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Review of NCL Star Oct14-21 Bermuda


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Now I should point out at this time that even though I travel through this adventure alone, I am never truly alone. With my personality I have met literally hundreds of fellow passengers, from cruise Critic, to pub-hop crawl to Rodney to gatherings and from being a friendly guy. Everywhere I go I get hey Kev, and I say hey,,,,,,Like I can ever remember names. I met a very nice couple from New Jersey, traveling with their 18 year old son and his somewhat girlfriend all sharing the same cabin, but no funny business etc...I met a great couple from Mount Desert Island Maine from cruise critic boards, I met many many people smoking on the port side promenade, I met Chuck and Mark from Philly, I met so many Pub Hop crawlers and Rodney. It was a big ship but everyones paths crossed multiple times and I was never alone. I couldn't tell you any ones name from Adam, but I knew them and we all enjoyed our vacation immensely.


So I always walked around kinda looking stupid cause I knew no names and they all knew mine...Oh well no dwell just enjoy.


I noticed the black cloud of iniquity pressing closer so I decided to call it a day for sun and head down to 5502 for drop off and then try to hit lunch at Versailles.


Next up: Don't forget to turn your clocks



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Kev, Missing you! Come back, we need to hear more! What a great review:)!




The review will resume today at 4:30 after the Patriots whoop the Bills.


Today we will get to bermuda and a scooter tour as well.


To Come;

The La cucina Surprise

nothing to Shout about

Hawaii 5 Horseshoe




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So as the ship sailed into the black void, I checked the time and it was 12:15(1:15 actually but Kev's too stupid to figure this out yet)so I figured I would give Versailles a chance to please at a lunch meal. So toward the aft and down the elevator I traversed and descended to Versaille. It wasn't all that crowded and I was immediately seated at a window table for 2 but me only. My waitress was efficient and water was served and a menu produced. I ordered the roasted corn cream soup, something sort of mexican sounding and a Philly cheesesteak sub.


Both were excellent except the cheeze whizzy steak was a royal mess, but tasty...I had cheese dripping all down my front and felt like a slob, but the motion of the ocean didn't help and I wasn't the only messy passenger for sure. I forego the desert to keep my svelte figure(Yeah Right) and I headed back to deck 12 to check out this black vortex approaching. It was pretty much upon us and a mist like a Stephen King movie was creeping across the top decks. There was some thunder and lightning off to the sides and the waves were incredibly large. More like huge swells spaced apart than actual waves and I estimated them to be twice as high as this morning. This was our Rafael, and it was rough.The top deck activities had ceased and many chairs were being secured. It wasn't actually closed but it wasn't actually happening either except the buffet appeared quite busy.


The wind was a little bit too much for me and the rain was pelting sideways now so I headed down to the Promenade which was more protected and still open except for the forward section which was closed off with caution tape, that nobody paid attention to and just pub crawled under or pub hopped over. So much for safety. It was all quite exciting and fun to watch, which I did for a long time, 2 or 3 smokes worth. It was getting on to 2:00 and I remembered that I wanted to do the presentation on EPIC and Breakaway, so I headed to my cabin,hit the walls a few times, whump pssshh ..whump psssshh and now a new sound whump pssshhh grrraaa grrrraa as the ship went up down and sideways, Fun....but disconcerting as well. I dropped off my sun gear changed my outfit to storm mode, which is the same as normal mode but a long sleeved shirt, shorts and flip flops, and made my way aft to the Spinnaker to win some prizes for my special knowledge of the EPIC and Breakaway.


Next Up:

Kev and the Line Dancers.



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So I unsteadily made my way up 2 flights, noticed all the barf bags by the elevators and along the walkway window alcoves, and I bounced to the Spinnaker through the Red Lion. The ship indoors was packed cause there really was no outdoors and it resembled the embarkation with so many cruisers about. I entered the Spinnaker and gravitated to the same prime real estate that I chose earlier, not that there was any benefit but because it was familiar. So I checked my watch and it was 10 to two so I relaxed and read my book which I always carried but rarely read. There were about twenty people here and there and I was primed to score some prizes for my EPIC knowledge skills. More people arrived as I read and it tended toward an older crowd which I thought was strange but figured they had nothing better to do so I waited with everyone. The screen that was pulled down awaiting a video was suddenly lifted and the DJ booth lit up and I figured something was up. A couple of crew members arrived and headed to the stage and asked everyone to join them on the stage, so confusedly I did and they did and the next thing you know, Kev is line dancing with the elderly crowd as it was 3:00 and not 2:00 and I had missed the EPIC seminar.So I lined danced a few minutes and then line danced down the aisle and line danced out the door and line danced to the Red Lion for a much needed cocktail. Can you say Mudslide, I can and I did and I set my watch to ship time and sucked down my mudslide. And thanked the line dance gods for releasing me from that exciting hour.


Next up:

The Casino Royale or how to lose 100 dollars in ten minutes



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Thank you very much for your review! It is awesome....I feel like I went on the cruise with you.

We will be sailing the Star on March 10. There will be about 10 family memebers all going together. I love getting a preview of the ship and the activities. I am sure a few of us will be climbing aboard the pub crawl.


Thank you again for taking the time to post your wonderful stories.


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So I was highly skilled now at line dancing, so I line danced on out of the Red Lion and through the atrium and to cabin 5502 to get my $100.00 that I had reserved for gambling. I figured the casino would be closed after tonite until friday as shops and casino is a no go in BDA. I rationalized that all the money I would win would help with souveniers etc....because certainly I would win and win big.....Kev your a riot....win...seriously!! So into the casino more rolling than line dancing cause the ship was one serious whuuummp Psssshhh:eek: Some cruisers looked Ok, some looked green, some looked dead, but we all rolled the same direction and side to side in tandem.The Casino was quite packed....The elderly set had the slots covered well, the people movers were blocking aisles and the high rollers were shooting craps and doing the blackjack shuffle. I do the roulette and I play the numbers. There were only 2 roulette tables and both were spinning with about 4 players at each. this was good because in the day you don't usually get much action on roulette, but it was stormy afternoon so there was a good show.

I laid down my 100.00 bill. You do not hold it out or wave it or try to hand it to the dealer, you must palce it on the table and then do not touch it again. When he gets a chance the dealer picks it up, eyes you and you say 100 please, and he shows it to cameras and the pit boss and says cashing 100 and flushes it down a hole.


So now I have 100 blue chips each worth a $1.00. The minimum bet is $5.00 so I must place at least 5 chips on the numbers or 5 total on the outside say odd even etc... I play 2 on 26, 2 on 29, 13 between 8 and 11 ..22 and cover 3 each in between 26-29 for a total of 10 chips each spin.


First spin 26 Black....Un%*%&*& believable:eek:, I just won 70 or 35X2 for the 2 on 26 and 54 for the 3 on 26-29 so I now have 124 winner chips and 90 from start chips. So I am psyched and I re-do my bets and then throw double on them then do 5 on last 12 and 5 on 6 across and spin.....whizzzzzz whizzzz chock chock chock plunk, double 00 Lose everything I laid out which was like 30 chips/$$$....duh Do it again and 7 red, lose it all again down 60, repeat 31 Lose, Lather rinse repeat and 32 and I lose again and I just lost 120 bucks in 5 minutes, So I picked up my 94 chips and line danced out to the champagne bar for a .....Cosmopolitan, hell it was 5:00 clock somewhere and 5:00 clock on the Beautiful Norwegian Star, so I rolled along with the ship and reflected on a very eventful day.


Next Up:

Happy hour and The La Cucina Surprise



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So 5:00 clock and I decided to go up one deck and hit the promenade. There were signs and tape on the doors but not all of them and there were people on deck so I went out the last door and was hit with heavy wind and spray and rain and thunder and lightning and waves and whuuummps and psssshhhhh's. It was wildly exhilerating and the noise of the wind was loud. I tried fourteen times to light my wet ciggarette and gave up. Back inside and down to 5 and left to 5502 and then back out and right to 5502. duh.... In my cabin I turned on the not flat screen TV and the Bridge channel and the waves were said to be...very rough.....12-16 feet, which explained the really loud wuuummmpp's and grr, grrrr,,,graaa. I thanked the sea gods that I did not get seasick and crashed on the comfy bed for a few hours flipping channels and watching the news and sports and catching up with the world on CNN and Fox news. Fox news was in a frenzy over the impending Romney win, the incessant hounding on Benghazi, which they couldn't interest the rest of America in and the reasons why Romney was in for a landslide etc....It never ceases to amaze me there incessant optimism.....LOL.


Anyways, I decided that I would shower and then dress in storm mode, Slacks, nice button down and flip flops. naw, loafers OK. I went up two decks after squeezing through the pizza boxes, I was curious so I kicked one open, and it was almost full. 2 slices gone no more, curious....and curiouser I kicked open a few more and same thing. Hmmmmm...what does this tell me? Does the pizza suck, or are people willing to pay 5 bucks for 2 slices? This conundrum must be fixed sooner or later.


So Up to the Promenade and out the taped door and voila....Rafael is gone....Sun is out and setting and wind is died down and only some storms off to the left....Seas were still heavy but it was coming down as well....hmmmm Is it over? Could be...so down the queens staircase to the Champagne Bar-Gatsby's...see I remembered a name....and I sat down and the bartender said hey.....Mr Kevin, frozen mudslide? I said no I never drink the same drink twice, which elicited a roar from the several cruisers who knew me, and I ordered a scotch and water just to show them....As we parlayed conversation some people mentioned that they were going to la Cucina, again....I said...Again....Again....helloooo...Well I have been going to NCL Italian for a long time, and I have NEVER enjoyed it. Some are called La Trattoria, some La Cucina, some La Fugggetttaboutit. Once upon a time I sailed on the Dream out of Boston and they had a great La something on the tiered back deck section ...beautiful...and tasty...and free...Loved it, but the Dawn and The EPIC and the Spirit were less than stellar.So I decided that the La something was not gonna get me on the Beautiful Norwegian Star. But people were thrilled, head over heels, insistent, chiming in left and right....the piano player sang a song about its greatness, people movers were pulling up for valet parking, the elderly were pouring out the doors at 7 after their early bird experiences. So I said hey Kev...maybe theres something to this. So I decided I too would be a La Cucina patron tonight. So I sucked down 3 Scotch and Waters and stumbled to the reservation desk and was seated at 8:30 to a quite attractive and busy restaurant.


Next Up:

Foccacia and Ribeye...Oh My:eek:



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So with some trepidation and a modest buzz I entered the La Cucina. It was somewhat attractive, lots of Brick, plants, rustic tables and chairs,large windows along the walls and quite busy save for a few large tables by the door. I was seated between what turned out to be 2 lovely couples who raved about not only the menu but their dinners as well. The busboy filled my water and cleared the extra setting and the waitress promptly brought me a mudslide which someone from Champagne had sent in after me. Luv It! So the first interesting thing was the bread. There was a large black wrought iron twister funnel on a stand with a wax paper funnel inside filled with breads and foccacia. The only thing I can say about the foccacia is it was truly the best I ever had. 2 X 2 squares, all moist and filled with tomatoes and cheeses and grilled. The best, and the other breads and rolls were fresh and moist as well. Kudos, Bakers at La Cuci.


So in order to get to Bermuda in this review I will speed things up and say:

  • Appetizer, Fresh Mozzarella/Roma tomatoes/Fresh basil......Scrumptious
  • Grilled(Some Italian City) Ribeye Steak..MR and it came MR about 12 oz and so tender and juicy I cried. Best ever had on NCL, the sides were scrumptious as well
  • Skipped dessert but was pushed by staff to imbibe but NOT cause I am watching my figure...No, just didn't want to kill the buzz with coffee and dessert

Ten dollars and done


Highly rated 10 out of 10 do not miss La Cucina on the Star.


next up:

Nothing to Shout About:o



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So it was 9:15 and I had a few minutes to spare so up the Queens staircase and out to the Promenade for a smoke. The winds had died down and the seas had come down as well but still rough, I figured that Rafael had passed to the east and gone north from Bermuda as it was forecast to do. It looked like we would sail into Kings Wharf on time.


Then I entered the stardust and headed down the right aisle towards the front. Fortunately I was able to get an aisle seat, no idea how, but not complaining. Since I was on an aisle and had room to place a drink on the floor and since I was buzzed I ordered another mudslide. What the hell, I was on a cruise, and I was having fun.


The stage was quite strange. There seemed to be an irregular polygon like set of blocks and squares and steps made of blue and green stained glass. I had no idea what this was suppose to represent, certainly not London in the 60's. Anyways, mudslide on the aisle, pulled quickly twice from people movers buzzing up and down trying to locate the most obtrusive parking scenario and the show began.


5 attractive girls in bright colors, all red for 1, green, yellow, orange and blue etc... they began by singing a medley of British Rock and Roll numbers. they followed this with a medley of British Rock and Roll numbers. they did not dance much, just swings and sways, they did not move onto the ugly set. they did not change costumes, they did not go off stage and new one's come on, there were no guy singers, no dancing no costume changes no theatricality...AT ALL. they did however sing a medley of British Rock and roll numbers, and they followed this with a medley of British rock and roll....


So 30 minutes into this debacle, and since I was on an aisle, I line danced out of there as quickly and unobtrusively as I could.


Rating; 3(good Voices) out of 10 Not reccommended unless you are bored.


Next I traipsed down to The Red Lion to hear some Kenny the Human Jukebox.Very good show, very cool pub atmosphere, very nice relaxing and fun time.


Again do not miss the Red Lion at night or Kenny.


10 out of 10


I finished off my night at the Star bar and had an espresso, and Gran marnier(Double) while listening to awesome jazz piano and conversing with friends


Star Bar: 10 out of 10 do not miss


So completely buzzed and beat from a great sea day I headed down to cabin 5502, turned left, and then came out and turned right and found my comfy bed and hit the sack for tommorows arrival into King's wharf.


Next up: Bermuda, finally, with pics and a grand tour.



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We ate once there on either the gem or the jewel cant remember and we were extremely underwhelmed. Now Im thinking maybe it was a one time bad experience? :D


It seems to be the case on most NCL ships. I was always been underwhelmed, but Like The Star has an underwhelming buffet,opposed to other NCL's ... it has an overwhelming la Cucina...Who Knew?:D


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So we finally made it to Bermuda.:eek:


So I woke up at 7:00 AM, yes it was 7:00 AM and I looked out the porthole. There was still some whitecaps but the whuuump...pssshhh had subsided. So excited that we would be arriving shortly i showered cahnged into shorty, tee and flip flops. Turned on the Bridge Channel and we were right on top of Bermuda according to the line and it was 79 degs. Yesssss!

So out of cabin 5502, and up escalate to 12 and have a smoke and take in the view. We were close and I could see the outline of Bermuda. It was gorgeous out, not a cloud and seas not very rough but still choppy. the Explorer of the Seas was in front of us less than a 1/4 mile so they would go in first.

I do enjoy the Buffet for Breakfast if done right, so I dodged the people movers and headed in for a plate.


French Toast, scrambled, Bacon Galore and today...no less ..they had sausage links as well as brown and serve, fruit and danish, coffee and Apple Juice and back out to the deck,.


We were getting closer and everyone was in a great mood. So we followed the Explorer and then she docked ahead of us.


So I realized it would take some time to clear customs and get the first passengers off so I headed up to deck 9 to the internet cafe to check and send some e-mails. Cost me about 12 dollars for 1/2 an hour to accomplish this.

Then I headed back to Cabin 5502 to watch some TV and relax. the movie channel had Rock of Ages, the part where Julieann Hough was singing "Here I go Again" Who knew. It was my intent to leave the ship at 11:30 because I was going to go over to Oleander Cycles and get my scooter for 2 days. If I picked it up at 12:00 noon then I could return it at noon on Friday. This is the best method for renting scooters. Many people do it for 3 days and that is unneccessary because you end up paying for it a whole day for 3 hours on Friday. 2 days is enough.


A note on Scooter rentals vs. Public Transportation:


Renting scooters is a fun way to see the island and relatively inexpensive, ~ 50.00 per day. Remember in Bermuda they drive on the left. The cruise line does not offer cycles because of liability issues. If one is careful it can be a great option.


However; Many people are unsure of the driving on the left and get nervous with traffic behind them. There have been many incidents, involving scooters/tourists over the years. Most islanders recognize that scooters from a rental shop generally indicate tourists so they actually do have the courtesy of giving your skills the benefit of the doubt.


If you are unsure stick to the pink bus/ferry system for the $28.00 (Cash) for the 3 days.

You can mix and match the public transportation in any way that fits your schedule and desires.

  • Take the ferry to St George and the Pink bus home to ship via Horseshoe Beach
  • Or the Ferry to Hamilton and Pink bus to Lighthouse and beaches and ship
  • Or Bus to beach, Pink bus to hamilton and ferry back to King's Wharf etc...

The combinations are endless and up to you.

You can get a pass as you disembark the boat right on the dock area, but it was $28.00 for 3 days and might go up by the time you travel but figure around $30.00 for 3 days.. Well worth it, and it was cash only and they do have single passes and day passes for less as well.

Here is the ferry schedule http://www.seaexpress.bm/portal/server.pt

Here is the bus schedule


I have been to Bermuda many times and one of the reasons I love to go back is because of the scooter rentals. I hop on in the morning, off on a scenic drive towards the beaches (There are only 3 main roads so lost is not an option) Drive down the long hill to horseshoe, and park. Lunch time, Back up the hill drive 20-30 minutes to Boat and have my lunch.

Then back on my scooter and head back towards beaches but this time I go to some of the off the path beaches near Horseshoe.


Around five I head back to the ship.

In 3 days I will hit: Horseshoe Bay Beach 3 times, other beaches in Southampton and Warwick Parish (6 or 7) Hamilton twice, Elbow Beach, St Georges; Fort and Beach. Then the Crystal Caves, and the Lighthouse. I also travel along the North/east coast while cycling to St George’s. A stop at the Swizzle Inn is not recommended, unless you grab a sandwich and forego the obligatory Hurricane(s)(ss) I recommend not using the scooters at night unless just around the dockyard, which is well lit and quite convenient.


The Scooters are a lot of fun and not bad (quite good) for ~ $137.00 with service fees for 2 days. (Deluxe Model)


But be sure that you are comfortable with the scooters. They will let you test drive them so you can determine your comfort level, or since they seat 2 (Deluxe Model) a couple can share, if perhaps one of the two is not as comfortable as the other.

This is a great option, but only if you are safe and take that into mind.

Next Up:

King's Wharf band the Scooter Tour Begins.



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So the Explorer of the Seas was docked in front:



And we were docked behind. There was a lucky moongate half way down the dock...kiss...luck...etc...Tradition in Bermuda and they are everywhere. Some Homes have them for a front gate no less.


And off to Oleander Cycles at the end of the dock. It was 11;30 so it was good timing and only about 15 people in front of me. Quick and easy and painless


Grab helmet from bin, spray with washy washy fluid. Go to counter, ID(license not required) credit/debit card, sign papers and out the door for test drive around the block.


Next up; the South Coast Road:p



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