool deck. The color scheme and the fake palm tree lighting is quite attractive in general....with the exception being the disco schizoid palm trees:eek: that have chasing white christmas lights that can make a tropical drink umbrella shrivel and run for cover.LOL


So Mr. Kevin got himself a Pina Colada....Never heard that loyal readers have you? I walked carefully down the 2 stories of tiers onto the pool deck and people watched for a bit. The Xcite Band was well recovered from their pool dousing and were set up on the stage...by the pool, which was netless and had a few swimmers being tropical:cool:. The weather was perfect and even the DJ girl whose name I can't remember... was set up off to the side and now spinning tropical favorites....Ole, Ole,... Ole Ole...feelin hot hot hot...Can you say Conga Lines....They could and they did and they manged to conga me a few times which was all in good fun.


And the excite band ...

Come Mr tallyman tallyman banana....


and ya know the regular tropical pool deck stuff...which was fine cause it worked well and the crowds of tropically dressed cruisers were filtering in. It looked like there was some tropical food in the grill area, at least I saw some ham and pineapple and of course something totally unfamiliar with rice was starting to pile up on the people movers, where some actually parked and got up and danced a bit. Who Knew? We knew? LOL


So what we were experiencing then was a Tropical, Triangle, Hawaiian Deck party and the music and lights and dancing and mingling and whole pineapple drinks and coconut drinks and banana drinks ... made it all a very nice time.


I mingled over to a somewhat boisterous 30 somethings group sipping tropicals and shooting melon balls and lemon drops....My type of crowd for sure. Soon we were all laughing and singing along and blind melon lemoning for quite a while and having a ball.


I enjoyed this party the best of the whole week. The White Party as you will hear tommorow did not remotely compare.


Around midnight and maybe I had a buzz, (but not sure cause I was too drunk to tell), and mingled out and tired from a long day I elevated down to Cabin 5502 and crawled into my Bliss comfort sheets and dreamed of my Bermuda day for the next tour.


Next up: The Bermuda Grand tour continues

  • New Beaches and secret coves
  • The North Coast Road
  • Flatts Village
  • St Georges


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So I was up at 7:30. Turned on the Bridge Channel and we were in Bermuda. The navigation line had not moved and the sun was shining in my porthole window. the temperature at 7:30 was 78 degrees so I knew we were in for a scorcher....Good!!!. So I took my pizza box with only 2 slices gone and put it in the hall with the other pizza boxes with only 2 slices gone...who knew?


I didn't bother to highlight my daily because I already knew the 3 most important things I needed to know. 1. Bermuda and a scooter....2. Prime Rib for dinner and 3. White Hot party. Everything else was superfluous. So I showered and changed into my tourist outfit. Khaki Shorts, finely cut T shirt, Flip Flops and my sunglasses(prescription sunglasses).


I packed a bag with beach stuff, camera, Kindle Fire...I don't know why, and my trusty novel that I always carry still on page 2.


I decided to have breakfast in Versailles, rather than hit the buffet and I was immediately seated in a table by the window on the port side. The water looked beautiful and I had a great view of the tip of the North side of the Island.


I ordered and scoffed down, Eggs Benedict...delish and toast and side of sausage and a small fruit bowl, 3 coffees and 2 OJ's ..All were quick and good and served with aplomb.


So off we go::cool:



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So off ship and a short walk to the scooter parking area, which is a medium sized lot between the 2 in port ships, quite adequate enough to hold a lot of scooters and seems quite safe and guarded. Pull the heavy sucker backwards and insert key and push button and nada....Uh Oh...did I leave something on and kill my battery....or what? So I kept pushing and pushing and nothing....Then a couple came by and said don't you have to hold the break on the left. Well I looked at them indignantly and said, of course I know that....duh..do I look stupid....So Kev let them know he was only kidding and then pulled the brake and rooooommmmmmoooommm Scooter Lives. LOL


So out of the Dockyard onto the road and over the bridges and through the towns and up the South Coast Road where I found some new hidden spots and beaches that I had never found before. Like I said, this is probably the most scenic road in the world, bar none.














Next Up:

The North Coast and Flatts Village



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So I continue on and come to the round-up, rodeo, rotary and I have some choices. I remember from past visits that I can take any of the three choices and still end up in St Georges...(Like I said before..lost in Bermuda is relative) I remember from the past that I could go up above Hamilton and left onto a road that hugs the North Coast (I hesitate to call it the North Coast Road but I will, cause I don't really know and it works for me.)


So I go first left down the 2 lane median split and instead of going into Hamilton I bear right at the light and up a hill but still a well traveled road....eventually I pass a beautiful golf course with rolling hills and the deepest green grass I have ever seen. They are setting up viewing stands and broadcast booths for "The Grand Slam of Golf" which is next week. Then I passed through about a mile long stretch that was completely covered with tree foliage forming a natural tunnel or canopy. Unbelievable. Eventually I came to a T in the road and I headed right and think I may be on the road that hugs the North Coast. I am and I snapped some pics for you to see. This part of Bermuda as far as I know has little in the way of beaches and from the limited amount of exposure I have had appears to be rocky but scenic coast line.








Then back on my scooter and into Flatts Village which is located smack in the middle of the Island and is on a cove or water basin and is quite picturesque.






Next Up:

Historic St Georges



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So pass the Swizzle Inn..no drinks or hurricanes for Kev on his scooter...and over this long causeway bridge and then to a desolate area that is the airport and left and over some quaint bridges and by some coves and down some narrow roadways and into St George. This is pretty much a colonial historic village in the center area. Lots of residents live in the hillsides overlooking the town and the area is not exactly mountainous but does have some hills.


Aview of the harbour area from a hill. There used to be cruise ships that docked here, and some smaller ones still do, but the entrance is too narrow for the larger ships, hence The Royal Naval Dockyard. There is much debate about widening the cut for larger cruise ships to dock here....





The center by the dock is gorgeous with a 1/2 dozen colonial buildings



There is a replica or maybe original of a colonial vessel here




There is also some working stocks and pillory etc...to have some fun with.




Center of Town



Some homes above Town



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Heres a view from high on the hill overlooking St Georges (The cruise ship is The NCL majesty and I took this picture in 2007)But I love it so you get it...OK




By the docks there is a little park with a few benches and a statue, that looks like a witch but turns out it is some statesman or something.




A gorgeous colonial Home in town, note the Hurricane Shutters.




And a side street that's just beautiful




And they have a park floral garden with a moongate



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This is the famed St peters Church, it functions as a parish church and as a museum and is quite breathtaking inside and out.




Here are some pics of the unfinished church. It looks like a ruin but I am told that it actually was never completed, hence the name The Unfinished Church. there is some history information at the site but Kev can't remember why it not be done. Who Knew?








This is the Famous White Horse Tavern, great for lunch or dinner and it has waterfront dining.





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This is a fort at the tip of St george that sits on the cut.



And so we leave St Georges.. and it is only 2:00... so off we go ..back the way we came... and head to Horseshoe Bay Beach for some sun and a snack.


Up Next: A relaxing time in the Dockyard late afternoon.











So that be Historic St georges. I hope you enjoyed my Photo Tour

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It's Heritage Wharf, not King's Wharf! Explorer OTS was docked at King's Wharf. ;)


Dear BlueSea;


I recognize that you are from Bermuda, and certainly know far more than I do about the area and the names of things, however I am going to respectfully retract my retraction and go back to calling it King's Wharf regardless of where we were parked. I too have heard of Heritage wharf but it appears that both Bermuda Port sysyem and all cruise lines have taken to calling the docking area King's Wharf. No site, either from Bermuda or from NCL or RCL cruises..uses the term Heritage as of late and all sites I visited have called the area King's Wharf.


The name Heritage may be a distinction given to which particular real estate the boat is actually sitting at but most now call the area


Kings Wharf.....So I will stay with King's Wharf.


King's Wharf http://www.bermudaportreviews.com/KingsWharf.htm

King’s Wharf, better known as the Royal Naval Dockyard, is located on Ireland Island, on the western most tip of Bermuda. Work began on this massive complex in 1809, shortly after the Napoleonic War. Built by slave and convict labor, it was to be a strategic British military outpost, but closed its gates in 1951 when the US military had established a military presence on the island with 2 bases. Since then, the 75 acre site has been renovated to accommodate shops, restaurants, museums, a movie theatre, The Arts Center and the Bermuda Craft Market.

Where does the ship dock? (Note the plural in Bold for ships)

The ships dock at King’s Wharf and everything that encompasses the Royal Naval Dockyard is within walking distance and easily accessible from the pier.


Itinerary Overview

Sun, Jun 09

New York


Mon, Jun 10

At Sea


Tue, Jun 11

At Sea


Wed, Jun 12

King's Wharf


Thu, Jun 13

King's Wharf


Fri, Jun 14

King's Wharf

Sat, Jun 15

At Sea


Sun, Jun 16

New York






It appears that both Bermuda and the cruise Lines have become generic and King's Wharf is the choice for nomenclature.


Again, Respectfully to you and your Beautiful Island.



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