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Oasis Western 3/2-3/9 Review With Pictures

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Day 3, Labadee, continued:


Looking up at our cabana from the steps down to the water. There was a ladder at the bottom of the steps. We shared the path with the cabana next to us.






Looking across the way to cabanas 4, 3, 2, and 1. I think on the very left those might be the hillside cabanas? Someone correct me if I am wrong!


View of Nellie's Beach:




Our cabana attendant checked in with us after a little while, and we had him bring us two Labadoozies (YUM!) and a couple of beers for the cooler.




Still overcast:




One last cabana shot:




We stayed here from 8:30 to around 3:00. All aboard time was 4:30.

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Great review!! Enjoying this immensely! :D Sorry to see Labadee was rainy, that's one of my favorite locations on the cruise, however I have gotten lucky and not had rain on those days (knock on wood.)

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OMG, I just finished up all of day 3, and then somehow deleted it right as I was writing the last sentence...my laptop is evil!! I'll try again:


So, I had realized in my last post that I never talked about lunch.

Around 11:30, our cabana attendant came by and announced that it was lunchtime. He escorted us, and the couple in the cabana next to us, over to barefoot beach for the "upgraded lunch". In addition to the usual burgers and dogs, there were shrimp skewers, steak (it was a little tough) jerk chicken, and various potato salads. Cookies and brownies for dessert I believe. I'm not sure how this compares to the standard buffet. It was decent, but nothing spectacular. All the picnic tables in the area were wet from the rain, and it started raining again right as we got our food, so we took our plates back to our cabana.


Around 3:00, we packed up to head back to the ship. I wanted to do a quick walk of the grounds to get some pictures, but as soon as we left the cabana area it started raining again, and harder. Here is one picture I did manage to take, of a map that gives you a good idea where Labadee is. You can see it towards the top right:




Shortly after this, a shuttle was going by with one of the other couples from the cabana area. The driver saw us getting wet, and he stopped and picked us up, and drove us back to the dock. I tipped him for that! I also tipped our cabana attendant as we were leaving.


Headed back to the ship:






Once back on board, we headed back to the solarium hot tubs to warm up for a bit. Tonight we had reservations for Frozen in time at 7:30, and 150 Central Park at 8:30. I did not take any pictures at either of these two places, but here is a rundown:


Frozen in Time: Another show that we really enjoyed. We had previously seen the ice show on explorer and were blown away. This was great too! We arrived probably about 25 minutes early, and headed for one of the front rows. We were turned away by a guy saving half the row for his party. This annoyed me, but it was early, and there were plenty of seats, so we moved along. A note on seat saving: There was an announcement made before every show that saving of seats was not allowed. However, this was not enforced, at all. We got in the habit of getting there about 20-25 minutes early and taking our kindles to occupy ourselves as we waited, so it was not an issue for us. As mentioned in other reviews, the sand artist during the show was really cool.


150 Central park:


For a refresher, here's the menu we had:




I was a bit nervous about this dinner as I am a bit of a picky eater. However, I really enjoyed the experience! It was great to step outside my comfort zone and try a few things that I never would have ordered for myself.


After we sat down, we declined the wine pairing as we typically have just one glass, maybe two at dinner. There was no wine list on the table, so our server asked us a few questions about the kind of wines we like. **Ding, ding, warning bells should have been sounding in our heads!** He ended up bringing me a glass of Pinot Grigio, and two wines for my husband to try, a cabernet and a Pinot Noir. He ended up ordering both of them during the meal.

If you've read reviews of 150 CP before, then you know that they bring you bread, and unsalted butter. On the table there is a dish of 6 different salts from around the world for you to salt the butter with. We tried them all, it was pretty cool. One of them tasted just like hard boiled eggs! I won't go into every course, but overall, the meal was great.

Now, back to those warning bells....when we got the bill at the end, it seemed a little high to me as we had pre-paid with the dining package. I took a closer look, and saw that DH's glasses of wine were $17, and $23 respectively:eek: My glass was more respectable at $10.

Totally our fault for not asking to see a wine list, but we did feel a little swindled, and it ended the meal on a bit of a down note. Live and learn!


After 150, we went to the Love and Marriage game show in the Opal theater. It was pretty funny, although not quite as hysterical as the one we had been to on Explorer. Totally depends on the participants! Oh, and as a side note, we enjoyed Amy as the cruise director...we found her to be energetic and funny.


Ok, well that wraps up Day 3 (for the 2nd time!). I'll start working on Day 4 tonight after the kiddos are in bed. Thanks for the comments...otherwise I start to feel like I'm talking to myself:)

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Just wondering how comfortable you were with leaving your belongings in the cabana when out in the water? We have an OTW reserved for our Oasis cruise in May so I curious



Because it was raining and a bit cooler, we actually did not swim. However, I think I would have been fine leaving my stuff there while I swam. First off, the cabanas (or at least the section of cabanas we were in) are off to the side, and through an (unlocked) gate. I only saw a few people who were not in the cabanas wander back that way throughout the day. (Although I think the beach was much less crowded than normal due to the weather). Secondly, even when in the water I think you would still have a pretty good view of your cabana.


Now, all that being said, the only things of value we brought ashore with us were a small amount of cash for tips, camera, my kindle, and DH's Kindle fire. The camera would have come into the water with me as it is waterproof, and contained the one thing that would have been irreplaceable to me....my pictures. I think it also might depend on which cabana you are in...we were almost as far away from the beach as you can get. If our cabana was right on the beach, I might feel different. Hope that helps!

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One last question about the cabanas, and this might seem weird, but just wondering what the bathroom situation is around the cabanas. Sometimes I can have an odd stomach and I would hate to have to pass on lunch because nothing would be in proximity... I know... too much information!! :o

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One last question about the cabanas, and this might seem weird, but just wondering what the bathroom situation is around the cabanas. Sometimes I can have an odd stomach and I would hate to have to pass on lunch because nothing would be in proximity... I know... too much information!! :o


LOL about the TMI...I was a nurse in my former life before I had the kiddos, so it takes a lot of TMI to phase me! To get to the bathrooms, you head out from the cabana area, cross a little bit of the beach and they are right there...I'd say less than a minute walk. DH estimates 100-150 yards.

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Thanks for the awesome pictures of Nellie's beach and the Cabana layout. I'm really excited now...and hoping I get one on the side facing the ship. That's such a cool view! Sorry you're weather wasn't great :(

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Enjoying your spin on the Oasis as well. Did an eastern on her in January and was blown away. No matter how many reviews and photos you read/see, nothing prepares you for seeing this ship with your own eyes!


I had to laugh, as my Day 1 was almost exactly the same as yours, sans the no lunch thing (yes, we crowded into the Windjammer with all of the other lemmings!), nor did we stay after Hairspray (definitely the best show I've ever seen at sea) for the 3D movie. Oh and yes, that was the lunch menu you saw posted at Giovanni's, dinner was delicious and I also really enjoyed the Filet as well as those yummy spinach and ricotta crepes. If there is a next time there for you, on any ship with a Giovanni's, you may want to try the Pappardelle pasta with Radicchio and Pancetta - very yummy.


I'll be coming back for more of your trip down memory lane! Thanks so much for taking your time to do it.

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Enjoying your spin on the Oasis as well. Did an eastern on her in January and was blown away. No matter how many reviews and photos you read/see, nothing prepares you for seeing this ship with your own eyes!


I had to laugh, as my Day 1 was almost exactly the same as yours, sans the no lunch thing (yes, we crowded into the Windjammer with all of the other lemmings!), nor did we stay after Hairspray (definitely the best show I've ever seen at sea) for the 3D movie. Oh and yes, that was the lunch menu you saw posted at Giovanni's, dinner was delicious and I also really enjoyed the Filet as well as those yummy spinach and ricotta crepes. If there is a next time there for you, on any ship with a Giovanni's, you may want to try the Pappardelle pasta with Radicchio and Pancetta - very yummy.


I'll be coming back for more of your trip down memory lane! Thanks so much for taking your time to do it.


Ok, I had to laugh at this one...the Windjammer with all the other lemmings, haha. Yes, our Day 1's sound very similar. Great minds think alike, right:)

There will definitely be a next time...I'm plotting a Father/daughter cruise on Allure, although probably not for a year or two. My dad is the one who got my brother and I hooked on cruising. He's reading along...Hi Dad! I am passing it along to the next generation...we took our kids on their first cruise at age 2.5 and 4. Earlier than I would have done it, but it was for a family reunion, so they went along, and loved it. My son asks me all the time when we can go on another "Boat Trip".

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Day 4: Falmouth, Jamaica


I continued to be unable to keep my vow to sleep in. Actually, I think DH may have gotten up first this day, but I'm not sure...apparently I didn't take notes on everything, haha. No worries, I continued the tradition of my early morning walk/photo shoot around the ship.


Looking down on Central park:




Pool deck...Main pool I think:




Solarium upper level:




Looking down on lower level:






This was a nice little nook, upper level of the solarium, in the back:



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Day 4, Falmouth continued:


Ok, these next few posts tonight should be fun. I was moaning to DH the other day about missing my Pina Coladas....so he comes home with these pre-mixed, frozen pina coladas in a bag...he's so good to me! He even poured one in a glass for me just now. We'll see how this affects my review:D


Back to the morning photo tour....Kids Pool area:






Wipe out Cafe:




According to the compass, you could get omelets and fried eggs cooked to order at the Wipe out Cafe in the morning. I can't believe in all the reviews I read, I missed that. Actually, we never tried though.


Ping pong, anyone?



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Day 1 continued--More room pictures:






LOVED the size of the balcony...so deep!!


No luggage to unpack yet, too excited to nap, what to do next? How about hitting the zipline? Why not? Oh, and they did have loaner shoes, just like the rock wall. I did have close toed shoes, but they seemed to think they were too loose, as they were slip-on sketchers.









Did you need reservations for the zipline?
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Day 4, Falmouth continued:


Our plan for the day in Falmouth was pretty simple. We didn't have any excursions planned, so we wanted to hang out onboard in the morning and enjoy the empty ship, and then explore around the port area for a little shopping. With that in mind, here's what the Solarium looked like on a port morning, around the time we docked at 10 AM:






Port area:




After relaxing in the Solarium for a bit, we headed off the ship a little bit before lunch. Thanks to a tip from Gambee's review, I picked up a Wifi card at one of the little information Kiosks in the shopping area--$10 for 24 hours of access. After that, we did a little souvenir shopping for the kiddos, and headed back to the ship. I was excited to try out the wifi on my ipad! I had read that they work best in the plaza, and were hit or miss on the ship. I figured since we had a balcony on the starboard side, we'd give it a try there. It took a few minutes to sign on, but after that it worked pretty well. Access was a bit slow, but functional. I was able to check email and fire off a few pictures to family. After that, I tried to Skype my dad for the heck of it. We were able to connect briefly, long enough to say hello and for me to flip the camera around and show him the port. After that it got very garbled, very quickly.


Lunch was on the ship...salad from Park Cafe for DH (good), pizza from Sorrento's for me (just OK).


Here's a pic of the ship from port:




And one of Margaritaville:



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Loving your review!!! Hoping to hear more soon! We are planning our honeymoon on this ship. Never thought about dining at 150, as we are both picky eaters as well, lol! But it does seem like a good way to step out of our comfort zone!

Edited by SharkCruiser24
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Day 4, Falmouth continued:


Our plan for the day in Falmouth was pretty simple. We didn't have any excursions planned, so we wanted to hang out onboard in the morning and enjoy the empty ship, and then explore around the port area for a little shopping. With that in mind, here's what the Solarium looked like on a port morning, around the time we docked at 10 AM:






Port area:




After relaxing in the Solarium for a bit, we headed off the ship a little bit before lunch. Thanks to a tip from Gambee's review, I picked up a Wifi card at one of the little information Kiosks in the shopping area--$10 for 24 hours of access. After that, we did a little souvenir shopping for the kiddos, and headed back to the ship. I was excited to try out the wifi on my ipad! I had read that they work best in the plaza, and were hit or miss on the ship. I figured since we had a balcony on the starboard side, we'd give it a try there. It took a few minutes to sign on, but after that it worked pretty well. Access was a bit slow, but functional. I was able to check email and fire off a few pictures to family. After that, I tried to Skype my dad for the heck of it. We were able to connect briefly, long enough to say hello and for me to flip the camera around and show him the port. After that it got very garbled, very quickly.


Lunch was on the ship...salad from Park Cafe for DH (good), pizza from Sorrento's for me (just OK).


Here's a pic of the ship from port:




And one of Margaritaville:




Are the restaurants at the port in Falmouth?

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