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Most annoying thing?


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While the postings about playing cards in the Lido buffet will not change the opinions of the original two combatants, it may affect my opinion. I recall walking around the buffet area looking for a table, but I don't remember walking around and being annoyed at people occupying tables who weren't eating (or just about to eat or just finishing eating). So I'm undecided how I feel about this issue.


Allowing passengers to exit an elevator before new passengers enter is a common courtesy. It is a courtesy at a shopping mall, an apartment building, an office tower or on a cruise ship. I'm not sure I can put "not playing cards at a Lido buffet table" in the same category.


Would it be rude to occupy a deck chair closest to the pool if you are neither swimming nor supervising a swimmer? Should it be considered "common sense" that the closest two rows (or whatever) to the pool should be reserved for swimmers and supervisors (e.g., parents)? Are passengers who take those chairs with no intent of setting foot in the pool being rude and inconsiderate of other passengers?


I don't know, but I think those two examples are as close as you can get to being similar.


I agree that it would make life easier for diners at the buffet if the buffet tables were available for their use. But what constitutes courtesy? Someone else has pointed out that you often see these tables occupied by passengers who aren't eating, but are engaged in conversation. Is conversation okay, but card-playing is not? Or is it just that with the card players, it is obvious that they are there to play cards, not to eat? Whereas, with the group that is sitting and talking, it isn't clear what they are doing. And is it just card-players, or would it be the same with backgammon, or a family of four with two kids on their video games and mom & dad on their blackberry, iPad or Kindle? And do the card-players become eaters if they fill up some "decoy" plates of food while they're playing (i.e., to appear that they are eating and playing, not just playing)?


Having devoted enough effort to counting tuxes, suits, blazers, jackets and ties in the MDR on "elegant night", I think for my next cruise I will observe this particular activity at the lido buffet. Maybe now that I'm aware of the issue, it will annoy me to be walking around with a tray full of food and be passing by tables and tables filled with inconsiderate card-players. Or maybe it won't annoy me and I'll just find a place to sit.


I'll report back after my next cruise. In the meantime, continue the discussion and help me form an opinion.

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This happened to an extreme degree on Glacier Bay day, on my Spirit cruise. My son and I walked around lido with trays in hand for 15 minutes before giving up and going down a couple decks to eat. We found a couple chairs & a little table next to a window in a hallway. Not ideal but there were no free tables. All the ones somewhat near a window were occupied with people watching the glacier. Which meant there were few tables available for those who actually wanted somewhere to sit and have their lunch.


Others took their food & ate in their cabin I heard, which would have worked too.

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I agree but it seems like if you are on a family cruise they should not ask about drinks, were adults, if you want a drink you know where to go and get it. If cruises are not billed as family fun then its a different story.


Never ben yet, so I cant speak for sure on how its run, but if you have teens like me and your trying to teach your kids that booze in small moderation is ok but people can get carried away( especially if it runs in your family line) and someone on a family oreinted ship keeps asking you if you want to by more, I will have a problem with that also.

again if its a party cruise or adults cruise its a whole different ball game, but lets face it coming from a non drinker just sit back and watch people in a grocery store and see how many are buying alcohol, it just a way of life for most people and alot and I mean alot for money can be made for the ship, huge markup.


As a parent and non drinker you just worry about your kids growing up and ruining they life with booze, lets face it no one is born saying " I wanna grow up a drunk" its an additction, so why keep aking people if they want more drinks, if you want a drink go get one. Again Im not against drinking by any means believe me I had my fair share and then some, just my opinion.


Also what Im reading those picture people are annoying also.

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We sailed the Dream two weeks ago and couldn't believe the number of hateful & crabby passengers that were disrespectful toward the crew in the Gathering buffet area. Saw a senior go off on a very polite worker at the dessert bar simply because they didn't have anymore of the crumb cake out that she liked, and another person who stated he was diabetic making a scene because the worker didn't know what the sugar content was in a desert he wanted. My thought was get something off the sugar free section if you're in doubt.

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Haven't seen it listed as an annoyance yet....


Non-smokers who fake cough while walking by a smoker in a designated smoking area. As we all know, there are a few designated areas where smokers can partake in their tobacco, but apparently that's not good enough for some non-smokers, and they feel the urge to make a scene.


Flame away.:rolleyes:

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That would probably be the one thing that bothers me as well. We had one cruise where our neighbors were so bad....they were on and off the balcony, in and out, in and out.....you would swear it was little kids (and it would have been easier to swallow had that been who was being so thoughtless), however it was adults; totally classless adults. When they weren't letting their doors slam shut they were arguing.

Thankfully we have only experienced that once. ;) and that was quite enough.


This was our last cruise on the Liberty.After multiple times at the pursers desk I gave up.They sent security to listen but they didnt hear anything,ummm thats because they were making all the noise(and smoking cigars) on their balcony in between door slams

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The parents that use thier balcony as a play gym for the tots! Give me a smoker any day over a 2 and 5 year old crying and fighting all day long.....where are the parents? Oh wait they scream at them every 30 minutes.


While I am on the balcony biatch the designated party balcony cause thier friends are too cheap to get thier own.......wow now we have 6folks and a boom box.......the entire cruise.....always one on the block every cruise. Lets not forget the ones that rented 3 balconies in a row and assumed they rented the entire ship for a balcony blow out!


Then MR DJ who took a survey of the entire floor and decided this is what we all want to hear......NOT!


Sorry I get a balcony for the oasis feel.....not the welcome to Carlos and Charlie's aftermath or the kinder care experience.


Carry on......table blocking......

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The parents that use thier balcony as a play gym for the tots! Give me a smoker any day over a 2 and 5 year old crying and fighting all day long.....where are the parents? Oh wait they scream at them every 30 minutes.


While I am on the balcony biatch the designated party balcony cause thier friends are too cheap to get thier own.......wow now we have 6folks and a boom box.......the entire cruise.....always one on the block every cruise. Lets not forget the ones that rented 3 balconies in a row and assumed they rented the entire ship for a balcony blow out!


Then MR DJ who took a survey of the entire floor and decided this is what we all want to hear......NOT!


Sorry I get a balcony for the oasis feel.....not the welcome to Carlos and Charlie's aftermath or the kinder care experience.


Carry on......table blocking......



This is what we got when booking a grand suite on the Imagination - our next door neighbor would sit on his balcony playing his guitar, and his loser serenade littered with the F Bomb and his idiot wife or girlfriend and her annoying & constant giggling at her man's naughty words. :rolleyes: It must have been just hysterical to her because the nails on a chalkboard giggling never quit for long.

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I agree but it seems like if you are on a family cruise they should not ask about drinks, were adults, if you want a drink you know where to go and get it. If cruises are not billed as family fun then its a different story.


Never ben yet, so I cant speak for sure on how its run, but if you have teens like me and your trying to teach your kids that booze in small moderation is ok but people can get carried away( especially if it runs in your family line) and someone on a family oreinted ship keeps asking you if you want to by more, I will have a problem with that also.

again if its a party cruise or adults cruise its a whole different ball game, but lets face it coming from a non drinker just sit back and watch people in a grocery store and see how many are buying alcohol, it just a way of life for most people and alot and I mean alot for money can be made for the ship, huge markup.


As a parent and non drinker you just worry about your kids growing up and ruining they life with booze, lets face it no one is born saying " I wanna grow up a drunk" its an additction, so why keep aking people if they want more drinks, if you want a drink go get one. Again Im not against drinking by any means believe me I had my fair share and then some, just my opinion.


Also what Im reading those picture people are annoying also.



I really can't stop laughing at the American culture and its view towards alcohol. Lololloloolol.

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I can overlook most of the things that some people complain about. Yes, the volume on the big Lido TV could be turned down a few hundred decibels, and yes, some parents need to pay closer attention to what their kids are doing. But what what bugs me the most are passengers that are just flat out rude. I wonder if people that are rude on a cruise ship are like that in their everyday lives, or act that way only when on vacation, as if they are "entitled" to some sort of special treatment. I'd like to have a freeze ray like Gru had in "Despicable Me". It would be so easy to deal with rude people then.:D:D


I just got off the Breeze last week. I was walking from the pool and a young woman pushed past me knocking me into a deck chair. My foot still hurts from where I slammed it into the chair's leg. She hollered "Sorry" over her shoulder but it still makes me mad.

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Wow! What if everybody just did that?


This is our biggest peeve for sure! most people who DO do it appear to be entitled, dont say excuse me, or anything. its the rudeness and the Entitlist attitude that erks the most. Sadly, these are the same people who allow their children to run around, and behave disrespectly.

We are going on our 13th carnival, and overall we are very happy with them. Its rude, entitled attitudes that can run it

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all the people that complain about children being in the pools and hot tubs. I paid a full cruise fare for each of my children (twins currently 12yrs old), they have just as much right as you to use the pools. Oh and those of you asking why parents dont put the kids in camp carnival, we do and thats when we see the kids running through the ship, doing the scavanger hunts provided by carnival. :)


paying full price for a child does not give them the right to to be unruly or be in areas that are adult only. As im sure your lil ones were behaved, the majority of parents...and i have witnessed and heard, are too busy drinking and being in vacation mode, and have no idea what part of the ship their darlings are at. Carnival employees 9 with exception of kids clubs) are not babysitters for parent who want to be on vacation, and not bothered by their kids. I have seen this and witnessed this with my own eyes and ears on many cruises

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paying full price for a child does not give them the right to to be unruly or be in areas that are adult only. As im sure your lil ones were behaved, the majority of parents...and i have witnessed and heard, are too busy drinking and being in vacation mode, and have no idea what part of the ship their darlings are at. Carnival employees 9 with exception of kids clubs) are not babysitters for parent who want to be on vacation, and not bothered by their kids. I have seen this and witnessed this with my own eyes and ears on many cruises


I agree with this. We usually take our kids with us on vacations but they are always supervised by at least one parent. In fact, and some of you may think this is a little extreme, our kids have to sign a behavior contract before we go. Our kids are well behaved and we always have a great vacation. If anyone is interested I've attached the latest contract - it will be posted in our cabin as a constant reminder of what's expected of them.

vacation behaviour contract.pdf

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This past cruise on the Conquest, dh and I almost made a game of counting the number of times someone shoved past us or bumped into us without an "excuse me", and the RIDICULOUS number of times people, while walking in a narrow passageway, just stopped suddenly, or stopped and backed up INTO one of us, sometimes with a plate of food in their hands. And again, never once an "excuse me" or "pardon me." And it was rarely children or teens - it was usually people in their thirties and up.

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A "behavior" contract - give me a break


Well, if you read it you'll see that it's a bit tongue in cheek. But it helps the kids understand what is expected of them and what the consequences will be if it's not followed.


And thanks for your comment. You sound real nice:rolleyes:

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Haven't seen it listed as an annoyance yet....


Non-smokers who fake cough while walking by a smoker in a designated smoking area. As we all know, there are a few designated areas where smokers can partake in their tobacco, but apparently that's not good enough for some non-smokers, and they feel the urge to make a scene.


Flame away.:rolleyes:


Ill flame away, but only if its to light a smoke! I despise those self righteous little trolls! If you're that fragile, perhaps home is where you need to be. But yes that is a BIG annoyance to me as well

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While my travel buddy and I were on the Triump, we would sit and eat on Lido near pool, as we both smoke. If we saw 2 people needing a place to sit we would offer them to sit with us. If others were at a table, we let them use the 2 extra chairs. If someone stood by the trashcan to smoke, we offered our chair if we were close enough.

I did notice some people walk through the smoking side of the ship, holding their nose and making comments. It seems there is always another way to get where you are going, without having to go through a outdoor smoking area. It may be different inside the ship.

Everyone is on vacation, I just want to chill and relax & not sweat the small stuff. Just my opinion.

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Here is some good news.. perhaps! The following was posted by John Heald on his Facebook page yesterday:


"Just finished a meeting with most of the new people in charge of the entertainment direction on our ships and their enthusiasm and their desire was infectious.......we are in good hands. It was interesting to listen to them say how much they read this page and the blog as well and how they are getting valuable feedback from you all.

We all agreed we need to look at our live music offerings and with that in mind I need to ask you a question but first let me mention steel drum bands. While they certainly provide a taste of the Caribbean, 4 pan players can be a bit one dimensional and so we won't be bringing those back. Saying that though we spoke about Caribbean 4 piece bands playing both on Lido and later in one of the lounges. The other choice would be a 4 piece "party" band mixed with our DJs who already provide a great atmosphere up there. So. here is your chance to give your opinion on these choices.


1. 4 piece Caribbean Band and DJ

2. Party band and DJ

3. DJ only

4. DJ and more music videos on the ships that have the Dive In Movie Big Screen

5. Guitar soloist and DJ ( as some ships have now)


Please also note that you will see much more closer monitoring of the volume of the music as well.


The beards are listening - I know - I had lunch with them..............and I paid. Bugger!"



So if you are on FB, you should go to his page and reply with your vote if want the music to change. Let your voice be heard!

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Well, if you read it you'll see that it's a bit tongue in cheek. But it helps the kids understand what is expected of them and what the consequences will be if it's not followed.


And thanks for your comment. You sound real nice:rolleyes:


Sunset, I am doing something similar with my kids. Not so much about behavior, but more of the "do's & don'ts" on a cruise ship.. I.e. don't take drinks from anyone except waiter or parents, no using the elevator if they are busy, being mindful of doors slamming, no using of balcony when parents are not present, no inviting others into our rooms or entering other rooms...etc. This is more for their safety than anything since my kiddos are very well behaved, and expected to use those good manners regardless of where they are.

After reading about the teen who was "roofied", I'm already feeling better about going over these rules with my kids, and I'm sure the mother of that teen wished she had a similar talk with her daughter!

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