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Putting someone else's kid in my cabin on paper.

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Not condescending or typing down to you, just being honest. You were the one that said you "generally" follow the rules, I just felt and still feel that it is an important word with regard to the discussion thus the quotation marks. Let's be more honest, you know it is wrong and you came on here to have others validate that you can do it and not get caught.


Hope you have a great cruise, no matter what your decision is.


Please do not patronize me with your last statement. :rolleyes:


I didn't come here to ask anyone to validate anything. I came here to ask a question. I thought perhaps someone had experience with this in the past. I then called NCL and told them exactly what the scenario was but in the end decided it was still to much hassle. I'm not sure why people cannot offer opinions and advice without the sarcastic undertones. I don't do that to people when they have question. I'm pretty sure I informed everyone that I did not book this child on my reservation.


You are not going to make me feel like a villain because I considered helping a friend, asked question, and then even called NCL to tell them the situation and get their view on things. You care even more than they do.

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Please do not patronize me with your last statement. :rolleyes:


I didn't come here to ask anyone to validate anything. I came here to ask a question. I thought perhaps someone had experience with this in the past. I then called NCL and told them exactly what the scenario was but in the end decided it was still to much hassle. I'm not sure why people cannot offer opinions and advice without the sarcastic undertones. I don't do that to people when they have question. I'm pretty sure I informed everyone that I did not book this child on my reservation.


You are not going to make me feel like a villain because I considered helping a friend, asked question, and then even called NCL to tell them the situation and get their view on things. You care even more than they do.


Sounds like you made a very wise decision based on facts. You did what you should have done and made the right call, in my opinion.

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Please do not patronize me with your last statement. :rolleyes:


I didn't come here to ask anyone to validate anything. I came here to ask a question. I thought perhaps someone had experience with this in the past. I then called NCL and told them exactly what the scenario was but in the end decided it was still to much hassle. I'm not sure why people cannot offer opinions and advice without the sarcastic undertones. I don't do that to people when they have question. I'm pretty sure I informed everyone that I did not book this child on my reservation.


You are not going to make me feel like a villain because I considered helping a friend, asked question, and then even called NCL to tell them the situation and get their view on things. You care even more than they do.

To answer your question, probably the same reason you can't take people's comments without becoming rude, like saying someone is angry, condescending or passive aggressive. I could care less whether you break the rules or not, my conscience is clear.

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Wow, I'm outta this thread ASAP! People ask questions, people get answers, then people don't like the answers they get and everything gets hostile for no particular reason as all. That is not suppose to be how things work here on CC. Just saying..... :eek:

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Wow, I'm outta this thread ASAP! People ask questions, people get answers, then people don't like the answers they get and everything gets hostile for no particular reason as all. That is not suppose to be how things work here on CC. Just saying..... :eek:




There were plenty of responses saying it was a bad idea from people who were not rude or condescending in giving their opinions. Opinions don't bother me...delivery does. I let those people that told me hey...bad idea... know I appreciated their input. In fact, it was these posts that helped me realize this was not a good idea and more could potentially go wrong than right. However, I'm not obligated to appreciate condescending and rude responses. Answers to my questions? My question was am I breaking a law or can I get in trouble by NCL for doing this? Sorry but some of these rude and facetious responses went WELL beyond the scope of the question....into judging, projecting, and accusing me of not being honest. Big shock I responded huh? Even the NCL people I asked about this were not as rude and condescending as the responses in this thread. :p

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My only concern here would be that once you boarded your friend would then ask if one of her children could actually sleep in your room since you will have more room (in her opinion). It would problaby be one of the older children since she would most likely want to keep the youngest with her. Then you would be placed in an even more uncomfortable position and it would most likely put a big damper on your vacation.


As for all the other reasons others have posted I see no vaildity in their claims of legalities and life boats and moral issues. If your muster station is different then you take that child to your muster drill. 20 minutes tops and they don't care who the parents are. An emergency causing your family to leave the ship is the only wild card here in my opinion.


As stated before this is done all the time. Especially with parents who have minor children in a room alone which is against the rules but for some reason does not seem to upset people as much as your question did. I for one feel leaving minor children alone in a cabin much more troublesome!I see nothing wrong with question or doping it if you chose to do so. I consider my self a good moral person with a clear conscience also :D


One of my pet peeves on this message board is how rude and condesending some members are. In fact I really really hate that piece of it. Thankfully there are more member who are great and provide grood information without placing judgement or reading into the questions or comments. :D

Have a happy and fun cruise!!

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My point being that you asked if you could do thus and so, but told us you really didn’t want to do thus and so. In post #3 you reiterated, “But the kid CANNOT stay in my room no matter what happens.”


Responses were exchanged. You then replied to those that told you it’s not a good idea. Apparently you considered them rude and condescending for pointing out that there could be unconsidered problems with such an arrangement.


When told the promotion had ended you answered, “I've already talked to consultant at least 3 times today so I know what I'm talking about.” I cannot imagine any situation where I would go to such measures to help a friend do the exact opposite of my wishes. (But that's just hard-hearted me.) You then told MLH Arizona that the situation was giving you a “crisis of conscience”. That’s quite a charitable change of heart after so emphatically stating that their kid can’t stay in your cabin. SeaShark then outlined problems that may arise and you response was, “Oh no!” You later told Anginette that it was all an exercise in how the logistics could work. You eventually stated that the NCL people “were not as rude and condescending as the responses in this thread.”


Next time, just call NCL directly and run by them whatever real or theoretical situation that comes to mind. Then you will have the information straight from the horse’s mouth - as you obviously consider CC to be the other end.

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My point being that you asked if you could do thus and so, but told us you really didn’t want to do thus and so. In post #3 you reiterated, “But the kid CANNOT stay in my room no matter what happens.”


Responses were exchanged. You then replied to those that told you it’s not a good idea. Apparently you considered them rude and condescending for pointing out that there could be unconsidered problems with such an arrangement.


When told the promotion had ended you answered, “I've already talked to consultant at least 3 times today so I know what I'm talking about.” I cannot imagine any situation where I would go to such measures to help a friend do the exact opposite of my wishes. (But that's just hard-hearted me.) You then told MLH Arizona that the situation was giving you a “crisis of conscience”. That’s quite a charitable change of heart after so emphatically stating that their kid can’t stay in your cabin. SeaShark then outlined problems that may arise and you response was, “Oh no!” You later told Anginette that it was all an exercise in how the logistics could work. You eventually stated that the NCL people “were not as rude and condescending as the responses in this thread.”


Next time, just call NCL directly and run by them whatever real or theoretical situation that comes to mind. Then you will have the information straight from the horse’s mouth - as you obviously consider CC to be the other end.


I can't do anything but laugh now. I'm not even upset. It's over and done. :D I could not live my life the way you guys do constantly judging and projecting your ideas and feelings onto other people. Oh no! was my way of acknowledging the information. I was on my phone so I could not elaborate at the time and did not think to come back and edit. I had no idea you would take oh no as being some negative slight to SeaShark. SeaShark was not rude at all. I'll continue posting on here and asking questions. Stop projecting. I'm quite capable of saying what I consider CC to be and thus far it has been a wealth of information. If you don't like it, too bad.

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When responding and quoting to my response that you had spoken to a cruise consultant 3 times already and you know what your talking about then why would you call back again and then tell what the real situation would be? None of the previous post including mine were sarcastic and condescending or rude until an "I know what I'm talking about" comment (which when read could be as a rude comment) was posted.


If your friend doesn't want to book a room that holds 5 people then maybe a cruise is not the right kind of vacation for them at this time. Your friend put you in an awkward position by asking you to do that and you should just go with your gut instinct and say no. If you didn't feel right about doing it in the first place you wouldn't post it on cc. Like I said in my post I would do this ONLY with my sister bc we are close and I have traveled with my nieces quite frequently. Im not judging or care if you break the rules (I'm not one to judge People on following rules ;) ) I'm just a "what if this happens..." kind of thinker. I went to Disney this past summer as a family of 5 and tried to book as 4 and try to just take the 3rd child in the room but the more I thought about it the more of a hassle it was turning out to be so we booked as 5 and it was $500 more but I was stress free.


People's posts on cc can get pretty nasty and its easy for someone to sit on a computer and type nasty things to someone but I bet most of those nasty writers wouldn't have the guts to be nasty and say it to someone's face. :eek:

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I honestly don't think that this would be a problem....especially since your cabins are relatively close to each other (i.e. most likely same muster station).


Just as a point of information, we had adjoining cabins with a connecting door on the Dawn a few years ago. Our reservations for the two cabins were linked and we all have the same last name. Imagine my shock when we received our muster locations: one cabin was assigned to one muster station and the other, in which my children (18 and 21) were registered, was assigned to a completely different muster station. I informed the muster leaders at the drill that under no circumstance would we be intentionally separated from our children during an emergency and they should have realized this when assigning muster locations (this was after I suggested that maybe one parent could go to each muster location with one child because I understood about lifeboat capacity, etc. and I was told no, because that's not how we were registered into the cabins). Fortunately, there was no actual emergency where we had to test this. I just wanted to put it out there that proximity of cabins doesn't assure anything!

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By the way...if anyone doubts what I'm saying NCL told me, call NCL yourself. :p


You accused others of being condescending or rude, yet it seems to me that most of your responses have been that way. Maybe you are being defensive, but you asked the question and everyone was just trying to help.....:rolleyes:

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Their "extra" child will be on YOUR reservation, not on theirs, so there is simply no possible way that they could check this child in. The child will NOT be on their reservation, the child will NOT be on their edocs. They will have nothing to show that the child is even allowed to be on the ship...YOU will have all of that. I wouldn't have much faith in what the call center person told you if they got this very basic information wrong.




I haven't read through every post, so maybe this has been clarified, but this is totally not true. We have 3 kids and traveled with my parents. Put one of our children in their cabin. Had no problems with registration. Took our child to the kids club and registered her without my parents being present. No one cared that she had a different room number than us.


It's not like someone is sneaking a 5th passenger into their cabin. They're registering the passenger. The ship won't be over capacity. I've seen threads here before where people swap rooms after arriving, kids do "sleep overs" with friends or cousins in other rooms. I don't think there's anything illegal about it.


You could do a thousand silly "what if" scenarios. What if my daughter had had a nightmare and my parents took her to my cabin and she climbed into bed with my husband and I? And then the boat hit an iceberg and we had to run to the muster station with only 4 life jackets in hand? Do you think they'd let her drown along with everyone who ran directly from the bars and didn't go back to their room to get their life jackets?

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You mentioned that your friend's cabin is two doors down from you and that should avoid some of the problems that people have mentioned with stewards and muster stations.


However, even though they are two doors down, they may have a different steward and muster station than you do. It depends on the dividing line and you have no way of knowing before hand.


My sister was once directly across the hall from me and we had different stewards and muster stations.


Also, during the muster drill, they will check that all people listed in your cabin are present. You would probably need to have the three year old with you, especially if your muster station is different from the mother's.


I can top that. One cruise, my sister had a different steward even though we were in connecting cabins. We were a tad surprised. At least we had the same muster station.



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I haven't read through every post, so maybe this has been clarified, but this is totally not true. We have 3 kids and traveled with my parents. Put one of our children in their cabin. Had no problems with registration. Took our child to the kids club and registered her without my parents being present. No one cared that she had a different room number than us.


It's not like someone is sneaking a 5th passenger into their cabin. They're registering the passenger. The ship won't be over capacity. I've seen threads here before where people swap rooms after arriving, kids do "sleep overs" with friends or cousins in other rooms. I don't think there's anything illegal about it.


You could do a thousand silly "what if" scenarios. What if my daughter had had a nightmare and my parents took her to my cabin and she climbed into bed with my husband and I? And then the boat hit an iceberg and we had to run to the muster station with only 4 life jackets in hand? Do you think they'd let her drown along with everyone who ran directly from the bars and didn't go back to their room to get their life jackets?


LOL, the lady at NCL gave me a similar silly scenario which made me laugh. Thanks for lightening things up!

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Just as a point of information, we had adjoining cabins with a connecting door on the Dawn a few years ago. Our reservations for the two cabins were linked and we all have the same last name. Imagine my shock when we received our muster locations: one cabin was assigned to one muster station and the other, in which my children (18 and 21) were registered, was assigned to a completely different muster station. I informed the muster leaders at the drill that under no circumstance would we be intentionally separated from our children during an emergency and they should have realized this when assigning muster locations (this was after I suggested that maybe one parent could go to each muster location with one child because I understood about lifeboat capacity, etc. and I was told no, because that's not how we were registered into the cabins). Fortunately, there was no actual emergency where we had to test this. I just wanted to put it out there that proximity of cabins doesn't assure anything!


Thank you!

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You accused others of being condescending or rude, yet it seems to me that most of your responses have been that way. Maybe you are being defensive, but you asked the question and everyone was just trying to help.....:rolleyes:


I was being defensive. I came in here asking for help. Most people were kind in their responses but I'm sorry. I'm not receptive to people telling me to just be honest, and questioning whether my motives were pure, and implying that I was a liar or that "I follow the rules, I guess you don't". Of course, I'm going to defend myself.


It may have all been one big misunderstanding but I honestly felt like some posters were accusing me of dishonesty which wasn't my intent (and NCL says that I would not have been dishonest if I agreed to this arrangement - they do not care) and that people were being purposely geometry_homework_help_obtuse_angle.GIF


Anyway, I don't intend to argue this all day. But, I wanted to acknowledge your post.

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When responding and quoting to my response that you had spoken to a cruise consultant 3 times already and you know what your talking about then why would you call back again and then tell what the real situation would be? None of the previous post including mine were sarcastic and condescending or rude until an "I know what I'm talking about" comment (which when read could be as a rude comment) was posted.


If your friend doesn't want to book a room that holds 5 people then maybe a cruise is not the right kind of vacation for them at this time. Your friend put you in an awkward position by asking you to do that and you should just go with your gut instinct and say no. If you didn't feel right about doing it in the first place you wouldn't post it on cc. Like I said in my post I would do this ONLY with my sister bc we are close and I have traveled with my nieces quite frequently. Im not judging or care if you break the rules (I'm not one to judge People on following rules ;) ) I'm just a "what if this happens..." kind of thinker. I went to Disney this past summer as a family of 5 and tried to book as 4 and try to just take the 3rd child in the room but the more I thought about it the more of a hassle it was turning out to be so we booked as 5 and it was $500 more but I was stress free.


People's posts on cc can get pretty nasty and its easy for someone to sit on a computer and type nasty things to someone but I bet most of those nasty writers wouldn't have the guts to be nasty and say it to someone's face. :eek:


I didn't go back to verify but you must have been that poster who said the KSF promotion ended Friday at midnight. I was letting you know that it ended yesterday at midnight. You kept saying it's not even an issue because you can't book it anyway. But that was not true. The KSF went through yesterday until midnight. That was what I had talked to 3 NCL people about because my friend had her reservation on hold and I was trying to figure out how all this would work out. During these conversations they confirmed that the KSF promotion expired at midnight. That's why I said you are just looking at the advertisements (which were missing for KSF) and I knew what i was talking about because I had verified it. Yep, probably could have said it nicer but you were not giving accurate information and I was already frustrated at other posters at the time. I apologize.

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I was being defensive. I came in here asking for help. Most people were kind in their responses but I'm sorry. I'm not receptive to people telling me to just be honest, and questioning whether my motives were pure, and implying that I was a liar or that "I follow the rules, I guess you don't". Of course, I'm going to defend myself.


It may have all been one big misunderstanding but I honestly felt like some posters were accusing me of dishonesty which wasn't my intent (and NCL says that I would not have been dishonest if I agreed to this arrangement - they do not care) and that people were being purposely geometry_homework_help_obtuse_angle.GIF


Anyway, I don't intend to argue this all day. But, I wanted to acknowledge your post.


To some people "bending" the rules is not considered dishonest. They find ways to justify "bending" the rules by asking many different people til they get the answer they're looking for. It seems so strange that so many people were giving you the justification to say "NO" to your friend (which is what you were asking for in your oriiginal post), and you took offense to that.


Sorry for the quotation marks, I know they offend you.

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To some people "bending" the rules is not considered dishonest. They find ways to justify "bending" the rules by asking many different people til they get the answer they're looking for. It seems so strange that so many people were giving you the justification to say "NO" to your friend (which is what you were asking for in your oriiginal post), and you took offense to that.


Sorry for the quotation marks, I know they offend you.


I'm not "some people". I don't try to bend the rules nor was I looking for justifications. If I were, I would not have called the cruise line and told them exactly what the circumstances were. Prior to call them though, I was wondering if anyone bere knew if this would be breaking the rules. Everyone said I was being dishonest...but NCL themselves said it's okay. How can people be calling me dishonest and immoral when the cruise line itself does not care. I notice that sometimes people give answers on this board (I saw it on another thread regarding when final payment is due) as if they are facts but they don't actually know...they just want to give their two cents. I hope you are equally vigilant at chastising the alcohol smugglers. :p Anyway, the moral of the story is just to ask NCL next time on questions such as these. That is all.

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I'm not "some people". I don't try to bend the rules nor was I looking for justifications. If I were, I would not have called the cruise line and told them exactly what the circumstances were. Prior to call them though, I was wondering if anyone bere knew if this would be breaking the rules. Everyone said I was being dishonest...but NCL themselves said it's okay. How can people be calling me dishonest and immoral when the cruise line itself does not care. I notice that sometimes people give answers on this board (I saw it on another thread regarding when final payment is due) as if they are facts but they don't actually know...they just want to give their two cents. I hope you are equally vigilant at chastising the alcohol smugglers. :p Anyway, the moral of the story is just to ask NCL next time on questions such as these. That is all.


You still don't seem to understand (despite being told multiple times) that on many occasions, the NCL call center doesn't have a clue. You only find out that the information they give you is wrong once you try to board or are on the ship, and nobody cares if you say, "but the call center told me X!"

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I'm not "some people". I don't try to bend the rules nor was I looking for justifications. If I were, I would not have called the cruise line and told them exactly what the circumstances were. Prior to call them though, I was wondering if anyone bere knew if this would be breaking the rules. Everyone said I was being dishonest...but NCL themselves said it's okay. How can people be calling me dishonest and immoral when the cruise line itself does not care. I notice that sometimes people give answers on this board (I saw it on another thread regarding when final payment is due) as if they are facts but they don't actually know...they just want to give their two cents. I hope you are equally vigilant at chastising the alcohol smugglers. :p Anyway, the moral of the story is just to ask NCL next time on questions such as these. That is all.


You were the first, and only person to use the words dishonest, and immoral.


It's not "against the law" to sneak a fifth passenger into a cabin meant for 4, it's only "against NCL policy". You got the answer you were looking for from a person who wants to make money off of you, and you choose to bash the people giving you correct answer, according to NCL policy.


Bending/breaking.......honest/dishonest......what's the difference, as long as one person, the only person who stands to profit (not the person you'd have to explain it to at the dock), gives you the justification you really were looking for. Even though you were looking for justification not to bend/break the rules in your original post. You may not have used the word "justification", but it's very clear (now) that's what you were looking for.


You are right. Next time you should probably just get your answer from the person who will NOT give you the correct answer, and you won't feel insulted by the helpful people giving you the correct answer.

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