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Teen Drinking and Carnival - Not For everyone


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This thread is NOT intended for everyone but maybe ONE parent like MYSELF. A parent with a child who is 'legal" or almost 'legal' but knows s/he is NOT an adult. They are legal without a pot to pee in and a window to throw it through. The law of the financial aide says DEPENDENT. We all know how much sense the law makes at time (FASA). If you are a parent like ME, please let me share what I found out from my own 'legal' age son who was recently on Carnival.


We were on Carnival for his graduation and while doing my late nigh track- down, I came across a fair share of teens who were clearly under the influence. I was out later than most parent because I was doing a bit of CSI- Cruise Scene Investigation. I always gave mine a hug/sniff to make sure things were on the up and up. Since we came home, I decided to grant him immunity from prosecution, aka my wrath, if he told me HOW the kids got the alcohol and to discuss the risk of alcohol poisoning. I don't think he gets the risk of poisoning so another reason to pray.


Well, I was not ready for it, but he said most of it was smuggled in, kinda the way mom and dad did. Some ways I wasn't aware possible, but that is besides the point. He said many teens had their own cabins, understandably, not wishing to share a cabin with parents. They drank while their parents were asleep, at shows, or elsewhere. They hung out in each others cabin at times, not necessary to drink. Maybe like mine, to the best of our knowledge (questionable) our child doesn't drink. However this is not to say, given the opportunity and vacation pressure they won't. What happens after they do or going in and out of a friends cabin can change our lives forever.


I never thought for a second these kids were packing their own stash, just something to think about and keep an eye on. I know I will be doing final check of ALL luggage on my next cruise, along with dropping by unannounced in the cabin. Make no mistake, those kids have been reading these boards.


I would like to see Carnival establish a curfew especially for younger kids, something I addressed in a letter to them, since my cruise.


The purpose of sharing is just to let one parent like myself question more, ok, do final check of the luggage. If you are not that parent, be glad:)


My prayers and condolence to the family who lost their son in what may have started out so innocent even childish. We are on a cruise, let's have fun, why not take a sip from a new buddy cup.


Thank you, thank you, and thank you for being that responsible parent. Although I don't have any teens (mine are grown, thank God), I still am a person/parent who is concerned about the drinking that is rampant among teens. I think we all need to be more responsible and even if we don't have kids we need to speak up if we see underage drinking going on. I for one will speak up on a cruise ship if I see teens drinking, as I would want someone to do that if my kids had been out drinking. We don't know the limit that each teen may have when drinking and I don't want to see or hear of another teen dying from drinking. Let's all work together on this and learn to speak up. If someone gets upset for sticking our nose in someone else's business, it's okay, they will get over it.

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I seldom make comments on these threads but enjoy reading others comments and recommendations. I don't understand the need to judge others who's opinions are different than ours? I'm taking my 18 year old grandson on a 4 day cruise in October to celebrate his high school graduation. He has heard about the joys of cruising from my 12 cruises and I wanted him to share the experience. But now I'm worrying this is not the best idea? I sure don't want him drinking and won't be relaxing for me if I have to worry about him sneaking out the cabin at night to join friends he may make onboard! Should I rethink this vacation??


Go and have fun but make sure you let him know what your expectations are and keep an eye open. If he is going away to college like mine, PRAY!

Cruising is great family fun but like most things in life, there are risk and concerns to be aware of.


I told my son, you might not be drinking but likes the company of a pretty girl who does. Before you know it, there could be accusation that ruins reputation and possible futures.

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Really? Wonder what would happen to all the children who are removed from homes with unfit parents if there weren't any laws to protect them.





I am not talking about children whose parents have been judged unfit to take care of them due to addiction, or mental illness or whatever. Or children who have been victims of crime at the hands of their parents.

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I am not talking about children whose parents have been judged unfit to take care of them due to addiction, or mental illness or whatever. Or children who have been victims of crime at the hands of their parents.


Which parent exactly, the ones who might be unfit but not yet judged or diagnosed. By the time this happens a lot of people who think its the parents job have looked away and ignored a child they could have helped with a kind word or deed. What point before the law steps in you think that you can make a difference as a caring responsible person. When does 'your' responsibility becomes 'our'. A lot can be done before the child become a victim if we took it as our responsibility to do something or by golly say, 'we' be vigilant, our responsibility.

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I seldom make comments on these threads but enjoy reading others comments and recommendations. I don't understand the need to judge others who's opinions are different than ours? I'm taking my 18 year old grandson on a 4 day cruise in October to celebrate his high school graduation. He has heard about the joys of cruising from my 12 cruises and I wanted him to share the experience. But now I'm worrying this is not the best idea? I sure don't want him drinking and won't be relaxing for me if I have to worry about him sneaking out the cabin at night to join friends he may make onboard! Should I rethink this vacation??

No! Go on the cruise with your grandson and enjoy yourself. Instead of trying to re-institute Prohibition all by yourself, why not use this as a teaching/training opportunity. You will be on a foreign flagged vessel in international waters, plus you'll be visiting ports where drinking age is 18 or less. Buy your grandson a drink! I'm not saying get the lad knee-walking-commode-hugging-drunk, I'm saying treat him like an adult, have a drink or two with him and chat about how to drink smartly, responsibly and in moderation. And if he goes out and gets stupid drunk with his new friends, lower the boom! :D But don't ruin your vacation playing super-cop.

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Here it is, I was WRONG. Suggesting to Carnival that a curfew should be considered was wrong and stupid on my part. It was a suggestion that should not have been made and I am SORRY for doing so YES, you are right, no need for a curfew on Carnival. I AM SORRY


Others, please note I have admit to the error of my thinking about curfews. nuff on dat!


It is not wrong- Royal Caribbean has a curfew.

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no! Go on the cruise with your grandson and enjoy yourself. Instead of trying to re-institute prohibition all by yourself, why not use this as a teaching/training opportunity. You will be on a foreign flagged vessel in international waters, plus you'll be visiting ports where drinking age is 18 or less. Buy your grandson a drink! I'm not saying get the lad knee-walking-commode-hugging-drunk, i'm saying treat him like an adult, have a drink or two with him and chat about how to drink smartly, responsibly and in moderation. And if he goes out and gets stupid drunk with his new friends, lower the boom! :d but don't ruin your vacation playing super-cop.







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It is not wrong- Royal Caribbean has a curfew.


I figure the curfew rope was going to hang around my neck by posters who wanted to see than instead of the reason for the post. I honestly thought Carnival had one like RCL, wrong:)

If I want a line with one then I know where to go but would still be concern about what my kids were up to.

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Which parent exactly, the ones who might be unfit but not yet judged or diagnosed. By the time this happens a lot of people who think its the parents job have looked away and ignored a child they could have helped with a kind word or deed. What point before the law steps in you think that you can make a difference as a caring responsible person. When does 'your' responsibility becomes 'our'. A lot can be done before the child become a victim if we took it as our responsibility to do something or by golly say, 'we' be vigilant, our responsibility.




There is a big difference between preventing or helping a child from being abused or victimized

and taking normal precautions to keep a child safe . In the case of abuse , yes you do need professionals to intervene and asssit. The biggest threat to the child is what is inside the home, not outside.



As a fully functioning, financially capable , mentally stable (well as much as you can be with teenagers ) adult and parent. I don't need anyone telling me how to raise my kids. It may not be to your standards , but it doesn't mean I am not doing my job.

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I would like to see Carnival establish a curfew especially for younger kids, something I addressed in a letter to them, since my cruise.



I take umbridge with this one statement.


Carnival is not these kids parents. The parents are the kids parents. They are the ones that should set the curfews.


I don't care if my child is in another room, his or her own room, or OTHER.


I will know what my child is doing. My parents knew what I was doing. I KNEW my parents knew what I was doing.

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I'm really curious about why anyone on here would be opposed to a curfew. From the posts I've read you all already make sure your children are back to their rooms when you tell them to be so why the fuss over a Cruise line making it a rule? If I was making sure my kids were where they belonged at the time they belonged there I wouldn't be concerned about the ship's rules as I'm pretty sure my curfew would be earlier.

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There is a big difference between preventing or helping a child from being abused or victimized

and taking normal precautions to keep a child safe . In the case of abuse , yes you do need professionals to intervene and asssit. The biggest threat to the child is what is inside the home, not outside.



As a fully functioning, financially capable , mentally stable (well as much as you can be with teenagers ) adult and parent. I don't need anyone telling me how to raise my kids. It may not be to your standards , but it doesn't mean I am not doing my job.


I clearly stated at the beginning of my post that maybe one parent like MYSELF, which is why this might not be for everyone. So this thread was not for you, correct?


"This thread is NOT intended for everyone but maybe ONE parent like MYSELF"

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I'm really curious about why anyone on here would be opposed to a curfew. From the posts I've read you all already make sure your children are back to their rooms when you tell them to be so why the fuss over a Cruise line making it a rule? If I was making sure my kids were where they belonged at the time they belonged there I wouldn't be concerned about the ship's rules as I'm pretty sure my curfew would be earlier.


I would not want a curfew. My kids are too young for it to be an issue but even now I let them play in the arcade or whatever until 11 or 12. They are 12 and 10 years old. It's vacation. I can't imagine them needing a curfew while confined to the ship. I will know if they have been drinking for sure. I don't really see that as an issue on a cruise with family so much. More so if they went away with friends.

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I'm really curious about why anyone on here would be opposed to a curfew. From the posts I've read you all already make sure your children are back to their rooms when you tell them to be so why the fuss over a Cruise line making it a rule? If I was making sure my kids were where they belonged at the time they belonged there I wouldn't be concerned about the ship's rules as I'm pretty sure my curfew would be earlier.


Because it moves the responsibility from some parents to the cruise line.

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I'm really curious about why anyone on here would be opposed to a curfew. From the posts I've read you all already make sure your children are back to their rooms when you tell them to be so why the fuss over a Cruise line making it a rule? If I was making sure my kids were where they belonged at the time they belonged there I wouldn't be concerned about the ship's rules as I'm pretty sure my curfew would be earlier.


Things that let you go hmmmmmmmmm:D

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Because it moves the responsibility from some parents to the cruise line.


To protect the child, for the safety of the child, and the love of the child, this might be a good thing for the child!

For the child whose parents aren't stepping up, Ok and the adult who wants a quick slice of pizza at 2 in the morning without waiting knee deep in kids.


What does it hurt to say kids under the age of 18 curfew is 11 pm, what the heck 9 pm. More spa time!

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To protect the child, for the safety of the child, and the love of the child, this might be a good thing for the child!

For the child whose parent aren't stepping up, Ok and the adult who wants a quick slice of pizza at 2 in the morning.


That's not a cruise lines job. In fact, I've always made sure I protected my kids from those employees.

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that's not a cruise lines job. In fact, i've always made sure i protected my kids from those employees.


ok, gottcha!


IMOP, protecting or doing what's in the best interest of children is OUR job.

Every caring living person or corporate entity has a responsibility toward young children.


Do share, how do you 'protect' your kids against those employees. Why would you feel your kids need protection from those employees .

We are here to help each other, correct?

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To protect the child, for the safety of the child, and the love of the child, this might be a good thing for the child!

For the child whose parents aren't stepping up, Ok and the adult who wants a quick slice of pizza at 2 in the morning without waiting knee deep in kids.


What does it hurt to say kids under the age of 18 curfew is 11 pm, what the heck 9 pm. More spa time!


My kid is more apt to want pizza at 2 AM and I'm darn sure I would rather they get it than to wake me up and ask to go get them pizza. You want to punish kids so you don't have to wait in line?

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ok, gottcha!


IMOP, protecting or doing what's in the best interest of children is OUR job.

Every caring living person or corporate entity has a responsibility toward young children.


No one has ANY responsibility of my children unless I designate it. Nor do I assume responsibility of any other parents child.


And none of it has anything to do with a curfew.

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No one has ANY responsibility of my children unless I designate it. Nor do I assume responsibility of any other parents child.


And none of it has anything to do with a curfew.


Fair enough. As I sated this thread was intended for a parent like MYSELF.


Child rearing hardly -"The purpose of sharing is just to let one parent like myself question more, ok, do final check of the luggage"

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