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Skinny In Italy!


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I won´t join your cruise but am heading for a cruise at nearly the same time, May 1st on Celebrity Infinity.


I managed to gain quite a lot of weight over the last few years and am finally willing to make it disappear ;)

I´m starting out at 178 lbs, my first goal is 158 lbs and my longtime goal is 138 lbs (63kg). So there is a lot of work to be done.


My greatest weakness is coke, and I really have to quit on that to make some serious progress.


Activity wise I´ve bought us an all-year pass for the Zoo, lots of hills to walk there and something to see, too, I´ve started to do Yoga again, and I´ve a paying membership at a gym, have to make that an active membership instead.


I could use some motivation...


So, my starting weight is : 81 kg = 178,5 lbs

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Welcome kasi1979!


I'm NOT one of the ones going to Italy. In fact I don't even have a cruise planned right now. We did cruise on the Celebrity Infinity in December -to the Panama Canal - a great ship.


I quit drinking Coke 4 weeks ago. It was diet coke - but have wanted to "quit" for years. I don't miss it much at all. I just switched to water.


You can do it! And this thread is a great place to start.


This week I stayed the same - 148.

Starting weight in September 2012 was 170.

Goal weight is 140.



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Good morning Ladies! Kay, Ann, Ashley, Charlene, Cindy, Alyssa - we have been doing this a month here! Yay us!


Welcome Summergirl and Kasi - this is a wonderful group. Summergirl - I go back to the grocery store constantly (I also have 3 teenagers who eat me out of house and home). Kasi - if you can drop the coke I bet you would have a big loss with minimal effort. What else do you like to drink? I spend more time on MFP since I have to log in there several times a day with food and exercise. Feel free to add me as a friend (same name).


Last week I gained a bit, but am down again a net of 2lbs for a 10lb total! Whoo Hoo! I did post a blog on MFP and thought I would share here as well:

Here on Feb 1 I sit 10lbs lighter, feeling stronger and having more energy. I really had myself convinced that I couldn't control my appetite (and was secretly plotting to ask my Dr for some medication to control hunger) and that it was my thyroid (which is supposedly starting to burn out according to test results) leading to weight gain. Why did I wait so long to get started?

I am most proud that I have not missed a day of exercise yet - sometimes that means sleeping in my workout clothes and getting up at 5 to get it in before work...and I have done it bleary-eyed but with a sense of accomplishment on the day.

I have also been eating well, have added tea on a daily basis, and my Gerd does not act up as much.

Goals for the month of Feb - 5lbs weight loss; start adding strength training 3X/week; learn to deal with social eating (have lots of events this month). I am also flirting with daily weigh ins. I will make a commitment to weighing daily this month, but tracking weight on Fridays.


My son is having friends over for the Superbowl and I will be making food. Anyone want to share ideas for Superbowl fare?


Have a good weekend!


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Good morning!! Sounds like everyone is hanging in there and feeling pretty motivated! :)


I fight about 15 pounds year round! Last summer I worked out and dieted consistantly for our cruise to the Bahamas in September...I weighed 132 lbs... Then turned 40 in November...the holidays...the wine...the cooking...the warm winter comfort foods...and I was up to 148 pounds! :(


This morning I am at 143.4 lbs...

I am staying loyal to that calorie tracking but I have to say it is tough. We work full time and its so easy to grab something for dinner rather than cook at home.

Tonight I am going to a friends retirement celebration at a great restaurant/bar...yummy cocktails and food. :eek: I am going to try to do some research on the menu and I am going to try to really limit what I eat during the day.


Bootcamp starts for me next week so perhaps that will help. It is just so darn cold here (8 degrees this morning)...


AnnInTexas...I am friending you on the fitness app!


So glad to have the support!

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Hello Ladies! Can I join as well??


I'm off with the extended family on the NCL Spirit, Venice-Barcelona, from July 12-24. There will be 11 of us celebrating my in-laws 50th wedding anniversary. My family of four (myself, DH, and our 12 year old twin girls) will be making a real trip of it, flying first to London for 3 nights, two nights pre-cruise in Venice, then two nights post-cruise in Barcelona and finally two full weeks in an apartment in Paris. :D


I'm planning to pack only a carry-on, and with the blessing of my DH I will buy some stuff while over there. Yay! I figured, the best way to make sure I take the right wardrobe, is to make sure I lose the 15 lbs that have crept on in the last couple of years, so the clothes I take #1 I like and #2 actually fit me!


I was a lifetime WW member for quite a few years now, sometimes going over by a few pounds and then reluctantly starting the program again and getting back on track. I have noticed at the age of 47 though, that it gets harder to lose the weight and it definitely comes off slower. Two weeks ago I joined WW online and I'm happy to say I am down 4.8 lbs. I've also started exercising at home, after work. Right now I try to balance things like 40 min cardio/weight training with WATP (I amp it up by holding weights the whole time) and yoga (biggest loser yoga/strength kicks my butt).


I'm happy to be here, and will be cheering all of you on!! I'd like to get down to 122 when I go, so my goal is to lose another 10 lbs but more importantly get everything firmed up that has started to head south. :D



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There are so many wonderful posts on here this morning I can't reply to them all!!




This board and My Fitness Pal (MFP) have been the top contributors in helping me "stick to it" ...along with my cruise/vacation countdown!!


Today is weigh-in Friday... and I'm down 2 pounds!! That's 11 total. Slow but steady, I suppose. I wish it would have said 3 or 4 pounds. Oh Well.

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am heading for a cruise at nearly the same time, May 1st on Celebrity Infinity.


My greatest weakness is coke, and I really have to quit on that to make some serious progress.


Activity wise I´ve bought us an all-year pass for the Zoo, lots of hills to walk there and something to see, too, I´ve started to do Yoga again, and I´ve a paying membership at a gym, have to make that an active membership instead.


I could use some motivation...


So, my starting weight is : 81 kg = 178,5 lbs


WELCOME KASI!! Lots of people on this thread are not going on "our" cruise (how many of us are there anyway??) but lots of people are cruising in April or May or this summer and simply want to lose some weight first!


I do not drink sugar soda/coke but I did cutout 75% of all my diet sodas... I've had 4 total in the last month. If I want one, I go ahead and have it so I don't start a "craving" and that has worked great for me.


LOVE the zoo idea!! Walking outdoors is THE BEST!!



I quit drinking Coke 4 weeks ago. It was diet coke - but have wanted to "quit" for years. I don't miss it much at all. I just switched to water.


You can do it! And this thread is a great place to start.


This week I stayed the same - 148.

Starting weight in September 2012 was 170.

Goal weight is 140.



Charlene! You are almost at GOAL WEIGHT!! That's awesome. I am short so for me there is a BIG DIFFERENCE between 170 and 148. You must feel wonderful!! I agree about the diet coke... I went from 3 or 4 a week (maybe??) to 4 in January. I feel better drinking iced water.

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Good morning Ladies! Kay, Ann, Ashley, Charlene, Cindy, Alyssa - we have been doing this a month here! Yay us!




YAY FOR US!!! Wendy ~ LOVED YOUR BLOG!! I also agree with you about MFP - I am on MFP much more than here! It keeps me motivated and accountable. Exercising DAILY is SOOO AMAZING OF YOU!!


Good morning!! Sounds like everyone is hanging in there and feeling pretty motivated! :)


So glad to have the support!


SummerGirl ~ Welcome! We must live in the same city! It was 8 degrees here this morning too!! :eek::eek: I am ready for SPRING!!

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Hello Ladies! Can I join as well??


I'm off with the extended family on the NCL Spirit, Venice-Barcelona, from July 12-24. There will be 11 of us celebrating my in-laws 50th wedding anniversary. My family of four (myself, DH, and our 12 year old twin girls) will be making a real trip of it, flying first to London for 3 nights, two nights pre-cruise in Venice, then two nights post-cruise in Barcelona and finally two full weeks in an apartment in Paris. :D


I'm planning to pack only a carry-on, and with the blessing of my DH I will buy some stuff while over there. Yay! I figured, the best way to make sure I take the right wardrobe, is to make sure I lose the 15 lbs that have crept on in the last couple of years, so the clothes I take #1 I like and #2 actually fit me!



I'm happy to be here, and will be cheering all of you on!! I'd like to get down to 122 when I go, so my goal is to lose another 10 lbs but more importantly get everything firmed up that has started to head south. :D




Welcome Kim!! OF COURSE you can join!! The more people to give us tips and daily reminders for us to all keep accountable so we look and feel fabulous in our cruise clothes (and pictures)... the better!!


The original group on here is ALSO on a Venice to Barcelona 12-night trip - we are on Carnival Legend leaving May 4th - you should take a gander at our roll call - it is super busy and super informative!!


I am also very, very motivated by CLOTHES!! I have bins of "too small" cute stuff that I wore in my past (3 or 4 years ago:o) or that I purchased with high hopes on a whim. I'm hoping to not buy anything for our cruise but to fit into everything I already own! It will be like having a NEW WARDROBE!!!


I'm not a "youngie" either so I see my weight coming off slower than I want, too. :o I've gotten a prescription for Phentermine but I haven't even picked it up. I'm hoping I never use it. We shall see.

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Good Morning all!! So much activity on here today!!


Welcome to the newbies!! More the merrier.


Kay - You be happy with that 2 pounds, not every week can be 3 or 4, 2 is healthy and is the way for permanent loss.


Wendy- wow, keep it up!!


Charlene - same is better than gain :) You have done so well and you are so close now.


This week I am going to decide to be super happy with my .4 pound loss, especially considering I was up 5 pounds earlier this week, phew.


So although I only lost 1.8 pounds for the month, I will definitely take that over the 3 pound/month gain I was experience the months prior to this. Very slowly but surely for me, haha.


I am definitely more proud that I am sticking with my workout routine, I planned out the next 11 months since I am trying to become a runner and I have fully stuck to the plan for the last 3 weeks, yay.

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I hear you on the clothes I already own but don't fit right now. I have a super cute pair of grey capris that would be perfect for the trip (my colour palette right now is grey, black, and white with some splashes of colour with scarves etc) that are just too snug to be comfortable. If I can fit comfortably into those I will be thrilled!!


I will take a gander at your roll call actually. Ours is pretty slow at the present time, and I am busy taking all kinds of notes on ports and excursions. :)


I just did a Jillian Michaels 45 min workout and almost died. Literally. :eek:


BUT it got me 7 activity points to add to my day, so that's great! :)


Thanks for the big welcome everyone! I look forward to sharing with all of you. And congrats to everyone who has lost, that is soooo motivational for me!

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I am down 1.5lbs from last week. I have been eating better this week, but didn't exercise as much as I hoped too. I've been having problems with my hip/back. Today I feel okay, so I'm planning to walk home from work.


For superbowl snacks I would suggest popcorn, shrimp cocktail, veggies with dip, chili or bean salad. Even if you do eat a lot of junk food, just eat less on Monday and work out harder. One day won't wreck your diet, unless you let it.


Have a good weekend everyone,



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Well, I am up almost 1 Kg (2 lbs) this week :( I was getting cocky because I lost 2 kg (4.4 lbs) over two weeks, so I really relaxed my diet this week. I am hoping part of it was retaining water from all the pretzels I ate Thursday night :rolleyes:


Positives - I did some really tough workouts this week with box fit, interval hill training and weights. I am going for a run today.


Whenever I see a gain, there is definitely a part of me that says "why bother!" - but I am going to start fresh - again.


Good luck to you all this weekend! (We do not have the superbowl here in New Zealand).

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Well, I am up almost 1 Kg (2 lbs) this week :( I was getting cocky because I lost 2 kg (4.4 lbs) over two weeks, so I really relaxed my diet this week. I am hoping part of it was retaining water from all the pretzels I ate Thursday night :rolleyes:


Positives - I did some really tough workouts this week with box fit, interval hill training and weights. I am going for a run today.


Whenever I see a gain, there is definitely a part of me that says "why bother!" - but I am going to start fresh - again.


Good luck to you all this weekend! (We do not have the superbowl here in New Zealand).


I totally understand the feeling, but hang in there. Like I said I was up 5 pounds just a few days ago, so no worries. Water retention is a bitch. I definitely get that "why bother" feeling on occasion too, just need to push past.


Great job on the workouts, sounds similar to me. I'm sure we are building some muscle too, so nothing to worry about.


Good luck over the weekend!!

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I have always been a weigh everyday kinda person and I have read on these boards that the tracking needs to be done on a weekly basis. I was getting kinda frustrated during the week but this morning.......down 2 lbs :) Now that is motivating, knowing that every morning when I pack my lunch and sit down with my black coffee and breakfast I log it all in mfp and that is used as a guide to "whats for dinner?" and then add exercise on top of that and I end up under my calorie goal....Love MFP thanks for all the good tips and the link posted here early on. Have a great weekend everyone and remember that superbowl is just a game and if you are hosting a party....put some friendly snacks out you would be amazed the amount of people that would actually find it "refreshing" after all a snack is a snack right? It just depends on what your preference is......think cruise/healthy me/skinny me/I am doing great me/ everytime you reach for one.

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Hi everyone! I haven't been posting a lot but I have been keeping up with the thread. This thread has really been my motivation this time around. I log in myfitnesspal early in the day and I too ise it as a guide. Last Monday I weighed 211. Was weighing in on Thursday now its on Monday. Everyone here is doing so well. I've been in the gym faithfully this week and eating on point.

I may not have reached my goal of 170 on my May 14th cruise but I'm determined to go at least 20lbs lighter!:thumbup:


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Worked my butt off today keeping busy ~ house is clean, laundry is done, errands ran, etc... and barely ate, too! Saving calories for Superbowl tomorrow... but I also bought a salad to eat to fill me up so I won't go crazy with the Rotel & Chips!!


The Las Vegas comment cracked me up!


Ashley ~ you ever considered being a personal trainer?? You are soooo motivating and helpful at times!!

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Worked my butt off today keeping busy ~ house is clean, laundry is done, errands ran, etc... and barely ate, too! Saving calories for Superbowl tomorrow... but I also bought a salad to eat to fill me up so I won't go crazy with the Rotel & Chips!!


The Las Vegas comment cracked me up!


Ashley ~ you ever considered being a personal trainer?? You are soooo motivating and helpful at times!!


Thanks Kay, you are so sweet. No, but I have helped a couple friends with their fitness, so I guess I have just been doing it awhile. I'm glad you find me motivating, just need to learn to turn that on myself, haha.


Great work today, though now I am craving Rotel and velveeta, but since I'm not having a party I would just end up eating the whole thing.


Good luck tomorrow, don't worry if you go overboard a little, monday is a new day :)

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Hi ladies,


we went to a Variete show last night and started out a biit early, planning to get some movie tickets for next week (preview of Les Mis). We wanted to grab a bite to eat before the show and ended up walking for nearly 90 minutes without finding a restaurant able to accomdate us.

We are no longer used to Saturday night being so crowded...


Anyways, Sunday is starting out grey and cool, I´ll do some cleaning at home and if it stays dry head out for a walk later on.


Take care and enjoy your weekend.

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