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Thomson Majesty Disaster

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Sorry if you don't like what i say, and at no point did i say anything nasty of vindictive, so unsure why you are singling out my post as if it was?


I was merely pointing out what i feel Thomson are liable for, and what they are not, nothing more and nothing less. Pointing out the good Thomson do for those that book a "package" and warning others of what might happen if they decide to sort their own travel.


It is a valid point, a warning to others, and at no point was meant as an attack at anyone.


Sorry Linda but i have to agree with Sodafountain. I don't think they were being vindictive. It is a very difficult time for all involved on the ship and Thomson have been very good to help out the 24 people as Sodafountain points out they were under no obligation to do so. I feel sorry for the Independant travellers but its something they choose to do they are as the word suggests INDEPENDANT.

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Dreamgirl, you did not upset me at all. In fact I appreciated what you were saying from your previous life as a TA and did not see it as a slight on anyone.


In fact I would go so far as to say from what I know of you, you would never deliberately upset anyone. So, please put it out your mind and don't worry.


I think the problem is sometimes people read into the written word a nuance that isn't there. It is nobody's fault really and would not happen if you were having a face to face conversation with the person.

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Dreamgirl, you did not upset me at all. In fact I appreciated what you were saying from your previous life as a TA and did not see it as a slight on anyone.


In fact I would go so far as to say from what I know of you, you would never deliberately upset anyone. So, please put it out your mind and don't worry.


I think the problem is sometimes people read into the written word a nuance that isn't there. It is nobody's fault really and would not happen if you were having a face to face conversation with the person.


Thanks so much Little nell , got to say this has upset me far more than it should and mostly to think anyone would think i didnt feel for the poor crew members. I am deverstated by whats happened i really am.


Its just Thomson have rules when someone books independantly and if they just forget them when things like this happen what message is that giving the people who book the full package. In a way its like slapping them in the face and saying youve paid more but you wont be any better looked after like we promised etc.. it would open the flood gates im afraid for the future.


Thomsons will always help everyone where they can and i think they always do more than expected for the independant travellers its just it cant be expected thats all.

Sorry if im ranting Nell just quite put out by all this i always thought we were a friendly bunch on here. Really appriciate your comment very much thanks x

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dreamgirl, please, dont beat yourself up.......all of life is out there especially on f/b….personally I am very grateful to you (and am sure many others are too) for all your valuable input on this forum....I trust your judgements and comments which are delivered very thoughtfully and with insight, your heart shines out and I appreciate you very much, you add so much that is good and careing to this forum....I hate to see you upset

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dreamgirl, please, dont beat yourself up.......all of life is out there especially on f/b….personally I am very grateful to you (and am sure many others are too) for all your valuable input on this forum....I trust your judgements and comments which are delivered very thoughtfully and with insight, your heart shines out and I appreciate you very much, you add so much that is good and careing to this forum....I hate to see you upset


Well said, Geo - I echo everything you have said ;);)

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dreamgirl, please, dont beat yourself up.......all of life is out there especially on f/b….personally I am very grateful to you (and am sure many others are too) for all your valuable input on this forum....I trust your judgements and comments which are delivered very thoughtfully and with insight, your heart shines out and I appreciate you very much, you add so much that is good and careing to this forum....I hate to see you upset


Thanks so much geo, really appriciate that . I find it hard to not say anything when i see people getting things wrong and expecting Thomsons to do what they cant. They will def look after everyone im sure of that but sometimes people can be so antagonistic and seem to just want conflict.

Thanks again :)

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Sorry if you don't like what i say, and at no point did i say anything nasty of vindictive, so unsure why you are singling out my post as if it was?


I was merely pointing out what i feel Thomson are liable for, and what they are not, nothing more and nothing less. Pointing out the good Thomson do for those that book a "package" and warning others of what might happen if they decide to sort their own travel.


It is a valid point, a warning to others, and at no point was meant as an attack at anyone.


Sorry Linda but i have to agree with Sodafountain. I don't think they were being vindictive. It is a very difficult time for all involved on the ship and Thomson have been very good to help out the 24 people as Sodafountain points out they were under no obligation to do so. I feel sorry for the Independant travellers but its something they choose to do they are as the word suggests INDEPENDANT.

I didn't say it was untrue :rolleyes: In fact my husband and I had said the same thing last night. I just wouldn't put such a thing on here at this time, when people have had such a dreadful time and people have died.


I don't "do" Facebook, so I don't know what has upset you Dreamgirl, but I'm sure you are not the sort of person to want to upset anyone and we really do appreciate your "inside information" :D on the travel industry. Please don't upset yourself :)

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I didn't say it was untrue :rolleyes: In fact my husband and I had said the same thing last night. I just wouldn't put such a thing on here at this time, when people have had such a dreadful time and people have died.


I don't "do" Facebook, so I don't know what has upset you Dreamgirl, but I'm sure you are not the sort of person to want to upset anyone and we really do appreciate your "inside information" :D on the travel industry. Please don't upset yourself :)


Thanks linda, just tried to explain Thomson were not doing anything wrong just following the rules but I know they will do their best where they can to help the independents etc and tried to explain if you havnt paid for a flight with Thomson they may not be able to help etc etc but think I was misunderstood which is a shame, thanks again.


Sent from my Galaxy S111 using Tapatalk! !

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Dreamgirl don't apologise for stating facts, in the short time I have been on this forum I have found you to be helpful, informative and pleasant which is exactly what you have been regarding the majesty situation.


Sodafountain I also agree with what you say. I feel very sorry for anyone caught up in a very difficult situation but as with all travel even within the UK there is a risk of things going wrong. I have travelled independantly as I'm sure many others have and fortunately its always been fine. However it is in situations like this where the package holiday comes into its own. Thankfully these horrible events are very few and far between. I think its commendable that Thomson have taken to look after independant travellers by putting them up in hotels. Where Thomson are not responsible for their travel arrangements these people did expect to be in Thomsons care for the duration of their cruise and that doesn't really have anything to do with their flight arrangements made at the end of that duration. Well Done Thomson. Hope everyone gets home with minimum stress.


Cruising Linda I don't see anything wrong with sodafountains comments for some these commments could prove to be thought provoking and helpful. I know you have just returned from your cruise and can understand why you feel upset. But, please just spare a thought for others thoughts and feelings instead of just yours......as of yet I have not been able to get in touch, despite numerous texts with a friend and crew member currently on Majesty and thats really not a nice place to be!!!

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I feel I have to defend FB a bit here.


While I would have to agree that FB is out there, the Thomson cruise site is a private group that you have to apply to join. Many of us on here are also members of the cruise group and it is generally an extremely helpful and supportive site.


I have seen many similar disagreements on CC so it is certainly not unique to FB and is part of all forums.


The good thing about FB is that people are posting as themselves and cannot hide behind anonymity.

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I didn't say it was untrue :rolleyes: In fact my husband and I had said the same thing last night. I just wouldn't put such a thing on here at this time, when people have had such a dreadful time and people have died.


I don't "do" Facebook, so I don't know what has upset you Dreamgirl, but I'm sure you are not the sort of person to want to upset anyone and we really do appreciate your "inside information" :D on the travel industry. Please don't upset yourself :)


Sorry, i disagree again, this is EXACTLY the time to post about things like this, sorry if it is a bit raw for you, but as whistlerbc says, these forums are for sharing and advising, and i feel this advice needs saying now, as it may help others in the future trying to decide what to do.


I am sorry people have died, and my heart goes out to all that knew them, but i am afraid that doesn't mean everything has to stop, these things need putting into the public domain for discussion, so others know what to expect.

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Dreamgirl don't apologise for stating facts, in the short time I have been on this forum I have found you to be helpful, informative and pleasant which is exactly what you have been regarding the majesty situation.


Sodafountain I also agree with what you say. I feel very sorry for anyone caught up in a very difficult situation but as with all travel even within the UK there is a risk of things going wrong. I have travelled independantly as I'm sure many others have and fortunately its always been fine. However it is in situations like this where the package holiday comes into its own. Thankfully these horrible events are very few and far between. I think its commendable that Thomson have taken to look after independant travellers by putting them up in hotels. Where Thomson are not responsible for their travel arrangements these people did expect to be in Thomsons care for the duration of their cruise and that doesn't really have anything to do with their flight arrangements made at the end of that duration. Well Done Thomson. Hope everyone gets home with minimum stress.





Thanks so much whistlerbc , you've put it all very well and i so agree with you, Thomsons have gone beyond what is expected of them as they usually do when these terrible things happen and i too commend them.


I feel dreadfully sorry for anyone who having booked their own flights found themselves in a bit of a prediciment but it is a risk im afraid .


With all the upset over what has happened things are bound to get a bit heated with all the banter about who is right and wrong , i really enjoy chatting on here and hated to think i had upset anyone at all.


Pleased your back safe it must have been very upsetting.

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Cruising Linda I don't see anything wrong with sodafountains comments for some these commments could prove to be thought provoking and helpful. I know you have just returned from your cruise and can understand why you feel upset. But, please just spare a thought for others thoughts and feelings instead of just yours......as of yet I have not been able to get in touch, despite numerous texts with a friend and crew member currently on Majesty and thats really not a nice place to be!!!


I'm sorry you have not been able to contact your friend and I'm sure it is a worrying time for you, but I can assure you I was not thinking of myself, but Shirley and others who had been good enough to contact us and let us know what was going on.


Yes I was upset at what had happened, but it was obviously far worse for those on board and I thought I had already made this clear.

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I feel I have to defend FB a bit here.


While I would have to agree that FB is out there, the Thomson cruise site is a private group that you have to apply to join. Many of us on here are also members of the cruise group and it is generally an extremely helpful and supportive site.


I have seen many similar disagreements on CC so it is certainly not unique to FB and is part of all forums.


The good thing about FB is that people are posting as themselves and cannot hide behind anonymity.


I agree Little Nell - I have met some lovely people on the Thomson FB site; it is not as "public" and "open" for anyone to read as this one, due to the fact that it is a "closed group" and it is certainly generally a very friendly and very informative place to be, as too is CC.

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I feel I have to defend FB a bit here.


While I would have to agree that FB is out there, the Thomson cruise site is a private group that you have to apply to join. Many of us on here are also members of the cruise group and it is generally an extremely helpful and supportive site.


I have seen many similar disagreements on CC so it is certainly not unique to FB and is part of all forums.


The good thing about FB is that people are posting as themselves and cannot hide behind anonymity.



Quite agree Nell, shame when things get heated and spoil things, i really like the Thomson f/b page too as i know lots on here do. Lets hope it gets back to normal soon :)

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I'm quite sure people will move on. I'm also sure not everyone onboard when the accident happened or some of those affected will have such a caring attitute as people on here. Just waiting on the first inconsiderate so and so to kick off or post a review about their long awaited holiday was spoiled because Thomson are useless and irresponsible! Its in the post.....


Dreamgirl - just ignore sharp comments, there is a problem with forums and fb where people say things hiding behind a screen that they would never ever find the bottle or have the brass neck to say to your face. FB is well known to cause bother in all fashions so don't take any of it personally, its just not worth bothering yourself over :)


Oh and just to let you know I wasn't on Majesty, I'm heading off on Dream soon and getting excited especially after reading Kruzseekas review :D

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I'm quite sure people will move on. I'm also sure not everyone onboard when the accident happened or some of those affected will have such a caring attitute as people on here. Just waiting on the first inconsiderate so and so to kick off or post a review about their long awaited holiday was spoiled because Thomson are useless and irresponsible! Its in the post.....


Dreamgirl - just ignore sharp comments, there is a problem with forums and fb where people say things hiding behind a screen that they would never ever find the bottle or have the brass neck to say to your face. FB is well known to cause bother in all fashions so don't take any of it personally, its just not worth bothering yourself over :)


Oh and just to let you know I wasn't on Majesty, I'm heading off on Dream soon and getting excited especially after reading Kruzseekas review :D


Oh i must be muddled ! Never mind and yes hope soon all back to normal soon and i also hope there are non of the type of reviews you mentioned about to appear!!


I will also try not to let things bother me so much :o

Have a fab time on the Dream !! :cool::cool:

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Can't believe some of the comments i have read just to put the record straight i was always prepared to pay for our hotel and did try to find some on the net via the mobile but its fiesta week and rooms are booked up all we wanted was a bed to sleep in and Thomson promised on the ship they would help on arriving back at the airport knew nothing about it and left only 2 reps to help we were sent to one side for about an hour not knowing what would happen imagine the stress of that we are all so upset for the crew believe me i am still crying about it we are not freeloaders and i have been loyal to Thomson for nearly 30 years if you weren't there you couldn't understand i am grateful Thomson came through with their duty of care it was just a shame the stress levels needed to be pushed to that level unnecessarily from Shirley not sleeping on the beach after all

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Can't believe some of the comments i have read just to put the record straight i was always prepared to pay for our hotel and did try to find some on the net via the mobile but its fiesta week and rooms are booked up all we wanted was a bed to sleep in and Thomson promised on the ship they would help on arriving back at the airport knew nothing about it and left only 2 reps to help we were sent to one side for about an hour not knowing what would happen imagine the stress of that we are all so upset for the crew believe me i am still crying about it we are not freeloaders and i have been loyal to Thomson for nearly 30 years if you weren't there you couldn't understand i am grateful Thomson came through with their duty of care it was just a shame the stress levels needed to be pushed to that level unnecessarily from Shirley not sleeping on the beach after all


Emotions are obvously runinng high here, so i am not going to make a full response.


I will just say that


A) I never called you a Freeloader.

B) My post was not vindictive against YOU personally, i was merely pointing out the facts of what Thomson were liable for, in the hope it may aid others in future (although we all hope nothing like this ever happens again).


Maybe in a few weeks you will see that, but i am not bieng painted as the bad guy here for pointing out facts.

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