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Review - Zenith April 23, 2005


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Day 1

Saturday, April 23, 2005


Weather: chilly, damp and rainy

Town car from OS to Celebrity Zenith in NJ - Pick up at 9:30a

Arrived at ship before noon – this is a huge, desolate old warehouse area. The directions in the cruise docs were very good – it is easy to find. Limo pulled up to the awning – a porter took our big bags – he was very nice. He pointed out the door for us to enter. Went in – suite and concierge line to the left – only a few people ahead of us. The embarkation was very easy because we were Concierge Class but we realized later we didn’t go through the line for photos. University of Rutgers shuttlebus to ship. (This is a nice service but it is hard for University of Connecticut people to get on a Rutgers bus!! - sorry OneKurt)

At the ships entrance there was a 4 flight set of aluminum stairs. I told DH I could not climb them (I just had a cortisone shot on Wed and still had back pain) I refused to walk them when I saw the handicap entrance was empty and could easily accommodate me. I had to tell the attendants twice that I could not walk the stairs before they would let me on. (Next time we carry the handicap placard). After we did the id photo and received our seapass a very nice young man took us up in the elevator and would have escorted us to 1086 but we knew where it was since we stayed in the one next door in August.

Stateroom ready because this was the first cruise to Bermuda after their Caribbean run which ended on the 20th. We checked everything out – only thing not working was the music system that is in the nightstand – the one in 1084 didn’t work in August either.

Bed was made into one so when the attendant came in we asked her to make it into twins. We find that gives you much more floor space and no one has to climb over in the middle of the night. Room is very comfortable – lots of storage – terrible view from window. When we left from NYC in August we overlooked the Concorde on display. In April we saw what looks like a deserted airfield. Maybe it looks better on a sunny day.

Buffet lunch in Windsurf Café on Marina Deck – DH had a cheeseburger from the Grill – I had buffet. Came back to room and found a couple trying to open our door. I said, laughingly, “Hey, why are you trying to open my door?” They looked at the number on the door, at each other, then at us and said, “oh, dear, we are next door”. We introduced ourselves and I said, “We’re from CT – where are you from?” They said CT, too. I said, I’m from Old Saybrook” – they said “We’re from Niantic” – 20 minutes from OS!! and a friendship was born!!!!! Our DHs must have been separated at birth – they are sooooo much alike – cancer survivors, non-drinkers, own boats, etc – the clincher was they have the exact same watch, right down to the navy blue face. More about them later.

Lifeboat drill was very simple, very easy. Did not see or hear one grumpy person in our muster station. Watched provision loading from aft deck with our new friends. She and I sat on a lounge chair while the men braved the cold at the rail. We laughed ourselves silly listening to our DHs talk about themselves. Except for physical differences, they could be twins. (We have since gone out to dinner post-cruise – they are so nice). Kept checking to see when bags would arrive. (not as quickly as you would expect for CC). However, we had everything we needed in our carryons in case the bags were delayed. One bag arrived shortly after sailing, the other arrived shortly before dinner (6pm).

We arrived at the dining room at the posted time!!! (In our opinion, this is another area that should be addressed by Celebrity). If you say: arrive at 6, doors close at 6:15 – then CLOSE the doors at 6:15!!! There was a young couple with 2 children who showed up at 6:30 EVERY night!! My one comment on the dress code: If they don’t intend to enforce the code: DON’T PRINT IT IN THE NEWSLETTER, PERIOD. I plan my attire according to their words so I am not pleased to see shoooort denim skirts, bare midrifts, and jean jackets on informal or formal nights. (I really don’t like that type of outfit anytime, but…..)

OK, back to good stuff. We were at a table for 8 #124. Our tablemates were very nice young couples, probably in their 30’s. We would have enjoyed spending the whole week with them. However, about 2 months before the cruise date, I requested my TA ask for a table for 2. We have a terrible time hearing people talk at large tables. We miss so much it actually takes away from the pleasure of dinner. So when we were offered a table for 2, #99, Sunday afternoon, we took it. We saw our former tablemates on Sunday and explained it to them. Dinner was wonderful. We are normally food snobs but when we are on a cruise we find we love everything. We love the food and the whole dining room experience. We usually have breakfast, lunch and dinner in the dining room. On the August cruise our waiter was David from the Czech Republic. I spotted him across the room and pointed him out to DH. DH got up and started to walk over to him. When DH was about 10 feet from him David recognized DH. He put out his hand and walked toward DH to shake hands. They spoke and then DH pointed to me. David walked all the way across the room to hug me. How wonderful it felt to be remembered. We saw him a lot during the week and he always had a big smile. He is such a wonderful young man. Several of the waiters went out of their way to be friendly to us. We ended up tipping 3 waiters who were never assigned to us just because they were so friendly. As I told OneKurt, I somehow lost the journal I kept during the week so I can't tell you what we had for dinner most nights but I think only one night was not the best. That was DH's pork chop. Our waiter did not mention it as a recommended dish and DH should have listened to him. One dessert wasn't the best but I had 2 desserts that night so.....

Oh dear, I am rambling – all this is only ½ of a day. Is this the kind of review you all want or, when I continue, should I limit it?

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Hi. I have enjoyed reading your post and am considering the Zenith to Bermuda on Sept 3, 2005. I found your post helpful and would love it, if you could find the time/energy to continue with the rest of your review. Thank you.


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SpaLady - please do go on - you review is great! As far as UCONN goes - we were born and raised in Ct for my first 39 years - when both the mens and womens bball teams won the final four I was in heaven! But I digress. Tell me more about the CC class on board Zenith - I understand there are no balconies?

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OneKurt - that's right, there are no balconies on Zenith - that is why we like 1084 or 1086. I hate giving away a secret but since you are former UCONNer...here goes. As I explained, we like quiet and...ssh...no kids - we like the Atlantic deck - at the end of the corridor is a door to near paradise. A small aft deck with padded lounge chairs. You have no noise, no kids (there is nothing for them to do here). You are near food (right up the stairs is the Windsurf Cafe, the hot dog/cheesburger grill, a beverage station and just through the auto doors is the buffet and a bar. Just below you is the simu golf and ping pong tables (very little noise filters up). To us this is THE place to be. The port side allows smoking but starboard side (even numbered cabins) is smoke free. We only had to speak to one smoker on the two cruises we have taken on Zenith. We take a firm but polite stand because my DH survived throat cancer and he can't tolerate the smell or choking feeling of smoke in his throat. I have booked two more cruises in 1086. We do like balconies too, but my DH likes to meet new people on a small scale and the Atlantic aft deck is his favorite place. I have recently read a scathing review of Zenith. I disagreed with everything she wrote about except toilet problems. We have not had any, but that can happen anytime on any ship. We did have a water pipe burst in the corridor ceiling right outside our room on our Aug trip. The crew worked until it was cleaned. It did not seem to bother anyone in our corridor - certainly not a "vacation ruiner" or even an inconvenience - just a part of life. I have not yet encountered anything that came even remotely close to upsetting me. (Except people dressing inappropriately) But maybe my turn is right over the next wave - who knows.

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About Concierge Class: We like CC because we want priority embarkation. I love bypassing the line for "regular" and heading for suites & CC. I like the gold card instead of a white card. I like the extra pillows, flowers, etc. Many people do not need or want that stuff, I do and I am willing to pay for it. But mostly, on Zenith, I want 1084 or 1086. Would I be as happy in another cabin? Sure, but I would still want Atlantic deck. Fortunately, not everyone agrees with me!!!!

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I forgot to mention that I had a spa treatment on Sunday – what a nice way to spend an hour on a rainy, rocky day. Now here is a place where my lost journal would come in handy. I can’t remember the name of the young lady who gave me the massage. She was very good. I also booked a seaweed wrap and massage for 3pm Thursday, as we depart for home. I was surprised that the suggested gratuity was only 10%. I told her to make it 20%. I can’t imagine how they arrived at 10%. The young man who opens a coke and gives you ice outside the Windsurf Café gets 15%!!! I do not begrudge him that – I just think the spa ladies deserve more!


Well, it was still rocking and rolling all through Sunday night. We were getting ready for bed. I was coming out of the bathroom. DH was standing at the desk. Just as he looked up into the mirror, a wave hit and he saw me FLY (feet completely off the floor) across the room and land on the bed. I had absolutely no control over where I would land – Thank heaven the bed was there!!! He still laughs when he pictures it.


All during the week the TV would not show our charge account on the screen. DH tried several times and nothing came up. Good, I thought. The less he knows the better! Well, on Friday, I was in the shower. I could hear a beep, beep. I thought he was looking at the movie selections on TV. When I came out of the bathroom he was sitting on the bed, looking at the TV. He said, “Kerry Ellen, what have you done?” “huh”, I said. “What are you talking about”.

DH: “Look at the total on our seapass!! It is astronomical”

Me: “No, its not – we only bought water, soda, tee shirts, a watch – not much really”

DH: “Oh, yeah, then who went to the spa, TWICE, to the tune of $500”

Me: “Oh, that”

You know, if they would just deactivate that account screen in cabins with married people, we could all enjoy the cruise sooooo much more!


More later

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Due to the rough crossing, Zenith was delayed in arriving in Hamilton. As I remember, it was a beautiful day: sunny and warm (nicely warm, not too cool or too hot) Now I could be wrong because I lost my notes. I believe it was cloudy in the PM because I remember later saying that Tuesday was the best day we had in Hamilton.


Since we were late arriving we had lunch, after watching the docking, before leaving the ship. I was disappointed that I did not see Johnny the welcome bell ringer. I was told he was there but I missed him. I must have been eating.


As we left the ship we asked a lady in the terminal where we could get our passports stamped. We didn’t think of that in August. She pointed out the pink building off the stern of the ship. She said to go in through the cedar doors. So off we went, wending our way through every jewelry store on Front Street (DH bought me a gold Bermuda longtail pendant last year and I am looking for one in white and black enamel). Yeah, well, here goes that Irish luck again. Guess what – everyone in every store said they never saw such a thing!!!


While walking, we, almost literally, ran into David, our waiter from last year. He was jogging. Said he had gained weight since joining the ship and needed to lose it before going home. Love that boy, he is so cute. Arrived at the pink building. Sweet lady graciously stamped our passports. When I told her we hadn’t thought to do that in August she asked what date we were there. I told her and she rolled back her stamp to that date. How nice was that!!


Off again back in the direction of the ship: maybe I missed a few stores. Sure enough. I missed the English Shop. Cotton sweaters on sale!!! I love men’s sweaters – they are big and comfy. I bought 2 and DH bought 2. The English Shop gives you these very bright green bags. Oh BEWARE – as you reenter the ship, Celebrity has put out a hand sanitizer dispenser at the end of the gangway. If you have a green English Shop bag in your hand: DO NOT USE THE SANITIZER!!!!!!! DH did – he had green hands for hours.


Entered ship to see our new friends, with another couple, discussing phone service. Neither of them could get a call to go through. We tried ours and had great service. So DH let them use his phone while I called my Mom on my phone. We have a Verizon family plan on a camera phone that covers the whole US but, of course, there are “dead” spots (Like my office!!) However, service back to US from Bermuda is better than around my home corner.


Went up to Windsurf Grill for a cold drink. How did those French fries get on my plate?

Then back out to shop. Poor Triminghams. We will miss ya. Ventured in to some of the small shops on the street behind Front St. $375 for a shirt!?! I like to spend money but not all of it on one thing!!


A little true and false: It is TRUE that the ships stores and casino are closed while in port in both Hamilton and St Georges. The Bermuda government actually boards the ship to chain and padlock the doors. It is FALSE that there are no shows during docking. There are two shows in the Celebrity Theatre every night.


Dining room on Monday night was full again – everyone seeming to have recovered.

Spent time on the aft deck, after dark, taking photos with another couple. Front Street is always pretty but even more so at night. Early to bed – have a big day tomorrow!!

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Spalady - thanks for the great review! One question, is the ride rougher AFT as compared to mid-ship? We've only been on the Horizon and we were in the middle on the Europa level. The room sounds great and I would spring for the extra $$ if there's not much difference. . . . .

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I know you know everything here is purely personal opinions as " in my humble opinion". So....IMHO aft is not rougher than midship. Now, maybe that is because we don't get seasick or we like the rolling if there is any or we are not sensitive to motion. Any number of reasons could explain my opinion. Many people have expressed just the opposite feeling. I guess all you can do is try a location based on your best gut feeling. The only area I would not try is forward. We know from small boat experience that forward is where the wave hits first and you feel it more. Does this translate to ships? I don't know but I'm not taking any chances.

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Spalady (after that last report, I know how you arrived at you name:D ) - keep the great reports coming! Thanks for the tips about the cabins. Those are CC cabins? How is the price for thise compared to the other outside rooms? In my very short experience with Concierge Class I think they are quite a bargin. We took the Mercury last year to Mexico for 9 days and I wanted it to be special so I started book ing for a veranda cabin. Then a Concierge Class cabin opened up for $40 more ea. All of the extra services are incredible - many people I talked with prefer that to the smaller suites as apparently CC has a few extras the suites don't. Definately worth the splurge once (unfortunately, you can never go back)

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I can't tell you the prices for other outside rooms because I am so hung up on #1086 on Zenith that I don't look at others. All the rooms on the corridor with 1084 and 1086 are CC. That's between the aft elevator and the aft deck. I got a book from my TA with the Zenith deck plans (actually I have several and cut out the plans and pictures for my "da book"). Da Book is what my family calls my "anal journal". EVERYTHING about planning a trip is in it. If its a road trip, I preplan where rest stops are! When we are ready to go I take a portion of it with us to enter details of the ongoing trip. That portion is what I lost in April. Ok, stop rambling.

Here are the costs of #1086 CC:

April 23 - 30, 2005 - Total cruise only $2603

May 20 - 27, 2006 - Total cruise only $3560 - notice the difference - you have to factor in the time of year - the closer you get to summer the more it costs.

Christmas 06 - Total cruise only $2786 - this is for 11 nights

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SpaLady. Thanks for your reviews. We Rutgers people are enjoying your tips too! A group of us are going in 12 days. Love those RU buses!!!!


Have a wonderful time!!! I have to admit - we were very glad to have the buses - it was raining and would have been an awful walk!!!!! Those buses are wild - they bend in the middle!!

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SpaLady - Thanks for the info! I'm thinking of going in the fall were usually the prices are pretty low, as long as you don't ming a couple of hurricanes along the way:)


My only experience with Celebrity was on the Mercury - how does the Zenith compare?

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  • 5 months later...

Hi, This question is for Spalady ;)

My husband and I will be on our honeymoon/1st anniversary to Bermuda in May 2006! We wanted to save up for a nicer room. How is the weather at the end of May?I appreciate the hints about smoking. We hate smoke! Even # rooms are better? Also, how is engine noise and can you hear the anchor etc back there? My husband is not fond of uncontrolled children...which is usually most of them these days, nothing personal to the rest of the child loving population! Hopefully they will be in school May 20-28! We are looking forward to our trip! Any other tips are appreciated! Happy trails!

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  • 4 months later...


you are probably not monitoring this anymore but just in case:


We are, of course, hoping for nice weather the 20th thru the 27th but you know how the Atlantic can be in spring.

I am hoping the water is warm enough to snorkel


About smoking: we hate it too - my husband is a cancer survivor and the smoke really bothers him. We try very hard to stay on the starboard (right side of the boat when facing front). Smoking is supposed to be allowed only on the port side. Don't sit on the port side of the pool or any of the lounges.


We have never been bothered by engine noise. Zenith does not anchor anywhere in Bermuda. They tie up at the docks in Hamilton and St. George's.


We should not have too many children. We were on Zenith in April 2005 during the New York and NJ spring school break. There were reportedly 400 children on board. We only saw about 20 and we only saw them because the activity group was doing a pirate march. You will always run into the little monsters who love to push all the elevator buttons!!!


My biggest tip for you is to relax, enjoy, let the crew do what they are best at: waiting on you!!!

and if you see two "older" gray haired f**ts on aft deck 10 - say HI


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Thanks SpaLady for the great review...we leave in a week and are really looking forward to it.

Unfortunately we have a room on the port side and smoke really bothers me...do you mean that there will even be smoke in the halls and statrooms on the port side or just the public rooms and decks on the port side?


Also, are the pools filled or drained while in port or is it still too cold to swim anyway? Did the spa have any sales while in port? Did you go to public beaches or did Celebrity arrange to use any hotel facilites (pool/beach)?


Thanks for your help!

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Can anyone who recently came off the Zenith from Bermuda please tell me when the 2 informal nights are (the 2 that men are requested to wear jackets and ties)??? We are planning to do some excursions in the evening while we are in Bermuda and my husband doesn't want to take extra jacket and slacks if we are not going to use them.


Also, we are having wine sent to us by our children from Celebrity's Bon Voyage brochure and wondering if you can bring this wine to the dining room to have with dinner.




Karen from NJ

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Can anyone who recently came off the Zenith from Bermuda please tell me when the 2 informal nights are (the 2 that men are requested to wear jackets and ties)??? We are planning to do some excursions in the evening while we are in Bermuda and my husband doesn't want to take extra jacket and slacks if we are not going to use them.


Also, we are having wine sent to us by our children from Celebrity's Bon Voyage brochure and wondering if you can bring this wine to the dining room to have with dinner.




Karen from NJ


There is only one informal night and that one is pretty well ignored on Bermuda sailings.

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