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Teen Drinking and Carnival - Not For everyone


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Not all kids are rude and obnoxious, and then others are complete heathens. I was sitting on the deck with a bucket of beer smoking a cigarette when a 15 year old came up to me and said, excuse me sir, can I have a cigarette please, and could you please spare a beer ? I thought OMG, I can't believe what I'm hearing, are you serious, how can a 15 year old be that polite ? ;)



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LMAO, thanks:D:D


Mine priviledge. I was stressing about how much college would coast. He very politely reminded me that I used his college funds to spend a month in Europe two summers ago. The worse month of his life. he kindly asked me not to go to Hawaii in February. He complained he was not doing to dine out any more, too many bad dining experiences. Time to mention this child has good grades but no job! This child needs a taste of the village life:D

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LMAO, thanks:D:D


Mine priviledge. I was stressing about how much college would coast. He very politely reminded me that I used his college funds to spend a month in Europe two summers ago. The worse month of his life. he kindly asked me not to go to Hawaii in February. He complained he was not doing to dine out any more, too many bad dining experiences. Time to mention this child has good grades but no job! This child needs a taste of the village life:D


At least he was polite about it, and you probably told him he was still young, he'll have worse months :)



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Well, I can honestly say when it comes to Carnival I am done. I know the company doesn't reflect the hatin', name calling, and assumption but reality does. When advocating for the best interest and safety of young children turn to this and I know I am out of my league and village. Some breed em' who once could take care of em' but no longer can. It's not a Blk_Amish thing but life. Thank God mine are older and doing fine so it was never about not wanting to do my job as a parent. If 10 and 12 year olds are unsupervised at midnight, it's disaster waiting to happen, something needs to be done. I don't have kids in the 'younger' age group.


Thanks to those who got from this thread what I was trying to say. Safe cruising.

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Well, I can honestly say when it comes to Carnival I am done. I know the company doesn't reflect the hatin', name calling, and assumption but reality does. When advocating for the best interest and safety of young children turn to this and I know I am out of my league and village. Some breed em' who once could take care of em' but no longer can. It's not a Blk_Amish thing but life. Thank God mine are older and doing fine so it was never about not wanting to do my job as a parent. If 10 and 12 year olds are unsupervised at midnight, it's disaster waiting to happen, something needs to be done. I don't have kids in the 'younger' age group.


Thanks to those who got from this thread what I was trying to say. Safe cruising.


I think you would be better off minding your own business and looking after other people's kids on a cruise ain't your business.

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Who knew? I thought the curfew was to protect me and the cruise line from brats running rampant on the ship stealing 'Do Not Disturb' cards, banging on cabin doors, and throwing furniture off the ship but I can see where it would be useful to protect unsuspecting youth from other cruisers and employees with bad intentions. And just for the record, I'm absolutely not talking about any kids of anyone participating in this thread. :rolleyes:
The winner:)
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Carnival does have a curfew for minors, but it is phrased mostly as a suggestion rather than a rule. "Lounges, shows, and the dance club: Guests under the age of 18 should be accompanied by an adult in all public areas of the ship. Guests under the age of 18 must vacate the dance club by 10:00pm. Guests under the age of 18 may not attend the Midnight Shows comedy shows as they are for adults only. (18 and older)".




Parents can, of course, ignore the suggestion.

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I think you would be better off minding your own business and looking after other people's kids on a cruise ain't your business.


You are right, I might be better off but I don't know and don't plan to find out. Thanks for the suggestion, so kind.


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You are right, I might be better off but I don't know and don't plan to find out. Thanks for the suggestion, so kind.


Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Forums mobile app


Sorry a few took offense to your post. They either live in a fantasy world, have no kids, or know they should or could have done better. :D

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Everyone jumping all over the OP for saying there should be a curfew and that it takes a village? really? do people really have to go to extremes to try to attack the OP?


It takes a village does NOT mean that people take care of your child while you dont. it means that we cant watch over our children 24/7 and while we instill great values for our kids, we can only hope they dont make too many mistakes when we are not there to watch them.


If I saw a dangerous situation to a group of kids out late at night (on a cruise or at home) I would say something (either to them or to someone of authority). If a child is lost, wouldnt you help them? if a child is crying in the street alone wouldnt you try to help?


It takes a village means that we care about our neighbors and if our children are not with us, we can hope that our neighbors will jump in and help if they see something wrong. When I was a kid, I would play manhunt around my block and typically would climb up anything I could find to hide. If my neighbors saw me climbing high trees or roofs of parking garages she would yell out the window to tell me to get down. Is that my parents responsibilty??? no. (They were at work) they raised me correctly (I hope).. but as a kid I didnt do everything perfect and I had neighbors who cared and wanted me safe as well.


All it means is that we are all neighbors and we should always care about each other. we all know kids can do things that might not be approved by our parents. if we all had neighbors who truly cared, then we would all watch out for each other.


Regarding a curfew.. I am on the fence on it. I lean toward not having a curfew for kids. But I think the staff should be more actively looking at dangerous situation and stopping them.


and regarding the curfew in regards to not 'parenting' for others. There are laws or rules on age for loads of things. Cigarettes, drinking, driving, going to clubs, etc. these are there to make sure the kids dont do the wrong thing even if the parents raised the kids correctly. This would be no different. does everyone saying that having a curfew is not the ships responsibility think there should be no age limit to smoking? drinking? Driving? how dare the goverment tell us how to raise my child.. if I want my child to smoke at 5 years old, thats my responsibility not theirs...


Wow... the OP had good points and was just trying to share what she found out and it became a witch hunt...


To the OP... thanks for sharing your experience and what you found out. I am sure there will be people that it will help. try to ignore the people that are bent on attacking you and making your statements seem extreme.

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Wow, very mean spirited and defensive parents here. You can't have it both ways and I'm sure those 'mind your business' parents won't hear this. This is what you want: You want us to mind our business and let you parent your kids as you see fit. Now change the scenario and your child has put him/herself into a situation and you are not there. You want us to mind our business now? Really? You don't want us to intervene ever?? You wouldn't want us to assist your child EVER? Because that is what you are saying. You can't say that we should mind our business, but oh wait, if they are in danger that's ok. You just can't intervene when they are misbehaving. What message does that say to our kids?


This is what the OP is trying to say about the 'village'. I agree 100% it is our job as humans to look out for each other. If the parent is NOT around, you bet I'm going to say something or report it. I could never live with myself if I did not and it was a bad outcome.


And for the people yelling at the OP to mind her business: It is good for kids to know that just because the parents aren't around, others are there FOR them and to correct them if they act like hooligans.

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My kid is more apt to want pizza at 2 AM and I'm darn sure I would rather they get it than to wake me up and ask to go get them pizza. You want to punish kids so you don't have to wait in line?


Why would a parent let a child go unsupervised for pizza at 2am? Because you don't want to get out of bed there shouldn't be a curfew? I remember months ago about a incident where ketchup was put into a icecream machine after midnight. Maybe these kids went for "pizza" and their parents didn't want to get out of bed to supervise them. This is 1 case of where a curfew is needed. My kids will not be running around a cruise ship late at night wanting snacks without me being with them. Oh, my town does have a curfew and it is enforced.

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I think you would be better off minding your own business and looking after other people's kids on a cruise ain't your business.


I hope you weren't around when that kid drown or the one who died from alcohol poisoning. I must say thanks for not going the route because Blk in my name meant welfare recipient who breed em up but can't feed em. Good all you wanted to look away and not assume I was lying or you realize my kids are older and a Carnival curfew was really in the best interest of children much younger than mine. The face I did this thread and watch people spew their hate is because I take the responsibility of parenting mine and others seriously.


As someone kindly posted Carnival does have a curfew of sort but like tipping it's more suggested.

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OP...I believe where you got off track, what many take exception with, is probably the whole "I'm shocked at how some teens behave. But, when confronted, my own teen admits, and has actually seen miscreants on their activities."


OK...I'm a parent. I used to be a teen (years and years ago). It sounds like you're entering into being the parent of a teen(s). Having been there already, a word of advice. "YOU GET WHAT YOU GIVE". If you don't "give" trust, activities that breed trust won't ever be offered. My son had his "events" in his teens. But, I did a good job with him. I told him many, many times how much I trusted him to do the right thing. Even when he didn't, after a good butt chewing, I reinforced to him I trusted him, not to be a disappointment to himself, FIRST...and then to me. I also reinforced that no matter what anyone else does (as in your case), it was his decision, and his decision alone to do what's right.


You aren't able to control your kids 24/7 (at least I HOPE that's not what you want to do), let alone anyone else's (another point of contention by many posters to this thread). As they get older, your time with them will be less and less. You gotta let go and let them make their own decisions and their own mistakes. You won't prevent them, just hope they learn from them.


Oh, BTW....I'm rightfully proud of my son as he's finishing up his PhD at Ohio State this year.


Best of luck to you.

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My kid is more apt to want pizza at 2 AM and I'm darn sure I would rather they get it than to wake me up and ask to go get them pizza. You want to punish kids so you don't have to wait in line?


You would rather send you child out at 2 am because you don't want to be woken up? In case we forget a ship carried 2000-3000 passengers. Yes, some who could hurt your child given the opportunity.


Thanks for proving my point for the need for others to step in when parents are asleep or choose not to step up. Thanks!

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OP...I believe where you got off track, what many take exception with, is probably the whole "I'm shocked at how some teens behave. But, when confronted, my own teen admits, and has actually seen miscreants on their activities."


OK...I'm a parent. I used to be a teen (years and years ago). It sounds like you're entering into being the parent of a teen(s). Having been there already, a word of advice. "YOU GET WHAT YOU GIVE". If you don't trust, activities that breed trust won't ever be offered. My son had his "events" in his teens. But, I did a good job with him. I told him many, many times how much I trusted him to do the right thing. Even when he didn't, after a good butt chewing, I reinforced to him I trusted him, not to be a disappointment to himself, FIRST...and then to me. I also reinforced that no matter what anyone else does (as in your case), it was his decision, and his decision alone to do what's right.


You aren't able to control your kids 24/7 (at least I HOPE that's not what you want to do). let alone anyone else's (another point of contention by many posters to this thread). As they get older, your time with them will be less and less. You gotta let go and let them make their own mistakes. You won't prevent them, just hope they learn from them.


Oh, BTW....I'm rightfully proud of my son as he's finishing up his PhD at Ohio State this year.


Best of luck to you.



I never said that. I said I was surprise at how they got the booze on. I just never gave it a thought before sitting and talking to him.

I never said I confronted him. I said I gave him immunity from prosecution aka my wrath in order to get some answers. yeah and see the FB pics (another story)

I said that I talked with him about alcohol poisoning but not sure if he got it, pray for him. I said my son graduating high school (adding this ) with a 4.2 and 1800 on the SAT. He won the Ronald McDonald Scholarship for Future Achievers (only 100 of over 2000 applicants) and one of 30 incoming Freshman to get admitted into the honors business program at the university. My other teen is 15. My crime is that I saw kids under the influence and decided to ask my own how they got the booze? Now, I really messed up and and parenting on my part, really?


"I never thought for a second these kids were packing their own stash, just something to think about and keep an eye on."


"The purpose of sharing is just to let one parent like myself question more, ok, do final check of the luggage."


I never addressed the kids behavior, other than saying a few were under the influence most were actually GREAT.

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You have just as many gay people in England (I've been there and seen them) as we have in the US so I believe you fully understand my point of view.
I would not know they are just people to me.For you to notice did they scare you or what?;)
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OP...I believe where you got off track, what many take exception with, is probably the whole "I'm shocked at how some teens behave.

Nope...neva said dat


But, when confronted, my own teen admits, and has actually seen miscreants on their activities."


Nope, never confront but had an open parent to young adult discussion

OK...I'm a parent. I used to be a teen (years and years ago).

It sounds like you're entering into being the parent of a teen(s).


Nope, my son is leaving for college, this cruise was a graduation gift.


Having been there already, a word of advice. "YOU GET WHAT YOU GIVE".


Nope, I gave my kids awesome vacation, no one ever gave me any. They promise to GIVE me a nice nursing home, we'll see


If you don't "give" trust, activities that breed trust won't ever be offered.


I guess I shouldn't have asked what they did because I trusted him. Ok, maybe the hug and sniff was a bit much


My son had his "events" in his teens.

Mine too

But, I did a good job with him.

I am still praying. Some days mine does things that let me wonder. I d blame that on the Amish side


I told him many, many times how much I trusted him to do the right thing.

I told mine to whom much is given much is expected. These privileges can be taken away


Even when he didn't, after a good butt chewing, I reinforced to him I trusted him, not to be a disappointment to himself,

I don't always trust mine, he is still a kids even if the law says he is legal.


FIRST...and then to me. I also reinforced that no matter what anyone else does (as in your case), it was his decision, and his decision alone to do what's right.


You aren't able to control your kids 24/7 (at least I HOPE that's not what you want to do),


let alone anyone else's (another point of contention by many posters to this thread).

I was not raised American and strongly believe as humans much less parents we have a moral obligation to look out for each other, da village concept. I said I keep an eye out


As they get older, your time with them will be less and less.

And the cost more and more, close to $80K out of pocket for 4 yrs


You gotta let go and let them make their own decisions and their own mistakes.


You won't prevent them, just hope they learn from them.




Oh, BTW....I'm rightfully proud of my son as he's finishing up his PhD at Ohio State this year.


My is not there yet but graduated top honors, got into a great business program, and won the McDonald Future Achievers Scholarship

Best of luck to you.


Thanks you!


Some I know are taking issue with three little word 'blk' who one called me a lair and another reminded me, if you can't feed em don't breed em. All it takes is a repsonisble Mother and Father, really? I was raised by my grandmother, with siblings who are doctors and social worker, another story:D

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