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Cruising Feb 2014 - losing 100 pounds in the next 13 months!!


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Weight: 230.5

Daily weight change: +3.0

Total weight change: -11.0


DH came home on Monday and was here until late last night. This was unexpected and totally threw me out of my routines. Although I love it when he is home, he completely messes with my meal plans and my exercise routine. I didn't go on a carb or junk food binge, since his pre-diabetic diagnosis we have to be careful about his diet as well. It just messes with what I have pre-planned for meals because he can't eat nuts/seeds and has alot more protein than I normally eat. I made chicken & black bean chili that we both love but I wound up eating more carbs in a day than I normally would. I have also eaten more eggs! I think today is going to be a cleansing day to get back in the right groove.


My email is couponcarla66@yahoo.com

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Weight: 230.5

Daily weight change: +3.0

Total weight change: -11.0


DH came home on Monday and was here until late last night. This was unexpected and totally threw me out of my routines. Although I love it when he is home, he completely messes with my meal plans and my exercise routine. I didn't go on a carb or junk food binge, since his pre-diabetic diagnosis we have to be careful about his diet as well. It just messes with what I have pre-planned for meals because he can't eat nuts/seeds and has alot more protein than I normally eat. I made chicken & black bean chili that we both love but I wound up eating more carbs in a day than I normally would. I have also eaten more eggs! I think today is going to be a cleansing day to get back in the right groove.


My email is couponcarla66@yahoo.com

Hello Carla...I have not spoken to you in a long time, but believe me, I follow your posts EVERYDAY. Do you want to know why? Because I Care..Care..Care.

Now....because I CARE...I am going to give you a little tough love. As you know...I hate your diet. It does NOT work for you. You are the same weight (or weight loss, if you want to look at it that way), since February 14th. When one is morbidly obese, the initial pounds should be melting away. The heavier you are, the quicker it comes off at the beginning.


Now.....I know that Weight Watchers or Atkins works for most people because it is a "way of life" "teaching how to eat properly" "cutting portions, calories and junk food". What I am trying to say, is your diet is NOT a sensible diet. You will never be satisfied with it. Are you going to eat those things for the rest of your life? Most people regain weight because they go on fad diets....when they loose all the weight and start eating again....they GAIN .....sometimes ALL of their weight back.


Please give up this diet. It is not working for you. I don't care if someone comes on here and says I am wrong. I am talking to you and you only. PLEASE try something else.

How about a nice steak, mixed greens with ranch dressing. A side of broccoli....for dinner tonight? Would you be satisfied? Of course you would...If you want me to email you my diet....I will....and I promise, the pounds will melt off and you will not be tempted to eat junk food.

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Hello Carla...I have not spoken to you in a long time, but believe me, I follow your posts EVERYDAY. Do you want to know why? Because I Care..Care..Care.

Now....because I CARE...I am going to give you a little tough love. As you know...I hate your diet. It does NOT work for you. You are the same weight (or weight loss, if you want to look at it that way), since February 14th. When one is morbidly obese, the initial pounds should be melting away. The heavier you are, the quicker it comes off at the beginning.


Now.....I know that Weight Watchers or Atkins works for most people because it is a "way of life" "teaching how to eat properly" "cutting portions, calories and junk food". What I am trying to say, is your diet is NOT a sensible diet. You will never be satisfied with it. Are you going to eat those things for the rest of your life? Most people regain weight because they go on fad diets....when they loose all the weight and start eating again....they GAIN .....sometimes ALL of their weight back.


Please give up this diet. It is not working for you. I don't care if someone comes on here and says I am wrong. I am talking to you and you only. PLEASE try something else.

How about a nice steak, mixed greens with ranch dressing. A side of broccoli....for dinner tonight? Would you be satisfied? Of course you would...If you want me to email you my diet....I will....and I promise, the pounds will melt off and you will not be tempted to eat junk food.


So Susie, how about sharing your diet on here. I always enjoy reading/trying different diets.

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:D Carla I made the tofu tonight YUMMO! I make green beans then put in a pan with evoo and hot peper flakes gluten free soy sauce and little chicken broth. OMG IT WAS SOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOOOOOD! thanks a bunch :)


o ya and I was up 3 today to:eek: its all good though we are both doing great and its ok slow is the best way to keep the weight of for ever this is not a race. I had gastic bypass and Its coming off me just as slow your doing fine ;) big HUG!

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I am glad you are still hanging around and thank you for caring. Please feel free to share your diet on here or you can email me at couponcarla66@yahoo.com. I am very open to suggestions and others opinions.


I still haven't figured out why you hate this plan so much. I eat fresh, real food that is mostly fruits, vegetables and lean meats. I don't use fake fats, sweeteners, flavors or preservatives. I hate counting calories and am trying to change to a lifestyle that I can maintain from now on. I don't want a fad diet and I prefer not to refer to my plan as a diet because it is a healthier way of eating and living that I want for my future.


Sure, I could adopt the biggest loser strategy and go for 1000 calories a day and work out multiple hours each day. Maybe then the fat would just melt away but I don't have more than 45 minutes a day for workouts. I hate counting calories!! I also know that when I feel deprived or restricted from certain foods, I am more likely to binge.


I actually have two steaks in my fridge right now that I am planning to have with saute'd spinach & mushrooms. I just don't eat red meat more than a couple of times per month. I really prefer chicken & seafood, I have also discovered that I love lamb. Fortunately, I also love vegetables. My grocery cart is now 50% full from the produce department.



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Contrary to some opinions expressed here, when some bodies (somebody) first starts to diet and exercise the weight doesn't just "melt off." The body is a mass of chemistry and so much plays into the weight part of the equation. You can swing in pounds, plus and minus, depending upon other things like hydration/dehydration, sodium intake, hormonal swings and those chemical balances/imbalances, stress, the number of deep breaths that you take each day, mineral depletion, etc. In other words, it's a complicated scenario and so much more than just eat less calories, burn more calories, and you'll lose or gain weight.


I know this because I have an imbalance in my body chemistry due to hypothyroidism, so I can gain weight without putting a single extra calories into my mouth! Trust me! It has to do with a lot of things... oh, I forgot to mention that getting a good night's sleep vs restless sleep will also reflect on the scale. And, this is just my opinion, but happy vs unhappy in the previous day's emotions will also reflect on the scale.


I think that what you said in much earlier posts about paying attention to inches lost is a way better metric for success than paying attention to the scale. I only say this from personal experience.


For me... when I first started exercising vigorously, it took a few months for my body to recognize that I was doing something different. And, by exercising vigorously, I can tell you that in the beginning I slowed down my weight GAIN by doing strength training exercise. I was gaining between 2 or 3 lbs a month, without changing my diet, simply because of my body's chemistry. I know that people will argue with me and tell me that I must have been doing "something" different in order to have that weight gain. I simply won't get into that debate with those people, because they don't know what it's like to have my body to deal with... hypothyroidism is just a frustrating thing to deal with!


Anyway, after stopping the weight gain... I added cardio to my routine. And that's when I started to see some real weight loss changes. But, it wasn't a miracle and it didn't happen like "magic." It took, literally, months for my body to even begin to shed the weight that it was holding onto and, depressingly, I actually gained a bit at the beginning. But because the cardio came in the form of a dance class, I loved the movement so much that I just stuck with it (thankfully).


I have always been a healthy eater. If you can believe me, I have never eaten a McDonald's burger! I have always eaten lean meat and high vegetable meals. I believe in vitamins and I've taken high quality supplements... my whole life.


Let me put some numbers to my story. When I was a young adult, I spent most of my life weighing between 125 to a high of 128. Then, I got married and was introduced to a more leisurely lifestyle which included some restaurant dining that I had not done before. I settled in to around 135. Then, my thyroid goiter appeared and I started putting on weight after goiter surgery. In a few years, I went from 135 to 180+. Lots of tears. Lots of research about calories, diets, etc.


So, I decided I needed to gain muscle and so I began the strength training. I settled down in the weight gain area. After a year, I went from slightly over 180 to fluctuating between 159 and 165. Then, I found a cardio exercise that I would actually do... and that's when the weight got under control. I began the cardio in December of 2010, and now I fluctuate between 135 and 140. So, I feel like I'm back to "normal," but it's been years and years and years.


I have a few reasons to chat with you this morning. One is that I also lurk on your thread because I think you're very inspiring. I think it's awesome to be doing what you're doing as a self-motivation. That's really, really difficult. And I don't want you to feel like you're talking to yourself! Another is that I want to reassure you that slow and steady is the ultimate victory! I love hearing you say statements like "lifestyle" change because I feel very strongly that a lifestyle change is truly the only way that initial success in weight loss becomes a new you and remains sustainable.


I think you are doing fantastic. Mental focus is the key.

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I think you are doing fantastic. Mental focus is the key.


Thank you so much! You really made my day today. You and your daughter have given me so much wonderful information and have helped me to understand many of the frustrations that I have always had when it comes to losing/gaining weight. I truly had no idea that exercise could actually make you gain for a while before you start losing. Of course I know that muscle weighs more than fat but it doesn't turn to muscle in one day.


I must admit that it is very disappointing to bounce back and forth on the scale for several days or even weeks but I keep telling myself that it is a marathon not a sprint event. I hate exercise and I live too far away from town to make classes feasible. That only leaves me with things that I can do at home. I still haven't found something that I love but I am hoping it will kick in one day and I will realize that I can't stand being without it. Right now I am just varying my routine between 2-3 mile walks when the weather is nice enough and videos on the yucky days. I'm doing it at least 5 times a week but I haven't gotten to the point yet where I'm looking forward to it. That will be a day for a celebration!


While my numbers on the scale may not be the most impressive, I am making it my mission to find something positive about this new lifestyle or my progress everyday. Today's revelation: As hard as it is for me to believe, I am an inspiration to others. That is both elating and very humbling. It gives me the encouragement and determination to do even better.


I wish that I could say I have always been a healthy eater. Although I live in NY now, I am a southern woman through & through. I am afraid that I am a lot like Paula Deen. I love to cook and there are very few foods that I don't like. Butter, cream cheese, sour cream, cheddar cheese and bacon have been some of my very best friends. I was very proud of the fact that I was the only one in the family who could duplicate my Granny's biscuits & gravy. Having always been a very busy person also created a bit of a fast food monster in me. This has been a huge transition for me. Some changes were much easier to make than others.


Since I enjoy cooking, I have always known that it was cheaper & tastier to make foods from scratch. However, as a busy mom, there have been many meals that started from a box or package. I also love to coupon and save money on my groceries so I got sucked into the trap of buying even more convenience foods because those are always the ones that have the coupons. I think that I am most proud of the fact that I am eating only real food now. I shop the sales ads now and try to go midweek when there are numerous "peelie" coupons on produce and meat that need to be frozen or eaten soon. I also raise chickens so I have plenty of fresh eggs. I am really anxious to get my garden started this year.


Although both of my parents are still living, they have many serious health problems that are directly related to their diet, exercise & lifestyle choices. My husband's recent heart scare and pre-diabetes diagnosis has really impacted my willpower and resolve to make sure this isn't a weight loss plan but a total lifestyle overhaul! I am looking at it more like a drug or alcohol rehab plan which is why I started posting day #'s on my daily stats. Although this started as a goal to lose 100#, it has become much more than that. I will lose the 100# and I will become a leaner, healthier, happier, longer living me!



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Day 75

Weight: 229.0

Daily weight change: -1.5

Total weight change: -12.5


Happy the scale went down!



Yesterday's menu



1 cup flax granola

1/2 cup Coconut Vanilla Silk



Protein veggie juice smoothie



Blueberry greek yogurt



Grilled tilapia

mango cucumber salsa

steamed kale & broccoli




115 oz water, 2 cups dandelion root tea, 1 cup chai tea

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Day 76

Weight: 229

Daily weight change: -

Total weight change: -12.5


Yesterday was an incredibly busy day. I left home early in the morning and found myself out and about and starving with several hours before I could make it back to the house. I decided to go to Denny's for brunch. Scary choice because I know that have a really high fat & calorie menu. Even more terrifying was the minute I walked through the doors, I started thinking about french toast! I was incredibly proud of myself for choosing the lit & fit veggie skillet. It was really tasty and quite alot of food for 550 calories. Since I had only eaten a banana before I left home, it was more of brunch than lunch.


Yesterday's menu:


Breakfast: Banana


Lunch: 2 egg whites with spinach & tomatoes, roasted potatoes, onions, peppers & broccoli, salsa & tobasco sauce


Dinner: turkey burger w/mushrooms & onions, goat cheese & tortilla wrap

spring mix, tomatoes, cucumbers, pear & sugar snap peas w/basalmic & evoo.


Extras: 2 cups coffee, 2 cups dandelion root tea, 1 cup orange spice tea, 115 oz water

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Day 79

Weight: 229

Daily change: -

Total change: -12.5


I'm trying not to get too frustrated. I have been stuck for several days. I know that it is probably because I added weight training to my daily workout. I am so sore!!!! Hoping that it will pay off in inches and pounds soon.



Yesterday's menu



Flax granola

Coconut Vanilla Silk



Lean & green protein smoothie (kale, celery, apple, lemon, orange & greek yogurt)



Spicy vegetable soup

Rye crackers & homemade hummus



Grilled chicken

Steamed broccoli

Roasted potatoes



2 dandelion root tea, 2 cups coffee, 115 oz water

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Don't get frustrated...


Do. Not. Get. Frustrated.


The stress does NOTHING good for your hormones!!!




For myself, I found that my weight loss cycles were NEVER linear. I was not the type of person that continued to gradually lose weight over time. I was the type of person that hung onto weight and then SUDDENLY, I would lose. Sometimes, I could see a difference in measurement, even if I didn't see a difference in weight.


True story.


I started working out.


I decided to try to be smart about my food. I wasn't on a diet. I was trying my best to eat when I was hungry...eat what seemed to be a well-balanced day of carbs, fats, proteins...stop eating when I was full. Nothing was off-limits, I just had to try to achieve balance.


I lost over 2 inches around my hips but I didn't lose a single pound on the scale.


True story.


I think it took 2 months for me to start losing weight.


Everyone is different. Every body is different. Nothing is one size fits all. No one rule applies to everyone. The whole idea of a deficit of 3500 calories equals one pound doesn't even apply all the time. We are too complex. There are too many factors to ever be able to reduce the weight effect to such a simple equation. It does not compute!


My point. I think you have a great attitude. I think that you are thinking about food in a whole new way. I think that you need to be wary of the idea that you will immediately observe changes on the scale in relation to diet changes. Continue on with your mindful eating and thoughtful choices. Focus on how you feel. Focus on your energy levels. Focus on how clothes fit. Allow the scale to be a tool, but don't get too wrapped up in the scale.


Don't get frustrated! You are doing great!

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Justifications and excuses gets you no where. You have approximately 10 months before your cruise. Are you serious about loosing 100lbs. for this cruise? IF you ARE.... you need inspiration and a reality check if you are serious. Not people coming on here to justify why you are not loosing.


As I stated last week...you are approximately the same weight you were last Valentines day. I tried to help, but your response was really not what I expected and then someone else posted that I was wrong.


Okay...everyone IS DIFFERENT...I KNOW THAT....why does everyone keep saying this???? I want you to SUCCEED and REFUSE to make excuses like everyone else on this thread.


Start doing things to inspire yourself. You obviously want to stick with this "diet" you are on, so I am not going to suggest a different one again. SO....therefore...how about doing silly little things like cutting out pictures of a dress that you want, but know won't fit you until you loose the weight. Post it on your fridge. Do you have something in your closet from years ago that fit you and would LOVE LOVE LOVE to be able to wear again? Hang it on your door knob so you see it everyday. Stand in front of your mirror NAKED. Do you like what you see? Do you want to change it???? Then....DO IT. You have the power...you have the power.

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Math can be your friend... or can also set you on the path to frustration and that thinking that occurs in the back of your mind that wants to say something like... "there's got to be a better way"... "maybe I'm not doing enough/or the right thing"... "maybe I should just abandon this exercise and be happy with the way I am"... because this is the way that our minds work.


When we want something pretty badly, (like to lose weight) we only look at the negative aspects of the scale... it didn't move enough... and if it doesn't move at all, then we don't think that we're PLEASED to not have gained any weight but we get DISAPPOINTED and FRUSTRATED that we didn't lose.


You have to reframe your thoughts. At this point, you are still making changes to your plan. I say this because you've also added strength training to your lifestyle. To be sore is a good thing! It means that you trained properly, because being sore is a byproduct of doing enough weight to tear your muscle(s) so that they can be repaired and strengthened.


Here's some math for you.


If I take the start date of your plan and move to the goal date (your cruise), then you have been doing your plan for 18% of the time that you've allocated to achieve your goal.


You have lost 12.5% of your goal. This math is easy because of your goal of 100 lbs. This means you might be slightly beyond goal... but not by much.


You have lost 5% of your beginning body weight! That's an achievement.


Let's look at the reasons why you may be holding a bit steady on the scale.


You went to Denny's.


Yes, you made a "better" choice than you could have made. But, you still went to Denny's.


Here's the deal. You waited until you were "starving" to eat. You already know better than that. When you are starving this means that your ghrelin hormone becomes extremely elevated. (I'll always remember Jillian Michael's statement about the neighbor a grillin' in his backyard and making you hungry as the memory trigger for that particular hormone). When your ghrelin hormone gets elevated, your body is placed into a state of extreme hunger. The reason that you started thinking of something super sweet, like french toast, is because you experienced a natural response to the hormones working on your brain; also, your leptin levels were super suppressed due to your hunger elevation. You withstood the sweet cravings (a good thing!), and ate a higher protein choice. However, you included potatoes in the meal... which are a starch that converts almost immediately to sugar.




You put your body into a state that it needs time to recover from... AND... you probably had quite a jolt of sodium as well.


I'm not saying that you can never go out to a Denny's type restaurant, again. I am saying that while you are on your journey that includes weight loss, you are going to have the setbacks that are part of eating at a restaurant... because even though you can control the choice, you cannot control the quality (fat content, high sodium intake, etc.).


It's not surprising that you haven't lost weight in the last few days. Thank goodness that you haven't gained.


Don't let your brain get all wrapped up in the upticks/downticks of daily living. Look to the goal itself... which really isn't losing 100 lbs. The goal is: living a healthy lifestyle and adjusting your scale weight to be 100 lbs lighter and KEEPING THE WEIGHT OFF.

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Okay...everyone IS DIFFERENT...I KNOW THAT....why does everyone keep saying this???? I want you to SUCCEED and REFUSE to make excuses like everyone else on this thread.


I just want to share that I am not trying to make excuses. I have read many threads on this board and I have seen the excuses. I believe that I am offering encouragement because I read what Carla is doing in a totally different light than you do.


What I read is someone who is making food choices NOT based on a fad diet. I don't really understand why you think that this is a fad diet. Have you read this book? I have read a book based on similar thinking. The idea is that many foods cause a low grade allergic reaction in many different people, but because this reaction is low grade, many are unaware of this reaction. The idea is that you spend some time reducing your diet to those foods that are least likely to cause this allergic response and try to establish a clean base. From this clean base, you test different foods as you add them back into your diet to determine if you have a low grade allergic response to that food.


It takes time to do this properly.


As you go through the process, you are able to determine what foods should be on your own personal avoid list...or minimize list...and what foods get a clean bill, so to speak. Armed with this knowledge...you are able to create a sensible eating plan that is based on foods that your body can easily process.


I see Carla going through this process, eating great food, like she said. You mentioned steak, brocolli and a salad for dinner. Well...yesterday she reported eating chicken, brocolli, and potatoes. What's the problem?


When someone gets their head wrapped around the idea of eating for health and nutrition...it becomes about something BEYOND simple weight loss. I feel like your focus is all on the weight and there must be something in what Carla is eating that you find personally unacceptable to think about eating for the rest of your life, so that you think it is temporary. I don't see anything like that is what Carla is eating?


You may think you have a caring voice...but when you post, the caring is not the overtone...it's a negative voice I read.


Carla...keep after it. Again, I think that your mindset is really great. True weight loss takes time...you have plenty of time. True change takes time. It takes time to break habits and form new habits. You mentioned how you love to cook but that you feel into a fast food trap for a while. I totally relate to this! I have been in the process of trying to get back into my groove in the kitchen. We moved last summer and it has really been a hard move for multiple reasons. My motivation is personally at an all time low and I'm trying to get it back. I enjoy reading your thread simply because I think that you actually have a great attitude and are in pursuit of health and fitness in a way that I totally relate to. You seem to be in it for the long haul and while the initial motivation was the cruise...you have found other ways to be motivated through your husband and parents...and even the way that you have been feeling as a result of your new, healthier eating style...cooking more and eating less restaurant, processed, and convenience foods.


The fact is that a body that is used to storing fat is well versed in how to do it. If you ever hear what the trainers say to the people on the Biggest Loser, they talk about how they will have to work hard at maintaining their weight loss for the rest of their life because their bodies are so well trained in how to store excess calories and how to be inactive. I know this personally because I had managed to achieve a new weight of 155 pounds last summer, a loss of over 60 pounds, but the change in lifestyle with the move has resulted in regaining weight. It was over time, but my body definitely knows how to gain weight. All the work that you are doing to make a new habit and establish new and better routines will pay off in the long run. You just have to keep after it...and this is why I post again, to encourage you to keep after it because persistence is what will eventually result in success...and pursuing success in the way that you are will result in the ability to maintain your success.

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Anita, you & your mom are wonderful. Thank you for encouraging me with explanations as opposed to excuses. When I think about all of the reasons why the scale doesn't reflect weight loss (sodium, too much or too little water, sleep, not enough protein, exercise, inflammation, hormones, stress) it can quickly become overwhelming and intimidating. I can see why so many people reach the conclusion that they simply cannot lose weight after the age of 40. I know that I can but it is certainly more difficult than it was in my 20's.


The cruise was my initial motivation but you are totally correct about my mindset. I know that I am mentally in the right place for lifelong success but it won't happen overnight. I have a really cute little black dress that I bought on clearance for less than $10 in a size 12. It hangs on the bathroom door that faces the end of my bed so it is pretty much the first and last thing I see everyday. That is my tangible reminder for motivation. I am working on the new habits thing, some have come easy but others are more difficult.


I didn't gain this weight overnight and I don't expect to lose it overnight either. I am in it for the long haul and want to do it in such a way that I am not miserable and can maintain it for life. I am looking at it sort of like an addiction to poor eating habits. Unlike an alcoholic/drug addict, I can't give up food entirely. However, I can learn to either replace my poor choices with healthy ones or save them for a rare indulgence.



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How are you doing?


Here's the deal. I love to read cookbooks; I treat them like novels sometimes. I get into bed and just read recipes (even some that I know I'll never, ever cook... weird, huh?). I feel like some of the celebrity chefs are kind of like my virtual "friends." :D So, I was reading a cookbook and came across a recipe and thought, "well, I'll never cook this... but Carla might like it!" Isn't it funny how people that we meet online... in message boards... become like people we know IRL and we have thoughts about them?!? Totally funny.


So, I went through your diary postings here... just to make sure that you could eat avocados and to see if I remembered correctly about flavors that you would like.


OMG. I cannot believe what you've been going through! You know, when we go through life, with all its bumps, pull backs, days of stress, days of joy... we kind of "forget" everything that has happened... in detail. I know that you're feeling frustrated by your weight loss "plateau" and so I am going to take the time to talk with you a little bit about your year... so far...


You started off with a great body response to your new diet and lifestyle plan. You had nothing but good results... until Feb 15. Sinus infection, sinus headaches, extreme nausea, antibiotics. You suffered through a few days. Then, a family emergency, your own medical crisis, restaurant meals, stopped drinking water, ate higher sodium content foods.


It took you 3 weeks to get back to what you had achieved on 2/15. Then, you had stress news about Cricket, gall bladder surgery, and stress news about your DH. You spent a frustrating (probably scary and emotional) period of time... got back on track... and then got a "trigger" by your DH arriving home. You said that he throws you off your game plan because his eating requirements are so different than yours and it's really difficult to maintain your plan when he's part of the equation.


It might feel like you've been holding steady for a period of time, but the actuality is that you've been experiencing a bit of fluctuation. In reading over your posts, I think that you've had some strong emotional issues (not to mention surgery) and that you could benefit from a time out. By that I mean a period of just acceptance and reflection and renewed determination.


You've opened yourself up to a lot of critique, criticism, support, and judgment by posting as openly as you have on this message board. You are a brave woman. And a strong woman. Because you haven't faltered through everything that you've experienced in the last few months... I just feel like sending you a huge cyber HUG. :)


AND, here's a recipe for you. I don't know if it appeals to you, or not...


Grilled Tofu with Avocado Salsa Cruda (a Latin dish from Isabel's Cantina, a restaurant here!)


Serves 4.

1 Tbsp ground cumin

1 Tbsp ground chile powder

1 pound firm tofu, cut into 1-inch cubes, drained, and patted dry with paper towels

3 Tbsp olive oil

2 garlic cloves, minced

1/2 medium red onion, diced

avocado salsa cruda (recipe below)


Combine the cumin and chile powder in a medium bowl. Add the tofu cubes and toss gently with your hands to coat.


Heat 1 tablespoon of the olive oil in a large saute pan over medium-high heat. Add the garlic and onion and cook until the onion is soft and translucent, about 2 minutes. Remove with a slotted spoon and set aside.


Add the remaining 2 tablespoons oil to the pan, let it get hot, and then add the tofu to the pan. Cook, turning as needed, to form a crust on all sides of the tofu and heat it through, about 3 minutes. Return the garlic and onion to the pan and stir to combine.


Use the spatula to transfer the tofu to serving plates. Top with the avocado salsa.


Avocado Salsa Cruda

Makes 1-1/2 cups


4 plum tomatoes, cut into medium dice

1/2 cup chopped fresh cilantro

1 avocado, diced

3 Tbsp soy sauce


Gently combine the tomatoes, cilantro, and avocado in a small bowl. Pour the soy sauce over the salsa. Serve immediately.


This recipe just sounds so basic and so easy, but so flavorful at the same time. I know that you've been eating tofu and homemade guacamole, and you don't shy away from soy sauce. Just thought I'd share.

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I know exactly what you mean about reading cookbooks like novels. I do it too!!! Another little funny story, I had a very close circle of girlfriends when I lived in Georgia and we used to draw names once a year for a secret sister thing. Everyone would also fill out a little questionnaire and answer stuff like, fave color, candy, restaurant, collectibles etc, so that we could surprise each other throughout the year with little gifts. I have friends who collect lighthouses, hot peppers, salt shakers, wind chimes, snowmen etc. I love that it makes buying for them so easy but I have never gotten into collecting anything (or so I thought). When I was packing to move to NY, I tried to do some de-cluttering and get rid of things I didn't need or use. AFTER my purging session, I had 4 boxes of cookbooks that I am emotionally attached to in one way or another. I guess I found my "collectible"!


Thank you for the recipe. I will definitely try it, I have everything in the house except for the firm tofu. I really, really, really appreciate the cyber hug. I also realized that ever since my surgery, I have been having issues sleeping. I am either plagued by nightmares or insomnia. I don't have a clue what is up with that, I have even changed from taking daily meds at night to morning but it isn't helping. I make sure that I only drink 2 cups of coffee and only in the AM.


It is very easy to get discouraged but I am determined not too. The beautiful thing about the anonymity of the internet is that it gives us courage to say what we really think & feel. There are some people I would love to meet face to face so I could tell them how much they have helped me and others that I can just as easily ignore.

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I definitely haven't thrown in the towel! I am working really hard on my attitude right now and am succeeding in staying motivated. I have decided to focus less on the numbers on the scale and more on just doing the right things. Eating plan, drinking water and working out. I know it will pay off eventually but the scale just keeps going back & forth with the same .5 #. I even weighed myself with my dog Cricket in my arms just to make sure it wasn't running on memory or something crazy. It wasn't! I just can't seem to get my body to turn lose of the pounds right now.


In addition to work, I am also working on my MBA right now so I have been really busy and just didn't feel like it was worth posting my same/nearly same weight over and over again. In some ways, I am feeling like I waste everyone's time reading what I write. I started this thread to hold myself accountable and to motivate myself & others. While I am doing okay in the motivation department, I feel like since my weight has been the same for so long, that I don't have anything to offer as far as motivating others.

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I took the advice of some friends and took a little while off. I have still been eating on plan and exercising every day. I just haven't been obsessing over the scale. It has taken forever for spring to arrive in upstate NY but it seems to finally be here. I have taken several hikes with my dog and this has brightened my spirits tremendously. It is amazing what fresh air and sunshine can do for the soul!!


I have spent what seems like forever bouncing back and forth between 229-231. I am happy to report that I seem to have cracked the barrier. I have lost down to 227.5 and have been there for 2 days now. Maybe my body is getting used to the exercise and my seasonal allergies. I certainly hope so, I still have a long way to go to reach my healthy goals.


Member123: I tried the recipe for Grilled Tofu with Avocado Salsa Cruda that you posted - my son & I loved it, my daughter, not so much.


I also found an awesome "peanut butter ice cream" on pinterest. Put a frozen banana into the blender with a tablespoon of peanut butter and blend. It is AMAZING! Making some for DH this weekend since it is also diabetic friendly.

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