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Athens - what to do

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First Cruise in July, Stopping at Piraeus Athens

Any advice on what trips to do?

Looking at Corinth Canal, Athens on your own

Or organised half or full day taking in Acropolis...oh the choices:cool:

What have others experienced?

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First Cruise in July, Stopping at Piraeus Athens

Any advice on what trips to do?

Looking at Corinth Canal, Athens on your own

Or organised half or full day taking in Acropolis...oh the choices:cool:

What have others experienced?


You don't say how long you'll be in port. If for one day stick close to Athens

and don't travel to far. If the ship has an excursion then take it .

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First Cruise in July, Stopping at Piraeus Athens

Any advice on what trips to do?

Looking at Corinth Canal, Athens on your own

Or organised half or full day taking in Acropolis...oh the choices:cool:

What have others experienced?



You can either do Athens as a DiY making your own way there either by taxi, Metro or the hoho bus which stops outside the port.


As it's your first cruise perhaps tackling the Metro might be more than you would feel confident with - but just in case you do fancy doing it this way here is a post I did some time ago on how we did it:-

Piraeus (Athens);

It is very easy to get into Athens independently using the Metro - but it is quite a good walk to get to the Metro, at least 30 minutes at a reasonably brisk pace. It may be worth getting a taxi for this bit if you're not into a route-march. If you are using the Metro, ask at Destination Services for a Metro map and instructions - it's very good info. Basically, you skirt all the way around the port (turn left on exiting) passing the Catholic Church and McDonalds on your right. When you get to the foot bridge (steps and escalator) you cross over and the Metro station is the yellow building on your left. The ticket was 1E each way - remember to validate your ticket before getting on the train. There was one standing in the station as we arrived and the ticket seller said they run every 5 minutes. Taxis all the way into Athens are expensive and the traffic means that it will probably take longer than doing it the way we did.


We had decided to explore the area as we had a fairly early departure (15.00) and save doing the Acropolis for our next visit when we hope to have more time - although we did leave the ship promptly at 8.00 and were in Athens before 9.00. If visiting the Acropolis was your main objective, it is perfectly possible to do it on this schedule - but go there early before it gets too hot and crowded.


We walked clockwise from Monastriaki, where we got off the train, around the base of the Acropolis and between the Acropolis and Agora.

We took a leisurely stroll around Plaka (charming, loads of chartacter and cafes!) and the markets of Monastriaki (local, tourist and flea markets) and had a welcome rest and cold beer at one of the street cafes. We felt we'd had a real flavour of Athens (though not the manic roads/streets/traffic of the areas surrounding Plaka and the Acropolis - this looked scary!) and look forward to exploring the Acroplois and Agora in the future now we have our bearings.


Give yourself plenty of time for the return trip - we left Monastriaki at about 12.15 getting back to the ship at 13.30. This took a bit longer than the outward trip as at the port it rather like check-in at the airport - long queues, security and unfortunately the embarkation of a Princess ship (hundreds of passengers arriving at the same time - with hand baggage!) all slowing up the process.


We subsequently did visit the Acropolis using the Metro but got there very early before the tours arrived. Just be very wary of pickpockets on the Metro though.



Now an alternative which may be easier for you is the HoHo - here is a link to the site which shows you the routes and pricing.




You would need the blue+red route which takes you from Piraeus into Athens then you can swap onto the Red one which takes you around the main sights of the city. One drop off is very close to the Acropolis so you can get off and 'do' the Parthenon etc - a 'must see' really imo. Again, just heed the advice about getting back in good time.


Last year we decided to do the Thomson transfer (Athens on your own) which gives you longer in the city as you don't need to leave so early if you have to make your own way back and allow for delays. It drops you close to the Acropolis - we started to walk around the base and went into the new Museum which was fantastic we thought - but if you haven't been before I would say doing the Acropolis/Parthenon is perhaps the thing you ought to do. But if you decide to do this get off early if you are going independently or make your way straight there if on the Thomson transfer to try to beat the crowds a bit. Also take water, shoes with a good grip and sunhats - it's hot, exposed and the marble steps are slippery.


We've done the Corinth Canal trip which is quite interesting but I'd say this is not the excursion to do the first time you visit Athens - it's far too exciting a city to visit to waste the opportunity to go in and explore imo.


Hope that helps with your decision making! Enjoy your trip! :)

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Having done Athens on several occasions we did Athens OYO last October. We walked all round Plaka and also took the little train. Walked up to the Acropolis via the back streets but having done it so many times didn't go in (scaffolding keeps moving round the building):eek:. We found the museum on the way back to the pick-up point and said we would do that next time. So caught up in other ports that I have just realised we are there week after next.


My question is: How long were you in the museum? Don't want to spend the whole time there as would like to wander Plaka again. I also vaguely remember reading a post somewhere about the cafe and toilets in the museum. Please can you give any information. Many thanks.:)

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Having done Athens on several occasions we did Athens OYO last October. We walked all round Plaka and also took the little train. Walked up to the Acropolis via the back streets but having done it so many times didn't go in (scaffolding keeps moving round the building):eek:. We found the museum on the way back to the pick-up point and said we would do that next time. So caught up in other ports that I have just realised we are there week after next.


My question is: How long were you in the museum? Don't want to spend the whole time there as would like to wander Plaka again. I also vaguely remember reading a post somewhere about the cafe and toilets in the museum. Please can you give any information. Many thanks.:)



Hi skioncruises :)


We probably spent a couple of hours there which included a leisurely coffee stop. I'm not necessarily a big museum fan - it all depends on how exhibits are presented but I must say we both found this absolutely fascinating. It wasn't over-loaded with display cupboards etc - it was very spacious and set out in such a way that you didn't feel overwhelmed by artefacts or information. It felt like a 'less is more' scenario. But with loads of interesting exhibits - it really felt as though you were in close touch with some significant history. It made a big impression on me.


Pediments (or parts of them) were just displayed at chest height so you could get up close and personal - the detail was amazing! They also had a lot of information on techniques with live transmission of one of the staff carrying out restoration work and a couple of video presentations.


And the glass floor at ground level allows you to see down into the excavations of some more remains of ancient Athens which were exposed when they were doing the foundations of the building. How inspired to leave them for visitors to see as part of the history of Athens and the museum itself.


It's a beautiful modern building and yes, there are toilets there - I think near the entrance. There is a restaurant on one of the higher floors with a large open air terrace but you can just have drinks there too - we sat having coffee looking straight across towards the Acropolis. (Toilets in the restaurant too). I think there was another cafe on the ground floor.




You may not qualify but just in case you do we were also able to get reduced admission charge - can't remember whether we showed any I.D. but I think it was only 3€ to get in - an absolute bargain! It's not expensive even at full price and well worth it imo.


We went in on the Thomson transfer, just walked towards the Acropolis and spotted the Museum. Since like you we'd done quite a bit of the 'must do's' in Athens before we just wandered towards the building, saw the glass floor and basement and kept drifting in having caught our interest. When we discovered the price we thought we'd nothing to lose even if we weren't impressed or didn't stay long. But we were very pleasantly surprised and really really enjoyed our visit. They have a gift shop too and we were sufficiently interested to buy a DVD/guide book which was fantastically done with overlays of the original buildings over the remains/ruins. It was fascinating!


We still had plenty of time to have another refreshment break in the Plaka, wander around to Monastriaki and the shops and were still in plenty of time to get back for the coach.


Hope you enjoy it if you go - or whatever you decide to do, but I can recommend it - at least for a repeat visit and for something different :)

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We did Athens on your own from the celebration a few weeks ago I would definitely advise this one. Tour guide recommended going straight to the Acropolis as it was early and the main tours would not arrive for at least an hour. As we were leaving the Acropolis it was getting very busy. We then took the tour by the little train, We found this very good , ended our day walking around Plaka. All in all we thought the trip well worth the money as it was our first time in Athens.

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Hi kruzseeka


Many thanks for the information on the museum. It was a shame we found it at the end of our OYO trip but the information you have given means that we will head straight there and hopefully miss the crowds. DH is the history buff and insists on trying to explain what's all about - I usually wander around with a glazed look after about 15 minutes:eek:.


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We don't do many ship's tours but on the Majesty last year we did 2 and they were both brilliant. We did Ephesus half day tour from Kusadasi and the Acropolis tour. The guide on each occasion was tremendous and added so much to our enjoyment and understanding. I would highly recommend both.


The Acropolis tour involves quite a climb up lots of stairs and I worried about that beforehand but it was okay and the guide took it at a slow pace with a number of stops.

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Hi Wddeni


I was there last year on Majesty, travelling on my own, and I did the Athens on your own excursion. We were dropped off just round the corner from the Acropolis, and had around 4 - 4.5 hours before we had to be back on the bus. In that time I managed to fit in the Acropolis, the changing of the guard at Syntagma Square, and the Acropolis museum - I got the metro from the Acropolis museum to the square and back to save time but you could walk it if you were so inclined, it wasn't far.


If we hadn't been leaving at 15:00 I'd have been tempted to do full DIY, but with us leaving so early it seemed safer to do the excursion, just in case.


Hope this helps!

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Thank you to all who have replied and given me lots to think over

We are in port 9-5 from what I am reading

I would like to wander around independently, may use Thomson transfer bus then do our own thing, would like to see changing of Guards if possible, Acropolis then a little wander around Plaka if time allows

What is the cost for entry to Acropolis ?

Thank you all again:)

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We did Athens on your own from the celebration a few weeks ago I would definitely advise this one. Tour guide recommended going straight to the Acropolis as it was early and the main tours would not arrive for at least an hour. As we were leaving the Acropolis it was getting very busy. We then took the tour by the little train, We found this very good , ended our day walking around Plaka. All in all we thought the trip well worth the money as it was our first time in Athens.


Hi Wddeni


I was there last year on Majesty, travelling on my own, and I did the Athens on your own excursion. We were dropped off just round the corner from the Acropolis, and had around 4 - 4.5 hours before we had to be back on the bus. In that time I managed to fit in the Acropolis, the changing of the guard at Syntagma Square, and the Acropolis museum - I got the metro from the Acropolis museum to the square and back to save time but you could walk it if you were so inclined, it wasn't far.


If we hadn't been leaving at 15:00 I'd have been tempted to do full DIY, but with us leaving so early it seemed safer to do the excursion, just in case.


Hope this helps!


Sounds good to me:-) Paul

Crystaltips, worried about getting lost going to see changing of guards, think I would walk, how far roughly after seeing Acropolis?

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It was only one stop on the metro, so would be maybe a 10 - 15 minute walk? Its all shown really clearly on the map that they give you on the Athens On Your Own excursion, I just wanted to make sure I had plenty of time left for the museum but as you have two more hours than we do you should be fine.

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It was only one stop on the metro, so would be maybe a 10 - 15 minute walk? Its all shown really clearly on the map that they give you on the Athens On Your Own excursion, I just wanted to make sure I had plenty of time left for the museum but as you have two more hours than we do you should be fine.


As suggested no more than a 15 minute walk. Just make for Syntagma Square and the Parliament building is just over the road up the steps from the Square. You will have no problem as long as you have a map.


Fab, thank you to both of you for giving me courage lol:cool:

I will know it all before going...who's on their first cruise....eh not me lol:p

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Thank you to all who have replied and given me lots to think over

We are in port 9-5 from what I am reading

I would like to wander around independently, may use Thomson transfer bus then do our own thing, would like to see changing of Guards if possible, Acropolis then a little wander around Plaka if time allows

What is the cost for entry to Acropolis ?

Thank you all again:)

Hi Wddeni


We did Athens DIY we walked to Metro took around 30 minutes got ticket and validated ticket easy enough,changed lines to get to Acropolis ,we only did the new mueseum really intresting we then walked through Plaka stopping for a coffee and people watching walked to Monastraki and caught the Metro to see changing of the guard at Syntagma then used same ticket to catch Metro back to Pierus.



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Hi Wddeni


We did Athens DIY we walked to Metro took around 30 minutes got ticket and validated ticket easy enough,changed lines to get to Acropolis ,we only did the new mueseum really intresting we then walked through Plaka stopping for a coffee and people watching walked to Monastraki and caught the Metro to see changing of the guard at Syntagma then used same ticket to catch Metro back to Pierus.




We did Athens on your own; were in Plaka within 30 mins of leaving ship - walked to Plaka, Acropolis & Syntaga; all within easy walking distance & got picked up again at Plaka

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Hi Wddeni


We did Athens DIY we walked to Metro took around 30 minutes got ticket and validated ticket easy enough,changed lines to get to Acropolis ,we only did the new mueseum really intresting we then walked through Plaka stopping for a coffee and people watching walked to Monastraki and caught the Metro to see changing of the guard at Syntagma then used same ticket to catch Metro back to Pierus.




We did Athens on your own; were in Plaka within 30 mins of leaving ship - walked to Plaka, Acropolis & Syntaga; all within easy walking distance & got picked up again at Plaka


Thank you Wolf & Jules

Think Athens on your own is sounding good

Not quite sure about DIY Wolf maybe for future visit:)

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