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Middle Aged Drama Queen Goes BIG: Solo & Last Minute on the ALLURE!!!


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We never had a pretzel dog. That sounds better than anything listed at the Dog House, so we'll have to check out the Wipeout Cafe on Allure. We never went in the one on Oasis. Thanks for the info.


If you have a South Philly Pretzel C near you, they have them too.

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Whew…thanks for everyone hanging with me...my errands today took longer than anticipated, but isn't that usually the case, it seems? I'm going to start telling Hubby that I can't do any more errands until my EPIC REVIEW is written, because, after all, EPIC REVIEWS are more important than Saturday errands. :D


I’m going to post a few entries, and then go back to address comments and questions, so bear with me...I'll try to catch them all.



We still have more to cover on our walking tour of the ship…and we’re now down to Deck 5. I love Deck 5.


Deck 5 is predominantly the Royal Promenade, which I fell initially in love with on the Freedom, but there a few misc spots that we’ll talk about first, before we dive in depth into the Promenade.


First, the Jogging/Walking Track.





Deck 5 is entirely circled by the dedicated jogging/walking track, a two-lane, one-way circle that is a breath of fresh air for dedicated runners/walkers who previously had to play a dangerous game of dodge and weave against the sunbathers, Klingons and pool lizards on other ships. More often than not, while jogging around the Serenade, I'd come across someone who was standing in the track, observing the activity in the pool...and I'd play a mental guessing game with them that went like, "Are you going to go left? Right? Which way??!!" while they stood there frozen, looking at me like a deer in headlights. It was DANGEROUS, I'm telling you!!!


Well. Perhaps I misspoke when I called it a “breath of fresh air” – because, literally, it’s not. It’s covered – and for most of the track – you don’t get a beautiful view of the ocean, nor breaths of fresh air. Although this is great for rainy days, it can get a bit stuffy in there, so pray for a windy day or a cool day…or run in the morning, when it’s most crowded and traffic is worse than rush hour on the New Jersey Turnpike.


You can see the lifeboat in the above picture…which is pretty much your view….EXCEPT…every so many feet, you will turn a corner and be greeted by a beautiful sea view, especially near the aft of the ship:




And take note of that photo…notice those chairs? That’s just ANOTHER SUPER SECRET PLACE to avoid the crowds…take your Kindle, and a drink, and watch the wake as the ship sails through the sea. Just don't mind the walkers and joggers as they go pounding behind you.


Approximately 2.5 turns around the track will equal 1 mile…but in case you forget, there’s this nifty-difty signage that is posted:




They’ve even posted a map of the track, which helps all of us who are directionally-challenged…because, really, who among us has not gotten totally lost while running around a circular track?? Don't you just HATE when that happens??!!





My only other complaint about the track – and it’s being nitpicky, for sure, and I realize this – is that it is very narrow. There are two lanes – one for walkers and one for joggers. However, a lot of cruisers like to go walking/jogging using the buddy system – so, trying to chit-chat with your running buddy becomes difficult, as you’re pretty much forced to run or walk in a single file. The acoustics are not the best, either, so don't use the track as a way to catch up on the day's events with your significant other.


Edited by KansCocoa
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Aqua Theater



Isn't it beautiful? I have to give credit to Steve & Amy for this shot...I didn't have one this pretty...


On, snap. I forgot to talk about the Aqua Theater – back up on Deck 6. My bad. And how could I forget THIS?? And no one catch the fact that I forgot it??!!


So...the Aqua Theater...a 600-seat amphitheater found at the back of the Boardwalk, with sound, lights, two video screens, and fountains.



…besides offering the AMAZING, DON’T MISS “OceanAria” aqua show, the Aqua Theater is also the place to find various events such as: the Belly Flop Competition (Day 6 @ 1:00 pm), the World’s Sexiest Man Competition (Day 3 @ 2:00 pm) the SailAway Party featuring Dreamworks (Day 2 @ 1:15 pm), the Rock ‘n Roll Party (Day 5 @ 10:15 pm), Walk for Wishes (Day 6 @ 1:30 pm) and various other musical events.



OceanAria Show Times:

Day 1: 9:00 pm & 10:45 pm

Day 2: 9:00 pm & 10:45 pm

Day 3: 7:30 pm & 9:30 pm


Let You Entertain Me! Aqua Show (which includes Dreamworks)

Day 7: Noon & 1:30 pm


How about an outdoor video concert or movie???


Day 4: 10:30 pm Rod Stewart for One Night Only

Day 5: 11:15 pm “Grease – The Sing a Long Version”

Day 6: 11:00 pm "London LIVE starring Kelly Clarkson"

Day 7: 4:30 pm "Frankenweenie"

(Note some of the late times on these events...keep that in mind if you have a Boardwalk cabin - close to the AFT - as you're liable to hear some of this beautiful music...If you don't mind a nighttime lullaby of such classics as "If you want my body, and you think I'm sexy..." or "We go together like rama lama lama ke ding a de dinga a dong"...then, hey, go for it!!!


There’s also some fountain/water shows that are pretty cool to watch – they’re very brief, but fun for the whole family.



Some of the seating is bench-style...but some is canvas chair-like...keep that in mind when making your way to the shows. If you want to lean back - get there early, because the chair-like seating goes fast.





I would HIGHLY recommend reservations for the OceanAria show...and I would recommend you pick Day 1…because that way, if it’s canceled due to inclement wind/weather, you’ll still have an opportunity to see it later in the week. And use one of the SUPER SECRET BALCONIES on the upper decks to watch it if you can’t get reservations.





Gosh, I've probably left some events out - such as the Captain's Corner and the Backstage Tour - but this gives you an idea of how busy of a place this is! Don't just assume it's "OceanAria" only - and miss out on these other events!

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PERFECT!!! Woke up to about 34 inches of snow!!! That picture is just what I needed!!!! :D


Me too! I spent 3.5 hours behind the snowblower today, and there will be more after the plows come down the street again:mad:......this needs to be illegal!!


Sherri: thank you for posting that beach pic!:)

Edited by 3CatsInMA
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Okay…back to our regularly scheduled program…Deck 5. Geesh Louise. If I depended on my Dear Readers to catch when I’ve left an entire VENUE off of my reviews…well…I’d be in deep trouble. Yikes. I expect more from all of you – ESPECIALLY the experienced Allure/Oasis cruisers…or perhaps it was just a test, to see if I passed/flunked….? Or perhaps some of you are snow-blinded??!!


In which case, you’re off the hook.


So…back to Deck 5.


Amber Theater





At the very front of the ship is the Amber Theater (which extends down to Decks 3 & 4, as well). With a capacity of only 1,380, and almost 6,000 passengers - you can see why making reservations for the shows becomes necessary.


The theater offers the two “big” shows – the Broadway musical, “Chicago: The Musical”, as well as “Blue Planet.”


“Chicago: The Musical” is a condensed (90-minute) version of the Broadway play that features murder, greed, corruption and dancing. This show was rated “R”, so may not be suitable for younger Klingons (they suggest the age of 13 as the deciding factor). Show times for this were:


Day 1: 9:00 pm

Day 2: 10:30 pm

Day 3: 7:00 pm


Again, let me remind you that this is a 90-minute show...so it would behoove you - for those of you, like me, who have a bladder the size of a PEA - to use the facilities before the production. Also - reservations are strongly encouraged for this...and they went QUICKLY. Here's the seating policy for all the theaters onboard this ship:



And yes. They DO check for reservations as you enter (they'll scan your Seapass), and they had LONG LINES for Standby.



“Blue Planet” – a surreal production that features singers, acrobats, and surprises….reservations required:


Day 6: 9:00 pm & 11:00 pm

Day 7: 5:00 pm



The “Headliner Showtime” featured The Beatle Maniacs. Show times were (and reservations WERE needed):


Day 4: 8:30 pm & 10:30 pm

Day 5: 10:30 pm



The Fab Four...well. Not quite. But they were entertaining....


There were also various 3D-movies shown during the week, as well:


Day 1: 11:15 pm “Rise of the Guardians”

Day 2: 1:00 pm “The Avengers”

Day 3: 2:00 pm “Rise of the Guardians”

Day 4: 2:00 pm “Men in Black 3”

Day 5: 1:30 pm “How to Train Your Dragon”

Day 7: 8:45 am “Madagascar 3 – Europe’s Most Wanted”



Bingo was also held here in the Amber Theater. Times were:


Day 2: 4:00 pm Snowball Cash Prize Jackpot

Day 3: 4:15 pm Royal Cash Prize Bingo

Day 5: 4:45 pm Snowball Jackpot Family Cash Prize

Day 6: 11:00 am Snowball Jackpot

Day 6: 4:00 pm Win a Cruise Royal Bingo

Day 7: 11:00 am Snowball Jackpot Cash Prize

Day 7: 2:30 pm Final Snowball Jackpot Cash Prize


I'm not a Bingo player, so I can't comment too much on the games...like, how much it cost, or how it's played...but it seemed to be pretty popular.


Some tips:

1. Make your reservations as soon as you're able online...note how many time I used the word "reservations" in this post. They're needed.

2. Get to your show 30 minutes early to be safe. They WILL give away your seats/reservations 10 minutes before showtime.

3. They sell drinks in the theater - there are bartenders EVERYWHERE.

4. You can enter on Deck 3, 4 or 5...I liked sitting up on Deck 5 - in the balcony - as it was easier for me to get out of the theater and on to the next item on my agenda!



There's these little handy-dandy drink holders in the seats...


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It's the 2nd night and 6th night. So Mon and Fri if I"m not mistaken.


You are correct! :)


Amazing review! Thank you so much for posting this. I've been trying to convince my husband to agree to a cruise on AotS, and now I'm convinced that I'd have a great time even without him. ;)


I'm looking forward to the rest of your review!


Thank you - and I like the way you think. Who says we need Dear Hubbies to have a good time on a cruise ship??!! I'm proof-positive that it can be done. Hee hee. Just don't tell them we said that.

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Love the review! Can't wait to see more. The pictures are excellent. We sail on the Allure in April.


Why, thank you on the pictures - I don't usually hear that with my attempts at great photography! Cameras and I are not friends. :p



Great review! I first read your review of the Serenade. My family is taking the exact itinerary this October. I printed out your entire review for my husband to read to get some ideas for tours on port days. I enjoyed that review so much that even though I don't foresee cruising on the Freedom or Allure anytime soon I still read the reviews because they are so entertaining. Thanks so much for posting your experiences.


I'm glad my Serenade review has been helpful - the ports are what make that cruise very special, and the better tour you have, the better experience you'll have!


And hey...I never thought I'd be on the Freedom, let alone the Allure, so you just never know! :)

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Since Allure has the Dog House which offers a variety of FREE dogs (corn dogs not included) the Boardwalk Bar only sells popcorn.


I KNEW one of my Dear Readers would have the answer!!! Thank you! :)


freedom is next up....especially considering we might be on the freedom instead of the allure...


Of what's currently playing (of those i've seen) my favorites are Book of Mormon, Wicked, Phantom of the Opera and Avenue Q.....


Freedom is a great ship...I'd like to sail on her again...although I'm going to miss CD Graham Seymour, as he made it even more special!


I haven't seen Book of Mormon or Avenue Q yet...they haven't made their way off-Broadway to Kansas City yet, apparently! I'll have to look for those...thanks for the recommendations. :)

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PERFECT!!! Woke up to about 34 inches of snow!!! That picture is just what I needed!!!! :D


No one should ever have to wake up to 34 inches of snow! :(


AMEN to this!


I can't even imagine 34" of snow...holy smokes!!! How does your roof even stand that amount of weight??!!

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I spent a good part of last night while snowbound catching up on Cruise Critic with the northeast blizzard howling outside. I'm now up to date with your very entertaining review. You have a creative gift! I'm still snowbound this morning and waiting for more!


Hey - nothing like catching up on reading during a blizzard - or a hurricane. I've done both! I hope you still have power - and I hope you're not snowed in! Thank you...! :)


Nothing like relaxing with a wonderful review after helping the hubby dig out his car :). Looking forward to the rest of it!


:eek:Digging out a car:eek:


Thank you - just don't hurt yourself and stay warm, please! :)

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Hi Everyone keeps saying about your Europe review - I might be a bit slow today but i cannot find the link, can you post it for me, we are on Liberty in the Med in May ! and I know if anyone can review Europe well it must be you Thanks in advance x


Looks like you've found it - as they say, it will be in my signature below. I hope the information - for the ports, at least - help you in your planning. Our trip was amazing, wonderful, and a true once-in-a-lifetime experience, regardless of the few hiccups we had.... :)


Look at the bottom of one of KansCocoa posts and you will find "MADQ Conquers Europe" You won't be disappointed. An excellent informative review (very funny also)


Thank you for helping - and thank you for your kind comments! ;)

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my boys call it the "washing machine"


I LOVE that! See...even your Klingons are more creative than the Official RCI Namer Person...who gets PAID to name things, no less!!!!





OMG - LOL!!!! Truly laughing out loud!!! You are the best :-)


Laughter is the best medicine...I'm glad to help! But isn't it true? A SCALE on a cruise ship???!! WHAT were they THINKING??!! I had nightmares every time I went into the gym and had to walk by that...horror.

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Question for you Sherri...


you've been on both the Allure and the Freedom...


if you could choose either - and let's not take the itinerary into consideration at this point - which would you choose? The Allure or the Freedom?


Great question!


I REALLY liked them both...they both have their good points...but for sheer entertainment factor, I'd have to choose the Allure...simply because I fell in love with Central Park, as well as the Solarium...and the restaurants! :)


If you go with Allure, my BIGGEST, MOST IMPORTANT TIP I could offer - if you disregarded EVERY single other tip I've posted - is to book an Oceanview Balcony Room.


Because...there were definitely times when I forgot I was on a ship, and that saddened me...not enough to never sail on the Oasis class again, but enough to book a room with a view of the ocean. It was an effort to find the ocean sometimes with my little interior cabin.


However, if "being on a ship" isn't important to you - and I recognize that it isn't to everyone - than ignore my BIGGEST tip and just use another one of my tips, hee hee.


Just finished the review so far.

LOVING IT. hopefully it will entice my mom to hurry up and let me BOOK! :P

Want to know more about those DONUTS! yay for wasting a hard 6 months of dieting!!


Oh, those White Chocolate Donuts. :) Yum!


Hey - you'll be walking 5 miles every day just navigating around the ship, so diet, schmiet!

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Thank you for doing another review Sherri!! Loved your Freedom review ( I go in her in 99 days, WooHoo!!) & I really loved your 12 day Med. review!!


Edited to say, Now I know to look for white chocolate donuts in the Cafe!

Edited by Jax129
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I JUST realized this.. messes with my brain. I dont like it..

At first i thought you meant why cant sprite and sprite zero be op top of each other [which also bothers me greatly, being a merchandiser]


I showed the picture of the freestyle machine screen to my hubby since he is a bit OCD and he shrugged and thought they were trying to be "bubbles". My brain exploded.

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Okay…back to our regularly scheduled program…Deck 5. Geesh Louise. If I depended on my Dear Readers to catch when I’ve left an entire VENUE off of my reviews…well…I’d be in deep trouble. Yikes. I expect more from all of you – ESPECIALLY the experienced Allure/Oasis cruisers…or perhaps it was just a test, to see if I passed/flunked….? Or perhaps some of you are snow-blinded??!!


In which case, you’re off the hook.



We were just testing you ;)

I was actually confused when you went down to deck 5...but maybe you were considering it's stage that's on deck 5 like the deckplans show :p


Btw I "had" to quote you on my latest review...there are just so many places one can say "I could live here" that I just had to....but I did quote so no plagiarism hahaha

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I showed the picture of the freestyle machine screen to my hubby since he is a bit OCD and he shrugged and thought they were trying to be "bubbles". My brain exploded.


:O Never thought of it that way.

But I'd assume if they were, they'd be either moving around or if they're stationary then they'd be different sizes.

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Okay…back to our regularly scheduled program…Deck 5. Geesh Louise. If I depended on my Dear Readers to catch when I’ve left an entire VENUE off of my reviews…well…I’d be in deep trouble. Yikes. I expect more from all of you – ESPECIALLY the experienced Allure/Oasis cruisers…or perhaps it was just a test, to see if I passed/flunked….? Or perhaps some of you are snow-blinded??!!


In which case, you’re off the hook.


So…back to Deck 5.


Amber Theater





At the very front of the ship is the Amber Theater (which extends down to Decks 3 & 4, as well). With a capacity of only 1,380, and almost 6,000 passengers - you can see why making reservations for the shows becomes necessary.


The theater offers the two “big” shows – the Broadway musical, “Chicago: The Musical”, as well as “Blue Planet.”


“Chicago: The Musical” is a condensed (90-minute) version of the Broadway play that features murder, greed, corruption and dancing. This show was rated “R”, so may not be suitable for younger Klingons (they suggest the age of 13 as the deciding factor). Show times for this were:


Day 1: 9:00 pm

Day 2: 10:30 pm

Day 3: 7:00 pm


Again, let me remind you that this is a 90-minute show...so it would behoove you - for those of you, like me, who have a bladder the size of a PEA - to use the facilities before the production. Also - reservations are strongly encouraged for this...and they went QUICKLY. Here's the seating policy for all the theaters onboard this ship:



And yes. They DO check for reservations as you enter (they'll scan your Seapass), and they had LONG LINES for Standby.



“Blue Planet” – a surreal production that features singers, acrobats, and surprises….reservations required:


Day 6: 9:00 pm & 11:00 pm

Day 7: 5:00 pm



The “Headliner Showtime” featured The Beatle Maniacs. Show times were (and reservations WERE needed):


Day 4: 8:30 pm & 10:30 pm

Day 5: 10:30 pm



The Fab Four...well. Not quite. But they were entertaining....




Were they the same BeatleManiacs that performed on Serenade with the "Paul" you met in Santorini?


You know... probably around the time you were on this cruise, I was on CC and thinking, Gee, I haven't seen anything from Sherri lately, I wonder if she's still cruising (and reviewing)?


I also owe you a big thank you. I was very fortunate that I booked a Serenade cruise after you. In my research I followed your roll call (probably the most active I've ever seen) read your blog on the prior Med cruise and then got the advantage of reading your review. My wife and I had a wonderful cruise and we followed many of your tips. RomeinLimo was fantastic! One of our highlights was the Santorini hike that we did just like your friends (Steve and Amy?) My wife was so impressed with all the "planning" that I did, but in reality a lot of was "copying.'


Thanks for all you do... and I'd be happy to send in my dollar!

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