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Froufie Breezes across the Atlantic - Nov 3, 2012


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Of course I had the stuffed mushrooms, and lobster with banana cake for dessert. Ken Byrne does some wonderful singing which I caught on video followed by a rousing rendition of That’s Amore by the wait staff- and yes a sandal malfunction (the strap broke) so I try to exit the dining room barefoot yet graceful and scoot to my cabin to change shoes - yes luckily I packed too many shoes! :)


Tonight’s show is another Playlist Production - Latin Nights - again very impressive and high tech - followed by more latin music/dancing in the lobby atrium and the Liquid Nightclub! I run into Deborah and Sue in the casino - Sue is extra special and the casino people love her so she has one of those free drink cards - and I am offered a drink - so a strawberry daiquiri comes my way - like I need more alcohol (NOT) and I stagger back to my cabin to be greeted with another towel animal (and it looks like they are having their own ‘party’ as well).







It is midnight and I have a 6:30 am wakeup call as we need to meet at 7:30 am for the Alhambra/Granada tour!

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So 6:30 wake up call and then breakfast arrives and while I LOVE LOVE LOVE smoked salmon, one look makes me realize as much as I love it I can’t really stomach it at 6:45 am - luckily I have my bagel and some fruit and coffee to fill me up.


Off to the Ovation Theatre at 7:30 am to get my sticker (#3) and I find roll call buddies Moe and Rick with the same number. Anne is also there and is able to trade her #2 for a #3 and since her hubby is not feeling well and won’t be doing the tour we end up hanging out and sitting together on the bus!


We are all tired and waiting for our # to be called and while we wait Calvyn is there doing some sort of improvised trivia game where the prizes come from an ‘emergency’travel kit - yes I end up winning an ‘emery board’ while others get a toothbrush, mouthwash and a comb! YAAY!


So proud of my 'prize'!



Now did I mention the pouring rain? Yes on and off raining - Anne has an umbrella and I have my dollar store rain poncho -which might be okay for a slight drizzle but by the end of the day I was soaked.


We are finally called to the gangway - normally on deck 0 and we are led there - but confusion reigns - it seems they want to change the’exit’ to deck 3 - which gets us into the Malaga port terminal building (out of the rain) - first we are told it’s deck 0 , then deck 3, then deck 0 as we stand and wait. Finally an announcement is made (over the staff walkie talkie not to us) that they have decided to close the deck 0 gangway due to the rain and possibly slippery situation and off we go back the way we came to deck 3.


So we are out of the rain but only for a few minutes - then out of the terminal into the downpour and onto the buses.


Antonio is our driver and Jose is our guide - he is not that organized and seems a bit frazzled most of the time - but he does know his stuff.


The rain is a bit of a nuisance as we try to take pics thru the windows with little luck. At least it is intermittent so we do get a break once in a while. We make one stop along the way (like a spanish rest area/truck stop?) for a bathroom break and drinks/snacks (I got a bottle of orange stuff).




Yup - sure looks like rain



At 11 am we are at the Alhambra and everything needs to go according to schedule as our tickets are marked with specific visit times. Headsets and radios are distributed and more confusion reigns as Jose tries to get us all on the same channel - with mixed results - finally we all seem to be organized and off we go to tour the outside gardens.







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What can I say? Even with the puddles and rain the place is stunning - I am like an amateur photographer and go crazy taking pics - each spot is lovelier than the last ! By 12:30 pm we need to be inside - the audio stuff works well if you are in range of the guide - and the info provided was instrumental in really enjoying what we saw. So historical and old and lovely- definitely worth seeing.













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At around 1:30 pm we were done and at this time it is pouring buckets of rain - and even an umbrella wasn’t of much help. The various tour groups, ours included, are all huddled under some of the overhangs at the entrance, but this makes for a very crowded and damp environment. We hand back our headsets and gear and a couple of us want to use the washroom (around the corner down the stairs) so Jose directs us there.


I am there only a couple of minutes as is Anne....I exit to where our group was last and NO GROUP! No Jose, no one I know and I see Anne wandering about as well!


Hmmm - what to do? We check out some of the ‘covered’ spots but still no group? At this point we are both pretty wet and miserable.....off to the parking lot we go figuring they must have gone to the bus right? We are now wandering thru the tiny parking lot trying to read bus numbers and can’t find our bus there.


Now we weren’t really panicked since there were four carnival buses there ....and I”m sure we could have hopped on another bus if we had to and would not be left behind....but at this point we were standing under a dripping wet tree, with a dripping wet umbrella over us and me in my drenched poncho...when our knight in shining armour appears (okay it was only Doug with an umbrella but still).


Doug (and Kay) were also roll call members - happened to be on our bus and of course everyone must have noticed we were missing! Seems the busses are not allowed to ‘stay’ in the parking lot for any length of time so the bus had to leave, circle round and come back for us. In fact the best thing we could have done was to wait patiently in the parking lot as we were doing until we were ‘saved’! YAAY -from then on Doug became my ‘cruise hero’! :).

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Onto the bus I went - my pants were literally drooping/falling off cuz they were soaked from the knees down and I can’t even begin to describe my soaked runners (you know the mesh kind?) and my ‘spongy’ socks had become ‘absorbent towels’ inside my shoes - drowned rat would be an appropriate description from my toes up to my wet and curly hair!


We were now on our way to some hotel (15 min drive) for a buffet lunch. So here I am walking thru the lobby of a pretty nice looking hotel with squeaking wet shoes leaving puddles as I walked - kind of embarrassing? But after some paella, pasta, salads and a couple of glasses of wine I was a happy camper - also some yummy desserts too and a singing band!




Back on the bus for a drive thru Granada (lovely city), and back to the ship with one more rest/bathroom stop on the way back.


Now the ship was supposed to leave port at 5 pm - and our bus arrived at the port at 5:15 pm - and we were the first of the four busses to arrive. Moral of the story - when doing a tour far from the ship where lots of driving is involved it is in your best interest to book a Carnival tour, despite the additional cost, to ensure you are not left behind!!!


In my soaking wet state I went straight to the Limelight Lounge as I know that cruise mate Sue had made special arrangements for a friday night service to take place onboard - complete with wine and challahs provided by Carnival (and they were very yummy!). We had quite a good turnout with about 20 people showing up (even a cantor onboard) and had a lovely time. Thanks Sue!

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At 6 pm I was finally back in my cabin for a nice HOT shower and change of clothes and off to the piano bar carrying my bottle of pinot noir to share with some of my tablemates! Found Carolyn, Deborah, Sue, Skipper and this is where I first encountered THE STALKER! (or that’s what I liked to call her).


Given that I have done a few reviews on CC and cruised with many and I am usually active on my roll calls I am often approached by many cruisers who seem to ‘know’ me from my posts/pics and reviews. This cruise was no different as a few people seemed to know who I was and had read my reviews.


HOWEVER I was unprepared for The Stalker woman. I am approaching my ‘seat’ at the piano bar when this woman comes up to me and says ‘are you Janet’? Yes.....and from Ottawa? Yes...and are you married to xxx and she mentions my ex-husband’s name (weird?) and I ask do I know you or do you know him? Her answer is no.....where are you from? Florida she says? So how do you know me? Her response is: I don’t know you or your husband - I researched you on Facebook! So inside I am freaking out thinking what kind of a weirdo is this person but I respond: well you obviously didn’t do enuf research cuz I am no longer married to X and have been remarried for several years to someone else. Her response: I guess not (she seemed disapointed that she did not know this!)....


I casually saunter over to my friends at the bar - whispering quietly to them - OHMYGOD - that woman is so weird and she seems to know who I am? Now when I thought more about this it got even stranger - you see on facebook I don’t use the name Janet nor is my ex-husband mentioned in any way, shape or form (I have been remarried for over 14 years!)....so I am not sure how and where this woman got the information.


So every night I would see her (and her companion) in the piano bar I would nod politely and say hi and she would respond likewise - I assume she did not mean me any harm - but why would someone - even if they did ‘research’ you on Facebook - come up and tell you that? Does not make any sense - unless their goal was to freak you out somehow? Or show off what they knew?


I made sure all my ‘roll call’ protectors were aware of her and well you know if something happened to me it wasn’t cuz I jumped overboard - if you know what I mean!! :).....but still found this somewhat creepy! I also dared not tell me husband about this while onboard as he is the paranoid type and always concerned about my safety when I travel and I didn’t want to worry him at all.


Off to dinner - tonight nothing much enticed me so I tried out the ever so spicy Indian vegetarian dinner for a change and shared my wine with some of my tablemates.


Then off to the show with Anne and Ursula to enjoy singer Samantha Joy. While she was an excellent singer and entertainer most of us were waiting for a ‘wardrobe malfunction’ to occur due to the deeply cut gown she was wearing!!!


After the show I found Nancy and Julie and Ruth for a chat - then got my tea and back to my cabin around 1 am! No wonder I am so tired....



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Despite going to bed quite late I am upset to find myself awake at 9 am! So off I go for a trivia game and some breakfast at Ocean Plaza.


This is a new addition to the ship’s design - a wonderful seating area and bandstand in the middle of deck 5 - lots of tables/chairs inside - and on each side a sliding door leading to the Lanai outside - with those ‘bumps’ sticking out and more tables/chairs and umbrellas - prime spots if you can get them (and the port side is smoking with ashtrays on the tables).


During the day this is usually the spot for many trivia games, some karaoke in the evenings, the Taste Bar as well as there is a small ‘refrigerated’ and buffet area (it’s also right next to the coffee bar), and my favorite was the breakfast provided there. If you are not into huge breakfasts and want to avoid the lido buffet crowds this is the place for you.


Breaktast was served there - usually between 8 and 10:30 am - the ‘bar’ area was laid out for juices/teas/coffee and the ‘buffet’ area had some ‘scrambled eggs’ (in a large pot - but I believe they were those ‘yucky’ powdered ones), grits, oatmeal, then waffles, danish, cheeses, cold cuts, yogurt, milk/cereal and you could make your own toast as well - with all the toppings.


So I got my usual oatmeal, fruit, danish and coffee and settled in, enjoying a trivia game while I ate. Now I didn’t win any of the trivia games on the Breeze most likely cuz I got discouraged to even play them after noticing that those ship on a stick prizes were rare indeed! You see I am a trivia buff and pride myself on being able to win at least one ship on a stick on each cruise - adding to my collection. And of course I was hoping to add a coveted Breeze trophy to my pile. But they seemed to be rare indeed. In fact winning first place would either get you a medal (yup got a few of those too - usually won as second place prizes) or a ‘trading card’ with a picture of one of the social hosts (seriously?) And you had to collect all 7 of them and trade them in for a prize - ARE YOU KIDDING ME? (Oh ya they came with a $1 off coupon at the photo studio)- not smart Carnival. I was sorely disappointed and not sure why the cheapness of not providing the trophies as is done on other cruises :(


Bumped into Calvyn along the way:




Map update:


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Anyways - back to the cabin I went to get ready for our paid roll call cocktail party - $12/open ar for 1 hr (organized by Carmen) - it was held in the piano bar and fairly well attended - we went around the room introducing ourselves which was fun and then there was a draw for some more of those door prizes!








From the cocktail party we segued right into the Cabin Crawl (meeting at 1:30 at the Tides Bar) - this was very well organized by Julie and Nancy and included visits to about 13 cabins all over the ship. The group was so large in fact that we had to break up into 3 separate groups and leave 10 mins apart so that we wouldn’t cause major traffic jams in the hallways or cabins!


It was great fun not only to visit all the different ‘categories’ of cabins but many cabin hosts provided ‘refreshments’ from limoncello to sangria to candy and cookies - a lovely ‘bonding’ experience as well.


Cove view:



Best decorated cabin goes to Nancy & Julie:



Best decorated towel animals goes to Elle!


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After that it was just about time for ‘teatime’ at 3 so off we went to the upper level of the Blush dining room commandeering 2 tables this time as we had excellent attendance. And this is when my ‘future’ teatime boyfriend Sasa (pronounced Sasha) discovered me - yes for whatever reason he seemed to take quite a shine to me and started hovering about asking if there was anything more he could get me and was everything okay? The teatime ladies of course enjoyed every second of my ‘blushing’ as he insisted on hugging me goodbye - what a hoot!


And I found this platinum 'treat' in my cabin as well:




At 4 pm I needed fresh air so off I went for a walk on the jogging track up near the sports square - weather was sunny and windy and beautiful. When I was done I ended up on the Serenity deck listening to more tunes on my ipod until it got too cool to sit out so in I went to get ready for dinner. And the ship was actually rocking ever so slightly this evening - enuf to make it noticeable (and for Ruth to make herself seasick by videotaping the waves then watching them in her cabin - she had to take seasick meds - silly girl!).


7:30 pm at the piano bar finds me with Carolyn, Gus, Sue and a few other roll call members.








Dinner is another ‘new’ menu. I have the petite marmite (soup), the vegetarian lasagne as an appetizer (very good), and the NY strip for dinner followed by some tropical fruit.




Showtime tonight is Emily Reed - another good entertainer. A visit to the casino nets me $20 from the goldfish machine (so far I am still not getting ahead), and the bonus is turning back our clocks one hour tonight. Back to my cabin and a new friend!



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I am up at 8:30 am for breakfast on the Lido - we are parked next to the QM2 (the closest I will most likely ever get? :() and I am able to capture a rainbow with my camera.






I was the one who organized this tour thru Trip Gran Canaria and had been in contact with Bruno over the past few months. I would highly recommend them if you are lookingn for something to do in GC: http://tripgrancanaria.com/index_en.php


I had a group of 12 from the roll call who would be joining me in the Bandama Volcano Crater hike and wine tasting on Gran Canaria.


The bus and Bruno were waiting outside the exit and we were on our way. Of course it was again a semi-rainy day drizzling on and off but certainly not as bad as our Malaga visit. Off to the Golf course we went for our first stop - then we were separated - those of us climbing in and out of the crater (8 brave souls) and the rest who chose to visit the town and the Botanical Gardens.






We met up with tourguide Pepe who had a wealth of information about the crater and volcano and his dog Leta (very well mannered and a wonderful guide as well).



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Now the crater is pretty big and the road down is not that obvious - but is STEEP and long and covered with small (slippery when wet) rocks and other obstacles - down down down we went - sometimes being rained on - then the wind and the sunshine - at the bottom it was very windy and we could see some ruins along with a ‘working farm’! We also saw some lemon trees, olive trees, and other flora as well. Lots of great pics - but we soon realized - what goes down must come up (and there was no elevator or escalator in sight).














So off we went on the big climb up - now going down was slightly challenging but going up was worse. Yes I was just huffing and puffing my way back up - and no matter how far you went when you looked up it seemed you had hardly gone anywhere at all! My legs seemed to be holding up - but my chest was pounding so alas I had to take frequent breaks. Now Pepe was an excellent guide and was more than happy to stay with me and take breaks too (smoke breaks?) as well I had my ‘second hero’ Paul accompanying me as well (his wife had recently broken her foot so did not do the hiking part) - but Paul was just so sweet and nice and said he would not let anything happen to me and he even offered to carry my ‘hot pink’ purse (what a guy!). I was so appreciative and felt bad for taking so long to climb up - but was assured by Pepe that it’s no big deal - many people don’t even try to do the hike - so be proud and take your time! So I did.


And there was the group at the top (when I finally got there that is) waiting for me - YAAY. Once on the bus I recuperated quickly with a bottle of water as it was now time for the wine tasting portion of the tour!

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Off we went to La Montagna, a small independent winery - where the owner greeted us and with Bruno’s ‘translation’ help told us about the vineyard, the grapes and took us thru his small ‘factory’ where even the labels are put on with a manual machine!













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After touring the property we were taken across to the owner’s private patio area where a long wooden table was set with home baked bread (from the oven behind us - it was still warm), home made goat cheese from his goats and samples of red, white and muscatel wine. I can vouch for the fact that it was all very delicious!














And yes we were able to purchase the wine (6 Eu/bottle) which I did (as if I needed more wine in my cabin!).

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Back to the ship to drop off our wine then Sue and I met up for a ‘snack’ at the buffet




Dinner prep and piano bar with Carolyn, Sue, Catanya, Mike and of course there in her usual spot on the couch was my Stalker! Dinner tonight was smoked salmon appetizer, pot au feu soup, teriyaki salmon and pineapple carpaccio for dessert. Then off to the show with Ursula and Anne to watch Craig Richard caress his saxophones - pretty good stuff.


Map updates - leaving Gran Canaria and heading out to sea!




After the show a walk by the piano bar found Nancy and Julie and Anne and Ruth there as well. Tried to entice the casino goldfish into giving me some $$ with no luck at all - then grabbed some hot chocolate on Lido and off to bed I went!




...and the menagerie grows!




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Now the crater is pretty big and the road down is not that obvious - but is STEEP and long and covered with small (slippery when wet) rocks and other obstacles - down down down we went - sometimes being rained on - then the wind and the sunshine - at the bottom it was very windy and we could see some ruins along with a ‘working farm’! We also saw some lemon trees, olive trees, and other flora as well. Lots of great pics - but we soon realized - what goes down must come up (and there was no elevator or escalator in sight).quote]


We found this out in the Grand Canyon on the Bright Angel Trail.:o


The pictures are just beautiful.






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I just finally had time to read this while I am slow at work, great review but I can't see the pictures :( Going to try when I get home, sounds like they are an important part of the review~


Oh no - hope you can seem them at home! They are awfully nice (as mentioned below! :) )


We found this out in the Grand Canyon on the Bright Angel Trail.:o[/size]


The pictures are just beautiful.







Thanks so much!

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Hi Froufie, Anita Little here (lol). Thanks for the great pictures and reviews. Makes me wish I was still on the ship. Hope we meet on another cruise sometime.


Would love to cruise with you again sometime! :)


Hi Janet!

I am enjoying your review, and it's great to remember the great places we visited.

Happy Holiday!

Doug and Kay


Hi there!!!


Hope you are both fine and well - missing everyone and all the fun we had!!!


Thanks again for saving Anne and me at the Alhambra :)


Happy Holidays to both of you as well :D:D

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I might be a CC stalker too if I recognized you on a cruise. You crack me up. Just had to mention, love the pics of you and friends in your Breezin across the Atlantic t-shirts, the piggies covered in pennies ( my daughter never misses a chance to pick up a penny), and the poster at your wine tasting/warm bread stop that said La Montana. We are from Montana. Was the poster referring to a wine, a place, or something else that you recall?

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