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Parents please follow the guidelines!!!


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Good for you in making your child follow the rules. However, I do agree with some of the other posters.....if the weather doesn't permit all pools to be used and I assume you did pay cruise fare for your child, then exceptions should be made, even if it is for a short time period.

Happy Cruising!


When I cruise with my family, I am paying for my kids to be on the cruise as well. If all pools aren't open, and there are no other options for my kids to swim and ENJOY their vacation, then give them a chance to use whatever pool is open for a couple of hours a day. Not all day, just a couple of "family swim times".


Where in society are kids second class citizens?


I'm all for following the rules (and believe me I do...ask my kids!), but give families a break. Our kids work hard in school and sports and whatever other endeavors that undertake, so what's so wrong with them enjoying their vacation too! I certainly won't enjoy my vacation sitting and enjoying myself in the adults only pool knowing they aren't allowed to swim. I just can't be that selfish.


If the weather is bad enough that we're even in this mess, I can guarantee that we're all in this mess together! Probably no one is really having such a great cruise!!


Oh well, that's just my humble opinion......and one from a family that has to travel during school vacations since I don't like to have my kids miss alot of school for travel. If I wanted to travel without kids around, I would make sure I didn't travel during school vacation periods. Believe me I don't want to travel with a million kids on board either! I just don't have that luxury yet!!!

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Hi Dosi: I have been in that same situation many times. I look on it as a Life Lesson. You are teaching your son that there will be many times when people break rules- he must stay strong and do the right thing even though it means a little sacrifice on his part. He is learning that he can't control other people, he can only control himself.


I hope you rewarded him in some way for following the rules in a situation that was quite a temptation !

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I hope you rewarded him in some way for following the rules in a situation that was quite a temptation !



No we didn't reward him for following the rules. He is expected to follow the rules and almost always does. If we gave him a treat or reward for this we would be handing out stuff left and right!!! We did however tell him we were very very proud of him for not getting upset (remember he is just five and still can pitch a big one if really pushed to his limits) and told him on our next "warm" vacation daddy and I would swim with him every day. We are going to Reno in June for a few days so I think we will be spending a lot of time in the pool!!! :D :D

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If the weather was bad and there was only one indoor pool available for use then I might have let my son go in for a little bit if I saw other children in the pool. I would also make sure that he would not be splashing and jumping and disrupting anyone. And this would only be in this same situation! A short cruise!!! Unless it was a week cruise with rain all week!! :eek: I don't think it would have been fair to the kids not to let them have a little fun. I probably would have asked a Princess employee too and if their response was a NO - then I would ask why there were kids already in the pool and then I would ask - why can't they - even if they have designated hours for the kids to swim. I would not let my child use an adult pool if it was nice weather.


Sometimes the rules need to be bent (when reasonable) - just a little. Sorry but that is just my .02

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While I would respect whatever answer I received had I asked this question myself, I'm wondering if some of the other members of the deck crew might have given those other parents the okay to let their children swim? I think we've seen countless examples of people asking questions and getting varying answers from employees.


I think it was a fair question to ask whether an exception was being made because the *only* pool available on the ship was labeled for adults-only.

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It was not the only pool available, it was the only comfortable pool available. The other pools were open. There were at least 6 or 8 signs at each stairway and entry to the pool which stated clearly "Adults Only".


As for pushing the issue further; it was much simpler to take my son jogging for half an hour and then give him an ice cream while I had a cocktail. I wanted to have a fun trip and not waste time asking for explanations that most likely would not have satisfied me anyhow.

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I know I would be terribly angry to find that after paying good money for my kids to go on a cruise that the only usable pool was for adults only. I agree that people should follow the rules, but the cruiseline should have enough sense to change the rules to fit the situation. To have the only covered pool on a cold weather cruise be for adults only is simply ridiculous.

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My apologies....I thought you had mentioned inquiring whether children could swim.


I did inquire and was told no. No apologies necessary. I just wanted folks to understand that this was as far as I chose to take it. Perhaps I could have asked a bunch of people, or pointed out the kids that were already in the pool, but it just didn't seem worth it to me. We found lots of other things to do. My issue was with the other parents who could obviously read the signs and chose to ignore them. In my opinion if I see a sign that says "Adults Only" there really is no need for clarification. It is fairly self explanatory. However in this case I suppose a sign saying "Adults only and also children of adults who do not care about the rules" might have made things clearer :D .

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Just curious to know which ship were you on? We've sailed the Golden and the only adult pool I knew of was the Terrace Pool, and it was uncovered. I thought the covered pool was for everyone


Now that you mention this....I think the OP said it was Coral Princess. When I sailed on that ship, they had designated the Aft Terrace pool adults-only, and the covered Calypso pool as for everyone. That's the way it's been on every Princess ship I've been on. Coral spends a lot of time in Alaska, and I can't imagine them using the only covered pool for adults only.


Since the Calypso Pool normally *is* available to everyone, I wonder if, on this particular sailing, they did the reverse of what's being discussed here: designated the pool adults-only during certain hours.

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Now that you mention this....I think the OP said it was Coral Princess. When I sailed on that ship, they had designated the Aft Terrace pool adults-only, and the covered Calypso pool as for everyone. That's the way it's been on every Princess ship I've been on. Coral spends a lot of time in Alaska, and I can't imagine them using the only covered pool for adults only.


Since the Calypso Pool normally *is* available to everyone, I wonder if, on this particular sailing, they did the reverse of what's being discussed here: designated the pool adults-only during certain hours.


Coral and Island do not have aft pools as the grand ships do. There is a small pool(Pelicans Pool) aft in the children's area. Didn't go back there on the May 2 day cruise, so don't know if it was open. You must have confused one of the grand class ships with the Coral(it is considered in the Sun Class.)

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Ahhh...you're right....on Coral and Island, the covered pool is the Lotus Spa (adult) Pool, then, and the Aft Terrace pool is the Kiddie Pool. They really *do* need some way to accomodate children in the pools in cold weather on this ship!


It's obviously time for another cruise to re-familiarize myself with the pools. :)

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I would much prefer that parents simply follow the guidelines as they are presented. This really is not so much a Princess problem as it is a parenting problem.

In my opinion, it may be a parenting problem, but it is every bit as much a Princess problem. That's bullhocky ... restricting children from the only pool that is usable. Parents pay a fare for their children too ... and those children should be allowed to engage in age-appropriate activities that enhance their cruise experience. How would an adult feel if they were told ... gee, we're closing all the bars for this cruise because it is only a three-day cruise? Betcha there would be an uproar that would be heard at all four corners of the world! Why should there be any less of an uproar because children were being unfairly denied a fun vacation experience?


Like I said before, I don't have any children. Personally, I would prefer to cruise at times when there are few, if any, children on the boat. So, believe me, I'm not a bleeding heart where children are concerned. But, fair is fair ... regardless of age. If there are three pools on a ship, and all pools are open and able to be used, then fine ... no children in the covered pool period! But, if two of those three pools are unusable because of weather, then the normally "adults only" pool (which happens to be the only covered one) should be freely open for the enjoyment of all children onboard.


By the way, what genius decided to make the "adults only" pool the covered one? Doing so creates this sort of a problem when the weather isn't good for swimming in the other "open deck" pools. Also, what if a child had a skin condition whereby too much exposure to the sun could be dangerous? Would not his parent want him swimming in a pool that was protected from the sun? No, the "adults only" pool, if a ship has one, should be one of the uncovered pools.


While the OP's actions in forcing her son to follow the rules are admirable, I have to honestly admit that I wouldn't have done so. If I saw multiple children in the adults only pool, and knew that the other pools were unusable because of weather ... and if the deck people I spoke to merely told me that children were not allowed, but showed no signs of getting the other ones out, I would have told my son to go put on his swimming trunks and have a ball. After all, it's his vacation too ... and if a rule is not being enforced, then clearly it is not a rule.


Sorry ... just my opinion ... as right or wrong as it may be ...


Blue skies ...



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"While I would respect whatever answer I received had I asked this question myself, I'm wondering if some of the other members of the deck crew might have given those other parents the okay to let their children swim? I think we've seen countless examples of people asking questions and getting varying answers from employees.


I think it was a fair question to ask whether an exception was being made because the *only* pool available on the ship was labeled for adults-only."



Interesting points being made by posters. I just added a question to ask Princess: is the covered pool on the Island adults only and if so, what happens during the cooler days (first two and last one) during the Hawaii cruise?


On the Sapphire, the covered pool is available to all and that was great on the Alaskan cruise for my daughter as she had just finished her swimming class the week before. The outdoor pools would have been too cold for her. It doesn't seem fair to children if they can't use the only comfortable pool weather wise. Definitely in that case, the crew should have removed the "adults only" sign for that cruise.


And what that poster above said about getting different answers could have been the case here. One crew member could have thought the children had the right to swim too. Another crew member was going along with the rules.


That said, from what I read from some threads earlier in the year, it seems that many kids are either unsupervised by their parents or tell their kids to go ahead and ignore the rules. And that is frustrating to those of us trying to bring up children who are respectful and responsible. And that applies to other facets of life, including school. I have had to talk to some kids about calling another a name ("loser") or hitting (in the classroom, knowing the teacher is trying to ignore it, even when my child is pointing it out) or downright snubbing another child. Much of the behavior (racism, anti-Semitism, bullying, physical violence) comes from the parents in some way or another. A big sigh.:(

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well i have noticed the deck attendants are the only crew members that dont follow up on the rules of the ship, i guess they feel bad saying no.


I find that they let the children swim in the pool and they also dont monitor the lounge chairs, people could be gone for hours while others are trying to find a chair to sunbathe.


I dont think they say anything because they dont want to get screamed at by parents who get offended.. I've seen i myself personally.

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Good for you. My pet peave with Princess is that the WILL NOT enforce their own rules, hence there may as well not be any rules. Reserving deck lounges by the pool is the most obvious to me. Even when you ask for a little enforcement, the crew members are VERY reluctant to do so....due to their training probably. They leave it up to the pasengers, most of whom like me, do not want to make a fuss on their vacation.

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I dont think they say anything because they dont want to get screamed at by parents who get offended.. I've seen i myself personally.

They are probably specifically told not to say anything ... and understandably so. Princess (as well as many of the other mass market lines) are billing themselves as a family-oriented vacation experience. As such, they SHOULD be very child-friendly. Restricting children from the pool is certainly not child-friendly behavior and I'd be willing to bet that the cruiseline specifically tells their staff not to get involved in a matter such as making children get out of what is billed as an adults-only pool.


Personally, I think this is just one of those rules that is not at all enforced and shouldn't even be in existence. After all, how the hell can you bill yourself as "child friendly" in order to get the family vacation dollar, and then tell parents that their children can't use the only covered pool? Simply put, you can't. And that's why the rule isn't enforced and should be done away with entirely.


Blue skies ...



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In my opinion, it may be a parenting problem, but it is every bit as much a Princess problem. That's bullhocky ... restricting children from the only pool that is usable. Parents pay a fare for their children too ... and those children should be allowed to engage in age-appropriate activities that enhance their cruise experience. How would an adult feel if they were told ... gee, we're closing all the bars for this cruise because it is only a three-day cruise? Or that we are closing the other pools....just kids only pool open? Betcha there would be an uproar that would be heard at all four corners of the world! Why should there be any less of an uproar because children were being unfairly denied a fun vacation experience?


Like I said before, I don't have any children. Personally, I would prefer to cruise at times when there are few, if any, children on the boat. So, believe me, I'm not a bleeding heart where children are concerned. But, fair is fair ... regardless of age. If there are three pools on a ship, and all pools are open and able to be used, then fine ... no children in the covered pool period! But, if two of those three pools are unusable because of weather, then the normally "adults only" pool (which happens to be the only covered one) should be freely open for the enjoyment of all children onboard.


By the way, what genius decided to make the "adults only" pool the covered one? Doing so creates this sort of a problem when the weather isn't good for swimming in the other "open deck" pools. Also, what if a child had a skin condition whereby too much exposure to the sun could be dangerous? Would not his parent want him swimming in a pool that was protected from the sun? No, the "adults only" pool, if a ship has one, should be one of the uncovered pools.


While the OP's actions in forcing her son to follow the rules are admirable, I have to honestly admit that I wouldn't have done so. If I saw multiple children in the adults only pool, and knew that the other pools were unusable because of weather ... and if the deck people I spoke to merely told me that children were not allowed, but showed no signs of getting the other ones out, I would have told my son to go put on his swimming trunks and have a ball. After all, it's his vacation too ... and if a rule is not being enforced, then clearly it is not a rule.


Sorry ... just my opinion ... as right or wrong as it may be ...


Blue skies ...




I agree with this poster.....parent should have advocated for their child.

I'm sorry original poster,.....you kind of sounded 'holier than thou'. :(

I'm a parent with grown children, they most certainly did follow the rules and turned into fine adults. But they also witnessed me, as their parent, advocate for them for injustices.

This truly is not a major life-changing injustice, but IMHO, children need to learn that unfairness can be changed if done so in a respectful, fair way. And they need to learn this from their parents.

I wouldn't have told my child to break the rules, but I would have advocated for him to have the rules briefly changed in view of the current circumstancs......and shame on Princess for not forseeing this event!

But then again, maybe your child didn't really care to swim, maybe it wasn't a big deal to him.

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Aah, I get it. It's okay to break any rules if doing so will prevent disappointment. Personally, I wish that Princess would stand firm on the adults-only designation. I will NOT swim in a pool that has been used by small children. When the kids invade the adult pool, its use is denied for me. Of course, it's not that big a deal. I understand that I can't get everything I want - a lesson my parents taught me long ago.


Disappointment and restrictions are a part of life. Learn to deal with it.


I trust you wouldn't feel so blase about changing the rules if, for example, it was too blustery to smoke outside and people decided to turn the area into a temporary smoking area, would you?

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Aah, I get it. It's okay to break any rules if doing so will prevent disappointment. Personally, I wish that Princess would stand firm on the adults-only designation. I will NOT swim in a pool that has been used by small children. When the kids invade the adult pool, its use is denied for me. Of course, it's not that big a deal. I understand that I can't get everything I want - a lesson my parents taught me long ago.


Disappointment and restrictions are a part of life. Learn to deal with it.


I trust you wouldn't feel so blase about changing the rules if, for example, it was too blustery to smoke outside and people decided to turn the area into a temporary smoking area, would you?

Well that's a big ole DUH:p .....since when has swimming with children endangered your health like second had smoke endangers the health of others? Hmmmm? I don't know the last time I was in a pool that a 5 year old dirtied his trunks, but I do know of plenty of times that adults(usually after they've been drinking) have decided to relieve themselves in the pool - nasty.

I was simply stating that a fare is paid for children, just like adults, they should also have the same amenities, that are within the law (wouldn't want you think I mean children should be allowed alcohol and gambling) , that adults have.

Its not about getting what you want to avoid disappointment, it is about being fair. Yea, I know the world is an unfair place, but we all do what we can to make it better. How many cruisers have posted they expected some sort of reimbursement because their ship could not make a port on their itinerary? Does Princess not reimburse port charges?

When you are on a cruise ship that advertises a certain number of pools and those pools are taken away for whatever reason....some sort of accomodation or substitution should be made. Like I said, not the entire cruise, but maybe a family hour.

I can deal very well with not getting everything I want in life thank you very much....but when I pay for something (and believe me, parents pay dearly for child fare) I do expect to get what I paid for.

So Spongerob, you don't seem to get my point. ;)

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I agree with this poster.....parent should have advocated for their child.



Advocated for my child...good heavenly days, it is not as though the Bill of Rights guarantees the right for my son to swim!! I still do not have an issue with Princess placing the adults only rule and given the fact that there were far less children than adults on this cruise the majority were served with what was fair.


It bothers me when some people think they are above the rules. I am not holier than thou or anyone else. I am merely trying to get along in life. Had I thought the situation terribly wrong or unfair I would have most certainly voiced my opinion to someone in charge. I did not realize there even was an indoor pool until we got onto the ship and realized that bad weather might definitely prevent swimming.


We paid very little for this cruise and even less for my son. The vacation was for having fun....all kinds of fun. I did not intend for this thread to become a debate of rights for children (who by the way I do not view as my equal, but as my responsiblity). I understand that some folks feel that once they dish out money to pay for their child to go on a cruise that the child is absolutley entitled to every perk and benefit an adult is entitled to, I am not one of these people though. I am just glad for the opportunity to be able to show my son alot of interesting places and people without having to pack and unpack more than once in a weeks time.


I realize how fruitless my original request is now as I see that many folks really think differently than me. And that is fine too. Trust me, my son has heard many times already "because their family has different rules than we do" and I am sure he will hear it many more. I guess this just ended up being another one of those times.

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...and parents should teach their children to stand up for WHATEVER they perceive as unfairness. There is, however, a big difference between advocacy and damning the rules. It seems to me that the OP asked if children could swim in the adult pool. She got her answer: "no." Should she have carried her campaign further? It's debatable. Some may think it's a big thing; others may not. No one is right there. But having gotten an answer, it is incumbent upon the parents to enforce the rules. Not many parents would have been willing to be put off the ship at the next port--and once they decided to go against the rules, its incumbent upon parents to impress upon children potential consequences of their actions. Sometimes parents must teach their kids yes, it is okay to go against the rules, but there are consequences too.


Sounds to me as if the opposing posters were rallying against the unfairness, without showing any willingness to bear the consequences. That teaching is a VERY poor lesson, IMHO. Yeah, yeah, rally about all the other kids in the pool. Who knows what answers they got. When you KNOW the rules, and choose to break them, then heck if you should not bear some consequences for breaking them. Not fair? Life is not fair. We all have choices. Sometimes we have to choose our battles.

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