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Curves - Weight Loss


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You guys!

I want you to know 1st that I love being able to help you on your journey!! I love my club although we are small and growing. I think it really depends on really caring about your members!

High blood pressure members should be working in the 50%. That is what I was taught at training in Texas. Especially if you are on a beta blocker which inhibits your blood pressure going high.

You should start in the 50%, reach for a goal and then when you attain it go to the next one. As you get more fit you will have to work harder on the machines to reach your goal heart rate thus not reaching a plateau. The more fit you get the harder you work the equipment the results you will you see!

I worked out at Curves 1 1/2 years before I bought one. I bought it because I believe in the program and in the diet. It's the greatest thing for women!

Happy Cruising!
May you all reach your goals !!
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like you guys i to went to curves and i saw the inches dropping but not the lbs. I did feel better afterwards so i kept on going. I ate better but didn't make to many changes in my eating habits. Jan 03 i started going to weight watchers, counting points ;) , and continued to go to curves 3 times a week, I have since lost 16 lbs. I hope this continues. Can't wait for my first cruise in Aug :) Good Luck!
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I think this must be a great program. I haven't been to a meeting but have several members that are doing it in addition to the Curves workout. They are all loving it. Most have lost an average of about 14 lbs. in 6 weeks. They also love the flexibility of the point system. I may have to go check it out!!

Happy Cruising!
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Hello all you Curves goers. I have a question, How many machines do you have on your circuit where you go? Around here there are a couple that don't have as many as some of the others. The one I go to has 14 and we do the circuit twice. Just curious.
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[quote name='RVCLAC']Hello all you Curves goers. I have a question, How many machines do you have on your circuit where you go? Around here there are a couple that don't have as many as some of the others. The one I go to has 14 and we do the circuit twice. Just curious.[/QUOTE]

Mine has 13. I wonder what we don't have? I have been to at least 5 different clubs in the area and the most machines I have seen are 13...
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We have 10 machines. The 9 that Donna so accurately described and then one that you sit with your feet up (like on flat pedals) and push in and out. I just heard last night that our owner is planning on buying another machine when she can fit it in the budget.

Donna...I would love to own a Curves. Our town is too small to have two though.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Where is everyone? I need moral support here! LOL

I only made it twice this week but also had a "Pilates For Golf" class on the night that I usually make my 3rd night at Curves. "PFG" is only one night a week for 4 weeks so I don't think it is going to do me much good but thought I would check it out. I really feel better when I make it to Curves 4 or 5 days a week. I really have to get back in the routine. I am hoping to make it at least 4 days this week. How about you?

Donna...What is the best machine to use for my hips and thighs? I know you are supposed to go around 3 times working as hard as you can on the machines and then not so hard on the "resting boards". During Feb and March it is always crowded at our place but the rest of the year it usually is not too crowded so I usually try to do the leg machines more. What do you recommend as the best plan of attack for someone with larger thighs and hips. (We don't have the leg press machine.) Thanks for your advice.

Also, (Donna & everyone else)...on the arm machine that you raise the bar over your head and make is "swoosh" as you come back down....which way do you sit? Facing out toward the group or facing the machine? My club does it facing out but I have been to other clubs while out of town on business and they would face the wall/machine. They said that worked the under arms instead of the tops of the arms. How do you do it?
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Been going over a year and work there now (for about 5 months.)
Joined Curves weighing 141 pounds - now weigh 142... HOWEVER, I've lost 11 inches, 1 size, reduced cellulite, and my Body Fat has gone down 3 points. I'm unique, I build muscle pretty quick so that has some to do with it. I just keep telling myself, it's not the weight, it's the size...
And all these posts about getting the most out of the MACHINES, not the boards - COMPLETELY TRUE and GREAT advice! You'll be AMAZED:D how much hat makes a difference.
Curves is not for everyone, but give it a good shot and "tweak" your workout before giving it up entirelly. Those gals in the center are there to help you get the most out of what you're doing!
GOOD LUCK! I just pulled some of my bathing suits out of the closet so I'm all motivated to reduce the chocolate intake and increase the workout...
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Phins....Thanks for the motivation. Which machine is targeted to work on the thighs? Hip? Those are my two problem areas. When our shop isn't crowded I try to do extra on the leg machines and/or go extra rounds. But I know March will be too crazy/crowded (with the food drive) so I won't get to do many "extras". I really need to work on my thighs....which machine would be best? Thanks for sharing your info.
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[quote name='skiiergirl']Phins....Thanks for the motivation. Which machine is targeted to work on the thighs? Hip? Those are my two problem areas. When our shop isn't crowded I try to do extra on the leg machines and/or go extra rounds. But I know March will be too crazy/crowded (with the food drive) so I won't get to do many "extras". I really need to work on my thighs....which machine would be best? Thanks for sharing your info.[/QUOTE]

Those are my target areas, too. I'm a CLASSIC "spoon / pear" shape. Do the hip adductor (Looks like the doctor's chair) - short fast reps. DON'T do big sweeps because that builds muscle and size... short smaller motions (I don't go much beyond my hands) work the best for reducing size. You want to hear the hydrolics going and do them as FAST as you can... you should be ready to fall off when you're done.

The squat machine is another good one. BUT GRAB A TECH and have her watch you to make sure you're doing it properly. You can really hurt your back and knees if you do it wrong. This one is NOT all about quick reps but going down a little slower and SHOOTING up! SQUEEZE the buns while you do this (Think about keeping a quarter tucked in your buns... you'll tighten and tone in no time doing this one correctly.) The saying on this one should be "feel the burn" if you're really squeezing... :D

The other really good one is the Glutes (the one where you push back with your feet one at a time...) Again, this one is about form. Push back faster than you ride back. I LOVE this one - lifts butt to a nice round shape.

If you need to go more than 3x a week follow this plan:
M - concentrate HARD on the machines
T - not so much on the machines (your muscles will need a day to rest from the beating on Monday they SHOULD have gotten) and do a lot of aerobic on the boards and shorter quick motions to keep heartrate up on the machines (cardio workout).
W - like M
R - like T
F - Like M
Sa - like T

See the pattern? You really do honestly want to strength train only 3x a week. If you're doing it right, your body will benefit BEST from strength machines 3x a week and aerobic and cardio the other days. Cardio is as much as you want, really. Walking, jogging, swimming (BEST!)...

Hope this helps! :) - P.A.G.
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Just wondering how many are doing the food drive this month at curves. Got measured yesterday, figured it will give me a little more thought to motivate me to lose. Sounds like it would be easy hopefully it is. I wish everyone luck that is going to do the challenge.
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Phins...Thanks so much. That is basically what I do on the abudctor. On the "monster" as we call it...I pretty much do it right...sometimes the manager has me show people how to do it so I guess she thinks I am doing it right. We don't have the glute machine....at least we don't have anything that you push with only 1 foot. We are supposed to be getting a new machine but I don't know what it is . Thanks.

I do know that I was doing better back when I would do Curves 3-6 times per week but also either did the treadmill at home for 20 minutes or a 3 mile walking video at home. Just finding the time and energy to do it all is the hard thing.

Rv....Our location is doing the food drive for the month. New members....waives initiation fee and t-shirt. Old members....workout 3 times a week, lose 5 lbs. or 5 inches, and bring a bag of food and you get the t-shirt.
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I started Curves October 1st. I try to go 4 to 5 times a week. Right now I have committed to 5 times a week we are running a March Madness contest and the team that loses the most inches, body fat, and does the most workouts gets points. Our team is #1 right now with 2 weeks to go. I started Atkins on January 1st and started doing Windsor Pilates at night last week.
I finally got measured and I'm down 12 lbs. 20 inches and 11 lbs of body fat! WOO HOO! It's not easy and I've been very good. It may be slow, but it is really starting to work. I know it's only 12 lbs. but everyone asks me how much weight I lost, because it looks like a lot more. I'm going on Sovereign of the seas July 1st and want to be down another 15 lbs. I'm also incorporating Green Tea and Coconut Oil in my diet. I'll try anything. The Pilates at night seems to have jump started my metabolism again. I lost 3 lbs. this week and 5.25 inches! I took into account that the government now says you need to do 1 hour exercise daily. UUGH!
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This was published in our paper today. I thought you Curves users might want to read it. The American Council on Exercise is the first organization which has assessed Curves workout.
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Linda....thanks for posting this.

I know I could get a better workout at a "gym"....but I have belonged to 3 before and ended up never going because I feel so intimidated. I love Curves and yes sometimes it does turn in to a social hour but that is what makes it fun and keeps us going back. If it were boring I would quit and not get the benefit of the workout I do get even though it may be less than what I could get otherwise. I do know that I get better results (on weigh day) when I also do other exercising outside of Curves....either treadmill or walk video, etc. But Curves is just part of my life now and I plan on it being for the rest of my life.
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My sister, roommate, and I all joined Curves and Cindy (my roommate) and I started Jenny Craig in January. We used the "Try Curves for 2 weeks" coupon from Avon and loved it. Did our second measurements Monday and I have lost 10.5 inches and 16 pounds. Just 44 more to go until we cruise Hawaii in October.
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I have been working out as follows:
Walk in AM about 30 minutes (medium speed -- how fast depends on my dog's mood!), Ride stationary bike during lunch at our office work out room 2 times per week for about 30 min each, Work out at Recreation Center 2 times per week (1/2 hour cardio -- transport, etc, and then the entire weight circuit which takes at least another hour).

I went to Curves last week because the Rec was PACKED during spring break, and my sister gave me a 2 week trial coupon. I wasn't so sure about it all after the first visit, but it got better with my second visit yesterday. I really pushed myself the second day to get a good workout.

Question is, Being experienced with circuit weights, etc., will I be downgrading my workout if I switch to Curves? It sure is appealing.. 30 minutes as opposed to at least 1-1/2 hours. I think Curves is a great place for those new at working out or those intimidated by weights, weight type rooms, or working out with men. I just want to make sure that if I join, a couple months down the road I don't want to realize that I'm not getting the results that I would have gotton if I had continued at the Rec (for a lot cheaper too -- but much more of a time investment).

Anyone with experience on swiching from standard cardio/weights to Curves please let me know. I still plan on the AM walks and lunchtime stationary bike..

I've read through all the Curves posts and realize that I need to do as many reps as possible for results. If I do that, do you think the results will be similar to my usual 1-1/2 hour work out?

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One more question I thought of: In regard to the post about the number of reps on each machine, is that total for that machine during the workout, or should you do that many reps in each 30 second slot?

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I just joined curves this morning at the recommendation of a friend at work. I just loved it!:D I have a gym membership but I have gotten burned with it. I would get on a cardio machine like the elyptical for 30 minutes but I would just be wondering if I was ever going to get finished!:eek: What I like about curves is that you only do 30 seconds at each station. I like the variance of the circuit. I was reading some previous threads and you mentioned that you shouldn't do it everyday but every other day. I was going to do it everyday til we went on our cruise in about 2 weeks but maybe I'd be better off doing it just the 3 days and walk for half an hour on the other 2 days and take the weekends off.
I have one question for you. When you do the reps, is there a certain amount of workouts that you do before you try the next level? I'm planning on walking on the ship everyday for at least a half hour.
I'm really glad I tried this. I think I can stick with this better than the gym.:) I'd appreciate any advice you or anyone else could give me. There was a lady in there today that was at least 70 years old. I was impressed with that. My mom is 78 and in pretty good health because she still plays golf. Thanks for the chart.
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I was just wondering how people did that took the challenge Curves for hunger. I know a couple of people here said they were doing it. We had to be measured by today. I got measured thursday, had gained a pound but I lost 12 3/4 inches overall. I was happy and get my t-shirt. Hope everyone doing this challenge had good luck.
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